This program will help managers and employees to communicate


This program will help managers and employees to communicate
This program will help managers and employees to communicate effectively in
the workplace. Participants will learn both verbal and written communication
skills and can choose electives to further their abilities to chair meetings, deal
with conflict, or facilitate effective presentations.
3 Full Units of Study
Required Units
Principles of Effective Communication (0.5)
Writing for Clarity and Purpose (1.0)
Feedback: Reinforcement and Redirection (0.5)
Creating Dynamic Presentations (0.5)
Effective Facilitation Techniques (0.5)
Communicating Through Conflict (0.5)
Chairing Productive Meetings (0.5)
Who Should Attend
People interested in improving their ability to communicate clearly and
• Identify different communication styles
• Improve written and verbal communication skills
• Learn the principles of constructive feedback
Applications in the Workplace
• Engage employees and co-workers by keeping lines of communication open
• Deliver feedback effectively
• Narrow the gap between what is said and what is heard