The Daly College, Indore Summer Assignment (2011


The Daly College, Indore Summer Assignment (2011
The Daly College, Indore
Summer Assignment (2011-2012)
Class X
1."The depression caused by the landing of the UFO left everybody perplexed..."Develop a
short story with the same beginning in not more than 350-400 words.
2. Write a debate ,either for or against on the topic, "Changing Trends in Education will Lead
to Doom" in not more than 200 words.
Devoir des Vacances
Mai – Juin 2011
Xè Classe
Q.1 Remplacez avec les adjectifs possessifs et des pronoms possessifs :
a. J’ai fini _____ devoirs. Avez-vous fini _____ ?
b. Harish lit _____ journaux. Je lis _____.
c. Vous allez rentrer dans _____ appartement, nous allons entrer _____.
d. Je prends _____ valise, prends _____.
e. Les indiens aiment _____ culture, les français aiment _____.
f. J’ai _____ opinions, vous avez _____.
Q.2. Mettez le texte au passé (choisissez entre le passé composé et l’imparfait)
a. Je suis à la terrasse d’un café près de l’Opéra. Il fait très beau. J’attends une amie. Je
regarde les passants. Il n’y a pas beaucoup de monde. Soudain, je remarque une femme sur le
trottoir d’en face. Le feu passe au vert, puis au rouge et de nouveau au vert, mais elle reste
immobile, comme une statue. Elle est grande, très pâle et elle semble fatiguée et même
exténuée. Tout à coup, une voiture s’arrête devant elle. Un homme sort. Il porte une petite
valise. Il est très brun et il a de petites moustaches. Il a l’air dangereux. Je suis un peu inquiet.
Il tend la valise à la dame et il repart tout de suite. Mais je ne vois pas la suite parce que mon
amie arrive, elle m’embrasse et elle s’assoit en face de moi. Quand je tourne la tête, la femme
n’est plus là…
b. J’attends une amie et ma tante arrive. Elle critique tout dans mon appartement. Elle jette
les revues qui sont sur mon bureau. Elle contrôle les livres que je lis. Elle part finalement,
mais elle oublie quelque chose sur le tapis : c’est une petite valise. Je l’ouvre : il y a un chat
dedans. Je descends l’escalier, je prends ma voiture et je cherche ma tante dans tout le
c. Hier je (être) à la terrasse d’un café. Il (faire) un beau soleil d’été. Je (lire) mon journal
quand Jacques (arriver) avec une jolie blonde. Ils (être) très amoureux. Quand Pierre me
(voir) il (venir) s’installer à ma table et me (présenter) sa copine. On (prendre) café ensemble
et on (bavarder).
Q. 3. Complétez avec le pronom démonstratif :
a. Tu vas à la piscine de notre quartier ? Non, à _____ de mon club.
b. Vous allez acheter la voiture de Pierre ? Non, j’ai décidé d’acheter _____ de mon voisin.
c. Tu vas voter pour ce politicien-là ? Non, pour _____.
d. Prenez _____ chaise, moi, je prends _____.
Q.4. Mettez les phrases en ordre :
a. Vie / dans / n’y / ma / il / de / problèmes / pas / a
b. Quand / beaucoup / elle / travaillait / elle / à / l’école / était.
c. N’appartient / maison / père / cette / pas / mon / à
d. Bien / ils / hier / chanté / ont / à / la / fêté
e. Pour / poussez / entrer
f. Cahier / mis / son / il / le / sac / a / dans
g. Le / mon/ voici / ami / père / de
h. Beaucoup / neigé / il / Paris / hier / a / à
i. Chez / amis / ils / des / français / habitent
j. Mon / vous / adresse / je / donne
Q.5 Mettez à l’impératif.
a. (Être) à l’heure !
b. (Faire) attention au prof !
c. (Avoir) de la patience !
d. (Vouloir) remplir cette fiche !
e. Ne (parler) pas dans la classe !
Production Écrite
ATTENTION ! Vous devez faire la production écrite dans la partie d’activités dans votre
cahier !
Q.1 Décrivez votre famille. (80 mots)
Q.2 Décrivez votre journée quotidienne. (80 mots)
Q.3 Vous êtes madame Toutevue qui fait des prédictions. Faites des prédictions pour
votre ami. (80 mots)
Q.4 Vous avez passé vos vacances à Goa. Écrivez une lettre à votre ami(e) lui décrivant
vos expériences. (100 mots)
Q.5 Écrivez une lettre d’environ 80 mots à un(e) cousin(e) dans laquelle vous allez
parler de vos passe-temps favoris.
Bonne Chance !
For what value of a and b the following pair of linear equation has infinitely many solution?
(2a-1) x +3y-5=0; 3x + (b-1) y -2=0
2. Draw the graph of the following pair of linear equation: x+3y=6; 2x-3y=12 Hence
find the area of the region bounded by x=0, y=0 and 2x-3y=12
3. Solve the following system of equation;
2x + 5 y
4x − 5 y
=-3 where x ≠ 0 and y ≠ 0
4. A number consists of two digits .When it is divided by the sum of its digit, the quotient is 6 with no
remainder. When the number is diminished by 9 , the digits are reversed. Find the number
5. A and B have some money with them. A said to B,if you give me Rs. 100, my money will become
75% of the money left with you said to A, instead if you give me Rs. 100your money will become
40% of my money. How much money did A and B have originally
6. The area of rectangle gets reduced by 8 m2, when its length is reduced by 5m and its
breath is increased by 3 m. If we increase the length by 3 m and breath by 2 m,the
area is increased by 74m2. Find the length and the breath of the rectangle
7. Solve the equation for x and y:
+y=0.8 and
= 10
x + 1 y −1 2
where x ≠ -1 and y ≠ -1
x +1
y +1
x + 11
9. Solve for x and y : 3
2 0 ; 2y +
10. A wizard having powers of mystic in candations and magical medicines seeing a cock
fight going on ,spoke privately to both the owners of cocks. To one he said ; if your
bird wins, then you give me your stake- money, but if you do not win, I shall give you
two third of that. Going to the other, he promised in the same way to give three fourth.
From both of them his gain would be only twelve gold coins. Find the stake of money
each of the cock owners have.
11. Solve the following system of equations using substitution method, 0.2x + 0.3y = 1.3;
0.4x + 0.4y = 2.3.
Solve for x and y;
1. Use Euclid’s division algorithm to find the H.C.F. of 4052 and 12576.
2. If ‘d’ is the H.C.F. of 56 and 72, find x, y satisfying ‘d’= 56 x + 72 y. Also , show that
x and y are not unique.
3. A merchant has 120 liters of oil of one kind, 180 liters of another kind and 240 liters
of third kind. He wants to sell the oil by filling the three kinds of oil in tins of equal
capacity what should be the greatest capacity of such a tin?
4. In a seminar, the number of participants in Hindi, English and Mathematics are 60, 84
and 108 respectively. Find the minimum numbers of rooms required if in each room
the same numbers of participants are to be seated and all of them being in the same
5. If the prime factorization of natural number n is 23 32 52 7, write the number of
consecutive zeros in n.
6. Two brands of chocolates are available in packs of 24 and 15 respectively. If I need to
buy an equal number of chocolates of both kinds, what is the least number of boxes of
each kind I would need to buy.
7. Use Euclid’s division algorithm to find the H.C.F. of 56, 96 and 404.
8. Find L.C.M. and H.C.F. of 312 and 27 and verify L.C.M. H.C.F. = product of the
9. The L.C.M. and H.C.F. of two numbers are 250 and 50 respectively. If the first
number is divided by 2, the quotient is 50. Find the number.
10. Prove that the √11 is irrational number.
is exactly divisible by the polynomial
1. If the polynomial 6
5, then find the values of a and b.
2. Find a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are 2 √5 and 2 √5 .
4 2 , find the value of p.
3. If one zero of polynomial
2 by a polynomial g(x), the quotient and remainder were
4. On dividing
(x –2) and (-2x + 4) respectively, find g(x).
5. Find the zeroes of the following quadratic polynomial and verify the relationship
3 7 .
between the zeroes and the coefficients: 6
are 2 and b respectively find the values of
6. If zeroes of the polynomials 3
a and b.
are the zeroes of the polynomials 2
5 satisfying the relation
7. If
, then find the value of k for this to be possible.
8. Find a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are reciprocals of the zeroes of the
is divisible by
9. Find the values of a and b so that
1 so that the resulting
10. What must be added to polynomial 4
3 2 .
polynomial is divisible by a polynomial
1 , then find the value of a.
11. If 1 is a zero of the polynomial p(x) =
are the zeroes of the polynomial f(x) = a
, then find
12. If ,
PROJECT:- To construct a cross word puzzle by using 15 mathematical vocabulary.
Example: point , altitude, circumcentre, etc.
1. Write the following experiment in your practical files.
Exp.1 To study different types of reactions
Exp.2 To study the properties of acids and bases
Exp.3 To determine the pH of different solutions
Note : At the end of every experiment write MCQ related to the experiment with the help of
your lab manual. Answer of MCQ’s will be discussed in the class later on.
2. Draw reactivity series of metals and write any five displacement reactions of your choice
choosing metals given in the reactivity series.
Name the law which relates the current in a conductor to the potential difference
across its ends.
Name the unit of electrical resistance and give its symbol.
Keeping the resistance constant, the potential difference applied across the ends of a
component is halved. By how much does the current change?
Which has less electrical resistance: a thin wire or a thick wire (of the same length and
same material)?
A potential difference of 20 volts is applied across the ends of a resistance of 5ohms.
What current will flow in the resistance?
A current of 5 amperes flows through a wire whose ends are at a potential difference
of 3 volts. Calculate the resistance of the wire.
(a) What is the ratio of potential difference and current known as?
(b) The values of potential difference V applied across a resistor and the
corresponding values of current flowing in the resistor are given below?
Potential difference, V
(in volts)
Current, I (in amperes)
Plot a graph between V and I, calculate the resistance of the resistor.
(c) Name the law which illustrated by the above V-I graph.
(d) Write down the formula which states the relation between potential difference,
current and resistance.
(e) The potential difference between the terminals of an electric iron is 240V and the
current is 0.5A. What is the resistance of the electric iron?
A 6Ω resistance wire is doubled up by folding. Calculate the new resistance of the
What do you understand by resistivity of a substance? Also write its S.I unit.
What would be the effect on the resistance of a metal wire of
(a) Increasing its length?
(b) Increasing its diameter?
(c) Increasing its temperature
Multiple Choice Questions
The potential across a 3Ω resistor is 6V. The current flowing in the resistor will be?
(a) ½ A
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 12
(c) half
(d) double
When the diameter of a wire is doubled, its resistance becomes:
(a) Double
(d) 6A
Keeping the potential constant, the resistance of a circuit is halved. The current wil
(a) one fourth (b) four times
(c) 2A
When a 4Ωresistor is connected across the terminals of a 12V battery, the number of
coulombs passing through the resistor per second is?
(a) 0.3
(b) 1A
(b) four times
(c) one half
(d) one fourth
When the area of cross section of a conductor is doubled, its resistance becomes:
(a) Double
(b) Half
(c) four times
(d) one fourth
Q-1Draw well labeled diagrams of following and write the functions of different parts or
structures present in: Cross section of a leaf (Angiosperm plant) and stomata separately.
Q-2 Show diagrammatically the different stages in the process of nutrition in Amoeba.
Q-3 Draw a labeled diagram of human alimentary canal and write the functions of different
Identify the problems that have resulted from indiscriminate use of resources.
Describe three stages of resource planning.
Why is it important to know the land use pattern of a country?
What are the reasons for land degradation? Describe briefly any four measures to
Conserve land from degradation? (CBSE 2010)
Why is it important to raise the land area under forest?
Explain any four human activities which are responsible for land degradation in India.
(CBSE 2009)
Name the States of India where land degradation has taken place due to:
a) wind erosion
b) Over irrigation
c) Mining
Describe how processing of minerals can cause land degradation.
Suggest some measures to solve problems of land degradation in:
a) Desert area
b) Abandoned mining sites
c) Mountains
d) Industrial area
e) Urban areas
What is soil? How is it formed?
Name the factors responsible for soil formation.(CBSE 2009)
Draw the diagram of the soil profile.
Give reasons why NSA (net sown area) is high in Punjab and Haryana.
Why is NSA less than 10% in Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur and Andaman
and Nicobar Islands.
Create a PowerPoint presentation on any topic of your choice preferably on a current topic.
The presentation should include the different effects and animations required in a good
presentation. Minimum number of slides can be 10 and maximum can be 25. Students can get
the presentation in a pen drive/ a CD/or e-mail it as an attachment to their own e-mail
1. Assume there are four families in a country. The average per capita income of these families is Rs
15000. If the income of three families is Rs 10000, Rs 15000 and Rs 20000 respectively, what is the
income of the fourth family?
A) Rs. 10000
C) Rs. 15000
B)Rs. 13000
D) Rs. 20000
2. Which of the following neighboring countries has better performance in terms of human
development than India?
A) Bangladesh
B) Sri Lanka
C) Nepal
D) Pakistan
Look at the following data for crude oil.
Number of Years
(Billion Tonnes)
Reserves will last
Middle East
United States of America 4
On the basis of the above table answer the following questions (3 & 4 ):
3. What are current crude oil reserves according to the data?
A) 89 Billion Tonnes
B) 4 Billion Tonnes
C) 137 Billion Tonnes
D) 141 Billion Tonnes
4. In which part of the world is the situation grim?
A) Middle East
C) India
D) A & B
5. Study the data given below in the table and answer the questions that follow 5.1 – 5.2):
Some Comparative Data on Punjab, Kerela and Bihar
Infant Mortality Rate
per 1,000 (2003)
Literacy Rate (%)
5.1 Which state has the highest infant mortality rate?
Net Attendance Ratio
for Class I – V
5.2 Why has this state has highest infant mortality rate? Give two reasons.
6. “The Earth has enough resources to meet the needs of all but not enough to satisfy the greed of
even one person”. How is this statement relevant to the discussion of development?
7. What should be developmental goals of an adivasi from a narmada valley? Mention any two such
8. Give two examples where an average is used for comparing situations?
9. Find out per capita income level of middle income countries as per World Development Report

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