Cork Institute of Technology Summer 2006 French (Time: 2 Hours)


Cork Institute of Technology Summer 2006 French (Time: 2 Hours)
Cork Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronic Engineering - Stage 1
(NFQ – Level 8)
Summer 2006
(Time: 2 Hours)
All questions should be attempted..
Examiners: Ms. J. Birkby
Dr. G. Neville
Translate the following sentences into French:
Starting in September my salary will be transferred directly to this account.
Have you a double room, with a shower, for three nights, please?
Is breakfast included?......No, it’s extra - €15
What time is it, please?........It is nine fifteen, (pm).
What is today’s date?..........Monday, the 1st August.
Paul has a head ache.
I am looking for a small, furnished flat to rent.
They need to have dinner early.
She has just bought a computer.
10. It was foggy yesterday.
11. Could you tell me how to get to the supermarket, please?
12. Turn left at the traffic lights, then take the first road on your right.
13. Would you fill in this form, please?
14. My sister is a teacher.
15. My brother intends to study maths in CIT.
(30 marks)
Where/when would you expect to see/hear the following phrases? What do they mean?
1. Vous voulez des espèces ou des chèques de voyage ?
2. La ligne est occupée ; voulez-vous attendre ?
3. Introduire votre carte.
4. Vous voulez déposer de l’argent sur votre compte aujourd’hui?
5. Écrire en majuscules.
(10 marks)
Translate the following menu into English:
Menu à €35
Maquereau fumé
Crème d’asperges
Filet de sole à la crème
Rôti de porc aux lentilles
Carbonnade de boeuf
Haricots verts et gratin de courgettes
Pommes frites
Tarte aux fraises
Beignets de pommes
Boisson et service compris
(10 marks)
Read the following advert, and answer the questions below, (in English).
252 av. du Mézière
Tel : 22 53 40 21
Les Deux
Cuisine française et italienne
Le soir, dîner aux chandelles
Déjeuners d’affaires. Noces.
Soupers après spectacles jusqu’à deux
heures du matin
Vin et service compris.
Sa cave, l’une des meilleures de Nice.
Fermé le dimanche
Parking gratuit assuré
1. Where would you find this restaurant?
2. Is it open 7 days a week? What time does it close?
3. What kind of food is served?
4. Does the restaurant have a wine cellar?
5. Could you have a business lunch here?
(10 marks)
Which French words are missing from the following sentences?
1. La plupart des internauts utilisent un ______________ pour se connecter à Internet, via
leur fournisseur d’accès.
2. ______________ est un langage de programmation révolutionnaire, compris par tous les
types d’ordinateur.
3. La _____________ est la bonne manière de se comporter sur Internet.
4. Les _____________ sont l’essence de l’hypertexte ; ce sont les éléments qui relient les
pages webs entre elles sur le web.
5. L’_______________, c’est le courrier électronique , qui vous permet d’envoyer des
messages à vos correspondants connectés par la ligne téléphonique, via Internet.
(10 marks)
Translate the following IT vocabulary into English:
1. touche contrôle
2. barre d’espacement
3. touche d’échappement
4. pavé numérique
5. touche impression écran
(10 marks)
Translate the following car faults into English:
1. Les freins ne fonctionnent plus.
2. L’ampoule du phare est grillée.
3. Le pneu est crevé.
4. Le filtre est encrassé.
5. La courroie est cassée.
(10 marks)
Q8. Write a letter, in French, to a French hotel or supermarket, explaining that you are an
Irish student, and that you would like to work in their establishment over the summer
holidays, in order to improve your French. Give details of the dates on which you will be
available for work, and mention any relevant experience.
(10 marks)

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