Bulletin January 24, 2016


Bulletin January 24, 2016
Mass — INTENTIONS — Messes
The deceased…Les défunts et défuntes...
lundi/Monday, January 25, 2016
No mass! Pas de messe!
mardi/Tuesday, January 26, 2016
8:30 am (E)
Herb (13th ann) & Millie (9th ann) Hadland by daughter Colleen
Angela Sturba
by a parishioner
Helen Skoczen
by Charles & Agnes Labonté
mercredi/Wednesday, January 27, 2016
8:30 am (F)
Intentions d’Arthémise Marentette
par Mike et Bern Mullins
Juliette Comartin
par Jeffery et Catherine Chauvin et famille
Denis Rivest
par Léa et famille
jeudi/Thursday, January 28, 2016
8:30 am (E)
Edna Gagnier
Pauline Dupuis
Armand Rivait
Paroisse de la Visitation Parish
Pray for…Prions pour…
by Lorette Brown and family
by Jeanne Dupuis
by Bernie & Ursie Strong
vendredi/Friday, January 29, 2016
8:30 am (F)
Jean-Paul Bellemore
par la famille
Raymond Dupuis
par Jeannette Foolen
Paul Bornais
par Bob et Georgette Beausoleil
samedi/Saturday, January 30, 2016
5:00 pm (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
dimanche/Sunday, January 31, 2016
9:00 am (F)
Pour les intentions du peuple de Dieu
11:00 am (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
11:30 am Confessions
Sister Antoinette Lassaline C.S.J.,
aunt of Anita Bauer, Charlene Gagnon and
Leonard, Don, Mark & Denis Lassaline
Marc Quenneville,
frère de Claudette Bibeau.
The sick…Les malades...
Bill Bulley, Yvette Bulley, Jeannette Chauvin,
Rita Knapp, Charles Labonté, Jean-Guy Langlois,
Estelle Lebert, Jean-Yves Losier, Cathy Michaud,
Charlene Parent, David Pirouet, Bill Poisson,
Brenda Quick, Brian Quick, Jeannette Rivest,
John Tobin, Timothy Trepanier, Elaine Wilkinson.
Our Collections
January 17, 2015
Envelopes $4,058.00
+ loose
Parish Office / Bureau Paroissial
5407 Comber Sideroad, P.O. Box 220
Comber, Ontario N0P 1J0
(519) 687-3118
(519) 687-2076
Website: www.visitation.dol.ca
Email: [email protected]
Father Bob’s Email: [email protected]
Katherine’s Email: [email protected]
Diocesan Assessment…….…..$6,096.00
Initial Offering…………………..$70.00
New Years Day Envelope…….....$10.00
Annunciation Cemetery…….…..$40.00
Weekend Masses
Building Fund
Memorial Donations...…….....$1,745.00
Tween Dance Profit…...…......$1,284.00
Parish Breakfast Profit…......…$431.52
Pre-Authorized Debit (Jan).......$960.00
2016 envelope boxes are on the table
beside the office door. Please pick them
up as soon as possible.
Office Hours:
9:30 am to 12:00 noon…...1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Pastoral Team
Rev. Robert Champagne, Pastor/curé
Larry Lamphier, Permanent Deacon/Diacre permanent
Katherine Marsh, Pastoral Minister/Youth Minister/
Agente de pastorale/pastoral-jeunesse
Parish Staff
Marie Tremblay, Financial Secretary
Rachelle Moison, Secretary/Receptionist
Sarah Moison, Caretaker
Randy Barrette, Maintenance
Mariette Comartin, Housekeeper
Kelly Authier, Choir Director
Saturday 5 pm (E)
dimanche 9h (F)
Sunday 11 am (E)
Celebrated once a month
during weekend masses.
Registration in the parish is required.
Preparation is mandatory.
Saturday 11:30 am to 12 noon
or by appointment.
Thank you...Father
Bob Champagne, the
choir & organist, Reaume Funeral Home, the
kitchen staff for an excellent meal. Also, thanks to
all those who brought desserts for the luncheon.
Thanks again,
The Lionel Gagnon family
At least one party must be a registered
member of the parish.
Minimum 6 months notification.
Mandatory marriage preparation course.
Bob Champagne, la chorale et
l'organiste, « Reaume Funeral Home » et ceux qui
ont travaillé dans la cuisine pour préparer un repas
excellent. Merci aussi à tous ceux qui ont apporté
des desserts.
La famille de Lionel Gagnon
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
3e dimanche du temps ordinaire
Ministry to the Sick
Communion to shut-ins every first Friday.
Hospital visits upon request.
Sacrament of the Sick upon request.
January 24, 2016
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time:
reading from the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians
reminds us that, by virtue of our baptism, we are members of
Christ’s body. We have a sacred duty and solemn obligation
to use the unique gifts and talents God has given us to further
the work and mission of the Church. Mindful of this, let us
share our gifts generously so many others might come to
know Jesus.
3e dimanche du temps ordinaire:
La Parole
est dans nos mains. Dans la synagogue de Nazareth, Jésus
s’engage à «accomplir» la Bonne Nouvelle annoncée par le
prophète Isaïe. Aujourd’hui, oserons-nous, nous aussi, nous
engager à «accomplir» la Bonne Nouvelle dans nos vies?
The readings...Les lectures:
January 31st
le 31 janvier
Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19
1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13
Luke 4:21-30
Jérémie 1, 4-5.17-19
1 Corinthiens 12, 31 – 13, 13
Luc 4, 21-30
Visitation Parish - Lenten Mission
Join us for a Vocation Summit presented by Father Patrick
Bénéteau. A great way to prepare for the Easter season.
Saturday, February 13th
5:00 pm mass - Preacher: Fr. Patrick Bénéteau
Sunday, February 14th
9:00 & 11:00 am masses - Preacher: Fr. Patrick Bénéteau
Noon to 10:00 pm - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
3:00 pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Hour of Healing
7:00 pm - Preaching followed by the veneration of relics
of St. John Vianney & Ste. Thèrèse of Lisieux.
Monday, February 15th
8:30 am mass followed by Rosary for Vocations.
9:00 am to 10:00 pm - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
11:00 am Holy Hour for Grandparents
3:00 pm Holy Hour for those who suffer
7:00 pm Preaching followed by Confessions.
Tuesday, February 16th
10:30 am - Bilingual Mass with students from Annunciation
School, École St-Paul and École St-Ambroise.
There is a sign up sheet in the Day Chapel for Adoration of
the Blessed Sacrament. Come and spend an hour with Jesus
anytime February 14th from noon to 10:00 pm or February
15th from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm.
Marriage Preparation Course
Attendance at a marriage preparation
course is mandatory for all couples requesting marriage in our diocese. Our
parish will host one course this year on
February 26th & 27th in the parish hall.
Please register by calling the parish office at 519-687-3118.
First reconciliations are fast approaching. If your child is in
grade 2 and has not yet registered for the sacraments, please
see Katherine after mass for a registration form.
Preparation: February 7, 14 and 21st during 11 am masses.
First Reconciliation will take place on Wednesday, February
24th at 6:00 pm. For our French schools the sacrament will
be offered on Tuesday, February 23rd at 6:00 pm.
Le sacrement de la Première Réconciliation s’approche vite.
Si votre enfant est en 2e année et n’est pas encore inscrit
pour recevoir les sacrements, s'il vous plaît consultez
Katherine après la messe.
Préparation: le 7, 14 et 21 février pendant les messes de 9h.
La Première Réconciliation prendra place le mardi 23 février
à 18h.
Week of Prayer For Christian
Unity: Christ the King University Parish will be hosting
a Service of Prayer to celebrate and pray for full, visible
communion amongst the Christian Churches. We will
gather on Monday, January 25th at 7:00 pm in The Chapel
at Windermere on the Mount (Mount St. Joseph). Songs
from the ecumenical community of Taize (France) will
provide the foundation for the evening. All are encouraged
to attend. Bishop Fabbro CSB will offer words of welcome
and introduction. The service is expected to last one hour.
4th Annual Soup Competition
Tue. Jan. 26
@ 7:30 pm 4th Degree K of C - Hall A
Wed. Jan. 27
@ 6:00 pm CWL Presidents - library
@ 7:00 pm Choir Practice
Thu. Jan. 28
@ 7:00 pm Squires General Mtg-HallA
Visitation Parish is proud to be hosting ‘Seniors on the
Move’ on Wednesday, February 3rd from 9:00 am until
Noon. This is a free information session about important
issues for seniors including fall prevention, exercise and
incontinence. Free lunch and prizes. Please call the parish
office at 519-687-3118 to register before February 1st. This
event is brought to you by the VHA Home Health Care,
VON Canada and the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
Income tax receipts: The receipts for the 2015
church donations will be handed out at all the masses next
weekend. If you need your receipt sooner, please stop by
the parish office this week to pick it up.
Reçu pour vos impôts:
Les reçus pour les dons à
la paroisse de l’année 2015 seront distribués à toutes les
messes la fin de semaine prochaine. Si vous avez besoin
d’avoir votre reçu avant ce temps là, veuillez passer par le
bureau pour le ramasser cette semaine.
Dear Parishioners: Due to increased cost of food,
we have no other choice but to increase the price of our
Parish Breakfast. Commencing February 14th, which is our
next breakfast, the price of a ticket will increase to $6.00.
This will be the first time that we have had to increase the
price since we started doing the parish breakfast. Where can
you go and have a hot breakfast that includes meat, potatoes,
eggs, coffee/tea, juice and dessert for $6.00? It’s still a deal!
We thank you for your support in the past and hope that you
will continue to support the Parish Breakfast.
C.W.L. Lenten Retreat Day
When: Saturday, February 13, 2016
Where: Sacred Heart Church, Sarnia
Topic: Jubilee Year of Mercy
Time: 9:30 am – 2:30 pm
Contact Laurie Lassaline at 519-728-2807 before Sunday,
January 31st to register.
Declaration on Euthanasia and Assisted
Suicide: Campaign for Signatures from Bishop Fabbro:
This past October 29, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops launched a
joint Declaration on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. This
Declaration has the support and signatures of Catholic,
Orthodox Evangelical, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim faith
leaders, and there is now a concerted effort to obtain
signatures from a wide spectrum of Canadians who agree
with the principles outlined in the Declaration. I encourage
you to please consider signing the joint Declaration. The
Declaration and signatory option (in French and English) can
be accessed online at www.euthanasiadeclaration.ca. Please
be advised, all signatory names are published and made
public on this website.
TODAY!!! from Noon to 2:00 pm
at the Visitation Parish Hall.
All the Soup you can Eat.
$10.00 per/adult (Tea or Coffee) included
$5.00 for children 10 years and under.
Hot dogs available for purchase.
All proceeds to support the Building Fund.
Come out and join us for some homemade soup.
Lenten Card Parties Coming Soon!
The various groups of Visitation Parish, Comber will
collaborate to sponsor the Lenten Card Parties every Sunday
evening, starting February 14th to March 13th, 2016. The
evenings will start at 7:00 pm with cards, followed by a
luncheon and prize draws. Admission is $4.00 per person.
Come out and have a fun night! If you have any questions,
feel free to call Therese Duquette at 519-687-2304 or Susi
Dupuis at 519-798-1116.
A special thank you to the Ushers...for the
purchase of 30 new card tables. These will be a great
addition to the Lenten Card Parties.
Chers paroissiens:
En raison de l'augmentation du
coût de la nourriture, nous n’avons pas d'autre choix que de
lever le prix de nos déjeuners paroissiaux. Commençant le 14
février 2016, le prix d'un billet va monter à 6,00 $. C’est la
première fois que nous avons besoin d’augmenter le prix
depuis que nous avons commencé à faire les déjeuners. Où
pouvez-vous aller prendre un déjeuner chaud qui comprend
de la viande, les pommes de terre, des œufs, café / thé, du jus
et le dessert pour $ 6.00? C’est encore un très bon prix.
Nous vous remercions pour votre appui et nous espérons que
vous continuerez à soutenir les déjeuners paroissiaux.
A February Ultreya for Windsor/Essex
County is being held at Holy Name of Jesus Church, Essex,
Ont. on Friday, February 26 at 7:30 pm. If you have made a
Cursillo Weekend please come and share in a Faith-filled
evening. All Cursillistas are welcome!
Tilbury K of C: The Tilbury Knight’s of Columbus
are hosting a Valentine’s Day Dinner & Dance on Saturday,
February 13th. Doors open at 5:00 pm. Prime Rib Diner at
6:00 pm. Tickets are $25 each and are available at the K of
C Clubroom.
Prayer Intentions
The Visitation Intercessors would like to pray for your intentions. Please fill out your intention below and place it in the collection basket during
the offertory. Our prayer team commits to pray daily for the intentions of our Parish.
Intentions de prière
Nous voulons prier pour vos intentions. S'il vous plaît remplir votre intention ci-dessous et la placer dans le panier d'offertoire. Notre équipe de
prière s'engage à prier tous les jours pour les intentions de notre paroisse.