
Année scolaire 2010-2011
Composition du 3ème Trimestre
Classe : 2nde A B S
Durée : 3H
Compétence disciplinaire n°2 : Réagir de façon précise à un message
Compétence disciplinaire n°3 : Produire de façon appropriée un texte
de type particulier
Réaction à un message lu :
L’histoire de l’humanité est marquée par tant d’évènements et de
faits inoubliables. Des exploits ont été accomplis dans les domaines de
la médecine, de la mécanique, de l’agriculture, de la technologie et de la
science en général. Le message ci-après t’informera sur l’un des succès
réalisés dans le domaine du sport et plus précisément celui de la 18ème
coupe d’Afrique des nations. Pour en savoir plus tu es invité( e ) à lire
attentivement le texte suivant.
Tâche : Après lecture attentive du texte, tu montreras que tu l’as
compris en :
Montrant ta compréhension globale et détaillée du texte.
Exprimant tes appréciations personnelles sur le texte
Manipulant des mots du texte
Montrant ta capacité à manipuler certaines structures et
fonctions grammaticales.
Text :
1-In the end everything depended on one last shot at goal. It did
not require speed or agility, it did not call for fast –footed dribbling or
the ability to sail through defenders like a ghost unseen. It all came
down to whether one young man could remain calm as he kicked the
ball and whether another young man could find the skill to stop it. The
match had already entered the record books; this was the longest
penalty shoot-out in an international football competition.
2-The score was 11 – 10 in favour of Côte d’Ivoire against Ghana
when Baffoe, the stalwart Ghanaian defender who plays in the German
Bundesliga, faced the Ivorian goalie. If he scored, the Ghanaians would
stay in the competition with a 50-50 chance of victory. If he missed the
goal, the Ivorians would take the cup for the first time.
3-The Ghanaian stood with his eyes downcast, looking at the ball,
but also thinking of his hard task. It seemed that time stood still waiting
for this young man to deliver a verdict. The Ivorian goalkeeper waited.
Gouaméné had less, far less, to lose. But still you could see the tension
in his body as he waited for a moment that seemed like eternity. Baffoe
stretched out his body. As he ran, he swayed slightly to the left and leant
on his left foot, thereby signalling his intentions.
4-The superb Ivoirian goalie took the hint and darted to his right,
stopping the ball on the goal –line.
5-There was silence, then uproar. Côte d’Ivoire had won the cup.
The 18th African cup of Nations had ended. The victorious Ivoirian goalie
collapsed in sheer joy and his stunned colleagues, having recovered
their senses, fell on him in a goggling glorious heap. That was the joy of
unexpected victory.
Stalwart : robuste; brave
To dart : s’élancer, se préciter vers
Item 1 : Complete the following sentences with the suitable
endings. (use only numbers and letters )
1- In the end, everything required :
a) Speed or agility
b) Fast – footed dribbling
c) One last shot.
2- The score was 11-10 in favour of Côte d’Ivoire against Ghana
means that:
a) Côte d’Ivoire scored 10 goals
b) Ghana scored 10 goals
c) Ghana scored 11 goals
3- If Baffoe scored, the Ghanaians would have :
a) No chance of victory
b) Equal chance of victory
c) Less chance of victory
4- Gouaméné is the :
a) Ghanaian defender
b) Ivoirian defender
c) Ivoirian goalkeeper
Item 2 : Answer the coming questions on the text.
1- What would happen if Baffoe scored?
2- What information in the text tells you that the Ivoirians had never
won the cup before?
3- What does ‘’ Hard task ‘’ means in the first sentence of paragraph
4- Which African cup of Nations is the text about ?
Item 3 : Find out in the text words meaning the same as the
following phrases.
1- A player who prevents the opponent from scoring goals (paragraph
2- An event in which many people or group take part so as to find out
the best at a particular activity or game. ( paragraph1)
3- A player in a sports team whose job is to guard the goal
4- A great deal of shouting and noise (paragraph5)
Item 4 : Turn either into direct or indirect speech
‘’My wife died in a road accident two months ago ‘’ the man said.
The unknown lady asked me ‘’ can I sit beside you? ‘’
Afiavi said that she would get married the following year.
‘’ Close your stinking mouth ‘’ Habib said to Aliou.
‘’ To err is human ‘’ the teacher told us.
‘’Why don’t you exercise every week ? ‘’ the man advised me
Item 5 : Rephrase the following statements by using the promptes
Utché is not as courageous as Bola
•Bola ……………………………
Jason smoked when he was in secondary school
•Jason used to
Unless it rains there won’t be enough harvest
•If ……………………………………….
I have never seen a ghost before
• It’s she first time
234Item 6 :
I – Version: Translate the second paragraph of the text into
II- Theme: (2nde A B only)
Translate the following statements into English
Je suis plus fort que mon jeune frère
Si vous ne vous taisez pas vous serez punis
Kamal est le garçon le plus élancé de ma classe.
Tel père, tel fils
IIContexte :
Production écrite d’un texte de type particulier
Tant d’évènements inouïs et passionnants ont marqué l’histoire de
l’humanité. Ces évènements sont souvent inscrits dans les livres ou
racontés par des témoins. Tu es invité (e) à montrer ta capacité à
raconter un fait ou un évènement exceptionnel et passionnant que tu
as vécu.
Tâche :
Tu montreras ta capacité à produire un texte cohérent en :
- respectant le contexte
- respectant la logique interne du texte
- construisant des phrases grammaticales correctes
- utilisant l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriés.
Narrate an outstanding football match or event you witnessed. What
were your feelings? (No more than 20 lines)

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