Body Part Practice


Body Part Practice
Practice Activity 1
Each of the following people or fictional characters are associated with an outstanding
physical trait. Give the French name of the part of the body for which the person is most
famous. If you don't know the body part for which the person is famous, look at the
English answers at the end of the exercise. Write a complete sentence with avoir!
1. le Comte Dracula
5. Quasimodo
1. __________________.
2. __________________.
3. __________________.
4. __________________.
5. __________________.
6. __________________.
7. __________________.
2. Vincent Van Gogh
3. Helen Keller
4. Ichabod Crane
6. Cyrano de Bergerac 7. le Capitaine Hook
Dracula had long teeth.
Vincent cut off his own ear...yecch.
Helen Keller didn't have the use of her eyes.
Ichabod Crane met a headless horseman.
Quasimodo was the hunchback of Notre Dame.
Cyrano de Bergerac had an enormous nose.
Le Capitaine Hook had a hook in place of his hand.
Practice Activity 2
Un monstre. Now's your time to be creative. Draw a picture on a piece of paper of a scary
monster. Maybe it has four eyes, or big fangs, or six feet. Maybe horns, or a beak. On the
back of this paper is a list of supplementary vocabulary. Once you have finished with
your monster, label the body parts or write out a description in French. Example:
Mon monstre a quatres yeux, six bras, les cheveux verts, et une jambe avec six pieds…
to have (green) eyes=avoir les yeux
to have dimples = avoir des fossettes
to have (blue) eyes = avoir les yeux
hazel eyes = les yeux noisettes
a tail=une queue
brown eyes = les yeux marron
a wing=une aile
to have black hair=avoir les cheveux
a horn=une corne
a bone=un os
to have long hair = avoir les cheveux
to have brown hair = avoir les cheveux
fangs=les crocs
antennas=les antennes
a trident=un trident
to have chestnut hair;dirty blond = avoir
les cheveux châtains
a chainsaw=une tronçonneuse
to have red hair=avoir les cheveux roux
height=la taille
to have grey hair=avoir les cheveux gris
short hair = les cheveux courts
medium=taille moyenne
frizzy hair=les cheveux frisés
a six-pack=une tablette de chocolat
wavy hair = les cheveux ondulés
a beard=une barbe
curly hair = les cheveux bouclés
a moustache=une moustache
straight hair = les cheveux raides
a wart=une verrue
blond hair = les cheveux blonds
a beak=un bec
to have freckles = avoir des taches de