Appel d`offres pour services de traduction pour le Centre de Traduction


Appel d`offres pour services de traduction pour le Centre de Traduction
Call for tender for translation services for the Translation Centre
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Can we submit an extract from the Register of Qualified Suppliers (Seznam kvalifikovaných
dodavatelů) instead of the following documents as it is common practice in the tenders
published in the Czech Republic?:
 recent extract from the judicial record (both tenderer and tenderer´s legal representative);
 recent certificate issued by social security and tax authorities;
 document attesting that the person indicated is empowered to represent the tendering
Yes, an extract from the Register of Qualified Suppliers (Seznam kvalifikovaných dodavatelů) can be
submitted instead of the documents you listed.
Concerning the e-prior‟s platform mentioned in the specifications point 1.7.6, could you
confirm us that the access to this tool will be free and will not need any specific development?
Please note that the e-prior platform could be used by suppliers either as a the web version or as a
business to business solution (for suppliers with high volume of transactions). Both options are for free,
but the B2B solution requires some development on the side of the supplier's IT system.
Please advise if subcontractors are required to complete the legal entity form (see 1.5) and
also the financial identification form (see 1.6)?
Please note that your subcontractors are not required to fill the legal entity form and the financial
identification form.
I have completed the electronic application form referred to in Section 1.7 and clicked on
„Submit‟ as per the instructions. Unfortunately I do not appear to have received a delivery
receipt („The Translation Centre will send back a delivery receipt (...)‟). Please advise.
The delivery receipt should appear on the screen, immediately after you have filled the application
form online and click on "submit/sent" at the bottom of the page. This delivery receipt which contains
all your data, must be printed, signed and attached to the tender.
According to 3.2.2., page 13 of the Specifications, the tenderer must present a statement of
overall turnover and of turnover for the last three financial years for the type of services
covered by this call for tenders. As regards the statement, can you please clarify what do you
mean by a statement of turnover for the type of services covered by this call for tenders?
Please note that concerning: "the statement of turnover for the type of services covered by this call for
tenders", we refer to translation services and translation activity in general.
Is the use of the tender submission form file mandatory? In some cases the use of the form is
not convenient. Couldn‟t we transform the file of the tender submission form at the way that
suits to our proposal instead of using the original file itself? We will, of course, respect the line
and the content of the original form.
Please note that the tender submission form file, which is editable in selected fields is provided as a
guideline, in order to help tenderers to draft their tender.
It is therefore not obligatory to use the provided file. It is nervertheless advisable for the tenderer
wishing to use their own tender form file to follow as much as possible the line and content of the
original form in order to make sure that all required information and documentation is submitted in the
The tender states in the specifications page 12/3.1.2: ” not more than 12 months prior the date
for submission of tenders.” / in the form page 13: ”…must not pre-date the publication of this
invitation to tender by more than twelve months.“The date of submission is October 2, the date
of invitation 20 June. What is applicable?
As regards your question please note that the various required certificates must be issued not more
than 12 months prior to the date for submission of tenders (ie 2 October 2012).
A la page 14 des spécifications point 3.2.4 le profil 1 requiert un « diplôme en traduction », un
diplôme en langue (exemple : master d‟anglais, langue et civilisation allemande…) peut-il être
accepté de façon équivalente pour ce profil ?
Un diplôme en langue (exemple : master d’anglais, langue et civilisation allemande) pourra être
accepté par le comité d'évaluation comme constituant un profil 1. Cependant, nous vous prions de
bien vouloir noter que le comité d'évaluation décidera souverainement du profil correspondant à
chaque traducteur proposé, en se basant sur les diplômes et les preuves d'expérience transmises par
les soumissionnaires.
Aux pages 14/15 des spécifications point 3.2.4 il est indiqué « at least half of the experience
indicated must have been in European affairs… », s‟agit-il de la moitié des 3 000 pages
requises ou de la moitié de l‟expérience totale du traducteur mise en avant ?
Il s'agit ici de la moitié de l'expérience requise, 3 000 ou 4 000 pages, selon le profil.
10) A la page 15 des spécifications point 3.2.4, l‟expérience dans le domaine public doit-elle être
uniquement dans la combinaison linguistique pour laquelle le traducteur est présenté ?
Selon le cahier des charges, point 3.2.4 : "translation experience into the language combination
for which the bid is made equivalent to at least 3000 (profile 1)/4000 (profile 2) pages. At least half of
the experience indicated must have been in European affairs or public administration matters or must
have been gained with translation services provided for local, national or international public bodies. ",
l'expérience acquise auprès d'une organisation internationale publique doit être acquise dans la
combinaison linguistique pour laquelle est déposée l'offre.
11) A la page 15 des spécifications point 3.2.4, l‟expérience pour des ONG, organisations
internationales (exemple OIT), … est-elle prise en compte dans l‟expérience dans le domaine
public ?
Selon le cahier des charges, point 3.2.4 :"[...] must have been gained with translation services
provided for local, national or international public bodies." Les ONG étant par nature des organisations
privées, elles ne rentrent pas dans ce cadre. L'expérience acquise pour des organisations
internationales publiques telles l'OIT pourra être prise en compte.
12) According to the specifications "at least half of the translation experience must have been
gained with translation services provided for local, national or international public bodies." We
have numerous translators who translate texts assigned to us by the Translation Centre, that is
an international public body. How can our translators prove this experience gained by
translating for the public body?
Indeed, the Translation Centre would be considered as a international public body. According to Art.
3.2.4 of the tender specifications: "At least half of the experience indicated must have been in
European affairs or public administration matters or must have been gained with translation services
provided for local, national or international public bodies." In the case you describe, the link between
the international public body and the freelance translator is not direct (since the translations went
through the tenderer). Please note that it is the sole responsability of the tenderer to enclose in their
offer the necessary documentation in order to prove the experience asserted for the translators they
propose in the team. Please also note that self declarations by the tenderer will not be considered as
sufficient proof.