Year 3/4


Year 3/4
Year 3/4
Mai – June 2015
In this class we’ll continue the program started last year to cover everyday
French themes. We will listen to stories and songs in French, watch French
cartoons, do playful activities in order to memorize the new vocabulary.
This session, our topic is “the transport”
Vocabulary :
une moto = motorbike
un train = train
un avion = plane
une voiture = car
un bus = bus
un vélo = bike
une trottinette = scooter
des rollers = roller-skate
Communication : to say where you’re going and how
- je vais à … en …
- je prends … pour aller à …
Project :
We will make a display of different means of transportations
Toward DELF (Diploma in French language):
The DELF Prim is a diploma aimed at children from 8 to 11 years old who are
beginners in French. It is internationally recognised and valid for life. In order
to acquire the needed skills for this diploma, we will save some time in each class
to revisit previous topics in different context like family, animals, clothes, food,
sports and activities, the body parts, calendar, weather …