Cork Institute of Technology Summer 2005 French (Time: 2 Hours)


Cork Institute of Technology Summer 2005 French (Time: 2 Hours)
Cork Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronic Engineering – Stage 1
(Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering – Stage 1)
(NFQ – Level 8)
Summer 2005
(Time: 2 Hours)
All questions should be attempted
Examiners: Ms. J Birkby
Dr. G Neville
Translate the following sentences into French:
I would like to open an account, please.
Have you a single room, with a shower, for two nights?
Is breakfast included?......No, it’s extra - €12
What time is it, please?.....It is ten thirty (am).
What is the date today?.......Thursday, the 4th June.
Marie has tooth-ache.
I hope to find a small furnished flat to rent.
We need to go shopping this evening.
She has just bought a new television.
10. It was windy yesterday.
11. Could you tell me how to get to the station, please?
12. Straight ahead to the lights, then turn left.
13. Would you fill in this form, please?
14. My brother intends to study maths in CIT.
15. My sister is a teacher.
(30 marks)
Where/when would you expect to see/hear the following phrases?
What do they mean?
1. Passez à la caisse.
2. La ligne est occupée ; voulez-vous attendre ?
3. Introduire votre carte.
4. Vous voulez déposer de l’argent sur votre compte aujourd’hui ?
5. Écrire en majuscules.
(10 marks)
Translate the following menu into English:
Menu à 25 Euro.
Crème d’asperges
Filet de sole à la crème
Ragoût de mouton
Poulet rôti
Courgettes et haricots verts
Pommes nouvelles
Tarte aux fraises
Mousse au citron
Service non compris.
(10 marks)
Read the following advert, and answer the questions below, (in English).
Tél : 77 02 88 31
Restaurant Poissonnerie
Spécialistes de fruits de mer.
Crustacés. Poissons.
Arrivage quotidien
Tous les jours sauf dimanche et lundi midi.
Salon d’affaires [25 pers]
Parking le soir assuré.
1. What kind of food does this restaurant specialise in?
2. Explain “arrivage quotidien”.
3. When is it open?
4. Could you have a wedding reception here?
5. Can you park near by?
(10 marks)
Which French word is missing in the following sentences?
1. ______________________ : le nom français des smileys – ces petits visages souriants ou
grimaçants, composés avec les moyens du bord.
2. La plupart des internauts utilisent un _____________________pour se connecter à Internet,
via leur fournisseur d’accès.
3. La ____________________ est la bonne manière de se comporter sur Internet.
4. Être ___________________ c’est être connecté à un autre ordinateur, le plus souvent par la
ligne téléphonique.
5. L’_____________________, c’est le courrier électronique, qui vous permet d’envoyer des
messages à vos correspondants connectés par la ligne téléphonique, via Internet.
(10 marks)
Translate the following computer terms into English.
1. pavé numérique
2. barre d’espacement
3. touche majuscule
4. touche page suivante
5. touche entrée/retour
(10 marks)
A garage mechanic has found the following problems with your car; translate the list
into English.
1. Le filtre est encrassé
2. L’aile est enfoncée
3. L’ampoule du clignotant est grillée
4. le tuyau d’échappement s’est détaché
5. La batterie est à plat
(10 marks)
Write a letter, in French, to a French hotel or supermarket, explaining that you are an
Irish student, and that you would like to work in their establishment over the summer
holidays, in order to improve your French. Give details of the dates on which you will
be available for work, and mention any relevant experience.
(10 marks)