Petit-déjeuner : Titres des projets de recherche et des thèses de


Petit-déjeuner : Titres des projets de recherche et des thèses de
Petit-déjeuner : Titres des projets de recherche et des thèses de maîtrise
Em-Power Breakfast: Titles of Masters Research Projects and Theses
Karine Ndamukunda
Self-Reflection and Informal Conflict Resolution (ICR)
Angela Margaret Kiraly
For the Win: Best Practices for Peace Education through Sport"
Emily O’Brien
The Contact Hypothesis and Sport for Evaluation and Peace: an Adapted
Framework for Evaluation
Vlad Stamate
Turks in Germany as a Case Study in Labour Migration: A Comparison with the
Pawel Mazurek
Why terrorists win? Terrorism as communication process in the age of digital
Andrew MacLeod
ISIS: Holy Warriors or Transnational Criminal Capitalists?: Exploring Criminal
Rationality as an Alternative to Religious Ideology in Explaining the
Phenomenon of Islamic Radicalization in the West
Alexandra Gaysek
Missing Identity Dynamics – what do substance abuse programs in Ontario
neglect and what are the benefits of their inclusion?
Suhrob Ahmed
From Homecoming Diaspora To Transnational Entrepreneurship: A protracted
cycle of Conflict and Identity transformation in Afghanistan
Robert Vardanyan
Russia and the U.S. in the Arctic, Rhetoric vs. Action: Potential for Conflict?
Tracey Brule
Transforming Trafficland: Why US and Mexican efforts to combat human
trafficking continue to fail, and what can be done about it.
Timothy Oladehinde Jiboku
Hermeneutics of justification for religious violence and terrorism : The case of
Boko Haram, Nigeria
Arianna Laboccetta
Armed Conflict, Education and Child Labour: Colombia’s Struggle
SM Nadon
Conceptualizations of Conflict in post-Cold War Canadian Defense Policy
Adli Alkhaledi
Freedom of Expression in Islam: The Need for Reformist Approach?
Melanie Murphy
Violent Attacks Against Ebola Response Teams in Guinea: Fear, Suspicion
and Conspiracy as Causal Factors
Mackenzie Cameron
Identity and Socio-Environmental Conflict: the Case of El Salvador
Luke Moyer
Power, Worldview and Indigenous Resistance in the Northern Gateway
Pipeline Conflict
Marie-Michèle Laferrière
Comment est-ce que la structure actuelle est organismes à but non lucratif (en
Ontario français) contribue au conflit entre conseil d'administration et
Nicole Ward
Earth Centric Worldviews: Transforming Ecological Conflicts
Harry Crawford
Religious Leader Engagement (RLE) as External Ministry of Presence and
Praxis: The Establishment of Training Competencies Originating/Derived from
Steve Moore’s RLE Theoretical Construct
Vanessa Zola
Les refugies angolais de retour en Angola ont-ils accès aux structures
adéquates pour faciliter leur intégration dans leur pays d’origine?