
Année scolaire 2012-2013
Devoir du 2e trimestre
Classe : Tles A B C D
Durée : 3H
CD -2 Réagir de façon précise et appropriée à des messages lus ou entendus
CD-3 produire de façon appropriée des textes de types et de fonction variés
A- Réaction à un texte écrit
Nous assistons de façon impuissante parfois à des crises raciales, tout
comme si personne dans le passé n’avait lutté contre de telles situation le
texte ci-après nous informe de quelques luttes et mentionnes de grandes
figures de l’histoire ayant dirigé ces luttes. N’allons –nous pas continuer
pacifiquement de la lutte
Text : Introduction to racial segregation in the USA
What is racial segregation or discrimination? It is the fact that some
people are not treated equally because of the color of their skin. Example,
Apartheid in South Africa.
“You are as good as anyone” every Negro mother, in the South of the
USA, had, at one moment, to tell her young child asking his/her first
questions about segregation.
When slavery was abolished, in 1861 by Abraham Lincoln, the
Southern States whose economy heavily depended on agriculture, refused to
acknowledge this federal decision and resolved to secede from the North, this
caused the five –year Civil War won by the North. Later in the South, the
Whites did not want to accept to be equal to their former slaves or former
slaves’ children. It was the beginning of racial discrimination, racial
Discrimination existed in schools, public transports, housing,
restaurants, hotels play-grounds… Negroes could not do every job and theywere paid much less than white persons doing the same jobs. They could not
vote. The Ku Klux Klan (a white organization ) terrorized and killed both the
Negroes and the writes who wanted to help the Negroes.
The Negroes’ fight for freedom, justice and equality because important
and better organized from the 1950s on. This was the Civil Rights Movement.
There were violent movements like the Black Panthers, the Black Power but
also nonviolent ones like the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored- People (NAACP), the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
(SCLC ), the Students Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the
Congress for Racial Equality (CRE), etc. Leaders like Malcom X, Stokeley
Carmichale, Muhammad Ali alias Cassius Clay, W.E.B. DuBois, Martin
Luther King, Jr, incarnated this fight.
The fight was hard: e.g John Merdith, in Little Rock in 1960, the
Montgomery Bus Boycott (Alabama 1955-1956) etc. This bus Boycott made
Martin Luther King, Jr, very famous because he was president of the
Montagomery Improvement Association (MIA) that cared for the organization
encouraged and motivated the Negroes all along the boycott. Fortunately, in
the end, the U.S. Supreme Court voted segregation and discrimination to be
illegal and unconstitutional. Up to now, segregation has not completely
disappeared and the Negroes, the Indians, the Hispanics, etc. are still not
fully integrated to the American community.
Victor N. ASSOGBA ,
Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en :
-reconnaissant les détails du texte,
-donnant tes appréciations personnelles
-montrant ta maitrise du vocabulaire et de certaines structures
-reformulant des passages du texte
-traduisant un passage du texte
Item 1: Answer by « true » or « false »
1-The southern states of USA accepted easily the eradication of slavery
2-The fundamental basis of economy of the southern states was agriculture.
3-The civil was lasted five years
4-The civil right movement is a white organization
5-Marthin Luther King fought with peace
6-It was easy to win the fight
Item 2: Answer these questions on the text
1-Name three places where discrimination existed
2-When did the fight of black people become important?
3-Were these only nonviolent movements? Justify your answer with a
sentence in the text
4-Who are not fully integrated to the American community nowadays?
Item 3: Find in the text words which have almost the same meaning
1-complexion (paragraph1) ; 2- eradicated (paragraph3) 3- Led (paragraph 3 )
4- entirely (last paragraph)
Item 4: Ask questions based on the underlined words
1-Slavery was abolished in 1861
2-Marthin’s fight was non violent
3-Those who suppressed slavery lived in the North
4-In January it’s hot
5-We call this segregation in French
6-They are fighting against racism
Item 5: Add the appropriate tags to these sentences (Tle AB only)
1-Later in the South, the whites did not want to accept to be equal to their
former slaves,
2-Discrimination existed in schools, restaurants hotels, etc.
3-Negroes could not do every job,
4-Up to now segregation has not completely disappeared,
5-There were violent movements like the black panthers, the Black Power
but also non violent ones like the NAACP, le SNCC, etc.
Item 6: Rephrase these sentences using the prompts given
1-Slavery was abolished by Abraham Lincoln
2-Supreme court has voted important laws
-Important laws
3-As soon as they suppressed slavery, discrimination would start.
- Hardly…………………………………………………………………………………
4-People of Southern States ill- treated their employees regularly.
-People of Southern States
5-The whites ill-treated the blacks. So they reacted
Item 7: Translate into French
“Discrimination existed in schools,…………………………wanted to help the
B-Production d’un texte de type particulier
Contexte :
A part le teint et d’autres considérations les conflits naissent souvent
de la non acceptation du mode de vie des autres. Ici tu auras à réagir par
rapport à certains de tes camarades qui ne veulent pas sentir leurs
proches du fait de leur habillement et de leur religion.
Tu montreras ta compétence à produire un texte en anglais en :
-respectant le type de texte et la logique interne
-utilisant le vocabulaire approprié
-faisant des phrases grammaticalement correctes
-utilisant l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriées
Write a paragraph to tell us about the advantages in accepting the
lifestyle of others and the drawbacks in underrating them as far as their
clothing and religion are concerned.
NB: Maximum twenty (20) lines