Agenzia Servizi Editoriali


Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Primavera 2016
Marie Malcovati
Nach allem, was ich beinahe für dich getan hätte
Dopo tutto quello che ho fatto quasi solo per te
126 pagine
Un triangolo amoroso in un vicolo cieco.
Due seduti su una panchina, osservati da un terzo.
Questo è il nucleo centrale dal quale Marie Malcovati
sviluppa le vicende del proprio romanzo d'esordio.
Frank Witzel
Bluemoon Baby
320 pagine
Il romanzo d'esordio del vincitore del Deutsches
Buchpreis 2015: l'invenzione della Letefobia attraverso la
Un testo comico-satirico di grande intelligenza, che toglie
al lettore il terreno sotto i piedi.
Roland Garros
Suivi de Journal de guerre
Préface de Philippe Forest
Avant-propos et dossier de Jean-Pierre Lefèvre-Garros
Blaise Cendrars l’appelait le « document le plus extraordinaire, et le plus
pittoresque et le plus vivant que l’on puisse lire sur les débuts de l’aviation ».
Voici la première édition intégrale des Mémoires de Roland Garros.
A travers ciel
Jean Luc Cattacin
Date de parution : 03/03/2016
Un roman qui s'inspire des vacances d'enfant de l'auteur dans la Marne.
Le dernier colonel
Jean Lods
Date de parution : 03/03/2016
Depuis qu'il y a une forteresse, il y a un colonel pour la commander. Et une
fille du colonel pour dévale la colline et aller danser...
Apaise le temps
Michel Quint
Date de parution : 01/04/2016
Un roman sur les racines d'une France multiculturelle, portée par la culture et
Blackbird (movie tie-in edition)
By Larry Duplechan
A film version of Blackbird, starring Academy Award winner Mo'Nique,
Isaiah Washington, and Julian Walker, was released in theatres and on
VOD in 2015.
By Eisha Marjara
A bold YA novel about a South Asian teenager struggling with anorexia.
The Mercy Journals
By Claudia Casper
Set against a sparse yet fantastical landscape, The Mercy Journals explores
the parameters of personal morality and forgiveness at this watershed
moment in humanity's history and evolution.
A Superior Man
By Paul Yee
Paul Yee's first novel for adults: an historical account of a Chinese man on
a journey to find the mother of his son.
By Daniel Allen Cox
A novel about a boy with a stutter, and the tangled barbs of repressed
Lost Boi
By Sassafras Lowrey
A bold and beautiful retelling of the Peter Pan story.
October 2015
Lisa Sandlin’s debut mystery
CONTACT JOHN BYRD | [email protected] | 915-838-1625
About the Book
“The do-right”—that’s old Southern talk for prison. Delpha Wade doesn’t want to go back there. Fourteen years is enough.
1973. That’s fourteen years of prison time after Delpha Wade killed a man who was raping her. She wanted to kill the other one too, but he got away. So it’s hard to find a decent job. But Delpha’s persistence pays off.
She lands a secretarial job with Tom Phelan, a neophyte private eye. Delpha is smart and prison-wise to human
nature. Phelan is a Vietnam vet and an ex-roughneck who lost a finger working the oil rigs out in the Gulf.
Together Phelan and Delpha stumble into the dark side of Beaumont, a small blue-collar Cajun city dominated
by Big Oil. A mysterious client plots mayhem against company men whose new oilfield product is set to rock
the industry. Teenage boys are disappearing and Phelan, following his hunches, uncovers a menagerie of exotic
animals and a serial killer. And Delpha—on a weekend outing—looks into the eyes of her rapist, the one who
got away. The novel’s conclusion is classic noir, full of surprise, excitement, and karmic justice. Sandlin’s elegant
prose, twisting through the dark thickets of human passion, allows Delpha to open her heart again to the wonders of friendship, compassion, and human sexuality.
Author Statement
I wrote The Do-Right because I wanted to reverse the detective story convention. To create not a grizzled P.I.
but a novice taking a flyer at the job and a secretary who’s lived the dark side of life. Enter Tom Phelan, fed-up
roughneck who just lost a finger on an oil rig, and ex-con Delpha Wade, paroled after 14 years in prison for murder and looking for a job. Hello, Thomas Phelan, Investigations. These two are making it up as they go.
About Lisa Sandlin
Lisa Sandlin’s story “Phelan’s First Case” was anthologized in Lone Star Noir (Akashic) and was later re-anthologized in Akashic’s Best of the Noir compendium, USA Noir. The Do-Right, which uses the characters from
that story, is her first full-length mystery. Lisa was born in Beaumont, Texas, currently lives and teaches in Omaha, Nebraska, and summers in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The Do-Right | Lisa Sandlin | Publication Date: October 27, 2015 | 322 pages | Mystery
Trade Paper: $16.95, ISBN 9781941026199 | Electronic edition: $16.95, ISBN 9781941026205
Galleys upon request | Electronic galleys available on Edelweiss
Cinco Puntos Press | El Paso, Texas | contact John Byrd, [email protected]
Apaise le temps
Michel Quint
Phébus – avril 2016
Format : 14 x 20,5 cm, 112 p., 12.00 €
Une libraire, ça crée des dettes. D’argent parfois bien sûr, mais surtout de cœur. Lorsque
Yvonne meurt, les souvenirs affluent pour Abdel, un jeune professeur de Roubaix. Il se
revoit enfant entre les murailles de bouquins, prêt à avaler tout Balzac sans rien y
comprendre. De là à accepter la succession, il y a un pas… que l’inconscient fait à
l’aveuglette. Le voici bientôt en butte aux problématiques économiques du métier. Mais
aussi aux dangereuses archives photographiques de son aînée. En fouillant les cartons,
c’est tout un pan de la guerre d’Algérie qui renaît, entre partisans du FLN, harkis et OAS.
En quoi ce passé concerne-t-il les habitués de la librairie ? Sans trop se garder de
l’amour, Abdel mène l’enquête.
Généreux avec ses personnages comme avec le lecteur, Michel Quint nous offre un
roman sur les racines d’une France multiculturelle, portée par la culture et l’entraide.
Michel Quint est né le 17 novembre 1949 à Leforest dans le Nord-Pas-de-Calais.
Parallèlement à sa carrière de professeur, il écrit pour le théâtre, avant de se lancer dans
le roman noir. En 1989, il obtient le Grand Prix de littérature policière pour Billard à
l’étage paru aux éditions Calmann Lévy et décide alors de se consacrer pleinement à
En 2000, il rencontre le succès avec Effroyables jardins, qui fut tour à tour récompensé par
le prix Ciné-Roman et le Prix de la Nouvelle de la Société des Gens de Lettres, porté à
l’écran par Jean Becker et adapté au théâtre. Véritable best-seller, il a été traduit en vingtcinq langues et vendu à plus d’un million d’exemplaires en France.
Il est l’auteur d’une quarantaine d’ouvrages dont L’espoir d’aimer en chemin, Max, Avec des
mains cruelles et Fox-trot.
Frank Witzel
Revolution und Heimarbeit
(Revolution and Telework)
256 pages
€ (D) 19,90
ISBN 978-3-89401-418-6
First publication in 2003
World rights available
A young man seeking revenge for his girl-friend; an unusual service provider specialised in
relics from space travel, a family with two sick children in danger to be kidnapped, an
undercover urban guerrillero working in advertising – Revolution and Telework is a story about
payoffs, delusions and disappointments:
A nameless journalist investigates a brutal assault crime. He gathers evidence in the Washington area and comes very close to the perpetrator. The statements are contradictory – and leave
out the essential questions. Media seem not at all interested in the case and refuse to cooperate.
Threatened and driven into a corner, under pressure, without means, our journalist loses more
and more the necessary distance from his case and finds himself right in its core.
The second novel (published in 2003) by Deutscher-Buchpreis-winner Frank Witzel.
Frank Witzel was born in 1955 in Wiesbaden and lives in Offenbach near Frankfurt. He is
an author, essayist, illustrator and musician. He published with Edition Nautilus Stille Tage
in Cliché (poems, 1978), Tage ohne Ende (a poem, 1980), Bluemoon Baby (novel, 2001), and
Revolution und Heimarbeit (novel, 2003), as well as the long interviews with Thomas
Meinecke and Klaus Walter, Plattenspieler (2005) and Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
(2009). His latest novel Die Erfingung der Rote Armee Fraktion durch einen manischdepressiven Teenager im Sommer 1969 (Matthes & Seitz) won the Deutscher Buchpreis 2015.
by Phillippe Diederich
Cinco Puntos Press
Page Count 232
Product Dimensions 6 x 9
Publication Date March 15, 2016
As this grim murder mystery unfolds, 13-year-old Boli and his best friend Mosca become reliant on a
luchador named Chicano, a masked wrestler working the amateur circuit, as a real-life hero and
protector after Boli's parents go missing, and the body count mounts. … Diederich (Sofrito) portrays
Mexico with a stark intensity and raw emotional turmoil as Boli navigates a mercilessly cruel world.
Publishers Weekly
Thirteen-year-old Boli and his friends are deep in the middle of a game of marbles. An
older boy named Mosca has won the prized Devil's Fire marble. His pals are jealous and
want to win it away from him. This is Izayoc, the place of tears, a small pueblo in a tiny
valley west of Mexico City where nothing much happens. It's a typical hot Sunday
morning except that on the way to church someone discovers the severed head of
Enrique Quintanilla propped on the ledge of one of the cement planters in the plaza
and everything changes. Not apocalyptic changes, like phalanxes of men riding on
horses with stingers for tails, but subtle ones: poor neighbors turning up with brand-new
SUVs, pimpled teens with fancy girls hanging off them. Boli's parents leave for Toluca
and don't arrive at their destination. No one will talk about it. A washed out masked
wrestler turns up one day, a man only interested in finding his next meal. Boli hopes to
inspire the luchador to set out with him to find his parents.
Phillippe Diederich is a Haitian-American writer. Born in the
Dominican Republic, he was raised in Mexico City and Miami. His
parents were kicked out of Haiti by the dictatorship of Papa Doc
Duvalier in 1963. He spent his youth listening to his parents and
friends talking politics and nostalgically dreaming of the day they
would return. In 1980, the family moved to Miami, where they
joined a community of exiles from all parts of Latin America. Like
other children of exiles, Diederich grew up without his relatives—
grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunts. He traveled repeatedly to Cuba
as a photojournalist throughout the 1990s. He has an MFA in
creative writing from the University of South Florida and lives in