Donation Form - Fondation Napoléon


Donation Form - Fondation Napoléon
Make a Donation to the Fondation Napoléon
to help promote the Study and Understanding of the two French Empires.
Since the Fondation Napoléon is a registered charity (Reconnue d’utilité publique par décret du 12 novembre 1987), gifts
made to it by private individuals or companies fiscally resident in France are tax-deductable.
Tax-deductable gifts
For individuals paying tax in France, donations known as ‘manual donations’, meaning direct payments to the Fondation Napoléon in cash, cheque or
bank transfer, result in an income tax reduction of 66% of the amount of the donations, with donations limited to 20% of the donor’s taxable annual
Companies registered fiscally in France, can benefit from an income tax reduction equivalent to 60% of the donation amount, with a limit of €5 per
€1000 of pre-tax turnover.
For more information consult our website, at the section: “Supporting the Fondation Napoléon”.
We are currently looking to finance several projects of key importance for Napoleonic history. If you would like to make a
donation, and make a difference, to one or more of the following, please use the form overleaf:
Publication of Napoleon’s correspondance
In 2001, the Fondation Napoléon launched a major publishing project, the General Correspondance of Napoléon Bonaparte,
a scholarly updating of the incomplete (and not impartial) first edition published during the Second Empire. Eleven of the
planned fifteen volumes have already been published, and the last volumes should be completed by 2018, making available,
both to researchers and enthusiasts, an indispensable resource containing over 42,000 letters by Napoleon I.
Development in higher education with the Chaire Napoléon
In 2014, the Fondation Napoleon set up a ‘Chaire Napoléon’ at the Institut Catholique d’Etudes Secondaire in La Rochesur-Yon (France). As well has running a course on the Consultate and the Empire for second year History undergraduates,
the ‘Chaire Napoléon’ organises lectures and study days for the general public and is also enriching the Napoleonic content
of the University Library.
Scholarships for young researchers in Napoleonic studies
Every year, the Fondation Napoléon provides study grants of 7,500 euros each for seven doctoral students. It is possible to
make a donation to this fund or indeed have a Study Grant named after a donor, which will be given once a year (contact
us if you wish to create an annual study grant in your own name).
Development of the Fondation Napoléon’s digital library
In 2010, the Fondation Napoléon launched its own digital library. It aims to make available to the greatest number, in
optimal consultation conditions, important works related to the First and the Second Empire, as a complement to the
tremendous work already accomplished in this respect by the BNF (Bibliothèque Nationale de France). About 150 books
have already been digitised, and consulted by tens of thousands of readers.
It is also possible to make a non-specific donation to the Fondation Napoléon,
for all of its activities.
7, rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 75005 – Paris
Tél : + 33 (0)1 56 43 46 00 Tlc : + 33 (0)1 56 43 46 01
Fondation reconnue d’utilité publique par décret du 12 novembre 1987.
I would like my donation to support :
the development of the Fondation Napoleon’s digital library,
the publication of Napoleon’s correspondence,
scolarships for young researchers in Napoleonic studies,
the Chaire Napoleon of the Institut Catholique d’Etudes Supérieures at La Roche-sur-Yon
Contact details :
□ Mr
□ Mrs
Name : ________________________________________________________________
First Name : ___________________________________________________________
Adress : _______________________________________________________________
Postcode/ zip code: _____________ Ville : ___________________________________
Country : _______________________________
E-mail : _______________________________________________________________
I would like to receive the Fondation napoleon e-mail bulletin : in English □ in French □
Both languages □
I would like to make a donation to the value of : €________________
(current exchange rates apply)
Donations can only be accepted by cheque. Please adress cheques to the Fondation
I would like to receive a tax receipt : □ YES □ NO
Date and signature : ______/______/______
Please send this form by post, along with your cheque, to the following address:
Fondation Napoléon 7, rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 75005 Paris France
No personal details will be passed on to third parties. Contact and postal details are collected for legal and information purposes. In accordance
with the Law on civil information and liberties of January 1978, you may access, rectify or withdraw your personal information by writing to A.
Mongin at the Fondation Napoléon, 7 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 75005 Paris, or at [email protected]