EPREUVE D`ANGLAIS - Cercle Social Edu


EPREUVE D`ANGLAIS - Cercle Social Edu
Année scolaire 2010-2011
Devoir du 1er Trimestre
Classe : 2nde A B et S
Durée : 3H
* Compétence disciplinaire : n°2 : Réaction à un texte écrit
* Compétence disciplinaire : n° 3 : Production écrite d’un texte de
type particulier
I- Réaction à un texte écrit
‘’ La santé avant tout’’ avons-nous souvent dit. Mais que faisonsnous réellement pour entretenir cette santé qui nous est si
chère ?........ Notre bonne santé dépend beaucoup de nous-mêmes
ainsi que de notre relation avec notre environnement : Le texte que
tu vas lire porte sur l’importance d’un environnement propre et sain
dans notre vie……
Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en :
- Reconnaissant les détails du texte
- Exprimant des appréciations sur le texte
- Manipulant des mots du texte
- Reformulant des passages du texte de façon autonome
- Montrant ta maîtrise de l’expression du temps à travers une
bonne conjugaison des verbes.
Text : Keeping our environment clean and safe
Every normal human being wants to grow, be healthy and live
long. Very often when we pray, we ask for long life and prosperity. It is
no use merely praying for long life and prosperity without doing
anything ourselves to bring these about. It is often said that God helps
those who help themselves. We can help ourselves in many ways. For
example, if we want to grow and develop well, then we have to eat the
right kinds of foods, observe good eating habits, do a lot of exercise
and observe good personal hygiene.
We know that many people die early through disease. Nobody
likes to catch a disease because if we do, we spend lot of money to cure
it and, if we are not lucky, we may die. Diseases are caused by bacteria
commonly called germs. There are different kinds of germs and each
one causes a different kind of disease. Germs are dangerous tiny
creatures which we cannot see with our naked eyes; we need a
microscope to see them.
Germs live in dirty places, so if we want to be healthy, we should avoid
dirty things and places. This is why it is necessary to eat clean food,
wash our hands clean before eating, and wash fruits before eating
them. It is also essential to wash our hands after visiting the toilet.
But germs do not live in dirty places in homes alone, they can be
found in places outside the home: in the playground, in the garden, in
drains, in open places, in standing water and in the rivers and streams
nearby. This is why we should keep our environment clean and safe.
Extract from English for Junior
Secondary School pupil’s Book 3
page 7
Item 1 : Choose the correct answer according to the text and
write down your results in numbers and letters only.
1- every normal human being wants to …..
a) die early
b) be in good health
c) attract disease
2- We can grow and develop well by …..
a) eating the right food and doing physical exercise
b) simply praying to God
c) eating greedily
3- Diseases are …….
a) expensive to cure
b) easy to cure
c) caused by all tiny creatures
Germs are found ……..
in standing water only
in homes only
2 : Answer these questions on the text
How many kinds of diseases does a germ cause?
Why can’t germs be seen with our naked eyes?
Write down two of the things we should do to avoid catching a
Item 3: Fill in the table with the missing words
Item 4 : Rewrite the following sentences using the prompts given;
don’t change the meaning.
1- The village chief talked with the mayor about environment, then he
went to the village meeting.
After ………………………………
2- You have not washed your hands yet, you can’t have diner.
You will have diner when ……………………………………………….
3- The villagers have never heard about the importance of a clean
environment before.
It is the first time…………………………….
4-We need a microscope to see germs, they are too small
……………………that is why……………………………
Item 5 : Write the bracketed verbs into the correct tenses and
1- People very often (to ask) for long life when they pray
2- But it is no use (to pray) for long life without (to work ) by
ourselves to bring that about.
3- When I was in the village with my parents I usually (to help
) my mother clean our house
4- Listen carefully! Before and after you (to eat) you must
wash your hands clean.
5- Our neighbours (to live) here for many years now and they
have not even once cared about their environment; it is so
Item 6 : Choose the right answer from the brackets to complete
each sentence.
1- The man has been teaching us about the importance of the
environment ………two weeks now (since, for , ago )
2- Nobody has ……. told us about that before (never , already , ever)
3- He says, we’ll stop ……………. everybody is really aware of the
danger of a dirty environment (during , as soon as, before)
4- A month ……., a boy died of malaria in the neighbouring village
(since , for , ago)
5- When will they finish with the new well? It is two months ……
they have been working now (since, ago , during )
Item 7: Translate the following passage into English (2nde A B
Pour vivre plus longtemps, il ne suffit pas de prier. Aussi faut-il
faire quelque chose nous –mêmes. Nous devons par exemple avoir une
alimentation équilibrée, faire le sport régulièrement, garder un
environnement propre et sain…..
IProduction écrite d’un texte de type particulier
Contexte :
Sur la terre notre planète, tout semble être prévu pour nous
rendre la vie assez facile ou tout au moins normale. C’est ce que ton
ami Paul a voulu expliquer par le texte suivant, texte qui
malheureusement comporte des vides que tu es appelé( e ) à remplir
pour sa bonne compréhension.
Tâche :
Tu montreras ta compétence à produire un texte en :
-Respectant le type du texte,
-Complétant les phrases,
-Respectant la cohérence des idées
-Respectant l’orthographe des mots
Use the following words to fill in the gaps in the following text ,
use the numbers and the words only.
Wordlist : air, aquatic, chemical ,breathe , creatures, rain , salty ,
The earth gives us almost all the food we eat. Man lives on earth
with many other ……1…. The face of the earth is mainly covered with
water: fish and thousands of …..2… creatures live in water. Water is
very important for life. Man uses …..3…. for drinking, for washing, for
cooking and for growing food. ….. 4…. comes from the clouds in the
air. It provides water streams, rivers, lakes and seas. Sea water is …..
5….. ;we cannot use it as fresh water.
Scientists have shown that water contains two important ……..6…..
elements : hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen is vital for life and is present
in the air we …… 7…. No one can without …..8…