Textbook list for 12 IB Liste des livres pour terminale IB 2016


Textbook list for 12 IB Liste des livres pour terminale IB 2016
Textbook list for 12 IB
Liste des livres pour terminale IB
Below, please find the list of required textbooks for 12 IB students. You
will be able to purchase French novels on campus during back-to-school
Veuillez trouver ci-joint la liste des livres de terminale IB à acheter. Vous
pourrez vous procurer les romans français par le biais de l’école en août
prochain pendant les journées de pré-rentrée.
European History: SL and HL
Rogers & Thomas, The Move To Global War - Course Companion.
Oxford 978-0198310181
Todd & Waller, History for the IB Diploma - Paper 2 - Authoritarian States
(20th Century) 2nd Edition. Cambridge 978-1107558892
Bottaro & Stanley, History for the IB Diploma - Democratic States.
Cambridge 978-0521189378
HL History Only
Wells, History for the IB Diploma: Unification and Consolidation of
Germany and Italy 1815-90. Cambridge 978-1107608849
Biology Course Companion: IB Diploma Prog. Oxford 2014 9780198392118
IB Chemistry Course Book: IB Diploma Program Oxford 2014
IB Physics Course Book: IB Diploma Program Oxford 2014
(You must know your chosen Math level in order to purchase the correct textbook.)
Math Studies
IB Mathematical Studies Standard Level: 2nd Edition: For the IB diploma
(International Baccalaureate)
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; 2 edition (October 25, 2012)
Or Math Standard level
Math SL: Mathematics SL (3rd edition), Haese Mathematic
Or Math Higher level
Math HL: Mathematics HL (3rd edition), Haese Mathematic
2013 Edition of Theory of Knowledge
Oxford IB Diploma Programme
Books studied in French / Livres étudiés en Français
Group A: Mme Leroy
Friedrich Dürrenmatt, La visite de la vieille dame, Le livre de poche,
Albert Camus, L'étranger, Folio, 9782070360024
Group B: M Grolier
Jean Paul Sartre, Huis clos, 978-2070368075
Anonyme L’herbe bleue 9782266132640
Spanish Language B HL
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Mandatory summer reading (mandatory for HL and SL. There will be an in-class
assignment during the first week of class.)
Carlos Ruiz Zafón La sombra del viento - 978-0307472595
To be studied during the year (must be purchased before school begins.)
Gabriel García Márquez El coronel no tiene quien le escriba Vintage Espanol; Later
Printing edition (February 3, 2009) 978-0307472595
English literature - mandatory summer reading
James Joyce, Dubliners 9780553213805
Joan Didion, Slouching Towards Bethlehem 978-0374531386
IB Course Companion: English A Literature 978-0199135417
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