Volume 1, issue 2


Volume 1, issue 2
S&P/TSX 6664.9 DN 72.59
TSX/Crois1129.81 UP 3.13
DJIA 8131.01 DN 238.46
NASDAQ 1342.14 UP 46.13
tonight flurries -5C 20W km/h 60%
sunday flurries -14C 15S km/h 80%
sunrise 7:23am sunset 4:51pm
Montreal | Saturday January 25 2003 | Volume 1, issue 2
exitus acta probat | http://step.polymtl.ca/~miadel/perdurabo/
Vampire reports create panic in African village
dren hide in their huts, the
patrols creep slowly
through the cornfields.
Twelve brave men peer
behind towering anthills
and whispering trees with
pickaxes, knives and
clubs at the ready.
New York Times
Jan. 13, 2003 08:10 PM
BLANTYRE, Malawi They wear dark clothing, it
is said, and carry syringes
to draw blood from their
drugged victims, who
sicken or die. The creatures have magical powers and a fondness for
vanishing in graveyards,
but no one has ever heard
of them changing into
Malawi, despite the best
efforts of its government,
is in the grip of a form of
hysteria. Vampires are
attacking the villages,
people say.
Men are finally fighting
back. At night, when darkness shrouds the green
hills and women and chil-
Their prey, witnesses
insist, is a modern-day
vampire: Men carrying
flashlights who disable
their victims with sleeping
gas. There have been no
sightings here of caped
men with sharp teeth.
The persistent complaints
about vampires have outraged government officials, who describe the
reports as ludicrous. The
repeated reassurances
have not eased the deepening fears. Anxious
crowds have already
killed at least two people
believed to be bloodsuckers. Several other people
have been attacked,
including three priests
and the governor of
Blantyre, who was stoned
this month by a crowd of
200 people after a local
chief accused him of harboring vampires in his
In the frightened villages,
the government's opinions are dismissed. The
debate here is mostly
about whether bloodsuckers are spirits or human
beings with magical powers. No one questions
whether vampires are
He remembers another
vampire scare in Malawi
some 30 years ago. In the
end, he says, police
arrested a man with who
was caught with syringes
and bottles of blood in his
knows that politicians lie,
Kaiya said, which is why
few people trust the government's position on
Kaiya's theory? Perhaps
the government has
promised to sell Malawian
blood to donor nations in
exchange for financial aid.
A tour of Montreal’s
The Gazette
January 2, 2003
How about a sewer tour of Old
Montreal? - a look at the city's
heritage through the subterrainian conduits that transport...
The Montreal Museum of
Archeologicy and History plans
to offer just that. Spokesperson
Louise Pother says a look at
19th century sewers would be an
eye-opening experience.
project, currently under development, has attracted mixed opinions from the public. Some profess a keen curiosity to see what
lurks under our city. Other call it
a waste of money and effort,
pointing to Montreal’s many
other points of interest.
The project isn't expected to
opened to the public until 2005.
caricaturiste Patrick Dea, collaboration spéciale
Tous les détenus sont retrouvés
Centre de détention de
prison de Bordeaux.
25 janvier 2003
Les autorités carcérales
et la Sûreté du Québec
ont retrouvé tous les
détenus après l'émeute
qui a eu lieu hier soir au
Quelque 130 détenus ont
provoqué une émeute
dans l'aile A de l'établissement. Elle a débuté
vers 23 heures lorsque
refusé de retourner dans
leurs cellules. Ils ont
ensuite allumé des foyers
d'incendies. Des mem bres de plusieurs gangs
ont participé à la mutinerie.
page 1
Gang violence on
south shore
Surprise clean up in customs agencies
The Gazette
January 17 2003
In an unprecedented wave of
internal investigations, a large
number of employees were let
go from Dorval’s custom
offices. A total of 12 people
were fired from various positions for having accepted
bribes in the recent months.
The Gazette
January 4 2003
Two young men were found
dead last night in a car parked
in a small grocery store in
Longueuil. The two victims,
both shot coldly in the head,
are thought to be members of
the banditots, the notorious
gang responsible for a rash of
crimes on the south shore the
last few months.
Police are investigating but
have few leads at the moment.
Gang rivalry is presumed to be
the cause for the moment.
Gang unit Capt. Joseph
Uptown said drive-by shootings
are up about 30 percent and
stabbings rose 20 percent
between this year and last,
although raw numbers for
those particular crimes were
not available Tuesday afternoon.
"There's a lot of belief out there
that gang violence is on a
decrease, but the people who
live in the neighborhoods know
what's going on," stated a local
officer. "There is definitely an
Higher ups in the federal
agency are outraged at the
large percentage of the
employees who were corrupt.
National security was soon
brought up though no links to
terrorist activity has been
made as of yet. Early reports
mention an anonymous local
source for the bribes, making
the theory of the culprit being a
local business more credible.
Officials have already released
a statement, reassuring the
public that all breaches have
been removed and intensive
investigations are underway.
Wealthy art patron found dead in home
The Hour
January 16 2003
His body was found in the bedroom, tied hand and foot. He had
been chloroformed, and his head
bashed in. There were three bullets
on the floor and a revolver on the
bed. Picture wire was tied tightly
around his neck.
The gruesome discovery was made
by his son, returning from work.
Nothing was stolen from the
wealthy house. Police has no leads
into the bizarre murder but investigations are underway.
Jean-Pierre Renaud, wealthy art
patron living in east end, met a brutal death in his own home last night.
Cargo Ship Mysteriously sinks at old port
CBC News
January 13 2003
La guerre des mots s'intensifie entre
Bagdad et Washington
24 janvier 2003
La Maison-Blanche dénonce
le refus des autorités irakiennes
inspecteurs de l'Onu s'entretenir avec des scientifiques
irakiens associés aux programmes d'armes de destruction massive du pays. Les
d'ailleurs à Bagdad de pouvoir
interroger trois scientifiques
irakiens dès samedi.
De son côté, l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique
entend demander lundi au
Conseil de Sécurité de l'ONU
plus de temps pour ses
inspecteurs. L'Agence donnerait aussi la note de «B» au
régime irakien pour sa collaboration avec les experts de
D'ailleurs, le président des
États-Unis a réitéré ses critiques à l'égard de son homologue irakien, l'accusant d'empêcher les inspecteurs de rencontrer et d'interroger des scientifiques irakiens. C'est
«inacceptable», a-t-il dit.
A cargo ship anchored at the
Montreal port has sunk under mysterious circumstances during last
night. The Charlotte, carrying a
cargo of wheat, was thought to be
she was looking at me from below.
I don’t understand,” confesses
Captain Dusseault, “I inspect my
lady inside out more often than she
needs. She was in great shape on
Tuesday as I was waiting for the
icebreakers to pass. Who would
want to sabotage a cargo ship!”
This morning, Captain Jacques
Dusseault saw her missing from
her mooring. “I looked down and
Whether this incident is of accidental or criminal origin has yet to be
Un autre casino à Montréal?
Le Devoir
4 janvier 2003
Phoenix Entertainment, une
entreprise basée à Monaco, tente
d’ouvrir un casino à Montréal.
Spécialisant dans la gestion
d’hôtellerie et de jeu, Phoenix
Entertainment possède déjà
plusieurs actifs aux États-Unis,
notamment dans les villes de
Las Vegas et Atlantic City.
Les négociations sont présente ment en cours pour obtenir les
droits nécessaires et l’acquisition
d’un terrain. La firme a proposé
Le représentant de la compagnie
assure qu’une transformation du
centre désuet contribuera
largement au revitalisement du
quartier et créera plus de 6 000
page 2

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