Intersection Intersectionalité dans la littérature scientifique


Intersection Intersectionalité dans la littérature scientifique
L’intersectionalité des violations des droits humains
et les discriminations multiples.
P r o g r a m m e
d e
r e c h e r c h e / R e s e a r c h
p r o g r a m
The intersectionality of human rights violations
and multiple forms of discrimination
Intersection Intersectionalité dans la littérature scientifique
Document de
Research document
Intersectionality in academic litterature
Ouvrages généraux et méthodologiques / General references and methodology
FREEMAN Michael, 2002, Human Rights: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Cambridge: Polity
CRAWFORD, Cameron, et al. "Towards a Statistical Model for Monitoring the Exercise of Human
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GOPALDAS, Ahir. "Intersectionality 101." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 32.special issue
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Théorie générale: discrimination
General theory on discrimination
Droit / Law
discrimination law, 6 December.
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Theory in EEO Litigation’, Law & Society Review, vol. 45(4), 991-1025.
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Sciences sociales / social sciences
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Théorie sur les violations des droits humains / Theory on human rights violations
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Etudes organisationnelles ONU
Organizational studies of the UN
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Documentation spécifique à des études de cas
Suisse et France
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Roms / Roma
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Australie / Australia
KUOKKANEN, Rauna. "Self-Determination and Indigenous Women's Rights at the Intersection
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Sélection de documents généraux des Comités / Selected general documents from
the Committees
Nations Human Rights Treaty Body system: Dublin II meeting outcome document, 11
November 2011.
process of strengthening of the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Body system, 14
January 2010,
Intersection 4 : 14/12/2015
Autres documents de l’ONU
Other UN documents
prohibition of advocacy of national racial or religious hatred that constitute incitement to
discrimination, hostility or violence : conclusions and recommendations emanating from
the four regional experts workshops organised by the OHCHR, in 2011, and adopted by
and ESCR, E/2011/90, April.
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