Volume 1, numéro 6


Volume 1, numéro 6
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tonight lightrain 15C 15N km/h 80%
sunday rain 8C 25N km/h 60%
sunrise 5:09am sunset 8:33pm
Montreal | Saturday May 30 2003 | Volume 1, issue 6
Multi famam, conscientiam pauci verentur| http://step.polymtl.ca/~miadel/perdurabo/
Sleepy Little Church Awarded
Historic Preservation Right
Thankfully there are those
who believe in preserving
the past achievements and
works of our forbearers.
They win battles where
they can.
Just one such battle has
recently been won down in
St-Henri on St-Jaques
where has been awarded
the Historic Preservation
May 9 2003
These days the quiet
strength and intricate
beauty of antique buildings
are being forced to surrender to the modern monolith.
Soon there will no longer
be concrete examples of
the sheer ingenuity and
genius of our architectural
apparently their designs
are no longer something to
be respected or revered.
That means this sleepy little church may continue to
rest securely without the
threat of destruction ever
looming. It is now considered a historic monument,
an honor that many other
churches and antique
buildings throughout the
city are crying out for.
Grateful for such a gift of
The Pastor of the small
anglican church, Father
McGuire, was understandably pleased and will be
having a small celebration
ceremony this Sunday.
Will Sewer Tour Mirror
Winchester Mystery House?
The Gazette
May 12 2003
Remember the tantalizing
project that offered a
breathtaking look at the
city’s heritage through the
that transport...sewage?
It’s back on track despite
strong opposition in the
past. That’s right; someday soon, you too might
walk the sewer tunnels
and discover the secrets
that lurk beneath our city.
Six months have passed
since the debate over
sewer tours of Old
Montreal flared and came
to a head.
The sewer tour’s supporters, namely the Montreal
Museum of Archaeology
and History, seemed to
quieted down about the
matter until now. It seems
the project has been
saved from the brink of
extinction by a benefactor
known only as Mr.
Winchester. He has generously donated close to
million dollars for renovations of the Museum itself
as well as for support of
their pet project.
The Montreal Museum of
Archaeology and History
has refused to give any
details about their
mysterious benefactor.
Conjecture would demand
a close look at the famous
and very wealthy
The Gazette, Aislin, May 1, 2003
Winchester family best
known for their firearms
and their infamous house
in San Jose, California.
La Presse
29 mai 2003
If indeed the Museum’s
benefactor is related to
the Winchester family of
Mystery House fame, per haps
the sewer tour will be
interesting after all.
Sommet du G8: arrivée du président
Jacques Chirac à Evian
Le président français
Jacques Chirac est
arrivé samedi soir à
Evian (est de la France)
en provenance de SaintPétersbourg (Russie),
où il doit présider de
dimanche à mardi le
sommet du G8, a-t-on
appris de source offi cielle française.
français aura un entre tien bilatéral avec son
homologue américain
George W. Bush, le premier
querelles entre Paris et
Washington sur l'Irak.
À Saint-Pétersbourg, les
deux hommes n'ont fait
que se croiser.
page 1
SRAS: quatre nouveaux décès
suspects à Toronto
deux funérailles, le 22 mai
dernier, de se placer en
quarantaine volontaire.
31 mai 2003
Les autorités de la santé à
Toronto ont annoncé
qu'elles enquêtent sur la
mort de quatre personnes
à l'hôpital Rouge Valley
Health Centre qui pourrait
être reliée au syndrome
respiratoire aigu sévère
Ces morts n'ont pas
encore été ajoutées au
bilan officiel, qui demeure
pour l'instant au nombre
de 30. Les autorités ont
également demandé aux
personnes ayant assisté à
D'autre part, la crainte du
SRAS atteint maintenant
Ottawa. Un infirmier de
l'hôpital d'Ottawa est
comme un cas possible
après avoir soigné une
patiente de la région de
atteinte du SRAS, le 14
mais dernier.
Pendant ce temps à
Toronto, 8000 personnes
sont en quarantaine et on
d'éviter les urgences, par
mesure de précaution.
Des experts américains
des Centres de contrôle
des maladies infectieuses
se rendaient à Toronto,
vendredi, pour étudier la
deuxième vague de SRAS
dans la province.
Nouvelle saisie majeure de marijuana
La Presse
18 mai 2003
Une des plus grandes
saisies de marijuana dans
les dernières années a eu
lieu tôt hier matin au
La police locale a trouvé
près de 100 kilos dans des
containers destinés à l'exportation. Le propriétaire
demeure inconnu.
Cette drogue aurait été
produite localement, mais
les authorités n'ont pas
révélé plus de détails. Ils
promettent des arrestations prochainement.
Strong dollar hits Royal Bank
The Gazette
May 29 2003
The Royal Bank has
reported a quarterly profit
of $689 million, down three
per cent from a year earlier, as its financial results
were hit by the high
Canadian dollar and a fourper-cent decline in revenue.
Canada's largest bank said
yesterday its earnings
totalled 99 cents a share
for its second quarter
ended April 30. That compared with a year-earlier
profit of $710 million, $1.01
a share.
Montreal Cops’ Crack Down on Gang
Violence Gets Good Results
Gross revenue was $3.75
billion, down from $3.91
Return on equity, a key
profitability measure, was
15.4 per cent, down from
16.8 per cent a year ago.
Le tribunal accorde une dernière
chance à Air Canada
The Gazette
May 23 2003
With gang violence growing at an alarming rate,
Montreal’s finest have
risen to the occasion and
proven that the good guys
can win in the end.
La Presse
31 mai 2003
Air Canada et le syndicat
de ses 3300 pilotes ont
jusqu'à minuit ce soir pour
parvenir à une entente de
principe sur une réduction
significative des coûts de
main-d'oeuvre, qui doit
s'ajouter à celles con clues par tous les autres
syndicats depuis une
Ensuite, les intervenants
dans la restructuration
d'Air Canada seront de
retour en cour à Toronto
demain matin pour con stater le résultat de cette
décider du sort immédiat
du transporteur.
Cet ordre du jour de la
dernière chance pour Air
Canada et ses pilotes a
été édicté hier d'un ton
très impatient par le juge
James Farley, de la Cour
supérieure de l'Ontario,
qui supervise la restructuration.
Montreal’s close proximity
to large U.S. cities such
as New York, New Jersey,
Boston, and Chicago has
made it easy pickings for
gangs of all sorts.
Perhaps looking for new
blood and/or territories,
these gangs have been
spilling up and over the
Canadian border and into
Montreal itself.
Until recently, gang violence had been on a drastic incline. However, it
seems to have been
stopped in its tracks.
Police Commissioner Yves
Dubois made a public
announcement in early
April claiming, “We have
devised a new system to
crack down on gang activity. We will win our streets
back from gang violence
within a few months time.”
As if he had been prophesying,
indeed come true. There
has been almost no gang
activity of late.
We have our police officers to thank for their careful planning and fierce
cause.have indeed come
true. There has been
almost no gang activity of
late. We have our police
officers to thank for their
careful planning and
fierce dedication to the
page 2

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