CEFR CEFR AFDC Course Communicative Objectives Alter Ego


CEFR CEFR AFDC Course Communicative Objectives Alter Ego
and A2
A1 / 56h
AFDC Course
101 A1.1
= 28 h
102 A1.2
= 28h
A2/ 112h
103 A2.1
= 28h
104 A2.2
= 28h
B1/ 168h
and B2
Communicative Objectives
Liguistic Objectives
Alter Ego
AE1+ Dossier 0, Dossier 1, Dossier 2,
lessons 1 and 2
Salutations, taking leave; to
Salutation formulas; identity;
To have & to be (avoir & être);
introduce oneself; ask and give moments in a day; tastes; verbs possessive adjectives; negation
personal information; talk about and directions; how to be polite: (ne…pas); numbers up to 100;
one's hobbies; talk about one's
definite and indefinite articles;
simple formulas
city; ask and give explanations;
present tense of verbs ending in understand an itinerary's simple
ER; preposition (places);
directions; give simple directions
"Pourquoi? Parce que" (Why?
for an itinerary; ask closed
Because); interrogative adjective:
"quel"?; closed questions: "estce que..."?
Talk about one's job; describe a
Most common professions;
Prepositions (places);
AE1+ Dossier 2, lesson 3; Dossier 3,
Dossier 4, lessons 1 and 2
masculine and feminine for
demonstrative adjectives;
person; talk about one's family;
profession-based adjectives;
stressed pronouns; qualifying
talk about one's daily activities;
physical and psychological
adjectives; possessive adjectives;
talk about one's projects
descriptions; family
reflective verbs; near future;
relationships; daily activities
imperative mode and tense
Ask questions; talk about past
events; talk about seasons and the
weather; talk about one's hobbies
and cultural activities; call
someone on the phone and
answer the phone; express
Talk about one's food; describe
clothes; give a function to an
object; precise quantities
Describe someone physically;
weather forecast and climate;
Syntaxic structure of questions; AE1+ Dossier 4, lesson 3; dossier 5,
introduction to passe compose dossier 6, lessons 1 and 2
(past tense); near future, recent
past and progressive present
Food; clothes and fashion;
lodging; daily consumerism
Basic use of simple future;
AE1+ Dossier 6, lesson 3; dossier 7,
partitive articles; Direct Object dossier 8, lesson 1
and Indirect Object ; basic use of
"imparfait" tense.
105 A2.3
= 28h
Make a comparison; talk about
Lodging; cuisine (gastronomy); Expressions used for
AE1+ Dossier 8, lessons 2 and 3; dossier
comparison; "Il faut" + infinitive 9
memories; suggest an outing;
daily life
and imperative; negation and
react; understand and set up rules
restriction; expressions used for
quantity; "Depuis / Il y a";
"Devoir / Il faut que"
201 A2.4
= 28h
Talk about a friendship; describe a
person; talk about what someone
said; mention changes; narrate an
encounter; talk about one's work,
one's university studies, one's
choice of profession; give advice
Friendship; love relationship;
studies; professional
experience; work and
professional life; love life
Simple relative pronouns; passe AE2+, Dossier 1, Dossier 2
compose tense / imparfait tense
/ plus - perfect tense; indirect
speech in the present tense;
comparison; time markers ("il y a
, dans, pendant, depuis"), advice
using imperative tense and
mode; subjunctive to express
202 B1.1
= 28h
Talk about cultural differences;
situate yourself in time; talk about
one's place of living and justify
one's choices; talk about an event;
Expressions to talk about a
country and its inhabitants;
media and press
où/ dont; demonstrative
AE2+, Dossier 3, Dossier 4
pronouns; superlatives;
interrogative and possessive
pronouns; "si" + imparfait tense;
passive form
203 B1.2
= 28h
Express apreciations; encourage
Hobbies; encouragement;
The adverb in compound tenses; AE2+, Dossier 5, dossier 6
the practice of an activity; select a
tourism, boooking a hotel, a
adjectives in a sentence;
touristic presentation; look to the table; wishes; verbs to express
personal pronouns after "de"
future: express wishes/ hopes;
goals; verbs to express fields of and "à"; indirect pronouns "y"
express a goal, an objective, an interest; idioms to express one's and "en"; expressing wishes:
aim; imagine an hypothetical or
souhaiter que + subjunctive;
unreal situation; give one's
espérer que + indicative;
opinion; justify one's choices;
conditional present to make a
express agreement and
suggestion; conditional present
(project, unreal situation)
204 B1.3
= 28h
Talk about a life change; report a
Performing arts and show;
Expressing time: "avant de" + AE2+, Dossier 7, Dossier 8
conversation; talk about an event expressions used for feelings/
infinitive; "après" + past
in a narrative in the past; express emotions, attitudes/behaviors; infinitive; reported speech in the
regrets; take a position, voice an impersonal ways of expressing past; "irréel du passé"" "si"+ plus
need; verbs to talk about
perfect, conditional. Recent past
opinion; understand the history of
loaning/borrowing an object; and near future in a narrative in
an event; talk about one's
versb used to express
the past; Expressing need with
readings; understand and argue
subjunctive or infinitive; double
about prevention: encouragement
pronouns; imparfait or
and caution
conditional to express reproach
301 B1.4
= 28h
Characterize people; Ask detailed
information by mail; give orders
and make suggestions; express
feelings; write a mail to complain
about something; report
someone's words
302 B1.5
= 28h
B2 / 196h
Behaviors; professional
strengths and weaknesses;
friendship and love; lexicon of
Talk about one's experiences;
Apprenticeship and experience;
matriculate in university; express a
school and university;
contradicting; how to write a
compromise and oppose
small news story
something; talk about ways to get
information; give one's point of
view on the first page of daily
papers; analyze information;
understand news titles
303 B2.1
= 28h
Oppose something; Encourage
solidarity; express objectives and
intentions; give impressions;
participate in a debate: take the
floor; keep the floor; interrupt
304 B2.2
= 28h
Talk about the environment; Male
Ecology and environment;
hypotheses; Express prohibitions; termns to prohibit and preserve;
Talk about justice; express doubts
terms to understand justice;
and certainty; make a
travel and tourism
demonstration; talk about one's
travels; narrate in the past
401 B2.3
= 28h
402 B2.4
= 28h
403 B2.5
= 28h
Prepare for a job interview; talk
about the past; talk about one's
life; desribe illness symptoms to
the doctor; express feelings;
express one's point of view on
family; discuss roles in a couple
solidarity, help, invoolvment;
how to encourage; how to
suggest a program to one's
friends; how to like and
participate in a debate
Simple relative pronouns and AE3+, Dossier 1, dossier 2
compound relative pronouns
with demonstrative pronouns;
subjunctive present; subjunctive
past and past infinitive;
subjuctive or infinitive after
feeling verbs; compound relative
pronouns; reported speech in
the present
Imparfait and passe compose; AE3+ , Dossier 3, Dossier 4
plus que parfait (plus-perfect),
rules of "participe passé";
nominal sentences; passive
voice; express cause and
consequence; how to express
uncertain events
"participe passé" and gerund; AE3+, Dossier 5, Dossier 6
different ways of expressing
goals; interrogation; inverted
question; advers in - MENT;
relatives ruled by the subjunctive
Simple future; "futur antérieur" AE3+, Dossier 7, Dossier 8, Dossier 9
tense; conditional present and
past; substituting tools: double
pronouns and neutral pronouns;
indefinite pronouns; narration
tenses; introduction to simple
pas (passé simple)
Latin and Greek etymology of
Past tenses (imparfait, passé AE4+, Dossier 1, Dossier 2
French words; Street French and composé, plus-que-parfait, passé
daily French (words, idioms,
simple, passé antérieur); the
levels); vocabulary for body, ending of participes passés; time:
pain, relief; feelings; terms to
simultaneity, anteriority,
express one's opinion
posteriority; subjunctive; present
infinitive and past infinitive;
when to use indicative or
Expose an issue with lodging;
Building and renovations;
Qualifying: with simple and
AE4+, Dossier 3, Dossier 4
describe place of living, a space;
prefixes and suffixes for
compound relative pronouns;
objects; express one's interest; ;
transformation; compound
with a noun; passive form and
express wishes, goals and
nouns; "savoir" and "connaître";
reflective passive form;
intentions; argue about traveling
terms for intentions and
subjunctive "imparfait" and "plusas a mean of self-structuring and
objectives; common ways of
que-parfait" tenses; relative
expressing how to get to one's
clauses ruled by subjunctive
Give information on recruitment
Colloquial expressions with
Conditional present and past; AE4+, Dossier 5, Dossier 6
criteria and work contract; report
pronouns; adjective-based
personal pronouns and double
someone's else's words; give one's syntaxic structures; synonyms pronouns; expressing hypothesis
opinion about a restaurant;
and precision: "dire";
and condition; expletive "ne"
identify one's culinary tastes;
vocabulary for taste, saveurs;
with "à moins que"
express hypotheses; debate
elements of style: metaphore,
humanitarian aid
image and comparison
404 B2.6
= 28h
405 B2.7
and C2
C1 / 168h
Express one's opinion on politics;
Euphemisms amd politically
Emphasis; gerund; present
AE4 +, Dossier 7, Dossier 8
debate humanitarian aid; claim correct ways of talking; where to participle and verbal adjective;
rights; present specificities of a place adjectives; homonyms and indefinite pronouns; synthesis on
region or a country; debate
pronouns (indefinite, possessive,
words with double gender
linguistic choices in plurilingual
("genre"); rights and duties;
demonstrative and relative)
antonyms; levels of language
("registres de langue")
Express opinions on a
contemporary society's
phenomenon; write a letter to an
agony aunt; express degrees in
appreciation and judgements;
compare facts and numbers; talk
about futuristic inventions
Words borrowed from other
languages; simile and
differrences; evolution and
Synthesis on tenses and verbal AE4+, Dossier 9 + reviews
modes (indicative, subjunctive);
comparison and its degrees
501 C1.1
= 28h
Analyze a "popularized" scientific
text; give back a philosophical
reasoning; comapre different
media treatment of information;
compare two sociological
documents; make cultural
coomparisons; analyze a
provocative and polemical article
Le T élégramme, Simone
Signoret and Yves Montand;
Tahar Ben Jelloun on family
Les mirages de la communication AE5, Dossier 1, Dossier 2
universelle; la pensée éparpillée
par la Toile; la presse et la
révolution digitale
502 C1.2
= 28h
Analyze the lived experience of a
philosopher activist; decode
understatements and implicits in a
text; debate economical and social
issues; make transhistorical and
intercultural comparisons; write a
synthetic note about migrants'
Excerpt from Simone Weil's
Journal; the Silk Road; new
migration patterns; African
fashion and influences
Ecrivain public; Trader, un métier AE5, Dossier 3, Dossier 4
d'avenir?; Zinedine Zidane; le
"Descenseur" social; Article 1,
Constitution Française;
Mondialisation en marche dans
un quartier populaire; identité et
métissage culturel
503 C1.3
= 28h
Sum up the evolution of a concept; Aristocracy under Louis XIV;
Talk about the "French exception"; ethnically mixed middle classes
compare the models of integration in the USA; multilingualism;
and profesional promotion in
Electing the president of the EU;
different countries; interpret
Europe seen from Japan
legislative language; study the way
an activist talks;
504 C1.4
= 28h
Sum up an historical thesis;
analyze a diplomatical speech;
formulate an hypothetical
reasoning; re-organize
information; define trends of
thoughts; study the provocative
aspects of a text
505 C1.5
= 28h
Explain a psychological process; Internet, a means to social links;
talk about the economical and
suppressing one's FaceBook
psychological consequences of a
social phenomenom; anlyze a
descriptive literary text; express
yourself on the function of
Le label "Egalité
AE5, Dossier 5, Dossier 6
Professionnelle"; le royaume où
les femmes sont reines; le déclin
de l'"affirmative action"; Nicolas
Sarkozy a l'Ecole Polytechnique;
privilèges et inégalités; Le Singe
et le Léopard, une fable de Jean
de La Fontaine; la quête
commune de l'Europe; Charte
européenne du plurilinguisme;
Victor Hugo, Congrès de la Paix,
1849; Naissance d'une identité
politique européenne
Le Louvre in Abu Dhabi; the
L'Afrique, notre avenir; le Louvre AE5, Dossier 7, Dossier 8
sensual city; Economic growth in Abu Dhabi; le français, langue
diplomatique; les Lumières;
Innovations à la Belle Epoque à
Paris; Toulouse baisse la lumière;
le droit au doute scientifique
Le Net (dé) forme la jeunesse; AE5, Dossier 9, Dossier 10
l'avenir des univers spirituels;
Second Life, témoignage d'un
résident; Madame Bovary; A la
recherche du temps perdu,
Marcel Proust, Préface de
"Alechinsky: le pinceau
506 C1.6
= 28h
Reflect on the history of sciences; Anatomy and medical imagery;
Comment légiférer sur la
AE5, Dossier 11, Dossier 12
argue ethical issues; take a side in scientific progress; bionic body; bioéthique?; le patient virtuel;
liberalism; the project "Work
a scientific controvesy; wonder
expérimentation scientifique;
and Learn Together"
about the aims of medical and
altermondialisme; les infortunes
scientific progress; analyze
du bonheur; Entre Diderot et
economical theories and debate
Disneyland: ou les avatars d'une
their validity; talk about social and
humanitarian aid; elaborate your
own personal notion of happiness