Revue de presse ANGLAIS Semaine du 07 au 13 octobre 2013


Revue de presse ANGLAIS Semaine du 07 au 13 octobre 2013
Revue de presse ANGLAIS
Semaine du 07 au 13 octobre 2013
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Time – October 7, 2013
New Scientist – October 12, 2013
Briefing - Health
Beyond the Breathalyzer (By Alice Park) : Researchers
are mining our exhalations to diagnose disease.
News focus – US paralysis
The maths that saw the US shutdown coming (by Debora
MacKenzie) : Can a new mathematical model predict the
endgame of empires? Peter Turchin says his work shows
why the US is in crisis, and what will happen next.
SPECIAL REPORT : Higher Education
What Colleges Will Teach in 2025 (by Jon Meacham) :
America must resolve the conflict between knowledge
and know-how.
MIT’s President: Better, More Affordable Colleges Start
Online (By L. Rafael Reif, President of MIT) : How digital
learning can become a part of every campus. Online
learning will make college cheaper. It will also make it
The Economist – October 12/18,
The rise of consequences in video games (by Douglas
Heaven) : Grand Theft Auto V lets players kill and be
killed with no comeback, but a new breed of games uses
open-ended social interactions to explore moral choices.
The great greening: The coming of our new lush Earth
(by Olive Hefferman) : From the Arctic to the deserts,
plants are thriving in our changing climate. Sounds like a
new Eden – but there will be winners and losers.
The mind minders: Meet our brain's maintenance workers
(by Moheb Costandi) : A roving band of cells take care of
business in the brain, giving rise to our fertile and
flexible minds. Meet the microglia.
Financial Times Weekend Edition october 12- 13, 2013
United States
Higher education - Learned Luddites : Many professors
are hostile to online education.
Bike-sharing - Taking off the stabilisers : Sharing two
wheels is becoming ever more popular.
Books – inequality
The future of inequality (By John McDermott)
Inequality has long followed scientific progress. But in an
ultramechanised world, will a new ‘cognitive elite’ leave
everyone else behind? The journalist asks if the gap
between rich and poor is set to become a gulf.
Beyond the God particle (By Clive Cookson)
This year's Nobel Prizes in chemistry and physics
iluustrates how computing is changing every fied of
research. But the need for human inspiration remains.
The Guardian
October, 2013
11/17 Scientific American – October 2013
Inside Guardian Weekly
Inside the 11 October edition (by Graham Snowdon) :
Despair at Europe's gates; pressure grows over Qatar
workers; dark internet thwarts NSA.
International News
NSA and GCHQ target Tor network that protects
anonymity of web users (by James Ball, Bruce Schneier
and Glenn Greenwald) : Funded by government, Tor
software eludes attempts to attack it.
Chimps are making monkeys out of us (by Justin
McCurry) : Extraordinary research from Japan shows that
chimpanzees are way ahead of humans in complex
memory tests.
Courrier International
octobre 2013
Researchers Aim to Level the Playing Field for Patients
Awaiting New Livers (By Dina Fine Maron) : The map
governing who gets an organ transplant favors some
regions over others.
Why Humans Live So Long (by Heather Pringle) : Modern
genomes and ancient mummies are yielding clues to why
the life span of Homo sapiens far exceeds that of other
Dossier « Crossroads of invention »
How to Exploit the Power of Diverse Minds (By The
Editors) : A good idea can be powerful. Many of them, in
a network of diverse minds, can be more powerful still.
How to Unlock Life-Changing Technologies Now Waiting
in the Labs (By David J. Kappos) : Miniature robots,
personalized drugs and other potentially life-changing
technologies lie waiting in the laboratory, lacking
support. Here's how to fix the problem.
How 142 Nations Capitalize on Science : How well do
mature and emerging nations capitalize on science?
Sans le sou, une diplomatie fragilisée (By Edward Luce,
Financial Times) : Le shutdown et les crises politiques à
répétition écornent un peu plus l’image des Etats-Unis
dans le monde.
Source : Washington’s rolling seizures short-circuit US
soft power
Europe - Crise
IRLANDE - Dans l’attente de la reprise pour tous (By
Jamie Smyth, Financial Times)
Seules les grandes villes bénéficient de la reprise
économique. Le cœur rural du pays croule toujours sous
le chômage et l’émigration bat des records.
Source : Rural Ireland feels the pinch as Dublin bounces
back to life
Science et Innovation
Sur la piste de l'atome vert (By Matthew L Wald, The
New York Times) : Une start-up pilotée par Bill Gates
planche sur un réacteur révolutionnaire alimenté par des
déchets nucléaires.
Source : Atomic Goal: 800 Years of Power From Waste
Information Technology
How Big Data Can Transform Society for the Better (by
Alex Pentland) : The digital traces we leave behind each
day reveal more about us than we know. This could
become a privacy nightmare—or it could be the
foundation of a healthier, more prosperous world.
How to Build a Robot Octopus (by Katherine Harmon
Courage) : Smart, strong and flexible, the octopus is an
enticing model for an entirely new kind of many-armed,
multitalented robot.

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