No 8 Telopea topics - Telopea Park School


No 8 Telopea topics - Telopea Park School
Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No 8 – Friday 27 May 2016
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
Alors que nous entamons la deuxième moitié du
trimestre nos élèves poursuivent leur parcours
d’apprentissage avec beaucoup de sérieux et toute
l’énergie que nous leur connaissons.
L’année scolaire rythme nord touche à sa fin et un
certain nombre d’élèves du courant français
Secondaire finissent leur année scolaire au début
du mois de juillet puis, tout en restant dans le
même niveau australien, vont débuter le
programme français du niveau suivant. Beaucoup
d’entre eux passent des examens en juin, nous
leur souhaitons bon courage et bonne chance !
30 May – 3 June
National Reconciliation Week
1 June 15.30-16.30
RAP Committee Meeting
1 June-3 June
Primary Book Fair
1 June 18.00-19.00
2017 World Challenge Trip Parent Meeting
8 June 15.30-16.30
Gifted and Talented Committee Meeting
Les actions pédagogiques
Echange avec le lycée International de Valbonne
Nos élèves de Year 10 viennent de rentrer de France après un excellent séjour. Ils rapportent de magnifiques souvenirs qu’ils
vont pouvoir partager avec tous les élèves de l’établissement !
Concours Géosciences pour les élèves de Première
Nos élèves de Première ont participé à une compétition scientifique organisée par l’AEFE : le concours Géosciences. Nous les
félicitons pour leur enthousiasme et leur travail particulièrement sérieux. La remise des prix s’est déroulée le lundi 16 mai à
Narrabundah College. Un grand merci à Madame Boutraud, leur professeur de SVT pour l’organisation et le suivi de cette belle
compétition scientifique.
Fête de l’Athlétisme au Primaire et au Secondaire
Le 17 mai les élèves du secondaire et le 25 mai les élèves du primaire ont participé à la traditionnelle Fête de l’Athlétisme. Un
grand merci aux professeurs et aux parents pour leur contribution à l’organisation de ce bel événement et bien sûr bravo et
félicitations à tous les élèves participants !
Les enseignants du courant français.
Comme tous les ans, certains de nos professeurs français retournent en France ou dans d’autres établissements du réseau AEFE
(avec 488 écoles AEFE dans le monde, ils ont le choix !)
Term 1 2016
1 February – 8 April
Term 2 2016
26 April – 1 July
Term 3 2016
18 July – 23 September
Term 4 2016
10 October -16 December
Les enseignants du courant français.
Comme tous les ans, certains de nos professeurs français retournent en France ou
dans d’autres établissements du réseau AEFE (avec 488 écoles AEFE dans le
monde, ils ont le choix !)
Ce sera le cas en Primaire pour, Mme Rabaud Fremy, Mme Caestecker, Mme
Pradillon, Mme Torres, Mme Lamrani et Mme Monniot Kerr. Nous terminons tout
juste le processus de recrutement (nous avons reçu plus de 100 candidatures) et
avons le plaisir d’annoncer l’arrivée de Mme Ingrid Aubert, Mme Gwenaelle Peyret,
Mme Severine Bernanrd, Mme Olivia Singier, Mme Séverine Navaux et Mme Sarah
Moncuquet. Une communication a été faite aux familles pour les informer de ce changement.
Au secondaire, les enseignants partants sont M. Eric Dostal (Mathématiques) ; M. Nicolas Coget (SPC) et M. Alexandre Raphel
(Lettres / Philosophie) et nous accueillerons M. Christophe Navaux (Mathématiques) ; M. Yann Gouet (SPC) et M. Bilal Brahim
(Français / Philosophie).
Nous remercions sincèrement les enseignants qui quittent notre établissement pour leur engagement envers l’école et leur
travail soutenu. Chacun d’entre eux a contribué à apporter un petit morceau de France au Lycée franco australien afin de
s’assurer que nos élèves reçoivent la meilleure éducation bilingue possible.
Australian Association of French English Bilingual Schools
Avec notre Principale, Ms Kerrie Blain, nous nous sommes rendus au lycée Condorcet de Sydney le 20 mai pour une réunion de
l’Association australienne des écoles à programme bilingue français – anglais. Nous avons ainsi pu parler de pédagogie et du
développement de notre réseau des écoles bilingues qui compte déjà 10 établissements sur quatre Etats ou Territoires pour un
total de plus de 3500 élèves.
Le 26 mai, nous avons eu le plaisir d’accueillir les représentants de ces mêmes établissements à Telopea Park School. Au
programme de la journée, de nombreuses réunions sur le thème de l’avenir et du développement de l’enseignement bilingue en
Les examens
Nos élèves se sont activement préparés au Baccalauréat et au Diplôme National du Brevet en participant aux derniers examens
blancs en semaine 9 du premier trimestre pour les Troisièmes et en semaines 1 et 2 du deuxième trimestre pour les Premières
et Terminales.
Les épreuves et les résultats
Le Brevet
La première épreuve s’est déroulée en semaine 3 du trimestre 2 à Telopea : l’oral d’Histoire des Arts. Nous avons eu des
présentations très intéressantes et sans dévoiler les résultats qui seront communiqués début juillet, nous pouvons déjà féliciter
nos élèves pour leurs prestations.
Les épreuves écrites du Brevet se dérouleront à l’Alliance Française du 27 au 28 juin 2016.
Les résultats seront publiés le 1 juillet en fin de soirée.
Le Baccalauréat
Les épreuves pratiques de SVT et de Sciences Physiques en laboratoire se sont déroulées à Narrabundah College le 24 mai 2016.
Les épreuves orales de français pour les Premières se dérouleront le 20 juin à l’Alliance Française.
Les épreuves écrites de Première se dérouleront sur le site de Narrabundah College le 24 juin.
composeront les épreuves écrites à Sydney (Lycée Condorcet) du 20 au 23 juin.
Les élèves de Terminale
Les résultats seront publiés le 01 juillet au soir.
En complément du site du lycée franco australien, nous avons également des comptes Twitter et Facebook. Je vous invite à
suivre notre actualité sur twitter à cette adresse : et à « aimer » notre page facebook à
cette adresse :ée-franco-australien-de-Canberra-Telopea-ParkSchool/1429983107306791
Nous rappelons que les inscriptions pour l’année 7 et la classe de Grande Section de Maternelle ferment ce vendredi. Les élèves
déjà inscrits à Telopea Park School en Sixième n’ont pas à se réinscrire pour la Cinquième. Une procédure interne avec
notamment le choix de langue vivante sera remise aux élèves ultérieurement et une réunion sera organisée pour expliquer cette
transition aux familles.
Il me reste à souhaiter à tous une excellente fin de trimestre et beaucoup de courage à nos élèves qui doivent continuer à
donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes pour devenir les citoyens ouverts et éclairés du monde de demain.
Emmanuel Texier, le 27 mai 2016
As we are starting the second half of the term, our students are keeping up with their learning journey very actively and
seriously. The French school year is getting to an end. Many EFS students are finishing their French academic year at the
beginning of July and are starting a new school year in Term 3, staying in the same Australian year level though.
A lot of them are taking exams in June, we wish them all the best and good luck!
Educational news
Exchange with French International School in Valbonne
Our Year 10 students have just returned from France after a great stay. They bring wonderful memories that they will be able to
share with all students in the school!
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Géosciences competition with Year 11 students
Our Year 11 students participated in a scientific competition organized by the AEFE: Concours Géosciences. We congratulate
them for their enthusiastic and serious work. The Award Ceremony took place on Monday 16th May at Narrabundah College. A
big thank you to Ms Boutraud, their Science teacher for organizing and monitoring this wonderful science competition.
Primary and Secondary Athletics Carnivals
The whole school attended the traditional Athletics Carnivals, on May 17th for Secondary students and on May 25th for Primary
students. We warmly thank parents and staff for organizing these great events. Bravo and congratulations to all participating
French Teachers
Like every year, some of our teachers are going back to France or in some other French school abroad (they have 488 AEFE
schools in the world to choose from!)
In Primary, Ms Frédérique Rabaud-Fremy, Ms Sophie Caestecker, Ms Cécile Pradillon, Ms Tatiana Torres, Ms Lilas
Monniot Kerr and Ms Maria Lamrani are leaving the school.
After a long recruiting process (we had over 100 applications), new teachers have now been selected.
We are pleased to announce that our new Primary teachers will be Ms Ingrid Aubert, Ms Gwenaelle Peyret, Ms Séverine
Bernard, Ms Olivia Singier, Ms Séverine Navaux and Ms Sarah Moncuquet. A communication note has already been sent
home to parents/carers to inform them of these changes.
In Secondary, leaving teachers are Mr Eric Dostal (Mathématiques), Mr Nicolas Coget (SPC) and Mr Alexandre Raphel
(Français/Philosophie). They will all be replaced by experienced accredited teachers either coming from France or a French school
In two months we will thus welcome: Mr Christophe Navaux (Mathématiques); Mr Yann Gouet (SPC); Mr Bilal Brahim
We warmly thank the teachers leaving Telopea Park School / Lycée franco-australien de Canberra for their commitment to the
school and their hard work. Each and every one of them contributed to bring a little bit of France into our school to ensure that
our students get the best bilingual education possible.
Australian Association of French English Bilingual Schools
Ms Kerrie Blain, our Principal, and I attended a meeting of AAFEBS (Australian Association of French English Bilingual Schools) on
May 20th at Lycée Condorcet in Sydney. We had the opportunity to discuss pedagogy and the development of our network of
bilingual schools, now counting more than 3500 students from 10 schools across four states or territories.
On May 26th we welcomed the principals of these schools to Telopea Park School. The forum included a series of meetings on
the future and the development of bilingual education in Australia.
Our students have been actively preparing for the Baccalauréat and Brevet National Diploma examinations while sitting for the
last mock exam sessions (Year 9 classes in Week 9 of Term 1, and Years 11 and 12 classes in Weeks 1 and 2 of Term 2).
Assessments and results
The first test took place in Week 3 of Term 2 at Telopea with the Histoire des Arts oral exam. We had very interesting
presentations, and without disclosing the results we can already congratulate our students for their performances.
Written examinations will be held at the French Alliance Française from June 27th to June 28th.
Results will be published on July 1st in the evening.
SVT and Physics practical laboratory examinations took place at Narrabundah College on May 24th.
The oral examinations in French for our Year 11 students will take place on June 20th at the Alliance Française.
The written examinations for our Year 11 students will take place at Narrabundah College on June 24th.
Our Year 12 students will sit their written examinations in Sydney (French School) from June 20th to June 23rd.
Results will be published on July 1st in the evening.
In addition to our school’s website, we also have Twitter and Facebook accounts. I invite you to “follow” us on twitter at this
address: and to “like” our Facebook page at this address :ée-franco-australien-de-Canberra-Telopea-ParkSchool/1429983107306791
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We wish to remind you that enrolments in Year 7 and Kindergarten classes will close this Friday. Students already attending Year
6 in Telopea Park School do not have to re-enrol in Year 7. We use an internal process and relevant documentation, including the
choice of a second language, will be soon given to students. We will also hold a meeting for families to explain transitioning into
Year 7.
I would now like to wish everyone a successful end of term and the best of luck to our students who must continue to achieve to
the best of their abilities to become the engaged and enlightened citizens of tomorrow’s world.
Emmanuel Texier,
May 27th 2016
Special General Meeting - Telopea Park School Parent and Citizens Association
A Special General Meeting of the Telopea Park School P & C Association will be held at 7:00 pm on Wednesday 15
June in the secondary staff room.
The purpose of this meeting is to approve the Auditors reports for the P&C and the BASC. Papers for the SGM will
be available from the P&C website one week before the meeting.
Following the SGM, a standard meeting of the P&C will be held. All are welcome to attend.
We look forward to your attendance on 15 June.
Paul Haesler
Year 7 Parents/Carers
In Semester 2, Year 7 students may be placed in streamed classes for English, Mathematics and
Placement in Year 7 Challenge English, Advanced Mathematics Extended and Quantum Science will
depend on the student’s Semester 1 results, class teacher recommendation and a skills task. On
Tuesday 14 June all Year 7 students will take part in the skills task during Line 1.
If your child is absent that day there will be a catch-up time, on Friday 17 June.
Please email Mrs Michele McLoughlin, Deputy Principal for any queries.
[email protected]
Band tour to France in 2017 – payment schedule.
The first refundable deposit for the 2017 France band tour of $500 is needed by close of business on Friday 29th July (ie
2.30pm). This can be paid to the finance office here at school. At this stage, the tour will cost $6,000 – this figure could vary
with fluctuations in the Australian dollar and/or airline fuel costs in 2017.
Second deposit: Fri 28th October, 2016 ($500)
Third deposit: Fri 2nd December, 2016 ($1,500)
Fourth deposit: Fri 12th Feb 2017: ($1,500)
Fifth deposit: Fri 15th April 2017: ($1,500)
Sixth deposit: Fri 12th May 2017: final deposit ($500)
Please note that once the deadline for the first deposit (Fri 29th July 2016 at 2.30pm) is passed, a reserve list will be generated.
The excursion code for electronic payments is: 8232-000-00.
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TPS BAND CALENDAR DATES – Terms 2 to 4 2016
Sydney Tour – Thursday 15 September – Saturday 17 September 2016
Wednesday Band - 8.00am Before School Wind Ensemble (non-Year 7)
Thursday Band - 8.00 Year7 Before School Band (Year 7 EFS and Australian Stream)
Friday Band – Before School Jazz Band
Saturday 2 July – sausage sizzle and coffee at TPS polling booth for election (TBC)
Friday 29 July, 2.30pm – 1st deposit, France 2017
Friday 14 October – Floriade performance, Year7 bands TBC
Tuesday 25 Octobert – Music: Count Us In at Llewellyn Hall TBC
Thursday 27 October and Fri 28 Oct – South Coast trip; Year 7 bands TBC
Friday 28 October – 2nd (non-refundable) deposit – France 2017
Friday 4 November and Saturday 5 November – 24hr Band-a-Thon and Fete TBC
Friday 2 December – 3rd deposit France 2017
NB 2017 France and Belgium tour: Thursday 21 September 2017 – Thursday 5 October 2017 FOR YR 8-10 BAND MEMBERS
Course Costs and Materials:
Costs: $45 per student for the semester if the student possesses their own instrument.
$90 per semester for students using a school instrument.
$60 per semester for students using school drums, school guitars or keyboards.
Chamber String Ensemble and Music Tuition.
Private tutors are available and lessons can be arranged through Charlotte Winslade at ACTAM on 0419 308 918. Their website is if you would like to look into this area.
Guitar tuition on site is also available through Mojo Guitars – Cameron can be contacted on 0431 550 005 if you are interested in
pursuing after school guitar lessons.
Please feel free to contact me on 6142 3382 or by email (more reliable) if you have any questions to do with band, tuition or just
to say bon jour or g’day.
Request for Volunteers for Australian Business Week 2016
Dear Parents and Carers,
Each year, Telopea Park School offers all Year 10 students the opportunity to participate in Australian Business Week. This year
ABW will be held between 27 June and 1 July. The ABW Program is a fantastic opportunity for students to work in teams to
develop their own hospitality enterprise, making a series of financial, business, environmental and social decisions.
The successful running of the program requires mentors to work with individual teams throughout ABW. The role of the mentor
is predominantly guidance: to act as a consultant for the group, only helping when asked and offering only limited assistance.
Mentors do not need to have specialty experience in hospitality or hotel management.
We are looking for expressions of interest from parents who would be available to volunteer their time on Monday 27 and
Tuesday 28 June. Ideally, mentors would be at the school between 8:55am and 3:15pm for both days.
If you are available during this time and are interested in mentoring one of the ABW teams, or if you would like any further
information please send me an email at [email protected]
Thank you in advance for your support,
Hollie Aerts
Telopea Park School Individuals and Societies Teacher and Year 7 Co-ordinator
Email: [email protected] | Phone: 02 6142 3369
Address: Telopea Park School, New South Wales Crescent, Barton, ACT, 2600
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Bands at Telopea have had a very successful semester. Highlights include a World Record attendance at Band Camp which
maxed out Warrambui such that we had to rent out their second facility (having filled the old centre!)
A very big thank you to Mrs Olney for her heroic efforts at Band Camp – she also now runs an emergency taxi service during the
eisteddfod, but that is another story … also a big thanks to all the staff who help make the bands here at Telopea tick – Meg
Taylor and Ben Yuen particularly.
Sam Parkinson conducted the Wind Ensemble at Anzac Day with style and great flair when Mr C was enjoying a hamburger at a
café in the South Pacific (!) Well done Sam – and well done Ralph Neuangrit for a brilliant Last Post performance!
Once again the band received a Gold, a Silver and a Bronze at the National Eisteddfod – a really great effort from absolutely
everybody. Wind Ensemble still stands alone in the A Grade section and played some very exhilarating music (notwithstanding
Mr C somehow losing the last two bars of Lord of the Rings … possibly he slipped the ring on and those bars somehow vanished?
Not even the adjudicator could find them …
The jazz band had a great day out at the Alliance Française once again on a picture perfect Canberra afternoon – we also have
an upcoming performance at the Alliance for Fete de la Musique – keep your eye out on the calendar for this date!
Mobilité des élèves et de leur famille
Notre école accueille des élèves du monde entier, et ceci tout au long de l’année. La plupart ont fréquenté auparavant un
établissement du réseau AEFE et leur transition vers Canberra en est grandement facilitée. D’autres élèves nous quittent pour de
courtes ou moyennes périodes, ou bien définitivement. Afin de pouvoir gérer au mieux les effectifs des classes, nous vous
invitons à nous faire part de tout départ (temporaire ou permanent) le plus tôt possible en complétant un formulaire de départ.
Ces formulaires sont disponibles au bureau du primaire. Vous pouvez également les télécharger en cliquant sur ce lien : .
Objets de valeur à l’école
De récents incidents survenus durant les dernières semaines de classe m’amènent à vous rappeler le règlement de l’école en ce
qui concerne les objets de valeur : l’école ne peut pas être tenue pour responsable de toute disparition ou dégradation d’objets
de valeur. Nous demandons donc aux élèves de ne pas apporter d’objets de valeur à l’école. Les cartes “Pokemon” sont
considérées comme des objets de valeur.
Les ordinateurs ou chromebooks des élèves de 6º sont bien sûr acceptés, et sont régis par le dispositif BYOD (Bring Your Own
Device). Il est possible de les déposer dans un endroit sécurisé durant les périodes d’inter-classe.
“Hats off day”
Du 1er juin au 31 juillet 2016, nous demandons aux élèves de ne plus porter leur chapeau. En effet, comme l’indique l’ACT
Cancer Council ( , l’index UV reste en dessous de 3 tous les jours et toute la journée durant cette période,
et le soleil ne présente donc pas de risque pour la peau de nos enfants. Bien au contraire : l’exposition au soleil permettra la
synthèse de vitamine D, dont nos élèves ont bien besoin durant l’hiver.
Compétitions d’athlétisme
Ce dernier rendez-vous sportif de l’année, qui s’est déroulé les mercredi 25 et vendredi 27 mai, a une fois encore rassemblé
toute la communauté scolaire autour des activités athlétiques de courses, de lancers et de sauts dans un climat convivial et
respectueux des valeurs de notre école. Nous souhaiterions remercier ici les nombreux parents volontaires qui nous ont
accompagné tout au long de la journée et qui ont apporté leur aide sur les différentes épreuves. Bravo à l’ensemble des élèves
de l’école primaire (de la grande section à la classe de 6º) pour une excellente participation !
Actualités :
Concours d’éloquence
Nos élèves de CE2 à 6º ont planché durant les dernières semaines sur l’écriture d’un discours en anglais et ont eu l’occasion de
le présenter en classe, puis en assemblée pour ceux d’entre eux qui ont été sélectionnés. Le jury devait choisir parmi ces
finalistes un seul représentant pour toute l’école primaire, et c’est finalement Amédée Dewynter, élève de 5.1, qui a eu cet
honneur. Je voudrais féliciter tous les élèves participants pour la qualité de leurs prestations et de leurs textes, et tout
particulièrement Amédée qui représentera notre école devant un large public et s’exprimera en anglais alors qu’il est arrivé en
Australie il y a moins d’un an !
Focus sur une pratique pédagogique : les ateliers libres
Vous êtes certainement déjà familiers avec le dispositif pédagogique des ateliers, que l’on retrouve dans toutes les classes de
l’école primaire, et qui consiste en la réalisation de tâches en petits groupes ou individuellement durant un temps imparti. Cette
pratique a évolué dans certaines classes vers la mise en place d’ateliers libres. Les élèves ont alors le choix de l’activité à réaliser
et peuvent réaliser une ou plusieurs activités durant un temps imparti. Cette pratique innovante permet à chaque élève de se
construire un véritable parcours d’apprentissage personnalisé, et est également un dispositif favorisant la métacognition, c’est à
dire la réflexion sur son propre apprentissage. Maria Raphel-Lamrani a largement contribué à la popularité de ce dispositif, à
l’école et dans le réseau AEFE-Asie Pacifique, et nous la remercions vivement pour la promotion de cette pratique innovante.
Nouvelles technologies : 130 iPads, 75 chromebooks, 80 ordinateurs portables dans l’école… pour quoi faire ?
Notre établissement a la chance d’être largement équipé d’appareils électroniques, mais l’on peut se poser la question de
l’intérêt d’un tel équipement à l’école primaire… Les raisons sont multiples, mais l’on peut évoquer en priorité le fait que nous
vivons désormais dans une ère digitale, que ces appareils ont largement envahi l’espace familial, et que l’une des missions de
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l’école est certainement de préparer nos élèves à devenir des citoyens “connectés”. Sur un plan pédagogique, les iPads et autres
appareils nous permettent de mettre en place une pédagogie active et innovante, au service des apprentissages de vos enfants.
Ainsi, l’utilisation d’exerciseurs en mathématiques, en orthographe ou grammaire, permet de revoir et d’ancrer des notions
importantes, grâce à l’intensivité de la tâche et au feedback instantanné que l’élève peut recevoir. D’autres usages favorisent la
constitution d’un parcours d’apprentissages, grâce à la mise en place de portfolios numériques par exemple. Enfin, la créativité
de nos élèves est stimulée par l’usage d’application adaptée, leur permettant de s’engager facilement et en toute confiance dans
la production d’écrits, ou dans la production audiovisuelle ou multimédia. Nous croyons à la plus-value apportée par ces
appareils électroniques, et sommes toujours à la recherche de nouveaux usages afin d’être toujours plus efficaces dans la mise
en place de notre programme binational.
Julien Dugas
Conseiller Pédagogique
Students Leaving the school
Our school welcomes students from around the world, and this throughout the year. Most have previously attended school in the
AEFE network and transitioning to Canberra is thus greatly facilitated. Other students are leaving for shorter or longer periods or
permanently. In order to best manage the sizes of classes, we invite you to inform us as soon as possible if you intend to leave
the school (temporarily or permanently). You will need to fill out a special form available at the primary office. You can also
download it by clicking on this link :
Bringing valuables to school
Because of recent incidents over the past weeks we need to remind the school community of our school policy regarding
valuables: the school can not be held liable for any loss or damage of valuables. We therefore ask students not to bring any
valuables to school. Please note that "Pokemon" cards are also considered as valuables.
Our Year 6 students can of course still bring their computers or Chromebooks, as part of the BYOD policy (Bring Your Own
Device). Students can safely store them at recess and lunch time.
Hats off day
From June 1st to July 31st 2016, we ask students not to wear their hats. Indeed, as indicated by the ACT Cancer Council
( , the UV index remains below 3 all day, each day around the June and July period, there is therefore
a low risk associated with skin damage. Quite the contrary, by exposing some skin, our students will be able to maintain their
vitamin D level ,much needed during winter months.
Athletics Carnival
This sporting event of the year, which took place on Wednesday 25th and Friday 27th May, has once again gathered all the
school community around athletics races, throws and jumps in a friendly atmosphere respectful of the values of our school. We
would like to thank the many parents who accompanied us throughout the day and provided assistance on the various events.
Congratulations to all our primary students (from Kindergarten to Year 6)) for their excellent participation!
News :
Over the past weeks, our Year 3 to Year 6 students have been busy writing their speeches in English and have had the
opportunity to present them in class, and during a special assembly for those students who had been selected. The selection
panel had to choose a single representative for the whole primary school amongst many finalists. Amédée Dewynter ( 5.1) is
our lucky winner. Congratulations to all participating students for the quality of their speeches, especially Amédée who will
represent our school in front of a large audience and will deliver his speech in English, an amazing achievement for a student
who moved to Australia less than a year ago !
Focus on a teaching practice : free workshops
You are probably already familiar with the class workshops, an educational program implemented across the primary school
which consists in completing small groups or individual tasks within an allocated time. In some classes it has evolved into the
implementation of free workshops. Students can choose the activity or the activities they want to complete within an allocated
time. This innovative practice enables each student to build a tailored and individualised learning pathway, and is also a
pedagogical tool promoting metacognition, namely a reflection on their own learning. Maria-Raphel Lamrani has instigated the
implementation of this teaching practice at school but also in the Asia-Pacific AEFE network, and we thank her for promoting this
innovative program.
New technologies: 130 iPads, 75 chromebooks, 80 laptops at school ... for what purpose?
Our school is extensively equipped with electronic devices, but some might ask about the relevance of such equipment in
primary school ... The reasons are manyfold, but firstly we now live in a digital age, these devices are widely present in our
homes, and one of the key missions of schools is definitely to prepare our students to become "connected" citizens. From an
educational perspective, iPads and other devices allow us to implement an active and innovative teaching to improve students’
learning. Thus, the use of exercisers for mathematics, spelling or grammar allows students to review or strenghten important
concepts due to the intensity of the task and the instant feedback that the students get. Other uses provide learning pathways
through the introduction of digital portfolios for example. Finally, the creativity of our students is stimulated by the use of
suitable apps that help them engage easily and confidently in writing, or in audiovisual and multimedia productions. We believe
in the added value provided by these electronic devices and are always looking for new and ever more effective ways to
implement our binational program.
Julien Dugas
Conseiller Pédagogique
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Urgent call out! Fete and raffle coordinators
Sadly, zero parents have volunteered to coordinate this year’s Fete and Raffle, which are Telopea Park School’s major
fundraising activities each year.
We urgently require nominations for these critical roles, as well as parents who are able to volunteer their time to support these
fundraising activities in the lead up to these events, and on the day.
If we cannot confirm fete and raffle coordinators by the end of May, we are at risk of having to cancel both events for the
first time in at least 30 years.
These roles require enthusiastic and passionate individuals who can spare some time to support and guide a team of willing
volunteers to make these fundraising activities a huge success in 2016.
These roles are supported by precedent materials and access to previous coordinators for advice and guidance.
Please, please, please consider whether you can contribute to your school’s community by putting your hand up for one of these
Please contact P&C President, Paul Haesler, by email on [email protected] to volunteer.
Special General Meeting - Telopea Park School Parent and Citizens Association
A Special General Meeting (SGM) of the Telopea Park School P & C Association will be held at 7:00 pm on Wednesday 15 June in
the secondary staff room.
The purpose of this meeting is to approve the Auditors reports for the P&C and the BASC. Papers for the SGM will be available
from the P&C website one week before the meeting.
Following the SGM, a standard meeting of the P&C will be held. All are welcome to attend.
We look forward to your attendance on 15 June.
New climbing equipment for the primary playground
Exciting news from the Playground subcommittee! A new rope parkour course has
been purchased by the P&C for installation between the soccer field and netball courts
in late August. The funds have been raised by the P&C over the last two years through
their fundraising efforts.
A trend sport in France, the course presents children with different rope climbing
elements that challenge their problem-solving skills as they work their way from one
end of the course to the other – through swaying seesaws, bridges, slalom, nets,
tightropes and rope screws.
Stay tuned for more news, as we get closer to the groundbreaking day!
My Park Rules – National Winner Announced
As you may be aware, Telopea Park secondary school has been competing in the national My Park Rules competition sponsored
by the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects. We submitted an entry to win, in the first instance, a landscape design to reinvigorate the secondary ‘hang out’ area immediately around the canteen. Having progressed to the final round, the school and a
number of secondary students worked with local landscape architect, Amelia Souter, to come up with a great new design for this
While we have just been informed that Telopea Park did not win the final round, we have won the landscape design and we look
forward to its staged implementation in the years ahead.
Would you like to see the landscape design for the secondary ‘hang out’ area around the canteen? Amelia Souter will
be presenting her final design to the parents and school at the next P&C meeting on Wednesday June 15 at 7pm. We encourage
you to come along and see the result of this great competition.
P&C eNewsletter
The P&C has its own eNewsletter that is used to keep Telopea parents and friends informed and engaged in a variety of school
and community activities and events.
Sign up here to receive our updates!
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Non-political fundraiser
Families may wish to support an upcoming fundraiser for Bosom Buddies (ACT) – an organisation of volunteers who provide
personal support to breast cancer patients and their families and supporters in the ACT. Details below:
Monday – 8.30 - 9.30am
Tuesday – 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 11.00am – 12.00noon
Order and pay securely on the web:
[email protected]
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
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New Enrolments Now Open to Traditional Karate Classes at Telopea School
Learn traditional Karate for effective self defence, build confidence, develop a healthier body &
mind. The Canberra school of traditional Okinawan Karate has relocated to Telopea Park
Classes are run by Japanese registered, certified instructors, from 7-9pm Tuesdays &
Thursdays. (junior students 7-8pm)
2 WEEKS FREE TRIAL for new students. Student fees are
Junior students (Age 12 - 16yrs)
$30 per month
Senior students (Age 16yrs +)
$60 per month
To arrange your trial phone Sensei Istok on 0402 573 612 OR Michael on 0401 559 850
Class numbers are limited; once the class is full you can ask for your name and contact
number to be kept on a wait list until a space becomes available. For more information visit our website at
NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
[email protected]
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Proviseur/Head of French
Deputy Principal K-10
Deputy Principal K-6
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Tom Kobal
Deputy Principal 7-10
Michele McLoughlin
Conseiller Pédagogique Julien Dugas
Business Manager
Mary Ryan
Mary Welsh
Robin Egerton
School Board Members 2016
Board Chair
Jacinda Still
Appointed Member
Staff Member
Cathy Marot
Staff Member
P&C Member
Student Member
Australian Government
French Government
Laura Beacroft
Divij Madan
Louise Hudson
Catherine Hodier
P&C Member
Student Member
French Government
Board Secretary
Katherine Solomko
Hugh Griffin
Timothy Rock
Eric Soulier
Mary Ryan
P&C 2016
Paul Haesler
Vice Presidents
[email protected]
Peter Roberts,
David Pullen
Pauline Cullen
Assistant Secretary
Anita Gardner
Justin Brown
Assistant Treasurer
Phillippe Moncuquet
Public Officer
Before and After School Care
Communication Officer
Lost Property Officer
Initial Fete Coordination Team
Catriona Dove
Andrea Grazziadelli
Emma Perkins
Christine Gustafson
Grants Officer
ACT P&C Delegate
Communication Officer
Returning Officer
Andrew Koc-McDonald
Julie Glasgow
Lisa Wallace
Peter Roberts
Vaishali Goel, Andrew Medlin, Clair Bannerman, Tran Tang, Nicola Smith
and Jacinda Still
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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