ISMA News - Web site of the Classic Six Metre Newsletter


ISMA News - Web site of the Classic Six Metre Newsletter
I SMA News
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
I nt er nat ional
Katrin Storsberg
Bullet in Associat ion
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
6m JI
Associat ion
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
I nhalt
Editorial ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
President’s message …………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Of cial ISMA news …………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting ……………………………………………………………… 5
6mJI European Championship 2006 …………………………………………………………………… 9
6-Metre European Championship 2006 ………………………………………………………………… 16
Coming International 6mJI Races ……………………………………………………………………… 16
QCNC Queen Christina Nations Cup 2006 …………………………………………………………… 17
6mJI classic subcommittee ……………………………………………………………………………… 17
Sous-comit de classic 6mJI …………………………………………………………………………… 18
6mJI Classic Unterkommission ………………………………………………………………………… 19
ISMA Classic Committee will suggest a text for Classic Rules at the AGM 2006. …………………… 20
Draft Classic Rules (Revise 4/2006) …………………………………………………………………… 20
Classic Six-Metre Newsletter No. 11 …………………………………………………………………… 23
Editorial for Classic 6mJI news ………………………………………………………………………… 23
Editorial pour les Classic 6mJI news …………………………………………………………………… 24
Editorial zum Classic newsletter ……………………………………………………………………… 24
De nitive List of All Six-Metres ……………………………………………………………………… 25
Class Trophies …………………………………………………………………………………………… 25
New ISMA Classics Committee ………………………………………………………………………… 26
The “First Series” Moderns …………………………………………………………………………… 26
CLASSICS Legends Racing …………………………………………………………………………… 27
Classic Six-Metre Newsletter No. 11a ………………………………………………………………… 31
6mJI modern subcommittee …………………………………………………………………………… 37
Notices from the ISMA of ce …………………………………………………………………………… 38
END OF OFFICIAL ISMA NEWS …………………………………………………………………… 39
6mJI Aktivit ten in der Schweiz/New generation of 6mJI design ……………………………………… 40
Spots vom Lac L man ………………………………………………………………………………… 45
Spots vom Bodensee …………………………………………………………………………………… 48
Spots vom Thunersee …………………………………………………………………………………… 49
Spots vom Vierwaldst ttersee …………………………………………………………………………… 49
6mJI activti es in Antigua ……………………………………………………………………………… 49
6mJI activti es en France ……………………………………………………………………………… 50
Artistic hommage to the 6mJI yachts painted and commented
by Marc Berthier, marine painter from France ………………………………………………………… 56
6mJI activites in Great Britain ………………………………………………………………………… 58
6mJI activites in USA …………………………………………………………………………………… 59
6mJI activites in Canada ………………………………………………………………………………… 62
6mJI Aktivit ten in Deutschland………………………………………………………………………… 62
6mJI Aktivit ten im Norden …………………………………………………………………………… 66
Schweden ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 66
Informations of general interest ………………………………………………………………………… 67
6mJI Historic Place ……………………………………………………………………………………… 67
Market Place …………………………………………………………………………………………… 68
2006 R gates Internationales; r gates clefs pour 6mJI ………………………………………………… 70
2006 International regattas; key regattas for 6mJI ……………………………………………………… 70
2006 Internatinale Regatten; Schwerpunktregatten f r 6mJI ………………………………………… 70
Closing words ………………………………………………………………………………………… 71
Schlusswort ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 71
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
Ed i t or i a l
It’s still cold. There’s snow on the mountains, metres
deep. Nevertheless, we are already thinking about the
forthcoming season. The rst rays of the sun provide
a hint of Spring. A few days ago the Flensburg Sailing Club sent us the invitation and the Notice of Race
for the 6mJI Class European Championships. These were immediately published on the ISMA website We would like to take this opportunity
to sincerely thank the Flensburg Sailing Club, together
with its team and Oliver Berking, the organiser of the
tune-up races, for the invitation. We are aware that the
organisation of a European Championship meeting
entails considerable work and time. The efforts which
have been put into this should be rewarded by as many
boats as possible registering for the event. The 2005
World Championships set standards that we should
meet. This will attract widespread attention to the activities going on in our yacht Class.
Es ist immer noch kalt. In den Bergen liegt noch meterhoch Schnee. Trotzdem denken wir bereits an die
kommende Saison. Die ersten Sonnestrahlen lassen
den Fr hling erahnen, Vor einigen Tagen hat uns der
Segel-Club Flensburg die Einladung und das Notice
of Race f r die Europameisterschaft der 6mJI Klasse
zugestellt. Sie wurden umgehend auf der ISMA website publiziert. Bereits heute gilt des
dem Segel-Club Flensburg mit seiner Mannschaft und
Oliver Berking, dem Verantstalter der tune up races
herzlich f r die Einladung zu danken. Wir sind uns
bewusst, dass die Organisation einer Europa Meisterschaft mit erheblichem Aufwand verbunden ist. Es gilt
die Bem hungen mit einer grossen Zahl Meldungen zu
honorieren. An der WM 2005 wurden Massst be gesetzt, welche wir halten sollten. Dadurch wird die Aktivit t in unserer Klasse auch weitherum zur Kenntnis
We are looking forward to the many Classic 6mJI boats
which are currently once again being made ready for regatta racing. Some of this work is very time-consuming
and entails a great deal nancial expense. The reports
from a number of countries and eets prove that increasing importance is being attached to our yacht class
and it is with great pride that we will be celebrating the
100th anniversary of the metre class formula in 2007.
Wir freuen uns ber die vielen Classic 6mJI, welche
zurzeit wieder regattaklar gemacht werden. Und dies
teilweise mit einem erheblichen zeitlichen und nanziellen Aufwand. Die Berichte aus mehreren L ndern
und Flotten zeigen, dass unsere Yachtklasse an Bedeutung zunimmt und mit grossem Stolz im 2007 das 100
Jahr Jubil ium der Meter-Klasse Formel feiern kann.
As someone who sails the modern 6mJIs I am genuinely concerned about the static status in the modern
eet. With one exception we sail yachts that were built
during the 1980s and are now already 20 years old and
more. However, things are now likely to also be on the
move once again for the “moderns” as can be seen from
the report entitled “New modern 6mJI design“.
So the 6mJIs are keeping us in suspense in their wide
range of shapes and forms: as museum pieces, as
yachts for regatta racing, in the form of new projects
and, nally, as timeless regatta yachts with that special
Als Segler bei den modernen 6mJI bereitet mir der statische Zustand in der modernen Flotte echt Sorgen. Wir
segeln, mit einer Ausnahme, auf Yachten, welche in
den 80er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts gebaut wurden und nun bereits 20 j hrig und lter sind. Doch es
soll sich nun auch bei den „moderns“ wieder etwas bewegen, wie dem Bericht „New modern 6mJI design“
zu entnehmen ist.
Die 6mJI halten uns also in den verschiedensten Formen in Atem: als Museumst cke, als regattaklare
Yachten, in Form von neuen Projekten und letztlich als
zeitlose Regatta-Yachten mit besonderem Flair.
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Ed i t or i a l
Il fait encore froid. En montagne, il y a de la neige
en abondance. Pourtant, nous pensons déjà à la prochaine saison. Les premiers rayons du soleil font pressentir le printemps. Il y a quelques jours, le club de
voile de Flensburg nous a envoyé l’invitation et l’avis
de course pour le championnat d’Europe de la classe
des 6mJI. Ces documents ont été immédiatement publiés sur le site Web de Nous pouvons
remercier chaleureusement dès aujourd’hui le club de
voile de Flensburg et son équipe ainsi qu’Oliver Berking, l’organisateur des courses d’entraînement (tune
up) pour cette invitation. Nous sommes conscients que
l’organisation d’un championnat d’Europe implique
des efforts considérables qu’il convient de récompenser par un grand nombre d’inscriptions. Lors du championnat du monde 2005 ont été mises en place des mesures auxquelles nous devrions nous conformer. C’est
ainsi que l’activité de notre classe se fera connaître
loin à la ronde également.
Nous sommes heureux de la présence des nombreux
6mJI classiques prêts à régater à nouveau. Et cela en
partie grâce à un investissement considérable en argent et en temps. Des rapports de plusieurs pays et de
plusieurs ottes d montrent que notre classe de voiliers
gagne en importance. C’est donc tr s rement qu’elle
pourra f ter of ciellement son centenaire en 2007.
En tant qu’équipier d’un 6mJI moderne, je m’inquiète
de l’inertie r gnant dans la otte moderne. Nous courons, sauf exception, sur des voiliers construits dans les
années 80 du siècle dernier et qui ont au moins 20 ans
aujourd’hui. Cela dit, selon le rapport „ New modern
6mJI design“ , il semble qu’il se passerait à nouveau
quelque chose chez les „ modernes“ .
Les 6mJI nous tiennent donc en haleine par leurs divers
aspects: en tant que pièces de musée, de voiliers prêts à
régater, de nouveaux projets ou de voiliers intemporels
dégageant un charme particulier.
Pr esi d en t ’s m essa g e
Dear Friends,
This is my last letter as President of ISMA, as I shall
not apply for re-election at the next AGM
I am very pleased to see that the organization of the
Class has improved since a few years and that people
are again interested in the life of the Class. All of this
has a stimulating effect on the national eet, on individual owners and on the racing activity in general.
My conclusion is that our Class needs a strong organization to survive, helped by an extensive use of electronic means of communication. ISMA News, the website,
the open debates through e-mails are fantastic tools for
exchanging views and information among members.
I am sure that the next elected Committee will encourage further the development of a truly democratic culture of discussion and personal involvement !
Good luck to the next ISMA Committee.
Bernard Haissly
ISMA President
Katrin Storsberg
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
Of ci a l I SM A n ews
Up d a t ed 6 M et r e Cl a ss Ru l es
„The draft 2006 6 Metre Class Rules have been updated, taking into account the amendments voted on during the period 2001 - 2005. The proposed amendments
concerning Classic de nitions can be included when
agreed and minuted in ISMA records.
The changes for clari cation purposes are identi ed in
red. A Contents lists is addded to the back of the document and the Preamble has come from other Metre
Class Rules - we felt a little explanation looked better.
Please accept that this document does not include any
technical information that has not been agreed at ISMA
meetings; it is simply a „clean up“ exercise.
To enable the speedy passing of these Class Rules at the
6 Metre Europeans, a deadline for discussion should be
15th May i.e., one month before. Once accepted and
voted on, they will be submitted to ISAF“.
The draft 6mJI rules are on site < / Ofcial ISMA news>.
We are not able to reprint the 28 pages in ISMA news.
We propose that any corrections concerning these draft
Class Rules should be directed to the Editor and amendments, then if agreed, imbeded in the document.
Please send your comments to
Rees Martin [email protected] or rees.
[email protected]
BISMA Secretary, 43 Lansdowne Gardens, SW8 2EL,
phone 0044 207 720 5736, fax 0044 207 627 1737
I n vi t a t i on t o t h e An n u a l
Gen er a l M eet i n g
To the National Associations members of ISMA
Dear Friends of the Class,
It is my pleasure to invite you to attend our next General Assembly which will take place at Flensburg on
June 13, 2006. The Agenda of the meeting is attached
hereto. Papers and drafts to be discussed will be published on the website of the Class.
Details of the venue of the meeting will be posted on the
notice board of the Flensburg Segel-Club. The meeting
may be postponed to another day if the racing schedule
does not allow the meeting on June 13.
I remind you that the National Associations must designate one representative in writing. This may be best
done by an e-mail sent to me ([email protected]) before the Championship starts.
I look forward seeing you in Germany.
Bernard Haissly
J une 13, 2006
1. Allocation of votes per country
2. President’s Report
3. Accounts as at 31 December 2005
4. Membership - / sail certi cation mark fee for year
5. Amendment to the By-laws of ISMA
6. Elections (President, Executive Committee, Technical Committee, Nominating Committee)
7. New Trophies donated to the Class and amendment to the European and World Championship
8. Revision of the Rating rules and Measurement
9. Presentation of the Troph e Jean Pierre Odero
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
SECOND (1919-1933) RULE.
The pictures were taken last week at the Copenhagen boat show on the deck of SunRay. It had been hand delivered
to Oliver Berking in Flensburg. The new version of the Championship Rules for the Open European Championship for the International 6 Metre Class is in / Rules.
Eine neue, wundersch ne Silberschale von 1908 winkt dem Sieger der klassischen 6m-Klasse an der Europameisterschaft
Die Troph e tr gt den Namen „The Ringvold Memorial Trohpy“ und wurde erstmals vom Royal Norwegian
Yacht Club als Preis f r den Sieger der damals neuen 6m-Klasse vergeben. August Ringvold, ein ber hmter norwegischer Steuermann, gewann olympisches Gold in der 8m-Klasse. Nachdem er die Troph e dreimal gewonnen
Ringvold trophy on deck.
Ringvold trophy with Hans
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
hatte, durfte er sie den Regeln zufolge f r immer behalten. Dank der grossartigen Unterst tzung des Ringvold
Family Trust in Oslo, Norwegen, wird die angesehene Troph e wieder aktiviert und der st rksten 6m-Yacht bergeben, die gebaut und unterhalten wird und die gem ss der ersten oder zweiten (1919-1933) Vermessungsregel ein
g ltiges Zerti kat hat.
I m p or t a n t n ews f r om t h e I SM A t r ea su r er
ISMA OFFICE Secretary / Treasury: Peter M ller, CH-8405 Winterthur
ACCOUNT Nr. 0791 - 3 8 6 3 6 8 – 1 1 (CHF and US$ conver ted)
Status (published)
D. Schroff (4 Cert.marks)
B. Furrer (ISMA Bulletin + Website 2005)
Opening Status
ACCOUNT Nr. 0791 - 3 8 6 3 6 8 – 1 2 (Euro only)
Status (published)
Opening Status
Cer ti cation Mar ks 2005
Sold number
D. Schroff (CHF 600.00)
Sold Cer ti cation Mar ks 2005
50 pieces
5’000.00 €
4 pieces
400.00 €
54 pieces
5’400.00 €
REMARK: There is an error in the statement per 25.10.2005 which here is corrected. P. M ller
Please take note that ISMA is since July 2005 an independant Association with own status and
therefore own BANK - ACCOUNTS as follows:
0 7 9 1 – 3 8 6 3 6 8 – 1 1 open for transactions in CHF and US$ (converted)
CH41 0479 1038 6368 1100 0
0 7 9 1 – 3 8 6 3 6 8 – 1 2 open for transactions in EURO only
CH41 0479 1038 6368 1200 0
SWIFT – Address:
BANK – Address:
P.O. BOX 330
CH 8401 WINTERTHUR / Switzerland
Please use only these accounts for your transfer of ISMA Fees and payments for Certi cation
Marks. The former used accounts were personal accounts in favour of ISMA, but under my personal responsability.
The new legal status of ISMA don’t permit such accounts anymore; the security of the funds is granted by ISMA.
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
are xed by the General Meeting in Sandham at EURO 50.00 or US$ 60.00 or CHF 75.00 and to be paid before
End of May 2006.
The National Associations are requested to collect these fees from their members and to transfer the total amount
into the above noted ISMA-Accounts in time. The deadline for the Membership fees is the 31st May 2006 due to
the European Championship.
should be ordered and paid in advance at the ISMA Of ce in time; it will be delivered upon receipt of the payment
The prize per Certi cation Mark remains with EURO 100.00 or US$ 120.00 or CHF 150.00.
New sails, produced after January 2005 must have a valid Certi cation Mark.
Winterthur, 10th March 2006
Peter M ller
Karla Stäna ©Katrin Storsberg
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
6 m JI Eu r op ea n Ch a m p i on sh i p 2 0 0 6
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
6 -M et r e Eu r op ea n Ch a m p i on sh i p 2 0 0 6
List of participants
Sail No.
Name of yacht
Skipper‘s name
GER 59
Dr. Bj rn Storsberg
Michael Zankel
Jean Denis Sarraquigne
Dietrich Gr nau
GER 118
Alba Batzill
US 80
Henrik Andersin
Niklaus Waser
Bernard Haissly
Oliver Berking
GER 30
Dr. Thomas Kuhmann
GER 60
Mirko Capka
SUI 104
Beat Furrer
GER 27
Jan-Willem Paulsen
SUI 77
March, 24th 2006/la
12 entries
Com i n g I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Ra ces
Wor l d Ch a m p i on sh i p
Roya l Ya ch t Sq u a d r on , Cowes
1 0 0 yea r j u b i l ée of t h e M et er Cl a ss
(n ot a t t h e t i m e of t h e A’ Cu p )
Wor l d Ch a m p i on sh i p
Newp or t , USA
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
QCNC Qu een Ch r i st i n a Na t i on s Cu p 2 0 0 6
From August 18th to August 20th of this year, The Kitsilano Yacht Club on English Bay in Vancouver, Canada will host the fourth annual Queen Christina Nations
Cup Six Metre Regatta.
This regatta, which was the brainchild of the Puget
Sound Fleet’s highly enigmatic eet captain, Kimo
Mackey, has proven to be at least as successful as Kimo
had initially envisioned, Corinthian style racing between nations, where social atmosphere and fun remain
For those not aware of the theme, it’s six countries
competing in Six Metres in six races with a boat change
every start. As you can imagine, it is both fun and fair
racing. The host country supplies the boats, food and
accommodation and does not actually compete in the
event. The owner, or owner’s representative, remains
on board while the guest crews move from boat to boat
between starts. In theory, they are there to assist the
new crew with the general workings of the boat and
not to contribute to the race or tactics (read local knowledge...although it has been known to slip out).
Vancouver and the surrounding maritime area are renown as some of the best sailing waters in the world.
With the mountains of Vancouver’s North Shore rising
directly out of English Bay, it will make for a spectacular venue for all the visiting sailors to enjoy. The
prevailing westerly breeze blows down the length of
the ve nautical mile long bay on most summer days
creating wonderful arena for windward leeward racing
as the yachts follow the shoreline.
The edgling British Columbia Six Metre eet look
forward to welcoming the international crews to a
weekend of great racing and good times off the water.
Randy Cunningham
Director QCNC 2006
6 m JI cl a ssi c su b com m i t t ee
Notice by the ISMA news editor:
In January 2006 there has been an interesting email exchange about classic-or hot-rod classic. The discussion
has been lounched by Hendrik Andersin:
January 13th, 2006, 09:53
Dear Bernard, John and all,
Classic classic or Hot-Rod classic? John Lammerts van
Bueren of the Eight meters sent me a letter with some
interesting comments on this.
Some of the yacht owners are more into originality than
others. Compare this to the Classic car market, where
originality is the key to market prices. A classic car
with spoilers, wide tyres and outrageous colours never
fetches the same price as the one which is in pristine
original speci cation. This trend is coming to the classic yacht market and racecourses as well.
The philosophy is different; do you want to win by having better gear than anyone else, or do you want to
race in a classic yacht that is as when it was new?
Both ways are ok, and I think the Eights are pretty good
at keeping possible con icts at bay on this matter.
It is really a question of preference. In the Six-Metre
Class, the racing is enjoyable because there is no Handicap system. The rst yacht around the course is the
winner. Among the classics it can be expected that the
rst in the goal will be the newly built classics, closely
followed by the Hot-Rods, then the newly renovated
Classic classics and as last those boats that need rebuilding. All of the yachts crews enjoy themselves even if
they know they cannot win.
I think the way to develop the classic class is to have
one race but several trophies. It seems to be working
in the Eights very well and I believe it will work in the
We need a trophy for the Classic classic Six Metre
The Deed of Gift for the trophy can be written so that
takes into account the originality and sail issues.
A suitable venue to race for it the rst time is the 2007
Cowes WC for sixes.
Best regards,
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
The following email exchange
is collected by the ISMA news
editor. It gave more than 30
pages. We can not publish it in
the ISMA news but we will mail
it to interested readers.
Fin 21 an der Kreuz liegend ©Katrin Storsberg
Sou s-com i t é d e cl a ssi c 6 m JI
Note de l’éditeur d’ISMA news:
En janvier 2006, il y a eu un échange de mails intéressant à propos des classiques ou des hotrods classiques.
La discussion a été lancée par Hendrik Andersin:
13 janvier 2006, 09:53
Cher Bernard, John et vous tous,
Classique classique ou Hotrod classique? John Lammerts van Bueren des huit mètres m’a envoyé une lettre
comportant quelques commentaires intéressants à ce
Certains propriétaires de voiliers se soucient plus
d’originalité que d’autres. Faites une comparaison
avec le marché des voitures classiques, où l’originalité
est la clé des prix du marché. Une voiture classique
avec des spoilers, des pneus larges et des couleurs
agressives n’atteindra jamais le prix d’une voiture en
parfait état d’origine. Cette tendance se dessine aussi toujours davantage sur le marché des voiliers classiques et sur les plans d’eau.
La philosophie est différente; veut-on gagner grâce à
un meilleur équipement ou veut-on concourir avec un
voilier classique comme neuf ?
Les deux opinions se défendent, et je pense que les huit
m tres vitent facilement ce genre de con its.
C’est vraiment une question de préférence. Dans la
n’y a pas de système de handicap. Le premier voilier
ayant achevé le parcours est déclaré vainqueur. Parmi
les classiques, les premiers à arriver sont normalement
les plus récents, suivis de près par les hotrods puis par
les classiques classiques r cemment r nov s et en n
par les bateaux nécessitant d’être reconstruits. Tous les
équipages s’amusent, même s’ils savent que la victoire
n’est pas à leur portée.
Je pense qu’une façon de développer la classe classique serait d’avoir plusieurs trophées pour une même
course. Cela semble très bien fonctionner pour les
“ huit” et je crois que cela marcherait pour les “ six” .
Il nous faut un trophée pour les voiliers de six mètres
classiques classiques. Les conditions de la remise du
trophée peuvent tenir compte de l’originalité et des
voiles. Il pourrait être mis en jeu pour la première fois
lors du championnat du monde de Cowes de 2007 pour
les six mètres.
Henrik Andersin
Président du comité des classiques ISMA
L’échange de mails qui suit a été rassemblé par l’éditeur
d’ISMA news. Il y avait plus de 30 pages. Nous ne pouvons pas le publier dans ISMA news mais nous pouvons
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
6 m JI Cl a ssi c Un t er k om m i ssi on
Anmerkung des ISMA News-Editors:
Im Januar 2006 gab es einen interessanten E-Mail-Austausch ber Classic oder Hot-Rod Classic. Die Diskussion wurde von Hendrik Andersin in Gang gesetzt:
13. Januar 2005, 09.53 Uhr
Lieber Bernard, John und alle anderen
Klassische Classic oder Hot-Rod Classic? John Lammerts van Bueren von den 8ern hat mir einen Brief mit
einigen interessanten Kommentaren zu diesem Thema
Einige Yacht-Besitzer sind mehr auf Originalit t bedacht als andere. Man kann es mit dem Oldtimer-Markt
vergleichen, wo die Originalit t den Marktpreis bestimmt. Ein Oldtimer mit Spoilern, breiten Reifen und
grellen Farben wird nie den gleichen Preis erzielen wie
ein Fahrzeug, das den urspr nglichen Originalspezi kationen entspricht. Dieser Trend zeigt sich auch auf
dem klassischen Yacht-Markt und im Rennwesen.
Aber die Philosophie ist eine andere: willst Du gewinnen, weil Du eine bessere Ausr stung hast als die anderen, oder willst Du mit einer klassischen Yacht segeln,
die aussieht wie fr her, als sie neu war?
Beide Auffassungen sind in Ordnung, und ich glaube,
dass sich die 8er m gliche diesbez gliche Kon ikte
recht erfolgreich vom Leibe halten.
Es ist in der Tat eine Frage der Vorliebe. Eine Regatta
in der 6m-Klasse macht Spass, weil es kein HandicapSystem gibt. Die erste Yacht, die den Kurs absolviert
hat, gewinnt. Bei den Classics ist zu erwarten, dass die
neu gebauten Classics zuerst ber die Ziellinie gehen,
dicht gefolgt von den Hot-Rods und den neu restaurierten klassischen Classics, und als letzte die Boote,
die restauriert werden m ssen. Alle Crewmitglieder
der Yachten haben aber ihren Spass an der Sache, auch
wenn sie sich bewusst sind, dass sie nicht gewinnen
k nnen.
Eine m gliche Weiterentwicklung in der klassischen
Klasse w re ein Rennen mit verschiedenen Troph en.
Bei den Achtern scheint dies ziemlich gut zu funktionieren, warum also nicht auch bei den Sechsern? Wir
brauchen eine Troph e f r die klassischen Classic
Die Schenkungsurkunde f r die Troph e k nnte niedergeschrieben werden, so dass die Originalit t und
Segelfakten ber cksichtigt werden k nnen.
Ein geeigneter Rennanlass f r die erstmalige Durchf hrung w re die 2007 Cowes WM f r Sechser.
Mit freundlichen Gr ssen
Henrik Andersin
ISMA Classic Committee Chairman
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Dear Six Metre Classics Sailors,
This winter has brought some good and welcome development into the Classics scene.
New Tr op h y f or t h e Vi n t a g e Cl a ssi c Si xes.
There is now a trend that there is more effort put into making old yachts become again what they originally were
intended to be. This trend has now a name, it is the Vintage Trend. Peter K nig of Baum & K nig (in Hamburg,
Germany) has made an important step towards increasing the interest for originality by donating a perpetual Trophy to be competed for by these Wooden Mast and Spar yachts. Thank you Peter! The Deed-of-Gift and the Rules
for the Baum & K nig Vintage Trophy has developed under the consultancy of John Lammerts van Bueren of the
Netherlands (Chairman of the International Eight Meter Association) and Kimo Mackey of the Puget Sound Six
Meter Association in Seattle, USA.
Wi n d Ru l e
In the work towards nding a satisfactory Wind Rule for the Classics there really was no right answer to the question. The best suggestion so far seems to be that the arrangers of a race must be sure there is enough knowledge
and understanding aboard the Committee Boat to make wise decisions if there can be a race or not. This concludes
the Wind Rule discussion until better ideas are brought forward.
Cl a ssi c Ya ch t Ru l e
We now can present a new Draft on Classic Yacht Rules. Please comment freely on it. We will present the Classics
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
I SM A Cl a ssi c Com m i t t ee wi l l su g g est a t ext f or Cl a ssi c Ru l es
a t t h e AGM 2 0 0 6 .
Dr a f t Cl a ssi c Ru l es (Revi se 4 / 2 0 0 6 )
So that the widest possible number of Classic owners can consider them and give their views, here is the latest
draft of the Classic Rules for review.
A Classic Six-Metre is a boat designed and built prior to 31st December 1965. (See Note 1 below).
All boats and equipment must conform to current International Six-Metre Class Rules, including deck equipment, mast and rigging. Cockpit areas should conform to current class Rules.
The hull shape shall be consistent with the original design intent. Classic boats are permitted only one moving
underwater appendage, which shall be a rudder mounted on the aft end of the keel, unless otherwise designed
originally. Boats built to Rule 1 and Rule 2 may be updated to a con guration consistent with a pre-1965 interpretation of Rule 3 but, unless incorporated in the original design, are not permitted a bustle, a spade rudder
or a separate skeg and rudder con guration. (see Note 2 below).
A boat whose underwater shape has been modi ed to a post-1965 design, may regain its classic status if the
boat is returned to its original pre-1965 underwater con guration and re-measured.
Laminated frames using modern glues are permitted to replace broken or decayed frames but must remain
within the Scantling Rules, but any repairs must not be lighter than permitted under the Rule. Reinforcement
of the hull by the addition of a maximum of four laminated or plywood ring frames, using modern glues, is
permitted: two in way of the mast partners and two in way of the running backstay turning blocks or attachments only.
With the exception of decking, ring frames, splash boards and minor out tting items of a non-structural nature
such as storage lockers and oorboards, the use of plywood is not permitted in restoration. However, this rule
shall not invalidate the use of plywood to effect short-term temporary repairs or the use of single skins applied
externally, (see Para 7).
Replacement planking shall conform to the original construction method and scantlings in all respects and
additional external wooden veneer skins are no longer permitted. Those boats already tted with additional
external wooden veneer skins, which was permitted within the current International Six-Metre Class Rules,
shall remain legal. (See Note 3)
All Classic Six-Metres shall hold a valid measurement certi cate and shall be subjected to a Flotation Test to
a Classic margin of 3 cms.
Note 1. There are a number of pre-1975 boats, including those designed by Willi Lehmann and built in East
Germany between 1965 and 1971 and those built for the Am-Aus Trophy Competition between 1968
and 1975 which, although the are post-1965, should perhaps more correctly be considered as classics
as certainly, in some cases, they were actually designed pre-1965. Both by their design and build, they
really t into the “classic” ethos and in their speed, would appear to t more neatly amongst the Classics.
Although none of these boats at present qualify as Classics as spelled out in Para 1, since they have proved to be far too slow to race with the Moderns, consideration needs to be given to their future standing.
Meanwhile local rules may be initiated to cover them and trials should be held to assess the possibility
of moving the closure date for “classics” to Dec 1975.
Note 2. A number of boats built pre-1940, actually include bustles, spade rudders and/or a separate skeg and
rudder. Those known are, or were, Josephine, Eyra, Maida II and Noroda, all British. It is believed that
these boats may have all been destroyed, however there may be others, which will have to be dealt with
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
Note 3. There are two boats which are known to have been tted with a single and one boat with three wooden
veneers over their existing planking to ensure strength and longevity and, since these Rules were drafted, it has also come to notice that at least one boat has had her double skin construction removed and
replaced with normal, old-fashioned, mahogany planking. It is considered that, since these alterations
are currently within the International Six-Metre Rules, these boats and any others which may have been
dealt with similarly, should be accepted as “Classics” and thus “grandfathered”.
Note 4. Sails. There would clearly appear to be strong opposing views on the restriction of sailcloth materials
with no clear consensus, more especially since it is known that many Classic Sixes use second hand sails
purchased from the top Moderns. Much further discussion would seem to be necessary especially since
the call for limitations seems to be very narrowly based.
During 2003 Matt Cockburn of Seattle produced the First Draft of the Classic Rules. These were augmented by
Tim Street and Tim Russell of England and then re ned by Hans Oen. After a fairly wide circulation, he then submitted them for rati cation, to the AGM at St. Tropez. However, as it was thought that there had not been enough
consultation, they were referred back to the Classics Committee.
Tim Street.
29th January 2006.
Vi n t a g e M od er n s
Although modern sixes do not t into the area of the pre-1965 Classics, there are a group of transitional yachts that
should warrant more interest from ISMA. The sixes I am referring to are the 1966-December 1975 boats. Most
of them do not compete. They are similar in speed to Classics and stand no chance against the moderns. We now
would like to suggest that National Associations invite the yachts to start on a trial basis with the Classics. May
be they should not have the right to get a trophy if they win, but this trial could give the class knowledge how this
matter should be handled. In the future, maybe we see a Vintage Modern Trophy? This is to make sure the boats
will survive as they are an important part of the history of the class.
Henrik Andersin
ISMA Classic Committee
From Ian Howlett the following comment :
I have a page from the old Lloyds Scantlings Rules that
it might be good to print in ISMA news - and later redraft the scantlings for inclusion in the Rules . Both
would be very helpful to the Classics I think.
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
Cl a ssi c Si x-M et r e Newsl et t er No. 1 1
A Message from the Chair man of the ISMA Classics Committee
This annual Classic Newsletter has become the channel of information that all classic Six-Metre enthusiasts look
forward very much to receive as it spreads the news about yachts that have been recently found, saved, rebuilt and
In the beginning the Newsletter did not cover as many countries as now and now there seem to be sixes being uncovered in new countries of the world every time it is published. I think we can be very much thankful for Tim’s
dedication to this work and I know that the Classic Newsletter has inspired many owners of yachts to keep the
culture of classic yachts alive and well.
As the new ISMA Chairman of the Classic Committee I feel that there is now a need for certain decisions on
Classic Rules, to ensure that the yachts will continue to inspire both current owners and new ones in the future.
We need to understand that the current trend of modernizing Classics into Hot-Rods must come to an end. If we
look at the Eights, it seems that the wooden mast and traditional horizontal/vertical cut Dacron sails are winning
in every race. Dacron costs are only half of more exotic materials, although their life span perhaps lasts just two
years compared to four. The calculation over four years ends up with sails costing about the same, however you
can have newer sails more often instead and the looks are so much more beautiful.
These yachts are made to compete, make no mistake about my intentions. It is not a class for handicap racing,
where you need a computer to know who won. In the Six Metre Circuit, the rst yacht to cross the line should be
the winner.
As an owner of both a “Hot-Rod” (the FIN-51 Maybe VI) and a truly classic (the US 80 Djinn) I can assure you
that although both are wonderful fun to sail, the Djinn gives me more pleasure and ownership satisfaction. I urge
you all therefore to think early in your restoration about which way you are going to go with your yacht. The real
classic restoration is the new trend, and I think the hot-rod era is losing the battle.
Best Classic Regards,
Henrik Andersin
ISMA Classic Committee Chairman
[email protected]
Ed i t or i a l f or Cl a ssi c 6 m JI n ews
It is now something like twelve years since I rst produced this Classic Newsletter, initially purely for the interest
of the British Classics, to let owners know what others were doing and to assist people in nding and restoring
other British Sixes. It may be noticed that these notes are only numbered No. 11. The reason is that these early
newsletters were not numbered, as it was not intended to produce them more than once or twice. However, here
we are at Newsletter No. 11 and they have had a profound affect on the Classic Six-Metre scene. This year the
number of enquiries have, it is true, fallen, but that is perhaps partially because most of the good Sixes have been
found and taken for restoration, or have already been restored. As will be seen from these notes, there are still
boats out here to be discovered: indeed this year they have turned up in barns, sheds and even in the jungle in
Antigua. (Antigua has a jungle??)
Items of general historical interest have as usual been included, but the notes themselves have been pared down, as
many boats have appeared a number of times and, where they are in commission, less information is forthcoming
as people already know much of the information, most of which may be found in previous Newsletters.
What is perhaps the most interesting news is the possible formation of new classic eets around the world, as
owners and potential owners nd boats and get together. Examples include The Netherlands, where there are
now nine classic Six-Metres and the owners are getting into contact with each other, to exchange information and,
hopefully, form a new eet. In Australia, three Classics are now under new, or fairly new, ownership and they
are in the process of being restored and the owners have been put in touch with each other, again with the aim of
their getting together to form a small, but perfectly formed eet. There is also a short note on Poland, where, for
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
now bought one for a mammoth restoration. In the USA, I am delighted to say that a new eet, The New England
Fleet, is being formed on the East Coast formerly, from the 1920s to the 1950s the major base for Six-Metres in
the States.
I would like to thank a number of our contributors who, this year, have helped me very much in putting together
this Newsletter. These are Henrik Andersin, Basil Carmody, Fredrich Dahlman, Scott Rohrer and Jan Mateboer.
Ed i t or i a l zu m Cl a ssi c n ewsl et t er
Edit or ial pour les Classic 6m JI news
Es sind nun schon fast zw lf Jahre her, seit ich diesen
Classic Newsletter zum ersten Mal erstellt habe. Anfangs war der Newsletter nur f r British Classics gedacht, damit Eigner Informationen ber das Tun und
Treiben anderer Besitzer erhielten und um Interessierten bei der Suche nach und Restauration von Sechsern
zu helfen. Ist Ihnen aufgefallen, dass die vorliegenden
News erst die Nummer 11 tragen? Der Grund daf r
liegt darin, dass die ersten Newsletter nicht nummeriert
waren. Es war auch nicht beabsichtigt, mehr als einen
oder zwei herauszugeben. Jetzt sind wir aber bereits
bei Newsletter Nr. 11 und die Informationen sind aus
der Szene der Classic 6mR nicht mehr wegzudenken.
In diesem Jahr sind die Anzahl Anfragen zwar leicht
zur ckgegangen, dies ist aber vielleicht einerseits darauf zur ckzuf hren, dass die meisten guten Sechser
gefunden und zur Restauration gebracht wurden, oder
weil sie andererseits bereits restauriert wurden. Trotzdem gibt es immer noch attraktive Boote, wie dieser
Newsletter zeigt. Dieses Jahr tauchten einige Yachten
in Scheunen, Lagerh usern und sogar im Dschungel
von Antigua auf (hat Antigua einen Dschungel??).
Cela doit faire maintenant douze ans que j’édite la
newsletter des classiques, qui s’adressait à l’origine
purement aux classiques britanniques, pour faire savoir aux propriétaires ce que faisaient les autres et
pour aider à trouver et à restaurer d’autres “ six” britanniques. A remarquer que ces notes portent toutes le
n° 11. Si elles n’ont pas été numérotées, c’est qu’elles
ne devaient pas paraître plus d’une fois ou deux. Mais
nous en sommes maintenant à la newsletter n° 11, et
toutes ont profondément affecté le cadre des six mètres.
Il est vrai que le nombre des demandes a baissé cette
année, mais c’est peut-être du fait que la plupart des
bons “ six” ont t d couverts et con s aux restaurateurs, ou qu’ils sont déjà restaurés. Comme vous le
constaterez dans ces notes, il reste des bateaux à découvrir : en effet, cette année, on en a trouvé dans des
granges, des remises et même dans la jungle d’Antigua
(y a-t-il une jungle à Antigua?)
Wie immer enth lt der Newsletter auch Themen von
allgemeinem geschichtlichem Interesse. Die Informationen selbst wurden etwas gek rzt, da viele Boote mehrere Male erschienen sind. Bei Booten in Kommission
gibt es weniger Details, da die meisten Leute schon viel
dar ber wissen und die wichtigen Informationen dazu
in fr heren Newslettern nachgelesen werden k nnen.
Die interessanteste Neuigkeit betrifft die m gliche Bildung einer neuen weltweiten Classic-Flotte, da Eigner
und potenzielle Besitzer Boote nden und zusammen
kommen. Ein Beispiel daf r ist Holland, wo es bis jetzt
neun klassische 6mR-Yachten gibt. Hier haben die
Besitzer Kontakt zueinander aufgenommen, tauschen
Informationen aus und bilden hoffentlich eine neue
Flotte. In Australien sind drei Classics in neuem oder
Des éléments d’intérêt historique général ont été inclus dans la newsletter, comme d’habitude, mais les
notes proprement dites ont été raccourcies puisque
de nombreux bateaux y ont déjà paru plusieurs fois et
que, lorsqu’ils sont en commission, il en émane peu
d’informations nouvelles dignes d’intérêt, tout ayant
d j gur dans les newsletters pr c dentes.
L’information peut-être la plus intéressante est celle de la formation ventuelle de ottes de nouveaux
classiques de par le monde, dans la mesure où les propriétaires avérés ou potentiels trouvent des bateaux
et prennent contact entre eux. Parmi les exemples, les
Pays-Bas où il y a désormais neuf six mètres classiques.
Leurs propriétaires sont en contact pour échanger des
informations et, espérons-le, pour former une nouvelle
otte. En Australie, trois classiques ont t acquis plus
ou moins récemment et sont en cours de restauration.
Leurs propri taires ont t mis en contact, l aussi a n
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
sitzer haben sich untereinander in Verbindung gesetzt,
um eine kleine, aber perfekt formierte Flotte zu bilden.
Auch aus Polen hat uns die Meldung erreicht, dass
jemand zum ersten Mal seit 1936 die drei bekannten
polnischen Sechser nicht nur gesucht hat, sondern eine
davon nun sogar einer gigantischen Restauration unterzieht. Im Weiteren freut es mich, dass an der Ostk ste
eine neue Flotte, The New England Fleet, gebildet wurde. Hier befand sich von 1920 bis 1950 die wichtigste
amerikanische Basis f r die 6m-Klasse.
Ich m chte einigen Leuten f r ihren Beitrag zum diesj hrigen Newsletter danken. Es sind dies Henrik Andersin, Basil Carmody, Fredrich Dahlman, Scott Rohrer und Jan Mateboer.
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
une brève note sur la Pologne où, pour la première fois
depuis 1936, on ne se contente plus de rechercher les
trois “ six” polonais bien connus. Quelqu’un en a acheté un pour le restaurer complètement. Aux Etats-Unis,
je suis très heureux de vous apprendre qu’une nouvelle
otte, la Flotte de Nouvelle Angleterre est en train de
se former sur la côte Est avec des bateaux des années
1920 à 1950 représentant la plupart des six mètres des
Je tiens à remercier certains de nos cotisants qui, cette
année, m’ont beaucoup aidé à réaliser ma newsletter.
Je veux parler de Henrik Andersin, Basil Carmody,
Fredrich Dahlman, Scott Rohrer et Jan Mateboer.
De n i t i ve Li st of Al l Si x-M et r es
Cl a ss Tr op h i es
All Six-metre owners should be interested to hear that,
in the absence of any pre-existing full list of Six-Metres, Basil Carmody (FRA 75 Joanna) has been spending the last sixteen months collating all the information contained in the lists of every country’s Six-Metres,
prepared in the rst instances by Pekka Barck, Philippe
Burban, Andrew McMeekin, Tim and Charles Street
and Gerard Bechaud. He has been working on this task
for a regular 8 or 9 hours every day and sometimes up
to twelve hours a day for sixteen months! The original amalgamated list, initially combined by Andrew
McMeekin to take into account all the research carried
out by the above, included some 1960 boats, many of
course doubled upldue to changes of name, country,
sail numbers and other duplications. At the last notice,
Basil had reached around 1490 con rmed different SixMetres. He hopes to nish his mammoth task early in
the new-year and, when he does, everyone involved in
Six-Metres in any way, however minor, will owe him
an enormous debt. Meanwhile, Tim Street has prepared the rst, fairly de nitive list of around 100 Modern
Six-Metres (1965 to 2005), which has been added as
an Appendix to his ISMA Modern’s Newsletter No.
1, which should very shortly be available on various
Six-Metre websites. (See Note by Frederich Dahlman
Many of our major Class Trophies have been neglected
and as a result, become lost or unused over the years.
Recently Hans Oen, together with Matt Cockburn,
have been engaged in tracking down and locating some
of our great Trophies. As is well known, the One Ton
Cup, which was presented in 1899 by the Yacht Club de
France, as a result of the near collapse of the Six-Metre class, was re-allocated to an RORC handicap based
class. It is held at the Yacht Club de France in Paris and
action has been taken and negotiations have begun by
Stefan O’Reilly Hyland, President of the French SixMetre Class to see if it could be returned to the SixMetre Class. Other trophies under investigation are
the Coppa Giovanelli and the Oresundspokalen Cup.
Members of ISMA may well know of others. Sadly,
due to unacceptable behaviour, the Seawanhaka Cup
was transferred to the Dragon Class some time ago and
is now believed to be held by the Royal Hobart Yacht
Club in Tasmania. To recover it, it will be necessary
for someone to mount a campaign and take a serious
Dragon and crew out to Tasmania to recover it. Any
Meanwhile, Edmond Capart has proposed a new competition for the best Six from each country who wishes
to compete, based on the concept of the old One Ton
Cup, with one boat representing each club or country.
However, the format would be somewhat different as,
with the old One Ton Cup, boats were eliminated after
three races if they had not won a race, thus competitors
might attend but only take part in three races. The aim
of a new trophy would be for countries to eventually commission new radical Sixes to the latest designs
and with the most advanced ideas incorporated to take
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
New I SM A Cl a ssi cs Com m i t t ee
The election at the AGM at Sandhamn of Henrik Andersin, (owner of both May Be VI and Djinn), to be
Chairman of the ISMA Classics Committee as well
as Vice-President of ISMA has quickly resulted in an
upsurge in interest and action by the new members of
the Classics Committee, who include Matt Cockburn
(USA), Pasi Kaarto (FIN), Doug Peterson (USA),
Niklaus Waser (GER) and Tim Street (GBR).
1979, shows that the boats built in this period, do not
compare favourably with those “Old Boats” that they
were up against and, as late (or early) as 1979, these
pre-1977 boats were not performing any better then the
pre-1965 boats. Some of them, Gosling, Astree, Goodwood and Toogooloowoo IV in particular, actually appeared to be slower than some of the earlier boats, even
when they were new.
Study is now in hand on a variety of subjects including
in particular:-
The position seems to change by 1977/79 when the moderns became much faster, even before winged keels.
Even so, in 1988 at Falmouth, K 72 Thistle, a 1948
David Boyd, came 8th out of 28 in the Europeans in
heavy weather, beating 17 Moderns.
A maximum Wind Rule for Classics.
A new draft of the Classic Six-Metre Rules.
These to follow on from those previously circulated and
subsequently commented upon by Ian Howlett, (Chairman of the ISMA Technical Committee) in ISMA Bulletin 1/2004, page 60.
The Future of the Classics.
Recovery and Allocation of Historic Trophies and Deeds of Gift.
Our future policy on replicas/Phoenix.
This is consequent upon the success of the rst “Phoenix” DEN 64 Sunray at this year’s World Championships at Sandhamn. A further two replicas are in hand.
The future of the Classic Newsletter.
I have been producing it for at least twelve years and
perhaps someone else should now bring a new eye and
mind to it, especially since I have just also produced
that rst ISMA Modern’s Newsletter. Any keen volunteers??
Th e “ Fi r st Ser i es” M od er n s
No class should become frozen in time as that inevitably leads to decay and downsizing. It is therefore
considered that the time is nigh when consideration
should be given as to what ought to be done about the
early “Moderns”; in particular about those boats built
between 1965 and 1976. Due to a basically unsatisfactory design concept, although they were designed
after the S & S Twelve-Metre “Intrepid”, according
to various Six-Metre designers they were based more
on the “Valiant” Twelve-Metre concept and were both
too long on the water-line and too heavy, with a comparatively small sail area, particularly in comparison
with the lighter and smaller post-1977 boats. Indeed,
When the Djinn Trophy was introduced for the „Old
Boats“ in the USA in 1979, the cut off date was 1960.
When England introduced „Classics“ to encourage their
old boats in 1987/88, the cut-off date was set at 1965.
Since the break is self-imposed, would it perhaps be an
idea to consider changing the break date to perhaps 31st
December 1976? Certainly it is suggested that such a
proposal might be studied and perhaps trialled for at
least a year, particularly in Sweden or perhaps Finland
with their L 55 Toogooloowoo V from 1970.
The fteen other old „Moderns“ affected would be:-KA
6 Toogooloowoo IV 1967; FRA 69 Astree, 1969; GER
49 Courage VI 1969; GER 86 Gosling 1971; NED 20
Goodwood 1971; USA 100 St. Francis V 1973; KA 8
Pacemaker 1973; GBR 82 Razzle-Dazzle 1975; SWE
76 Suncraft 1975; SUI 71 Winchala 1975; SUI 60 La
Difference 1975; USA 106 St. Francis VI 1975; SWE
81 Suncraft II 1976; SWE 83 Fastasch 1976; and SWE
84 Fraganita 1976.
At the very least, it might encourage the owners to
bring their old boats out to race and certainly Torsten
Dornberger would be very pleased and prepared to
compete in an international trial in his Toogooloowoo
IV of 1968.
Another owner has already presented a special Trophy for these boats and I believe that Henrik Andersin would be very interested in any views, either for or
against. I would certainly like to hear views.
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
Exp er i en ce & Con cl u si on s f r om t h e 6 m R Wor l d
Cu p 2 0 0 5 f r om a cl a ss p er sp ect i ve.
The general conclusion coming out of the Neonode
6mR World Cup 2005 is that it was a huge success and
most sailors felt good about Sandhamn and the arrangements despite the very tough conditions. The long,
hard days clearly put many to bed early in the evenings
which perhaps does not need to be a bad thing at all.
Melitta & Mosquito ©Katrin Storsberg
CLASSI CS Leg en d s Ra ci n g
Th e Neon od e 6 m R Wor l d Cu p 2 0 0 5 r ep or t b y
Fr ed r i ch Da h l m a n
The excitement of arranging the WC 2005 to honour
the Royal Swedish Yacht Clubs ( KSSS ) 175 years
anniversary obviously in uenced the Swedish eet
throughout the season.
The ‘country ambassador’ concept to recruit boats to
the WC 2005 was a major strategic step forward, combined with the vision to execute the biggest 6mR event
ever, to ensure the record amount of participants. Not
just organize a similar event like last time. However it
is now vital to analyse why we did not manage to get
more classics from Sweden to participate in our own
WC. We were missing 4 – 6 boats that should have
participated. The same thing happened in France during their WC 2003. Special dedicated action to ensure the host country will participate with all their boats
should be an important target for every organizer in the
Having 29 classics on the starting grid was a fantastic
experience both that the organizers managed to get that
amount of classics out onto the battle eld as well as
having the opportunity to race with such a competitive
However, the feeling is that currently there is no real
handover between World Championship organisers and
the experience from the previous organizer is not handed on to the next and continuity does not exist. There
is no clear “ 3-5 year business-plan “ to promote the
class and, up to now, the class has not been organized,
so that the WC / EC and other regattas are not clearly
part of a total way to bring the class forward and promote it. At present each event is being dealt with as a
stand alone action.
Fredrich Dahlman believes that we are now at a crossroads, where the development of 6mR has come to a
standstill, which is demonstrated by the fact that the
classics eet is now bigger than the Moderns.
What he believes is that every WC organizer seems to
start with a fresh, clean sheet of white paper, with the
result that the main existence of the class is only due
to this Newsletter and the ISMA Bulletin produced by
Beat Furrer.
At this year’s World Cup at Sandhamn, the strategic
management by each country’s ambassadors, the new
web site, the lm every day, the Commodore’s Barbeque and the KSSS Regatta dinner were those things
that were good and which kept the sailors interested
and together during the evening.
Behind the curtain, the Swedish Committees were
struggling with housing, transport sponsors and getting the new web working, the combination of which
took almost all their energy out of the organizers. Clear
written and structured tasks, which were set out between the KSSS and the SWE 6mR association in the
form of a written project plan showing vital dates and
responsibilities, was of immeasurable use when it came
to sharp action.
It is proposed that:
1. 3-5 years business plan should be produced, with a
strong vision and associated strategies supporting
that vision, not only for the WC/EC, but also for
the Classic Newsletter which is keeping the class
2. Sponsor and transport sponsor be identi ed within
each country who will be willing to buy into this
vision for a longer time than 1 year.
3. A handover system from the previous organizers
of each major event to the next one and to invite
the previous project manager also be part of the
next organiser’s important project meetings, thus
to ensure that experience is passed onto the next
4. A total 6mR Register governed by ISMA to be prepared as complete as possible. (Note: In an earlier
paragraph the present position on producing a “Total 6mR Register is reported on).
5. A web site that has the same basic elements, but
can be tailor-made for the next organizers.
Cl a ssi cs News
The details about from following country and yacht
may be downloaded from newsletter 11. There is not enough space to print all
this valuable informations in the ISMA bulletin. News
are from
Antigua, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland,
Fr a n ce
Elfe (F-77, ex-Eileen II, ex- Mambo)
designed by F. Camatte in 1931, built by the Etablissements G. Bonnin. Cl ment Brunet-Moret has launched the nal phases of her restoration this year at the
Otarie Boatyard. Elfe should be in the water for next
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Joanna (F-75; ex-Michel Selig, ex-Avalun VIII as G-24
and K-75)
designed by Drewitz in 1935, built by Buchholz. Basil Carmody is in the process of taking off her lines.
His architect, Theo Rye, will then reverse engineer her
plans so as to be able to calculate the weight, shape and
position of her lead keel.
Monaco, Germany, Switzerland,
Th e Net h er l a n d s
This is the report of Jan Mateboer:
October 2005
Dear Sailing friends
Here are some new pictures of the progress of the rebuilding project Hakahala.
When I write this there are in the meantime 4 new mahogany skin beams xed to the mould on both sides
and are glued together.
The planking is pro led with a dome/hollow pro le,
and this works very pleasant for somebody who is
doing in his daytime jobs only of ce work. I‘m using
Epoxy to x them and we can do it in less than 30 minutes. Pot life is no longer! There are almost no seams
between the planking.
Very bad luck with my wood shaper, for the 3rd time
the bal bearings are broken. This Chinese tool www. <> is not
ment to use it, only look at it! I now bought a second
hand professional machine. This one is very powerful,
when starting him, the light is almost going down.
The rotten wood of Hakahala, there was only 560kg
left, is moved out of the workshop and transported to
the local waste handler. We paid for it off course. We
only kept some special peaces for the treasury cabinet.
Jan Mateboer; <>
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
December 2005
Still going strong! It’s winter and I have not so much
problems like in the summer; will a go for sailing or
will a go for the mega job Hakahala. Other problem
we don’t have in the summer is the temperature, if it’s
really going to get cold out site, I can hardly reach the
necessary 15-degree inside. And I need it to make the
job done with Epoxy. Planck nr. 9 are xed yet on both
sides. This means that I’M yet below the waterline in
the middle of the ship And de rst frames are xed in
the nose too!
The (folding) propeller shaft will be driven electrical,
with an engine of a small pallet truck; we needed 2 or
4 batteries on the bottom. It’s only to get in and out of
the harbours and passing bridges and docs. Muchspeed
is not direct needed. But it will take some time to get
Hakahala from Roskilde so fare! If you like to follow
a great project, please look at this: www. <http://www.>
Celsus fasteners is sponsor of this amazing wooden
sher ship For now, have a good time until Christmas.
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Nor wa y
R ven SWE 37, only managed a 16th place, probably
due to not enough racing during last year. He was concentrating on the nal restoration of Silvervingen and
hopefully we will see Silvervingen in Flensburg. After
the WC R ven has now been sold to France.
L 2 Mosquito
A Johan Anker design from 1913 and the rst bermudian rigged Anker & Jensen. She was built originally for
Magnus Konow and she has been very fully restored to
original Rule 1 by Petter Halvorsen in Ris r, the home
town of the Norwegian Wooden Boat festival. Petter
took her to this year’s World Championships at Sandhamn and did well. This is believed to be the rst time
ever that a Rule 1 boat has competed in a major World
or European championship, or Gold Cup, certainly since around 1923!
We all also enjoyed to see the beautifully restored SWE
60 Stella Polaris , with Sven Frenkel , out on the battle eld after a couple of years training and gearing up,
nishing 23rd.
Also deserving of a special mention very clearly is
Douglas Reincke`s entry, the beautiful SWE 4 Gulldisken from 1923, who managed to race despite having
some problems with the heavy seas and subsequently
some equipment breakdowns, nishing 29th.
Seeing the great lady, Petter Halvorsen’s beautiful restoration, the Norwegian “ Mosquito “ N / L 2, Johan
Anker’s rst Bermudian rig from 1913, with her enthusiastic crew out on the course was a true pleasure, and
also gave a hint how racing was in the beginning of the
meter rule. A wonderful contribution to the WC and
what a renovation. Let us all hope to see her in Flensburg next year again.
L2 Mosquito
Swed en
(A report by Fredrich Dahlman)
Johan H Larson’s Lisbeth V, was ready from her complete renovation but some mast ttings delayed by 2
months, combined with struggling with the WC committee work stopped this entry. What a disappointment
for us all as we all were really looking forward to the
see her racing. This immaculate renovation will sparkle
joy in every 6mR Classic lover’s eye.
Kenneth Per nen’s new replica/Phoenix, “ Sara of Hango “, an exact copy of L49 Violet , did not manage it
either due to similar reasons.
Fantastic to see that Henrik Andersin managed to bring
his just immaculately restored, no efforts spared, FIN
67 / US 80 Djinn to Sandhamn for the WC. Everyone
was as ecstatic about it as was Henrik.
The classics from Sweden were Melita GBR 42, formerly SWE 93, by Swedish/ British David Roberts
who had geared up Melita with some new sails and
crew. She now showed the real potential of his boat
nishing 13th. Unfortunately for the Swedish classics
eet he has plans to bring her back to UK.
SWE 6 F gel Bl Her pre-season work-up was delayed by mainly deck-layout changes, raising the oor,
and adding a genoa rolling system that proved very
successful in handling. The real start of her season
was in Finland at the Hang Regatta, where she raced
against the very competitive Finnish eet, winning the
rst race and nishing 4th overall.
Back in Sweden when participating in the KSSS 175
years Jubilee Regatta in Sandhamn, she nished 13th
among 28 participants, mixed classics and modern,
winning the International Swedish Championships for
Classics and also beating 9 moderns.
F gel Bl also won the tune-up race for WC and the expectations for her and her team for the WC rose. However, sadly the conditions and weather were not at all
as expected. Usually Sandhamn is very “ summersure”
in the end of July but not this time. Heavy seas together
with strong winds combined with the occasional day of
light winds made a very competitive mixture.
It was a great pleasure to see Hans Oen and the fantastic new Sun-Ray, DEN 64, ( Sinkadus, S52 drawings
) very clearly win the WC after fantastic racing and no
major mistakes. Her 4 race victories clearly showed
who was “simply the best”. Once again congratulations.
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
Always fast and tactically correct, although with one
race victory and as usual a very consistent series of podiums in almost every race, FIN 44 Toy nished second with the 2nd Rule boat, FIN 12 Fridolin, having
two race victories but also some no podium races, nishing third.
It was great to see the ex Finnish/Swedish ( L48/S68 ),
GER 68 Lillevi now under German ag, back on her old
home ground, for the rst time for a very long time.
To have a German 6mR ghting for the medals in a
WC and nishing 4th is a major step forward for the
German 6mR Racing as it has not happened since G
51 Michel (ex S 97 Irene II and now GBR 100 Cream)
won the Europeans in 1951. A Great achievement.
©Gilles Favez
F gel Bl who had a bad day on races 6&7, mostly
with 3 and 4th places in the other races was the best
Swedish boat nishing 5th.
Fleet News
The Classic scene for sixes in the USA is mainly spread
over three regions: Puget Sound in the Paci c Northwest; from Rhode Island to Maine in the Northeast,
and based on Port Huron on the Great Lakes. In addition, there are some independent boats located in many
other places.
The Puget Sound Fleet has been the base for the major
activity in North America and, under the benign leadership of Matt Cockburn, owner of Buzzy III, continues
to see a strong and healthy growth both in interest and
in numbers of boats getting back on the water. There are several active restorations in progress and even
more slated to begin in the next year. A major part of
this growth can be attributed to the handful of boats located in Vancouver and Sidney, B.C. Events with both
eets have been very well received over the past few
years and international bonds have strengthened between the Canadian and Seattle Fleets. Several events,
including the Queen Christina Nations Cup and the Sir
Thomas Lipton Cup, have done much to solidify and
reinforce shared interests.
Another encouraging place of growth and interest this
year in particular is in the Northeast, where Toby and
Sachi Rodes with their restored 1930 Fife, Alana have
been the major driving force in gathering together some
boats and stirring long dormant owners to come out
and sail, with the result that this year two other boats,
Totem and Lucie (from Port Huron) joined them to take
part in a very satisfactory rendezvous regatta in Sum-
Classic Six-Met re Newslet t er No. 11a
(completely reprinted here)
New Dr a f t Cl a ssi c Ru l es
This winter has seen a great urry of behind the scene’s
activity, as wide ranging studies are being carried out
in preparation for a new draft of the Classic Rules, for
consideration at the AGM at Flensberg; a new study of
the Rules for Replicas, which were originally approved
at the 2000 AGM at St. Tropez and the possible introduction of rules for sail materials and wind speeds.
This urry of activity was initiated by a fairly new
classic owner, Ronald Brons of the Netherlands, who
having discovered and rescued Irmi V for restoration,
suggested that the Classic Committee should study the
Eight-Metre Rules, with a view to re-thinking the Draft
Six-Metre Classic Rules along the same lines. Subsequently, this proposal was taken up quite widely and
many e-mails on the subject from Classic owners, as
well as from Jan Lammearts Van Buren, the founding
Secretary of the Eight-Metre Association, have owed
past, indeed I have a le with some 43 very long e-mails
on the various subjects and more are still arriving.
As a result, a new draft of the Classic Rules has been
prepared taking into account all the points made and
including many sensible proposals received, which together have produced a fairly clear consensus. Henrik
Andersin, Chairman of the ISMA Classics Committee
is oating this draft for general consideration prior to
the next AGM, elsewhere in this Bulletin.
Rep l i ca Ru l es
The current Replica Rules were considered and approved at the 2000 AGM, since when three boats have
either been built to these rules or are currently under
construction. The Rules speci cally prohibited the
building of a number of boats to the same design, to
avoid half a dozen clones, of say Goose, being built, resulting in what would inevitably become a One Design
Class within a Class and leading directly to the end of
“Classics” as we know them. “Replicas”, or perhaps
more correctly “Phoenix”, may only currently be built
to an existing design for a boat which has been accidentally destroyed and MUST be built in exactly the same
way as the original.
Despite several adverse comments and suggestions for
multiple builds, any such views do not appear to represent a consensus. In spite of, or perhaps because of
the success of ‘Sunray’, which was very carefully built
to the plans of and in exactly the same way as S 52
‘Sinkadus, a 1939 Arvid Laurin design, at present there
does not seem to be enough information or informed
pressure to propose any changes.
Wi n d St r en g t h Ru l e
Much discussion has also been taking place as to
whether there should be a “Maximum Strength Wind
Rule”. In England, especially in the Solent, where the
wind usually starts quite light at around say 8 knots at
1200hrs but, due to the effect of the normal sea breezes
lling in after 1400hrs, it frequently reaches Force 4
to 5 by mid-afternoon. Since 1990 therefore, racing in
the Solent during the afternoon is not started in a wind
strength of above15 knots and this has proved to be a
very satisfactory compromise.
However, where sailing areas are more sheltered and
the sea less likely to become very rough after the start
of a race, a greater strength at the start could perhaps be
acceptable, although we must realize that, for seventy
or eighty year old classic wooden boats, especially those which have not been rebuilt (the ‘Vintage Class’),
any such increase would be unsatisfactory as putting
too much strain on old wooden hulls.
Sa i l Li m i t a t i on s f or Cl a ssi cs
Proposals have been oated during the winter to impose a limitation on sails for Classics, both in their materials and for numbers. There are some dif culties
over this as there is a very widely held view that, since
Sixes were always conceived as a “development class”
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
and have historically always been used to trial out new
ideas, any such limitation would go against every ethos
of the class. A further major consideration is that, certainly outside Finland, many Classics rely for their sail
wardrobes on purchasing second hand sails from the
top Moderns competitors, which of course include all
types of modern materials. It is also by no means certain that modern materials do really prove to be substantially better than Dacrons, since in the 2003 Worlds
at St. Tropez, certainly two out of the top six boats
were using Dacrons which were not in their rst youth.
Although the cost of Dacrons is substantially less than
for Kevlar/Mylar, it is believed that any such proposal
would be very strongly opposed by many owners.
What is brilliant news is that Peter Koenig, of Baum
& Koenig, has presented a new Trophy for a “Vintage
Class”, starting cautiously and very sensibly for Classic boats which are rigged with wooden masts and setting white Dacron sails with old-fashioned horizontal
panels. All Vintage Classics will need to have a Rating Certi cate approved by Guy-Roland Perrin, however the problems of the Flotation Test still need to be
addressed. There is also the problem of “What is a true
Vintage boat?” as a number of the boats which would
be quali ed by reason of their wooden masts and Dacron sails, have themselves been the subject of very
major rebuilds. Discussion continues.
Sh ou l d “ Fi r st Ser i es” M od er n s n ow j oi n t h e
Cl a ssi cs?
As a direct result of an initiative taken during the winter, combined with discussions with and advice from
both Scott Rohrer and Ian Howlett whose wide knowledge and experience of Six-Metre design goes back to
the 70’s, there has been consideration as to what could
to be done about the twelve or thirteen “early moderns”
which were built after 1965 but before the introduction
of Pelle Pettersson’s rst Six “Irene” in 1977, which
was seriously faster than previous modern boats.
As was noted in both the two ISMA Newsletters published just before Christmas, the 1965 date which was
chosen for the closure of the “Classics”, was based on
the date of the Twelve-Metre ‘Intrepid’, the rst modern
generation Metre boat with separated keel and rudder.
The rst Sixes built to this concept and to this con guration were those designed and built by Willi Lehmann
on the Muggelsee in Berlin. However it was perhaps
the 1970 S & S design of the Twelve-Metre ‘Valiant’,
drawn by Mario Tarabochio, which set the style for the
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
comparatively long waterlines and were heavy boats,
with a correspondingly smaller sail area. Where are
these Moderns to go now?
Our major problem as a Class is that these boats are
at present outclassed by both the later Moderns and
many if not most of the better Classics, whilst even the
later ‘early Moderns’, those built between 1976 and
1980 are also at present outclassed by the more recent
‘Moderns’, but in their cases more due to their lack of
wings. An in depth study of regatta results World-wide
since1973, both in the USA and Europe, has con rmed
When the Djinn Trophy was introduced in the USA for
„Old Boats“ in 1979, the cut off date was set at 1960.
However, when England rst introduced the concept
of „Classics“ in 1987/88, to encourage owners of old
boats to improve them, the cut-off date for England was
set at 1965. Since the break is self-imposed, would it
perhaps be an idea to consider raising the break date to
31st December 1975?
The old „Moderns“ directly affected would include
KA 6 Toogooloowoo IV 1967; FRA 69 Astree, 1969;
GER 49 Courage VI 1969; SUI 48 Antares 1970; GER
86 Gosling 1971; NED 20 Goodwood 1971; USA 100
St. Francis V 1973; KA 8 Pacemaker 1973; GBR 82
Razzle-Dazzle 1975; SWE 76 Suncraft 1975; SUI 71
Winchala 1975; SUI 60 La Difference 1975 and USA
106 St. Francis VI 1975.
Henrik Andersin, the Chairman of the ISMA Classics
Committee, has made a very sensible alternative suggestion, which is that these boats could become the
“Vintage Class” of the Moderns, which would certainly go part way to improving their position. However,
an in-depth study of race times in those regattas since
1977, in which these early boats have taken part, indicates that ON AVERAGE, these boats are between 40
secs and 45 secs per mile slower than Modern Sixes
tted with wings and thus, in an average regatta, would
be likely to nish some 4 to 5 minutes behind the last
Six tted with a winged keel, which would be very disheartening on a regular basis
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
Rest or a t i on s
Currently, there are two potential owners who are looking for “wrecks“to restore long term and they have
both been pointed towards the last few known such
boats, which are awaiting rescue. There are a number
of other boats undergoing restoration, where the work
is now well in hand and we may expect them to be nished and out on the water racing very soon. These
GBR 32 Abu (ex N 45).
Johan Anker’s own 1931 boat, now owned by the
Street family, who found her on he grass on the side
of the road in Essex. She is in Peter Wilson’s yard at
Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England, where restoration of the
hull is almost complete and she is now awaiting her
deck. Despite being converted to a cruiser in 1935 and
tted with a long cabin, self-draining cockpit and a big
rubbing strake, surprisingly little rot was found and she
only really needed some pieces being let into her oak
oors; some replacement pieces in her hog piece; a new
top strake because when the rubbing strake was removed considerable rot was found and a large number of
broken ribs which had to be replaced, together with a
number of short pieces of butt-ended hull planking.
GBR 3 Hour i.
A 1911 A.E. Payne jnr design, owned by David Seer,
which is also undergoing restoration to her original
length by Peter Wilson, along with Abu and which will
be rigged with a wooden mast and sails to future “Vintage Class” requirements.
GBR 22 Titia
A 1952 David Boyd design, which was built by Woodnutts, on the Isle of Wight, to be England’s competitor in the 1952 Olympic Games. She has been bought
back from the USA by Brian Pope for his own boat
which he is sharing with Andy Postle, as he has now
sold Caprice. She is being beautifully restored to original in his yard in Cornwall and it is anticipated will
be out to take part in the British Open Championships
at Lymington, in May
It is therefore for general consideration by the Class
whether perhaps an opportunity should now be given
both by the Moderns and by the Classics Committee, to
trialing the pre-1976 boats against the Classics, to see
if they might be included as such and the change-over
date adjusted in their favour to, say 31 Dec 1975.
Ir mi V (ex G 37 Piddar Ling)
At the very least, it might encourage the owners to
bring their boats out to race again.
A 1935 Drewitz design, built by Bucholz in Berlin. In
depth research by Basil Carmody who owns her, indicates that she is even more unusual than originally
Ronald Bron’s 1936 Henry Rasmussen design, now believed to be under restoration in The Netherlands, by
Ronald Brons himself, with the help of a friend.
FRA 75 Joanna (ex G 24 Michel selig).
oating level, but was to be sailed with most of her
crew, and the helmsman, moving aft, astern of her rudder post, to lengthen her waterline and thus, in theory,
make her faster. She is in position in St. Tropez, where
Basil has recently taken off her lines and commenced
D 35 Dana (also K 22 English Rose).
Originally built in 1926 by Frank Morgan Giles, of
Teignmouth, Devon, England, for a Danish owner,
Mr. Graae, who raced her in the Solent, in 1927 she
was lent to theRoyal Thames Yacht Club as the British
contender for the Scandinavian Gold Cup, sailed for
on Long Island Sound, USA. For this she was re-registered and renamed English Rose and sailed by Frank
Morgan Giles with Mrs. Morgan Giles in the crew, coming third to Norway and Sweden, which both had the
rst ever Genoas. She has recently been bought from
the Danish Yachting Museum by Darek Dziwura of Poland and she is currently on her way to Poland, where
Darek proposes to completely restore her to pland obtained from the Teignmouth Museum. It is anticipated
that she will be re-numbered POL 4. A photograph is
shown of her in the Danish Yachting Museum before
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
GBR 12 Nada (ex D 39 Dana II)
A 1930 Fife, also originally built for Mr. Graae, in 1932
she was re-rigged by Uffa Fox and was in the British
team which represented Britain in the 1932 BritishAmerican Trophy, against both Nancy and Bob Kat II.
She is currently under restoration in Antigua by Andrew Robinson, who plans to race her in the Antigua
Classics and to bring her to England for the 2007 World
Championships and the Jubilee Regatta. Photographs
of her progress are shown.
KC I (ex L 22) Mer renneto.
Merrenneto was built in Finland in 1927 and went to
Canada, where she was bought and re-numbered KC 1,
becoming the rst ever Canadian registered Six-Metre.
For a number of years she has lain in Ken Lavallette’s
Woodwind Yachts boatyard. She has now been bought
by Lars Lindblom of Finland, who is to have her beautifully restored with a wooden mast, to the planned
Vintage Rules. He will then be bringing her back to
Finland for racing.
Tim Street.
RSA 1 Vega.
21st March 2006.
A new and exciting discovery, Vega was built in South
Africa immediately after the war but was only launched
in 1950. She was built by Ollie Hoyen-Hall, a shipwright who trained at Camper & Nicholson and her lines
are believed to be based on Bob Kat II (now owned by
Doug Peterson).
©Gilles Favez
On the death of Mr. Hoyen-Hall she was taken over by
an Eric Smith, who converted her into a cruiser/racer
and in her time she held many long distance records.
Sadly she fell into serious disrepair until purchased by
Percy and Jenny Elston in 2002. They have now restored her to her present state as shown in her photograph.
She is regularly sailed competitively but she is unique
in Republic of South Africa and they have no means
of judging her performance levels and so propose to
return her to being a Classic Six-Metre. Currently she
is having her coach roof modi ed to make her more
competitive in handicap racing, until agreement is reached with S & S over plans, when after restoration,
they hope to bring her to England for the 2007 World
Championships and Jubilee Regatta.
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
Basil Carmody and Fredrich Dahlman are taking over to Classic Six-Metre Newsletter and would like to make a survey about
owners of classic Sixes
April 2006
Dear Six metre Friends,
You are all familiar with the annual Classic Six-Metre Newsletter which Tim Street has published for the last eleven years.
It, as a publication, and also Tim personally have played an essential role in the renaissance of classic Sixes worldwide. Tim
has wished to take a well deserved retirement as editor of the Newsletter. While we didn’t exactly volunteer to succeed him,
we are pleased to nd ourselves in the role of successor editors and we hope that our combined efforts will be suf cient to
replace him.
To begin our new job with enthusiasm and ambition, we are proposing a worldwide survey of classic Six owners. By knowing you better – your Six, your interests and your concerns – we hope to provide you with content of continuing interest.
Responses from owners of modern Sixes – to the extent possible – will be gladly accepted. The questionnaire can be lled out
and returned to us in four possible ways: you can ll it out by hand and …
fax it to Fredrich in Sweden at + 46 8 296 530
mail it to Basil at: 9, rue de Monceau, 75008 Paris, France
you can send an e-mail to Basil at <[email protected]> requesting a digital version
you can simply telephone Basil at + 33 870 467 110 (Skype-In) or on Skype.
The summary results will be published in the next issue of the Newsletter.
Thanks for your help, Fredrich Dahlman & Basil Carmody
You Your name:
Some way that we can contact you, if necessary:
Your boat
Name / Year / Architect:
Home port:
Inboard __
Cruising __
__Under restoration
Outboard __
Best sails:
Tape Drive
(parallel panels
Are you the sole owner of your boat?
___Other recent material
If no, total number of owners ____
€ __
$ __Other _________________
Plans & r ating cer ti cate
Do you have?
plans for your Six : original ___
a rating certi cate : year
reconstructed from measurements
Degree of restor ation (actual or planned) with respect to its or iginal constr uction
Ballast keel:
Stem,wooden keel, sternpost & counter
Frames / timbers:
Hull planking & transom
Deck beams:
Cabin roof:
Deck planking:
Deck hardware:
Mast, boom & spinnaker pole:
__Glued splines
__Other __________________
Exterior modi cations of the hull:
__Wood laminations
V. Aver age number of days r aced per year
Against at least one other Six:
Races organised by a national Six metre association:
VI. Subjects which might interest you in future issues of the Newsletter
Your estimate of its market value (the price at which it could be sold within a year)
Currency used for your estimate:
__Awaiting restoration
What is your opinion about how to nance ISMA and the national associations -
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Sondage des propri taires de 6mJI classiques
Avril 2006
Chers amis,
Vous connaissez tous la Classic Six-Metre Newsletter que Tim Street r dige depuis onze ans. La Newsletter et surtout Tim
Street lui-m me ont jou un r le cl pour la renaissance que les 6mJI classiques ont connus durant les deux derni res d cennies.
Tim a souhait passer la main d’autres. Nous nous ne sommes pas pr cipit s comme volontaires pour lui succ der, mais
– bon gr , mal gr – nous sommes heureux de notre nouveau r le de r dacteurs. Nous esp rons qu’ deux nous serons en
mesure d’assurer la t che.
Pour d buter, nous proposons un sondage mondial de tous les propri taires de 6mJI classiques. En vous connaissant mieux
– votre bateau et les sujets qui vous int ressent – nous t cherons de vous fournir un contenu int ressant.
Des r ponses de la part de propri taires de 6mJI modernes – aux questions bivalentes – seront les bienvenues
Vous disposez de quatre options pour remplir et nous renvoyer le questionnaire :
vous pouvez le remplir la main et …
le faxer Fredrich en Su de au + 46 8 296 530
le poster Basil au : 9, rue de Monceau, 75008, Paris, France
vous pouvez envoyer un e-mail Basil <[email protected]> lui demandant une version num rique,
vous pouvez t l phoner Basil au + 33 870 467 110 (Skype-In) ou par Skype.
Les r sultats du sondage appara tront dans le prochain num ro de la Newsletter.
Fredrich Dahlman & Basil Carmody
Vous Nom, pr nom :
Des coordonn es pour vous contacter :
Votre bateau
Nom / Ann e de mise l’eau / Architecte :
Port d’attache :
Etat :
R gatier __
Croisier __
Dayboat __
Restauration : en cours
en attente __
Moteur: Inboard __
Hors bord
N ant
M t:
N ant
Tape Drive
N ant
Sinon, combien de quirataires ____
Meilleures voiles: Kevlar
(panneaux horizontaux
Etes-vous le propri taire unique du bateau?
Votre estimation de son prix (le prix auquel il pourrait se vendre en un an)
Autre tissu moderne
______ €
Plans & cer ti cat de jauge
les plans :
originaux ___
certi cat de jauge : ann e
relev s de la coque ___
n ant
Niveau de renouvellement (actuel ou pr vu) par r appor t
n ant
la constr uction d’or igine
Charpente axiale - trave, quille, tambot, voute : ___
Varangues :
Membrures :
Bord s et tableau arri re :
Barrots :
Rouf :
Lest :
Pont :
Epars – m t, b me & tangon de spi :
Flipots coll s
Rev tement de la coque:
Fibre de verre
Lamelles de bois
Nombre de jour s de r gate par an (en moyenne)
Total :
Contre au moins un autre 6mJI :
R gates sanctionn s par l’ISMA ou une association nationale :
N ant
Quels sujets pour r aient vous int resser dans les futur s num ros de la Newsletter
A votre avis, quelle ser ait la meilleure for mule de tar i cation pour nancer l’ISMA et les associations nationales – et, si
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
6 m JI m od er n su b com m i t t ee
Notice by the ISMA news editor:
Please have a look at the moderns news letter and the which are on site,
see „news“.
Tim Street did also a great job doing this. With the time
the newsletters get too much to maintain and it could
make sense to nominate a modern subcommittee as
to follow up this base work. We think that this subject should be discussed at the coming Annual General
Meeting 2006 in Flensburg.
©Katrin Storsberg
Woodoo & Pyramid ©Katrin Storsberg
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Not i ces f r om t h e I SM A of ce
ISMA International Six Metre Association Actual Board 2005 - 2006
Bernard Haissly
Tel:+41 22 318 58 18
6 rue Eynard
Fax:+41 22 318 58 12
Vice Presidents:
Robert Leigh-Wood
Tel: 0044 20 7567 0287
Dacres, Bentworth
UK GU34 5RD Alton, Hampshire
Fax: 0044 20 7567 5656 e-mail: [email protected]
Henrik Andersin FIN
Tel: 0035 84 00400 391
Bredav gen 36
Fax: 0035 89 634 382
FIN – 02700 Grankulla
e-mail: [email protected]
Claes Ahlin
Tel: + 46 70 556 3200
Forsby s teri
Fax: + 46 151 30 416
S – 643 95 Ving ker
email: [email protected]
Hans J. Oen,
Tel: + 1 914 630 2020
622 Rushmore Ave US – 10543 NY Mamaroneck
Mobile: 001914 672 1303
e-mail: [email protected]
Peter M ller
Tel: + 41 52 2325242
Postfach 222
Fax: + 41 52 2325242
ISMA News:
Beat Furrer
Tel: + 41 31 357 61 11
Technical Commitee:
Chief Class Measurer:
Classics Committee:
Riedweg 21
Fax: + 41 31 357 61 00
Mobile: + 41 79 301 85 30 of cial ISMA news
Ian Howlett, UK
Tel: + 44 1865 724 958
CH - 8405 Winterthur, Switzerland
e-mail: [email protected]
CH - 3012 Bern
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
108 Botley Road UK – Oxford OX2 OHH
Mobile: + 44 7971 816 761
e-mail: [email protected]
Guy-Roland Perrin
1rte Du Lac
CH - 1299 Crans pr s C ligny
Tel home +41 22 364 68 89 Fax +41 22 364 68 89
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel work +41 79 634 49 69 Mobile +41 79 634 49 69 e-mail: [email protected]
Henrik Andersin
Tel: 0035 84 00400 391
Bredav gen 36
Fax 0035 89 634 382
FIN – 02700 Grankuli
e-mail: [email protected]
Matt Cockburn
Tel 001 206 328 1240
2812 Mt. Saint Helens Pl S
Fax 001 206 328 1983
USA - 98144 WA Seattle
email: [email protected]
Pasi Kaarto
Tel 0035 84 0533 2537
Liisankatu 17 C 21 FIN – 00170 Helsinki
email: pasi.kaarto@solmu.
Douglas Peterson
Tel 001619 222 1331
Mobile 001619 339 8389
555 San Gorgonio
USA – 92106 San Diego
Italy Tel 0039 335 813
email: [email protected]
Niklaus Waser
Tel 0049 171 375 53 19
Auf dem Stein 24
Fax 0049 171 13 375 5319
D – 88662 berlingen
Tim Street
Tel 0044 1548 857 812
Roke, West Alvington
UK - TQ7 3PT S.Devon
email: [email protected]
ISMA news editor / bfurrer / March 23rd, 2006
Tender to T3
CH – 1205 Gen ve
e-mail: [email protected]
email: nwaser@
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
I SM A I n t er n a t i on a l Ch i ef M ea su r er 2 0 0 5 – 2 0 0 9
We a r e h a p p y t o a n n ou n ce t h e r e-a p p oi n t m en t
of Gu y-Rol a n d Per r i n a s ou r Ch i ef M ea su r er b y I SAF:
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
6 m JI Ak t i vi t ä t en i n d er Sch wei z
“ New g en er a t i on 6 m JI d esi g n ”
We believe that the time has now come for a change in
the modern 6mJIs. That is why Juan Kouyoumdjian,
yacht designer, was commissioned to develop a modern
6mJI. This is not to be based in any way whatsoever on
previous developments but to truly be a totally new design and creation. Juan Kouyoumdjian is one of the top
yacht designers in the world and is completely free of
any “baggage” from the metre classes, increasing the
opportunity for the creation of something new.
Juan designed the two ABN AMRO boat competing in
the Volvo Race and is co-designing the BMW-ORACLE boats for the next America’s Cup. The visits to his
of ce in Valencia also gave us an idea of the state-ofthe-art computer aids he has at his disposal in his ofce. Incidentally, intensive discussions on the optimum
deck layout have taken place between our team and his
personnel. Guy-Roland Perrin, as Chief Measurer, is
also involved in the project. After all, the new yacht
will have to comply with the Measurement and Rating
The aim is to present this project to you in this edition
of the ISMA Bulletin. We have just started the detailed
project which should be available in Autumn this year.
The task in Winter 2006 will be to enquire about shipyard facilities. Our objective is to be sailing the new
6mJI by no later than 2008 and consequently to participate in the 2009 World Championships in Newport.
So why are we even reporting about the project? We
want to give potential owners the opportunity to get
enthusiastic about our project with the aim, nally,
perhaps being to build a small series of 3 or 4 boats.
For information on the project please contact
Juan Kouyoumdjian ([email protected];
0034 96 337 80 18)
Beat Furrer ([email protected], mobile 0041 31
79 301 85 30)
Ju a n Kou you m d j i a n wr i t es:
It was with great pleasure that I received this proposal
from Beat Furrer to participate in the development of
a new generation 6mJI boat. There are two important
facts regarding this new development. The rst one is
related to the very constraining characteristic of the 6metre class rule; in which the metric formula is limited
by additional rules. The second relates to the fact that
as a traditional rule, the designs have been re ned over
use of the newest technologies, especially to further develop the hydrodynamic characteristics. It is important
to note that any design optimisation needs to be made
considering the conditions (wind and wave) into which
the boat is going to sail.
The 6-metre rule forces a trade-off between different
parameters. Assuming that the freeboard and girth difference are kept constant the main trade-off is between
the length, and its consequent displacement, and the
measured sail area. This trade-off has a further complication in that two boats with identical measured sail
area might have different real sail areas. Taking into
consideration this complication the best way to compare the alternatives is using a velocity prediction program (VPP) to account for not only the hydrodynamic
differences of the hulls but also the aerodynamic characteristics in sailing conditions. The VPP shall reveal
whether the increased sail area of lower displacement
boats pays more than the wave drag penalty of shorter
waterline length and reduced stability, or vice versa.
And in this process nd the optimal.
The research areas in the programme included not only
the hydrodynamic part of hull and appendages but also
the rig, sailplan and the deck layout.
The analysis started with a reference boat that served
as a basis of comparison for all the different alternatives tested. For the hydrodynamic part we computed
the drag of the eight candidate hulls using our computational uid dynamics (CFD) panel code; these results cannot be compared with each other because the
righting moment needs to be accounted for. The nal
comparison between all the candidates was done using
our VPP. This required an accurate weight estimate for
each candidate. The hull analysis was targeted at optimising a combination of different parameters:
Volume distribution (for
and to minimize bow sinkage)
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
The image shows the wave height for
one of these runs; it can clearly be seen
the steep wave elevations and troughs
characteristic of all metric classes. This
pronounced wave pattern increases the
wave drag component caused by the canoe body shape forced by some of the
rule constraints. In terms of hull then the
objective is to minimize wave formation
in upright and heeled conditions.
A similar process was carried out to nd
the optimal appendage con guration for
the selected hull candidate. Three different con gurations were tested. For
the appendages the focus was aimed at
reducing induced drag due to the draft
limitations imposed by the rules while
achieving good manoeuvrability.
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
The sailplan has also an important effect on performance since it is the engine of the boat and was in consequence carefully analysed. As with the case of the
hulls, there are some trade-offs imposed by the rule
that were evaluated in order to get the optimal sailplan
for the selected hull. The parameters into play in this
case were the sail areas, mast position, mast rake, position of the sailset’s centre of effort, and sail trimming;
for the sails areas the scope was not only to maximize
sailset areas but also to improve the area distribution in
terms of aspect ratio and increasing roach area. The rig
was also optimised considering the rule limits; namely
the number of spreaders. An interesting development
would be the use of a mast made of composite materials in order to play with bre orientation to achieve the
desired twist; this could also reduce mast weight. The
isotropic characteristic of aluminium does not provide
this possibility.
Finally but very important is the deck layout. Normally
the layout is based on the skipper preferences; although
it is important that the helmsman and crew feel comfortable with the layout, it must respect certain guidelines
aimed at improving performance. These guidelines are
intended to achieve the optimal weight distribution.
Unfortunately the tight limit imposed by the rule for
the cockpit areas complicates any aims to move the
bution locates three crew members aft of the helmsman
as can be seen on the picture. The skippers might feel
uncomfortable with this layout so an intermediate approach with only the main trimmer aft of the helmsman
is also presented. This case represents the con guration
with the crew weight as aft as possible but keeping the
genoa trimmers forward of the skipper. It is important
to note that this last version has a worse weight distri-
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
the boat according to the mast and rudder locations.
Another feature presented is a closed cockpit in order
to avoid water entering into the hull and to have watertight compartments. This is combined with a cockpit-stepped mast for easy regulation of the mast base
position from the cockpit. In order to meet the cockpit
area limit imposed by the rule it is necessary to install
a removable deck cover. The space under the cover is
used to keep the spinnaker. This closed cockpit calls for
a hatch big enough to gain easy access to the interior
of the boat.
Finally two wings have been included to install genoa
rails on them and reach the optimum angle without having to reduce the genoa area or increasing the beam of
the hull which would worsen the performance.
In conclusion we can say that given the actual development of the class over its large history it is possible to
further optimise the hull shape. This optimisation shall
be accompanied with the corresponding optimisation
of the appendages, sailplan and deck layout. In this
process the conditions (wind and waves) under which
the boats are going to sail must be considered.
Juan Kouyoumdjian (April 2006)
„ Neu e Gen er a t i on 6 m JI d esi g n “
Wir nden, es sei an der Zeit, dass sich auch bei den
modernen 6mJI wieder mal etwas tut. Deshalb wurde
Juan Kouyoumdjian, Yachtkonstrukteur, mit der Entwicklung eines modernen 6mJI beauftragt. Dieser soll
sich in keiner Weise an bisherige Entwicklungen anlehnen, sondern wirklich von Grund auf neu durchdacht
und erarbeitet werden. Juan Kouyoumdjian geh rt
zur Weltspitze unter den Yachtkonstrukteuren und er
ist v llig unbelastet von den Meter-Klassen, was die
Chance nach Neuem erh ht.
Juan hat die beiden ABN AMRO Yachten gezeichnet
die zur Zeit erfolgreich das Volvo Ocean Race bestreiten. Er ist aber auch co-designer der BMW-Oracle AC
Cuppers, welche um den n chsten America’s Cup segeln.
Die Besuche in seinem B ro in Valencia liessen uns
auch erahnen, ber welche neuzeitlichen ComputerMittel sein Of ce verf gt. Im brigen haben zwischen
unserer Mannschaft und seinen Mitarbeitern intensive
Gespr che ber das optimale Deckslayout stattgefun-
das Projekt involviert. Schliesslich hat die neue Yacht
die Measurement und Rating Rules zu erf llen.
In dieser Ausgabe des ISMA Bulletins wollen wir das
Projekt vorstellen. Wir stehen am Beginn des Detailprojektes. Dieses soll im Herbst dieses Jahres stehen.
Im Winter 2006 geht es um die Anfrage bei Werften.
Sp testens 2008 wollen wir den neuen 6mJI segeln und
damit an der WM 2009 in Newport mitmachen.
Wieso berichten wir berhaupt ber das Projekt? Interessierten Eignern wollen wir die Chance geben, sich
von unserem Vorhaben begeistern zu lassen. Dies letztlich in der Absicht vielleicht eine kleine Serie von 3
oder 4 Schiffen bauen zu k nnen. F r Ausk nfte zum
Projekt wenden Sie sich bitte an
Juan Kouyoumdjian
([email protected]; 0034 96 337 80 18)
Beat Furrer
([email protected], mobile 0041 31 79 301 85 30)
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Fél i ci t a t i on s à Th i er r y Gr a f et son éq u i p a g e su r l e 6 m JI m od er n e Du cl op SUI 1 0 0
I l s on t r em p or t é l a p r em i èr e p l a ce d a n s l es 6 m JI l or s d es Rég a t es Roya l es en Sep t em b er
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
Tr a d i t i on a l Tem p t a t i on 3 Cr ew M eet i n g
The yearly meeting was held again early Decemeber
2005 in Bern. We enjoy to meet and speak about what
happend in the past season and look forward to the coming sailing season.
Sp ot s vom La c L m a n
Donnerstag, 16. M rz: Flottentreffen am Genfersee.
Etwa 30 Eigner und Mannschaftsmitglieder haben sich
zu einem Abendessen eingefunden und die kommende
Saison eingel utet. Zur Au ockerung wurde eine Photo
DVD gezeigt, welche Katrin Storsberg, Flensburg f r
die 6mJI Segler in Sandhamn bereitgestellt hat. F r den
Bezug der DVD mit weit ber 150 Photos -> Informationen von allgemeinem Interesse.
The QCNC Queen Christina Nations Cup 2007 will be
held at the Lake of Geneva, at the Soci t Nautique de
Gen ve, the winner club of Alinghi’s America’s Cup.
rer les membrures et bord s !. M. Ypma est venu voir
le bateau et nous le mettons l‘eau pour la derni re
fois dans le lac l man ce printemps pour une semaine
de navigation ensemble n Mai 2006. Puis Fiona partira en Hollande joindre la otte Hollandaise des 6mJI.
(Camion suspension hydraulique par air !!!) Je tenais
juste ce que vous le sachiez pour le registre Suisse des
6mJI, et esp re vous voir cette ann e sur l‘eau encore.
L‘ann e pass e tant vou la restoration compl te de
Fiona, je n‘ai quasiment pas navigu .
Guy-Daniel BAILLIE, Avenue du Mont d‘Or 83, CH1007 Lausanne, Natel: +41 21 (0)78 713 93 98
E-mail: [email protected]
Fi on a SUI 4 6 ven d u a u x Pa ys-Ba s
Je tenais juste te dire que Fiona SUI 46 Plan Fife de
1935, plaques VS1320 qui tait stationn au Bouveret
et appartenait mon p re puis moi depuis quelques
ann es t vendu. Le nouveau propri taire est M. Jan
Willem YPMA en Hollande. Je joins quelques photos
de Fiona alors qu‘elle sortait d‘une restoration compl te au chantier Amiguet hiver 2004/2005. On y vois
notemment la nouvelle b me d faut de pouvoir admi-
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
Sp ot s vom Bod en see
Tr a i n i n g a m Bod en see i n Rom a n sh or n zu m Sa i son -An f a n g
Liebe 6er Freunde
Am 27. / 28. Mai 2006 wird im Yacht Club Romanshorn der Silbercup der 6er ausgetragen. Als Vorbereitung auf
diesen Anlass und die Saison 2006 organisieren wir zwei Trainingstage in Romanshorn.
Die Trainings nden am 25. / 26. Mai 2006 in Romanshorn statt.
Donnerstag 25. Mai 2006:
Begr ssung der Teilnehmer
Informationen ber den Tagesablauf
Entgegennahme von W nschen der Teilnehmer
Je nach Witterung:
Training auf dem Wasser:
Bojenman ver
Kurze Trainingsl ufe
Theorie an Land:
ev. Besichtigung und Vergleich von versch. Booten
Besprechen von allg. Trimm- oder Taktikfragen
Gemeinsames Nachtessen
Bekanntgabe Trainingsbeginn Freitag
Diskussion mit den Teilnehmern
Anregungen der Teilnehmer
Freitag 26. Mai 2006
Treffpunkt beim YCRo Clubhaus (genaue Zeit wird am
Donnerstagabend 25. Mai 2006 festgelegt
Stunde nach
Training gem ss Bekanntgabe vom Donnerstagabend
individuelle Verp egung
Fortsetzung Training auf dem Wasser
Ende der Veranstaltung
27. / 28. Mai 2006:
Si l b er cu p g em ä ss Au ssch r ei b u n g d er i n t er n a t i on a l en Bod en seem ei st er sch a f t 2 0 0 6 u n t er :
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Wi n t er t r ef f en 6 m R Bod en see
Felix Backmeister berraschte mit einem DVD vom
World Cup 2005 in Sandham. Inspiriert von diesen
Bildern wurden erste Pl ne f r die Saison 2006 geschmiedet.
Am 17. Februar traf sich die „6er Szene“ vom Bodensee bereits zum dritten mal im Segelclub Rietli zu
einem gem tlichen Abend.
Nach einem ausgiebigen Ap ro genossen wir den
Abend mit einem feinen Fondue welches von den besten K chen an jedem Tisch selber zubereitet wurde.
Nach dem Essen liessen wir die vergangene Saison mit
zwei DVD - Filmen noch einmal au eben. J rg Bollier
brachte uns seinen selbst gemachten Bodensee – DVD
Trotz eisiger K lte vor den Fenstern, und so wenig
Wasser im See wie nie zuvor, kamen wir einwenig ins
tr umen und schw rmen von den ersten Regattastarts
in der Saison 2006.
Wir freuen uns auf eine weitere sch ne Segel- und Regattasaison mit unseren 6ern am Bodensee und allen
anderen Gew ssern dieser Welt.
6mR SUI-73 Ralph und Sandra M ntener
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
Sp ot s vom Th u n er see
Wir vernehmen mit Freude, dass Hans Baumann plant
mit Bonite Z 23 an der Klassenmeisterschaft am Genfersee teilzunehmen.
Sp ot s vom Vi er wa l d st ä t t er see
SUI 113 Temptation II verbringt diese Saison am Vierwaldst ttersee und wird an einigen Regatten teilnehmen. Sie wird betreut und gesegelt von Adi B rgler,
dem Co-Skipper der Temptation3 SUI 104.
Biwi Magic
6 m JI a ct i vt i ées i n An t i g u a
Biwi Magic lost it’s mast. Geoffrey contacted Ian Howlett and we hope that Biwi Magic is getting a new mast
soon. Read this fabolous report:
Dear Ian:
I am most interested in acquiring your spare spar for
my modi ed six meter. I take it that it is fully rigged
and ready to go.
Since you have been instrumental in assisting Andrew
Robinson with his rig for Nada, being “restored” at
Woodstock Boat Builders in Antigua, I am sure that
you and Tom already know the best and fastest way to
ship the mast to Antigua.
Biwi Magic / Pride Of Pendenis has been campaigned
actively and successfully in open Racing and Racing
Class events around the Caribbean. Tony Maidment,
acquired her from The Blue Arrow Challenge, modied her and sailed her single handed to the Caribbean.
Since acquiring her, we have won the Antigua Sailing
Week, Rolex St. Thomas Regatta, BVI Spring Series
and St. Maarten Heineken. Under previous ownership
she has also won most of the regattas around the Caribbean. She is a real treat to sail.
knot winds. I am quite prepared to put the runners back
on so that we would be more evenly rated and matched
with Nada.
I am interested in building a class in Antigua. With Nada
and ourselves and Philip Walwyn just a few miles away
in St. Kitts we stand a chance and who knows may yet
with perseverance and sponsorship host the worlds in
Antigua. Janie Easton, my wife and I attended the six
meter world’s when Phillip Walwyn hosted the event
in St. Kitts.
I do hope you can assist since I do not wish to miss too
many of the regattas that are coming up. Put it on the
rst boat for me.
Geoffrey D. Pidduck
Tradewind Realty Limited
Biwi Magic02
The attached photo shows her in her racing con guration with the original Proctor Spar. Note that she has
been modi ed to eliminate backstays for simplicity of
sailing in the constant trades. We use only the fully battened headsail shown. The mast came down because
1-268-460-1082(Of ce)
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
6 m JI a ct i vt i ées en Fr a n ce
La lettre de liaison Num ro 12, Mars 2006
Message du Pr sident
Chers amis,
Notre pr c dente lettre voquait la publication r guli re de Tim Street consacr e aux classiques. Plusieurs
nouveaut s sont intervenues depuis lors. La r daction de cette lettre est maintenant assur e par Basil Carmody,
votre tr sorier, et Fredrich Dahlman de Su de.
Parall lement, Basil a entrepris de constituer le premier registre int gral des classiques en reprenant et croisant
les archives de Tim Street, G rald B chard, Pekka Barck et Philippe Burban. Au prix d‘un travail de fourmi, de
multiples dif cult s d‘identi cation de nombreux bateaux en raison de changements r p tition de noms, de
propri taires et de num ro de voiles, la classe devrait disposer d‘un registre faisant resurgir du pass quelques
1400, ou plus, 6 M classiques.
Un joli patrimoine avec des surprises comme celle de FISSA et de son d part d‘Alg rie en 1962, dont le r cit
est en page.
La France avec 250 ou 300 bateaux construits ou import s fait partie des pays ayant largement particip l‘essor
de la classe. Ne manquez pas de r pondre au questionnaire que tous les propri taires de classiques fran ais et
trangers recevront de Basil. Il permettra de mieux conna tre l‘histoire de nos bateaux. J‘ajouterais que celui-ci
pourrait tre l‘occasion de constituer une phototh que enrichir avec le temps.
Cela tait sans doute aussi dans l‘air du temps, puisque Tim Street r cidive cette fois avec une premi re lettre
d di e aux modernes, r pertoriant les 100 unit s qu‘ils repr sentent.
Tout ceci nous fait d river jusqu‘aux „Voiles Classiques“ de La Trinit o nous courrons notre championnat du
13 au 16 juillet et accueillerons une nouvelle fois une partie de la otte britannique, tandis que les 8 et les 5,50
feront de m me. L’avis de course est disponible sur <>. Promesse d‘un
joli rassemblement de m triques et de bonnes empoignades, un avant-go t aussi de Cowes 2007 et du centenaire
de la jauge m trique, auquel 6 ou 7 bateaux fran ais ont d j d cid de se rendre.
Il y aura trois courses Cowes pour notre classe:
14 &15 juillet Une nouvelle coupe pour les 6mJI
18 au 23 juillet: Coupe du Monde des 6mJI
24 au 27 juillet :
R gate du Centenaire de la Jauge Internationale,
Nous travaillons sur les fa ons de permettre au plus grand nombre d‘ tre pr sents
doute historique, ne pas manquer. Vos id es sont les bienvenues.
ce rassemblement, sans
Derniers points, pour ceux qui ne l’auraient pas d j r gl e, n’oubliez pas votre cotisation 2006.
D‘ici l , tous, bonne brise,
Stefan O‘Reilly-Hyland
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
FI SSA : l ’éch a p p ée b el l e
Tout commence avec quelques maigres indices :
Une grand-voile marqu e 6 et I 42
Un acte de francisation mis Oran en 1959 qui porte
laconiquement : Yacht FISSA*…construit Varazze
(Italie)… jauge brute 3,90 tx …Propri taire de l’ poque
M. Cassanas.
Pas de date de construction : on me dit 1938, mais sous
toutes r serves.
Bien des ann es apr s son acquisition, je nis par retrouver l’avant dernier propri taire M. Arrighi de S te
qui, enchant , m’en raconte un bon morceau :
M. Cassanas est un pied-noir qui a quitt l’Alg rie
comme beaucoup en 1962, mais sur son Fissa et dans
des conditions assez rocambolesques. En effet, peu de
temps apr s l’ind pendance du pays, au moment o les
Fran ais partaient massivement, il se voit noti er purement et simplement la con scation de son bateau au
pro t d’une pr tendue organisation des Scouts-Marins Musulmans ( ! ! !). Il se garde bien de protester,
avec une petite id e derri re la t te. Peu de temps
apr s, il embarque nuitamment avec armes et bagages
et surtout un bidon d’huile de vidange pour noircir la
coque et ler l’anglaise sans se faire rep rer. De l ,
cap sur l’Espagne, puis en quelques escales la France et
S te qui devient son port d’attache.
M. Arrighi et son fr re font l’acquisition de Fissa quelque temps apr s et entreprennent des travaux cons quents car le pauvre est en piteux tat. En particulier ils
ont pos une s rie de varangues en acier inox reprises
sur les boulons de quille qui ont probablement sauv
le bateau.
En 1975, je rach te Fissa et l’amarre au Club Nautique
de Port-Miou. Fran ois, mon fr re, devient vite copropri taire. Bien des ann es et quelques m ts ont pass .
Vous connaissez la suite…
Entre-temps, j’ai eu l’occasion de m’arr ter Varazze
(environ 20 km avant G nes en venant de Marseille). Il
n’y a qu’un seul chantier naval, et de taille, les Cantieri
Navali Baglietto qui occupent la moiti du front de mer
: Quelques jolis 5,50 m sont en r paration et d’ normes
et horribles cabin-cruisers en plastique sur la cale de
lancement. Le chantier ne peut rien me dire.
Utilisant Internet depuis quelques ann es, je visite les
quelques sites consacr s aux 6 m tres : les am ricains,
les su dois, les nlandais, les fran ais (avec la liste int grale des 6 m fran ais depuis 1907, environ 300 bateaux…) ont un site. Tous des mordus du 6 m tre qui
restaurent des paves et les transforment en bijoux vernis comme des pianos de concert. Malheureusement,
pas de site italien…
Je contacte un jour M. Matt Cockburn, secr taire de la
6mr North American Association. A mon grand tonnement (j’ai compris plus tard pourquoi), il me r pond
qu’effectivement ils ont mention dans leur records
d’un 6 m JI immatricul I 42 et il me con rme sa
construction en Italie chez Baglietto, sans pouvoir donner plus de d tails.
Peu apr s je contacte en Italie le secr taire de l’AIVE
Associazione Italiana Vele d’Epoca , Mr Luigi Lang
qui me con rme tout a en me donnant la date de
construction (1927), le nom de bapt me, MATI , et
le nom du 1er propri taire, Mr Gin Rolla-Rossazza. a
devient bien int ressant….
m’apprend que Luigi Lang est une sommit en mati re
de 12 m JI et qu’il a crit plusieurs bouquins sur le sujet. Echange de civilit s Franco-Italo-Am ricaines via
mon e-mail...
Luigi Lang pense pouvoir retrouver les plans d’origine
et m’en envoyer copie, ce qu’il fait effectivement peu
apr s. Il y a, entre autres, deux plans longitudinaux
de la structure qui diff rent assez sensiblement. L’un
est approuv du Bureau V ritas ; l’autre est plein
d’annotations et de d chirures recoll es : c’est visiblement celui qui a servi la construction. Fran ois et moi
prenons quelques mesures sur le bateau et con rmons
sans h sitation l’identit MATI=FISSA. J’en informe
L. Lang .
Quelques mois passent et, d but Avril 2003, j’ai la surprise de recevoir par la poste un exemplaire d’un livre
dit par l’AIVE consacr l’histoire des chantiers Baglietto, accompagn d’un aimable courrier de L. Lang.
Effectivement Baglietto a d construire les trois quarts
des voiliers Italiens de jauge internationale. En bonne
place p. 48 et 49 MATI af che son plan de voilure et
d’autres informations techniques et historiques, dont
une incroyable : c’est le premier bateau Italien a avoir
la Scandinavian Gold Cup disput e
depuis 1922* et organis e cette ann e-l (Septembre
1927) par le Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club
Oyster Bay (sur l’ le de Long Island quelques encablures de New York).
Je trouve presque aussit t des sites Internet tr s document s sur le Seawanhaka.
On y apprend que c’ tait avant guerre la Mecque des
6 m tre aux USA. (Les 12 m JI naviguent presque en
face, Newport. C’est plus chic).
Je tombe en arr t sur l’extrait suivant qui parle de cette poque: … Il y avait de plus en plus de r gates,
comp titions toutes de haut niveau, de calibre international. Le parachute spinnaker fut perfectionn par des
membres du Seawanhaka durant ces courses ; le foc
g nois fut introduit pour la premi re fois en Am rique
(tenez-vous bien…) par un challenger Italien lors de la
Scandinavian Gold Cup, embl matique de la supr matie de cette classe …
Etant donn qu’avant guerre cette coupe n’a t courue
qu’une seule fois aux USA pour retourner aussit t en
Europe, force est d’en d duire que le challenger Italien
dont il est question n’est autre que MATI, alias FISSA. Pauvres Am ricains qui auraient pu rester dans
l’obscurantisme du foc sans recouvrement pendant encore de nombreuses ann es sans l’illumination providentielle d’un bateau de la vieille Europe…
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Ce fut cependant le seul titre de gloire de MATI en Am rique. Bien que barr par le marquis Giovanni Leone
Reggio, un n r gatier qui devait se rendre c l bre aux
J.O. de Kiel en 1936 en remportant le titre olympique
sur 8m JI, MATI nira dans les profondeurs du classement (il n’y avait que 8 concurrents), mais pas dernier.
L’honneur tait sauf. Le vainqueur est le Su dois
May Be premier du nom d’une impressionnante s rie
de 6 m (quatorze en tout !), dont beaucoup naviguent
Muni de toutes ces pr cieuses informations, j’ai alors
contacter la famille Rolla-Rossazza pour
t cher d’en savoir plus. Un ch teau et une exploitation
de riz dans le Pi mont portent leur nom. J’envoie un
e-mail comme une bouteille la mer. Une charmante
vieille dame, cousine de Gin Rolla-Rossazza (d c d
en 1929) me met en rapport avec son petit- ls Mr Giorgio Pellerano.
Celui-ci, dithyrambique, me renvoie un long message
avec photos et articles de journaux d’ poque et encore
plus de d tails sur les motivations de son grand-p re
qui avait t pressenti par le Regio Yacht-Club Italiano
(RYCI) pour repr senter l’Italie dans cette coupe. Il en
avait fait un point d’honneur patriotique et a d engloutir une petite fortune dans l’aventure. Construction,
mise au point, acheminement aller-retour de l’ quipage
et du bateau sur le paquebot ROMA , entretien de
l’ quipage pendant plus d’1 mois, etc. … Sa famille
avait d vendre le MATI en 1930, la mort de son propri taire et en avait perdu la trace. On le disait sur le
lac L man ou dans la r gion de Bari. Les archives de
Baglietto indiquent que les nouveaux propri taires ont
fait poser un roof pour la croisi re.
Qu’est-il devenu jusqu’ la n des ann es 50 ? Dif cile dire. Je pense qu’il a d rester en Italie jusqu’
cette poque puisque la grand-voile a gard son immatriculation d’origine et, pr cieux indice, cette voile tait
en Dacron comme je l’ai constat quand je l’ai achet .
Or la disparition du coton au pro t du Dacron s’est faite dans les ann es 55-60.
Sauf hasard improbable, il sera dif cile de reconstituer cette parenth se de presque 30 ans pass s dans
l’anonymat. Mais le peu que je vous ai cont vaut bien
le reste, n’est-ce pas ?
*Pour ceux qui l’ignorent, FISSA est un mot Arabe
qui signi e vite .
*Epreuve r serv e aux 6mJI mise en jeu pour la 1 re
fois cette ann e par le Nylandska Jaktklubben de
Helsinki (Finlande)
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
El f e : m on u m en t h i st or i q u e
A ce jour, Elfe, notre 6mJI est en restauration au chantier de L‘Otarie Arzal en Bretagne. Les bord es, les
membrures et les fonds ont subis une importante restauration. Nous avons tenu conserver le maximum
du bateau original.
Ce 6mJI de 1931 dessin par l‘architecte fran ais Franois Camatte est un voilier typ pour le petit temps,
tr s court et l ger. Il fut class l‘inventaire des monuments historiques en 1992.
Nous allons proc der au d but du mois d‘avril un test
de matage. La coque est pr te, le pont et son barrotage
le seront bient t. Nous esp rons pouvoir tirer nos premiers bords vers la mi-mai de cette ann e.
Le bateau sera alors peint en blanc avec un accastillage
discret et fonctionnel en bronze et des voiles blanches
de chez North. Nous voulons garder l‘esprit d‘Elfe qui
est pour nous de naviguer proprement avec un voilier
classique dans le respect de son esprit d‘origine. Nous
n‘avons donc pas cherch en faire un voilier destin
gagner gr ce l‘adoption de techniques modernes,
mais plut t trouver le meilleur compromis entre les
charpentiers de 1930 et aujourd‘hui. N anmoins, nous
avons conserv des cadres en bois coll s, post rieur
la construction, destin s renforcer la structure.
Gr ce aux charpentiers du chantier L‘Otarie, v ritables
orf vres en restauration de bateau de jauge, Elfe est
sauv . Le revoyant 2 ans en arri re, nous avons peine
croire qu‘il s‘agisse du m me bateau. Notre investissement est d s aujourd‘hui r compens . Elfe sera
donc pr sent sur les plans d‘eau cet t , comme dans
les ann es 30, et nous allons participer aux diff rentes
r gates de Bretagne sud.
Gautier Brunet-Moret, Noirmoutier
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Cen t en a i r e d es cl a sses m ét r i q u es : Cowes j u i l l et 2 0 0 7
Le Royal Yacht Squadron, en association avec
l’International Metre Association <>,
invite tous les voiliers de Jauge Internationale, y compris les 2.4, 5.5, 6, 8, et 12mJI, f ter cette anniversaire
historique lors d’une grande r gate internationale dans
le Solent au large de l’ le de Cowes du dimanche 22 au
vendredi 27 juillet 2007.
Pendant la semaine pr c dente, se tiendra une r gate de
6mJI organis e par le Royal Corinthian Yacht Club (sa
14 & di 15), suivie de la Coupe du Monde des 6mJI du
mercredi 18 au lundi 23.
Durant les trois journ es de r gate du centenaire (ma
24, me 25 et ve 27), toutes les classes m triques courront ensemble, cr ant ainsi un spectacle magni que
tant pour les quipages que pour les spectateurs. Un
programme d’activit s terre permettra aux quipages,
aux propri taires et aux spectateurs de se rencontrer
pour savourer et admirer ces voiliers splendides r unis
Cowes pour cet anniversaire unique.
Des navigateurs l gendaires des classes m triques et de
la Coupe d’Am rica seront les invit s, ainsi que les majestueux voiliers de la classe J (120 pieds l.h.t.).
Les r gates de 6mJI seront organis s sur des parcours
adapt s de type “banane”, mais il y aura aussi une r gate qui fera le tour de l’ le de Wight.
Le nombre de participants sera limit selon la capacit
des installations portuaires.
Les propri taires de 6mJI sont invit s contacter Rees
Martin, <[email protected]>, pour recevoir les avis de
course lorsqu’ils seront disponibles.
L’UF6mJI est en cours d’organiser un transport group
en navire de type cale s che de tous les bateaux
m triques de la M diterran e pour un AR Cowes.
Si vous souhaitez r server une place, contactez nous.
Pareillement, nous prendrons contact avec Brittany
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
A l a r ech er ch e d e 6 m JI p er d u s d e vu e en
Fr a n ce
Parmi les quarante-quatre bateaux qui gurent dans notre recensement de 6mJI en France, il y’en a cinq dont
nous avons perdu toute trace :
• F 65 Cerf Volant (ex-Dinorah II, Sil ne IV, Gilliatt
& Espadon), un plan de Fran ois Camatte, construit
par Bonnin Arcachon en 1931. Son dernier propri taire tait Monsieur Jacques F at de Sanary-surMer.
• F 10 Eole II, un plan de Pierre Arbaut, construit par
G. Conti Nice en 1936. Son dernier propri taire
tait Monsieur Jean-Paul Vernet de Marseilles, anciennement connu comme organisateur d’une r gate d’une certaine renomm e Marseilles. Nous
sommes en contact avec un propri taire pr c dent
qui est en mesure d’identi er ce bateau partir de
• F 59 Namoussa, un plan conjoint de Louis Br guet
et Bj rne Aas, construit par ce dernier en 1937. Il
y a deux ans, il appartenait Monsieur Jean-Pierre
Guillemot, qui le restaurait Auray.
• Nira qui appartenait Monsieur Michel Steiner de
Fosse. Il n’y aucune trace d’un Nira dans les principaux registres de 6mJI. Par contre, il y a des traces
jusqu’en 1949 d’un F 72 Nitra (ex - Im on II, Polly,
Alarc‘h, Sea Witch) Vannes, un plan de J. Gu don
ou de Burgess & Paine de 1928, construit par La
H ve ou Bonnin.
• K 9 Noresca, con u et construit par Bj rne Aas en
1955. Il para t dans une photo d’une brochure de la
r gate de la Belle Plaisance du Yacht Club de l’Odet
de 1962.
Si vous avez la moindre information concernant ces bateaux, merci de bien vouloir nous la communiquer.
• Musette, un plan de Linton Hope, construit par Hart,
Harden & Co en 1909 Hampton en Grande Bretagne. Il appartient Monsieur St phane Monnier.
Nous avons une photo du bateau en cours de restauration.
R ven , l e b en j a m i n d e l a
ot t e
Arriv en France en 2005. Un plan de Gustaf Estlander, construit en 1926 par Abrahamsson & Moberg de F rjen s ( pr s de Gothenburg en Su de). Ex- Lucky Chance, Fatima, et Salome ; S 25, S 37 et D 31. Port d’attache :
Arradon (Bretagne Sud)
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Some pictures from the R gates Royales
des Voiles de Saint-Tropez
6mJI Alexandra from Belgium.jpg
6mJI Saskia III of Rhu.jpg
6mJI Saskia.jpg
Cannes et
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
All informations for the R gates
Royales 2006 are presented in the
ISMA site Regatta; special events
Ar t i st i c h om m a g e t o t h e 6 m JI ya ch t s p a i n t ed a n d com m en t ed b y
M a r c Ber t h i er , m a r i n e p a i n t er f r om Fr a n ce
In spring 1985, during the 6mJI World Cup in Cannes,
the french sailing magazine „Voiles et Voiliers“ published a very nice hommage to the 6mJI yachts which was
written and designed by Marc Berthier, of cial painter
of the French Navy. I got these pages from the archives
of Gilles Favez and found, that they sould be published once more, as they are so nice and could give rst
Berthier very much that he gave us another . Last
time some of us saw sailing Marc Berthier 6mJI when
he participated at the Europeans in Porto Rotondo 2004
with Pierre Paul Haeckly.
Unfortunately the magazine-pages were cut. We got
some problems to put them together.
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
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I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
6 m JI a ct i vi t es i n Gr ea t Br i t a i n
Provisional Race Schedule for the 2007 World Cup in Cowes
Good news from Andy Ash-Vie, Managing Director of Harken UK Ltd.
He bought St. Kitts II, FIN 62, a 1987 Ian Howlett Design. He says:
„I hope to have her back in the UK in a couple of
weeks. I want to do the British nationals in May. She
won’t be competitive until we get a new suit of sails.
My wife, Cathy, who will be very active in sailing her,
has renamed her “Wildcat II” and her sail number is
St. Kitts II
We wish Andy an Cathy all the best with
Wildcat II and we hope to see them often on
the race courses.
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
6 m JI a ct i vi t es i n USA
Over the weekend of January 27th and 28th more than
65 owners and friends of the 6mR eet in the USA
gathered to celebrate skipper Hans Oen’s World Cup
victory in Sandham, Sweden. After a champagne toast
and hearty round of applause, Hans gave the keynote
speech which touched upon everything from falling in
love with the 6mR class while a young man sailing out
of the Royal Norwegian Yacht club to the present state
of competition in the Classic division in Europe and at
home in the US. Hans was followed by Jorgen Jensen,
the lead builder of World Champion vessel, DEN 64
SunRay. Jensen provided a memorable slide show of
the build process as well as answered technical questions about his design and build practices. The owner
of DEN 64, Eric Larsen, was also given a warm welcome – in part for his heroic effort to make it to the
NYYC from Denmark on short notice, as well as for
giving life to such a beautiful and worthwhile project.
Matt Cockburn, President of NASMA, presented Hans
and Jorgen with a commemorative copy of the Djinn
trophy in recognition of their success in Sandham.
These young Americans gave nothing away by their
expert seamanship in the three races. We are likely to
hear a good deal more of Mr. Olin J. Stephens, Jill’s
designer, who was a member of the crew. His 52ft Bermudian yawl Dorade, won the Atlantic and Fastnet Cup
races last year, and this year three of his “sixes,” Bob
Kat II, Jill and Nancy, lled the leading places in the
recent British-American Cup races. Now Jill has added
to his fame by winning the Seawanhaka Cup.
A picture of Jill’s winning crew included Skipper J. Seward Johnson, Briggs Cunningham. Olin J. Stephens,
Bayard Dill and P. Le Boutellier
Pedrick further reminded us that in the 10 years from
1929-39, nearly 50 new 6mRs were registered in the
US, and more than a third of them were to Olin’s designs. Of the remainder, it would take the total of the
next three designers to match Olin’s share of the eet.
Making this even more amazing, Olin accomplished all
of this while the US and the rest of the world was in the
midst of an economic depression.
The evening continued with journalist Peter Schroeder
providing a photographic essay of the 2005 World Cup
– showcasing the 29 Classics that competed in dramatic
wind and waves. Importantly, Peter’s photos captured
more than the racing but also the atmosphere of the
“Sandham 6mR village” – seeing over 50 sixes lined
up at a dock is a thrilling sight for any 6 metre owner.
Master of Ceremonies David Pedrick, of Pedrick Yacht
Designs, then introduced Olin J. Stephens II by weaving together both his personal experiences of working
with Olin in the 1970’s in various America’s Cup 12mR
campaigns but also with early press clips when Olin
was just beginning to make his mark upon sailing in the
early 1930’s. In particular, Pedrick found this prophetic gem in the August 20th 1932 Scotsman describing
the Seawanhaka Cup victory won by Jill US-56,
Olin took the podium after David Pedrick’s introduction with an open mandate to re ect upon the early
days of the 6mR eet. He did so by providing a very
poignant personal story – which started with a boat he
and his brother, Rod, had persuaded their father to buy
for them. It was a tired boat, which leaked – but these de ciencies were both ignored. After a weekend of
sailing in rough weather and a poor night of sleep, the
two returned tired and wet and were in the process of
peeling off their clothes when approached by Sherman
Hoyt and Clinton Crane to see if they would help crew
two new 6mRs that were undergoing trials. Immediately energized, both boys put on their wet clothes
and spent the day sailing Natka US-27 and Lanai US29.(con rm it was those two boats) In Olin’s words, it
was “Mr. Crane who was most supportive of the 6mR
class and the leading designer.”
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
The following morning, more than 40 people gathered
for a tour of the NYYC model room kindly guided by
Mitch Neff. A small treat was locating four 6mR half
hulls: Capriccio US-122, Syce US-14, Totem US-51,
and Goose US-81. The morning concluded with the
unanimous support for the NASMA by-laws, thereby
creating a national organizing body to translate the recent resurgence in 6mR interest into more regional races and boats on the starting lines, national continuity,
as well as provide a single communication resource for
hosting the 6mR World Cup in Newport in 2009.
2 0 0 6 Pu g et
Ca l en d a r
Sou n d
Si x M et r e Associ a t i on
May 13 - 14 - Season Opener at SOCKS - Seattle Yacht
Club, Shilshole Bay
May 18 - August 31 - Port Madison Thursday Night
Races (Cambozola Cup)
June 24 - 25 - Sir Thomas Lipton Cup - Port Madison
The photo shows Olin Stephens and Dr Greg Carroll
at the event.
The thrill of sailing a 6mR inspired Olin to design his
own, Thalia US-42, now Black Rose. Olin’s modesty was evident in the next part of his story where he
described launching Thalia late in the season and immediately tested her againstseveral other boats. Thalia
showed greater speed on all points of sail and impressed
everyone in the racing community and inquiries for designs quickly allowed him to go into business with his
brother designing yachts. However, he said chuckling,
that it was the foul bottoms and water-laden condition
of the opposing yachts that explained the speed differential – and certainly not genius on his part. Despite
his modesty, Olin’s genius is undeniable in the commissions that followed: Mist, Meteor, Silroc, Cherokee, BobKat II, Jill, Nancy, Lulu, Fun, Djinn, Goose,
Llanoria, etc... Olin nished his speech with a heartfelt
appeal to have Jill restored to the level of many of the
other boats of this vintage, providing the perfect segue
for the inaugural presentation of the Olin J. Stephens
Classic North American Cup.
The OJS Cup was presented by Olin to Dr. Greg Carroll of the New England Fleet, owner of Lucie US-55.
This year, the OJS cup will be competed for at Port
July 14 - 16 - North American Championships & Olin J
Stephens II Classic 6mR Cup - Port Townsend
August 18 - 20 - Queen Christina Nations Cup - Kitsilano Yacht Club - Vancouver, B.C.
September 9 - 10 - King Olav V Cup - Orcas Island
September 17 - 18 - Star & Bar - Seattle Yacht Club,
Shilshole Bay
2 0 0 6 New En g l a n d Si x M et r e Associ a t i on
Ca l en d a r (p r ovi si on a l )
July 22 – Danforth Cup – Brooklin, Maine
July 29 – August 4 – NESMA Race Week - Brooklin,
Blue Hill
August 5 – Eggemoggin Reach Regatta
August 6 – 7 – Nevin Cup – Blue Hill.
August 25 – Herreshoff 12.5 Regatta
Best Regards,
Matt Cockburn
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
K 12
K 12 Nada (ex D 39 Dana II) is a 1930 W. Fife & Son
boat, probably designed by William Fife III nephew,
R. Balderston Fife, which Andrew Robinson found early last year in the jungle in Antigua. She represented
England in the British-American Trophy in 1932 and
was re-rigged by Uffa Fox with perhaps the rst modern Six-Metre rig. In the 1970s she was sailed from
England to Norway, subsequently returning accross the
North Sea. After restoration work early in the 1980s
she crossed the Atlantic to Antigua. There is a note on
her in Classic Newsletter no 11.K12 has been completely reitted in 2005. See also K12 in the market place
The owner want to sell Nada K12,
please contact him
Andrew Robinson, Woodstock Boatbuilders Ltd
Dockyard Drive, English Harbour,
Antigua, West Indies.
Tel: +1 268 463 6359 Fax: +1 268 562 6359
Tel: +1 954 333 8604 Fax: +1 954 333 8687
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
6 m JI a ct i vi t es i n Ca n a d a
Kanada wird den QCNC Queen Christina Nations Cup
2006 in Vancouver organisieren. Thedy Schmid, Eigner der La Diff rence SUI 60, wird eine Schweizermannschaft zusammenstellen und die Schweiz in Ka-
nada vertreten. Wir w nschen dem Team bereits heute
viel Erfolg. Der Kontakt in Kanada ist Randy <mailto:
[email protected]>.
6 m JI Ak t i vi t ä t en i n Deu t sch l a n d
©Katrin Storsberg
Katrin Storsberg, the photographer, was in Sandhamn
at the World Cup 2005. She collected well over 150
excellent photos in a DVD which looks like a lm and
let feel the wind, the sea, the atmosphere which reigned
over Sandhamn. Katrin is ready to send you the DVD
Copy for € 30.-.
Please contact her at [email protected].
SCHIFFSHANDEL BAUM & K NIG GMBH Bremer Reihe 24 - D-20099 Hamburg
Tel.: 49-40-366702 Fax 49-40-366703
‚The Classic-Yacht Broker‘
ISMA Members, Board
and President
Hamburg, 23rd March 2006
Don a t i on of Tr op h y t o I SM A
Dear Members and Friends of the International Six Metre Association,
Dear Board Members,
Dear Mr. President,
at the AGM 2005 in Sandhamn it was agreed to be a favourable development to see more wooden masts racing in
the Classic eet.
To promote this development, we have decided to donate a perpetual Trophy to the Class as per the attached Deed
of Gift to be given at European and World Championships of the Class.
We thank all owners competing in Corinthian spirit under this new Trophy as a „competion within a competition“
and look forward to seeing the wooden-mast eet grow and dominate the Classic 6metre class .
Yours Sincerely
KD (Peter) K nig
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
The “Baum & K nig Vintage Trophy”
I n t r od u ct i on
The Baum & K nig Vintage Trophy will be introduced and rst offered for competition at the International Six
Metre European Championships in Flensburg, Germany in June 2006. The Trophy is given to enhance and motivate owners to compete in international competitions of the Class with yachts restored and kept to their original
con gurations and in that spirit utilizing original materials in construction of the hull, deck and rigging as well as
sails and hardware to ll the eets with fast and beautiful 6 metre yachts that are as pleasing to the eye as they are
faithful to the style and grace of earlier times.
With the idea that this perpetual Trophy shall be a competition within a competition and awarded to the highest
placing quali ed yacht at each International 6 Metre World Cup and European Championship, the Vintage 6 metres
shall start all races with the Classic 6 Metres.
To qualify for the Baum &K nig Vintage Trophy for the EC 2006, an International 6-Metre yacht shall comply
with the Rules for the Classic Six Metres, use white/cream sails and have wooden mast, boom and poles. Also
6. of the rule applies.
In addition, the following rules and restrictions apply for future EC and WC
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
1.0 Design and construction
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
3.0 Deck ttings
The designs shall originate prior to 31st December 1965, alterations to these designs made after
this date and/or alterations made by anyone other
than the original naval architect are not permitted.
Yachts may be built new to such existing designs,
subject to construction being traditional carvel in
wood, conforming to the Lloyd‘s Rules and Regulations for the construction and classi cation of
yachts of The International 6-Metre Class Valid
for 6-Metres built between 1921 and 1949.
2.0 Sails
2.1 Material use
The yacht shall have white/cream woven polyester (brand name: Dacron) or cotton working sails.
For the spinnaker all common woven fabrics are
2.2 Panel orientation
The mainsail, genoas and jibs shall have cross cut
(“horizontal”) panels. The spinnaker may have a
radial panel layout, provided the spinnaker is in
one colour, preferably all white.
2.3 Sail battens – as per 3rd Rule 1933: ‘The length
of the battens in all mainsails of yachts shall not
exceed the following: Intermediate battens, 10
per cent of the Rating + 0.6 metre. Upper and lower battens, one-fourth shorter. The battens in a
sail shall divide the after leach into approximately
equal parts.
Maximum number of battens in sail: Yachts of 12
metres and under : 4 battens.
Above deck, the yacht shall have wood, aluminium (non eloxated original/replicated only), bronze, chromed or galvanised steel ttings of traditional design.
3.1 The winches shall be in aluminium (non eloxated
original/replicated only), bronze or chromed and
of traditional design. Captive wire winches in authentic style and constructions are permitted for
the runners and halyards. For halyards, one selftailing winch combined with two jammers may be
used, subject to these being positioned under deck
level/out of view. Self-tailing winches and jammers are not permitted for sail handling sheets and
runners(however, jammers may be used for sail
handling/trimming lines if installed below deck
level/out of view). On and above deck as well
as on the cockpit coamings the yacht shall have
traditional cleats – “cam” or “clam” - style cleats,
rope clutches, or other mechanised line securing
methods are not permitted.
3.2 Bronze, chromed, aluminium (non eloxated original/replicated only), or s-steel genoa tracks and
cars of traditional design are permitted. Adjustable mainsheet traveller tracks are not permitted.
3.3 Main sail vangs or kicking straps are not permitted. Simple preventer block and tackle may be
3.4 Blocks shall have wooden or bronze cheeks and
shall be of traditional design.
4.0 Rigging and spars
This means top & bottom: 900m , Intermediate:
4.1 The yacht shall have wooden spars (mast, boom
and poles) answering to the class rules in force at
the time of the event. Dispensation may be requested for the use of spars that conform to the class
rules in force at the time of the original design.
2.4 Main sail girth (for technical committee to revise
the %ages please)
4.2 Alterations to the rig shall not affect the authenticity and design or appearance of the deck lay-out.
The details of mainsail measurement is described
in the class measurement instructions, paragraph
14. The mainsails girth :
4.3 The standing rigging shall be in steel wire or rod.
When rod is used, its diameter shall not exceed
6mm. Runners and halyards may be in spectra or
other polyethylene derivative, provided they are
white. All running rigging and control lines may
be of any commercially available material, but
shall be in white or hemp coloured rope. Wire may
be in stainless and/or galvanised steel.
Yachts of >12 metres
: 5 battens.’
At 25% „A“, not to exceed 85% „B” (TBD)
At 50% „A“, not to exceed 67% „B“ (current
At 75% „A“, not to exceed 39% „B“ (current
5.0 Advertising – to class and event rules
6.0 Flag etiquette
The yachts shall y at her masthead a rectangular distinguishing owner’s or owner’s club ag or
racing ag of suitable size. The correct size for
the owner’s or racing ag is 450x270mm. The
ISMA secretariat will gladly assist any owner in
search of the yacht‘s original racing ag.
7.0 Instruments
The use of electronic instruments such as GPS, sail
computers and wind instruments indicating true
and apparent wind angle and/or speed are prohibited. The use of a compass, log and depth sounder
is accepted. Displays, if any, are to be mounted in
the cockpit area/out of view. Repeaters and displays mounted in any other position outside the
cockpit are prohibited.
8.0 Inspection
The ISMA Vintage Inspection Committee (ISMA
VIC) is comprised of two or more members of the
ISMA Technical Committee (ISMA TC). At least
1 day prior to the opening ceremony of the event,
owners shall make their yachts available for inspection. The ISMA VIC Committee will establish
and announce the eligibility for each individual
yacht shortly prior to the opening of the event.
The ISMA VIC Committee reserves the right to
check the compliance of the yachts, their equipment and sails to the B&K Vintage Trophy Rules
at any time during the Championship. The owners of the yachts agree to accommodate such and
6 m JI Ak t i vi t ä t en i m Nor d en
Sch wed en
We remember the World Cup 2005
in Sandhamn. This event will be part
of the 6mJI history, given by over 50
participants !
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
grant unrestricted access to ISMA TC Members
for the duration of the event. If required by the
ISMA TC, all 6-Metres wishing to compete under
these rules agree to facilitate an on shore visual
inspection of the underwater body. A single ISMA
TC member may perform this inspection. The owners of the yachts agree to accommodate such and
grant unrestricted permission to the inspecting TC
member(s) for detailed photography as well as taking measurements other than those required for
the International 6-Metre Class Certi cate of Rating.
9.0 Government of Rules
The ISMA Technical Committee governs the 6Metre Vintage Rules. Amendments, if any, shall
be submitted to the Segler Vereinigung Altona
Oevelg nne who will also act as arbiter in case of
dispute over the said rules.
10.0 Technical guidance
Owners of yachts embarking on a restoration, re t
or new construction of an 6-Metre aiming to race
for the B&K Vintage Trophy are invited to submit
their plans to the ISMA TC. The TC will review
such plans and assist owners and yards guiding
them through the implementation of the 6-Metre
Vintage Rules, Lloyd‘s scantlings as well as the
Class Rules of the Int. 6-Metre Class.
22 March 2006; Peter Koenig
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
I n f or m a t i on s of g en er a l i n t er est
The Yacht Club de Monaco has organized from the
13th to the 18th of September 2005
the Monaco Classic Week - La Belle Classe. The event
was noteworthy in that it brought together some fty
very exceptional Classic motor and sailing craft, along
with the extremely rare presence of 5 J Class racing
sail-yachts. The 2005 Monaco Classic Week also saw
the launching of the Club La Belle Classe , which is
dedicated to yacht-owners who share common values
concerning the preservation of our maritime heritage,
respect for the environment, and observation of marine
Our wish is to transmit to future generations our passion, the skills of crafts-workers, the delight of traditional navigation methods, the while respecting a certain
standard of ethical integrity regarding the restoration
of yachts, and one’s personal attitude on land and upon
the sea.
Thus, we are now also publishing the magazine “La
Passion Bleue”, which is designed as a means of communication between all those concerned by Traditional
Yachting – and particularly as a forum of freely expressed points of view from yacht-owners. The second
edition is planned for February 2006. Would you accept to give us articles about the 6 Mji news, results or
agenda to inform our members?
I try to contact associations of the JI class (8 Mji, 10
mJI, 12MJI), but have dif culties to nd the contacts;
would you be so kind to give contacts of other associations if you have any?
In the meantime, and looking forward to receiving your
comments, Dear Yachting Colleague, please accept our
sincerest Sporting Greetings, Benjamin BOUTTEMY
6 m JI Hi st or i c Pl a ce
J oanna the comment refer s to the repor t in ISMA
news 2005/1
Dear Beat,
Since you kindly translated the 1937 Die Yacht caption
of the launching photo of my Joanna, and since this
caption has been essential to understanding Joanna, I
can‘t resist telling you my current hypothesis concerning her desing and construction.
The hypothesis is based on about twenty distinct data
items, so it seems pretty robust at this point. Hans Collignon turned to Reinhard Drewitz, who had never designed a Six, to design his entry for the 1936 Olympics,
hoping that Drewitz‘s imagination could break out of
the traditional mould of Six designs and that he could
come up with a gold medal winner.
Joanna is a very light boat (3,5 T.). It can shift its otation level with changes in the crew position. Whereas
most Sixes sail badly if all the weight is astern, my architect, Theo Rye, says that Joanna‘s lines are different
in this regard. Drewitz intended Joanna to have a waterline of 5,60 m. when measured. This enabled him to
add extra sail area and also to compensate for her very
„wine glass“ cross section.
Four of the crew members were intended to be in the
rear of the cockpit. The helmsman was intended to be
in a rear cockpit behind the rudder shaft. He steered
with a tiller which emerged from the deck about 10 cm.
forward of the transom. It was linked to the rudder
Collignon apparently rejected Drewitz‘s design near the
end of the construction. He told him to modify Joanna
so that she would resemble a normal Six. He probably
never sailed her and sold her quickly, buying a used Six
as his entry for the 1936 Olympic trials.
Modi ed, she probably wouldn‘t have measured as a
Six. I am waiting impatiently for Theo Rye to nish his
current design project, so that he can have the time to
reverse engineer Joanna‘s lines based on the 880 data
points I sent him. These points correspond to three
representations of the hull: waterlines, diagonals and
what are called „buttocks“ in English or simply „longitudinaux“ in French. Once he has the form of the hull
on his computer, he‘ll be able to see what it takes for
her to measure as a Six.
Although the boat in the Die Yacht photo had already
been modi ed, Drewitz probably was the one responsible for the text of the caption. Stubbornly attached
to his original concept, he made sure that the reporter
would communicate it. One doesn‘t know if he intended this as a „bouteille la mer“ for some future owner,
but it has served exactly that purpose.
I plan to restore Joanna according to her original concept so that she can nally become the boat that she
was never allowed to be.
Best wishes, Basil Carmody
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
M a r k et Pl a ce
SUI 122 vor dem Wind
A beaut iful yacht built for The Royal Got henburg Yacht club as a lot t ery boat in 1922,
design Carl Holm st röm . The yacht is in good
condit ion, m ast and boom is original, valid
cert i cat e dat ed last year, ready t o sail. Sit uat ed St ockholm / Sweden. Priced t o sell.
Please phone Douglas Reincke + 46- ( 0) 702671997.
At t ached are pict ures of t he yacht .
Many t hank s in advance and best regards
from a snow whit e St ockholm !
Douglas Reincke
Legal Counsel
Ext ernal Relat ions Of ce
Kungl Tekniska H gskolan
Valhallav gen 79
100 44 St ockholm , Sweden
Telephone + 46- ( 0) 8- 7907093 / + 46( 0) 70- 2461996
Fax + 46- ( 0) 8- 7906816
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
Ciocca II
NO 794 1948
According to Olin Stephens “Ciocca ll” has the same
lines and keel as “Goose” the only difference is in the
counter; same moulds etc. We have the Original S&S
plans drawn Jan 9th 1948 in New York, originally built
for Enrico M Poggi Esq.
“Ciocca ll” requires a complete rebuild using the original plans. Several items remain in good condition.
Timber in stock for the new keel & planking. Due to
cancelled order now available for restoration to required speci ction.
The project is ready to commence, with restoration speci cation endorsed by Tim Street & Ian Howlett.
After restoration, “Ciocca ll” will be a world class Six
Metre, probably one of the world’s top three
contenders. If you really want the best of the best then
it does not come any better than this .
Contact: Brian Pope, Ocean Yacht Company Ltd, Tel:
01872 863708 / 862496 mo 07831215230
Email: [email protected] Website:
INTERNATIONAL METRE YACHT MANAGEMENT LIMITED Race prep, Transportation throughout Europe, Restoration , Sales & Purchase for all
Metre Yachts
A vendre 6m J I Z16 Azais Sale 6m J I Z16 Azais
Plan Camatte, construction Chiesa Nice en 1933, travaux de restauration pr voir, CHF 9‘000.- , visible au
Chantier Naval Jean-Paul Sartorio, CH 1295 Mies, tel
022 755 17 60. Email: [email protected]
Design Camatte, built at Chiesa Nice in 1933, for restauration, CHF 9‘000.-, to see at the boatyard.
Classic 38-Foot „Six Meter “ Sailboat U.S. 88
The „Freudian Sloop“ (ex: Big Apple) is a classic full
keel racing craft built
by Erling Kristofersen
in 1946 for Norway‘s
Prince Olav. It has a
distinguished record,
has been well maintained and currently
lies at mooring in
San Diego‘s premiere America‘s Cup
Harbor. For more information, please see
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
2 0 0 6 Rég a t es I n t er n a t i on a l es; r ég a t es cl ef s p ou r 6 m JI
2 0 0 6 I n t er n a t i on a l r eg a t t a s; k ey r eg a t t a s f or 6 m JI
2 0 0 6 I n t er n a t i n a l e Reg a t t en ; Sch wer p u n k t r eg a t t en f ü r 6 m JI
R gate d'Ouverture
Switzerland SNG Geneva
Silber Cup
Robbe&Berking Classics,
Europeans Tune Up
Germany YC Flensburg
European Championship
Kiel Week
Germany Kiel Yacht Club
Germany Unteruhldingen
French Open Championship
Fowey Regatta
QCNC Queen Christina
Nations Cup
Switzerland Bottighofen
Championnat de Serie
Switzerland SNG Geneva
berlinger Yachtpokal
[email protected]
YC Romanshorn
[email protected]
Switzerland YC Romanshorn
[email protected]
YC Flensburg; German Six
Soci t Nautique de la
[email protected]
[email protected]
Royal Fowey Yacht Club
Canada Vancouver
[email protected]
Coupe Kim
Switzerland SN Versoix
Switzerland Kressbronn
25.09.-01.10. Regate Royale
Yacht Club de Cannes
02.10.-08.10. Voile de Saint Tropez
Yacht Club de Saint Tropez
Race Calendar March, 2006
[email protected]
[email protected]
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
Bu l l et i n 1 / 2 0 0 6
Cl osi n g wor d s
We are all excited to see what the coming regatta season will bring. Looking forward to the beautiful weather,
consistent winds and favourable waters to accompany us during the year! We would like to wish our readers lots
of enjoyment with their yachts and hope that they also succeed in capturing the enthusiasm of young sailors for the
6m Class. With this in mind, best wishes from
Beat Furrer, Editor
Sch l u sswor t
Wir alle sind gespannt, was uns die kommende Regatta-Saison bringt. Auf dass sch nes Wetter, konstante Winde
und weniger Wellen uns durch das Jahr begleiten! Wir w nschen unseren Lesern viel Freude mit ihren Yachten und
hoffen, dass es ihnen auch gelingt, junge Segler f r die 6m Klasse zu begeistern. In diesem Sinne gr sst freundlich
Beat Furrer, Editor
Con cl u si on
Nous sommes tous impatients de voir ce que nous apportera la prochaine saison de r gates. Et que l’ann e nous
soit propice avec beau temps, vents constants et peu de vagues! Nous souhaitons nos lecteurs de grandes joies
avec leurs voiliers, et nous esp rons qu’ils parviendront motiver de jeunes quipiers pour la classe des 6m. A
bient t,
Beat Furrer, Editeur
Beat Furrer
ISMA news editor
President of Swiss 6mJI Association
Mitwir kung: Collaboration: Participation:
Bernard Haissly, Peter M ller, Th dy Schmid, Hans J.Oen, MattCockburn, Tim Street, Fredrich Dahlman, Henrik Andersin, Juan Kouyoumdjian, Jo lle Zumoffen-Fruttero, Ralph und Sandra M ntener, J r me Brunet-Moret,
Rees Martin, Gilles Favez, Reinhard Suhner, Jean Denis Sarraquigne, Oliver Berking, Katrin Storsberg, Basil
Cormody and more ........
Ver teiler / Distr ibution ISMA Bulletin: Au age ca. 420 Ex
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ISMA News / Association Suisse 6mJI Bulletin Spring 2006 / Heft No 10 / Jahrgang 6
Bruno Casali
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Dr uck und Ver sand: Furrer+Frey AG
Impression et envoi :
Redaktionsschluss f r ISMA Bulletin 2/2006: October 13th, 2006
I SM A News I n t er n a t i on a l 6 m JI Associ a t i on
F L E N S B U R G E R S E G E L - C LU B
6 -ME T RE E U RO P E AN C H AMP I O N S H I P 2 0 0 6