epreuve d`anglais - Cercle Social Edu


epreuve d`anglais - Cercle Social Edu
Année scolaire 2012-2013
Composition du 1er trimestre
Classe : 1ère A B C D
Durée : 3h
Compétences à évaluer
CD2 : Réaction à un texte écrit
CD3 : Production écrite d’un texte de type particulier.
Sujet :
I – CD2 : la réaction à un texte
Aujourd’hui les ‘’NTIC ‘’ Nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la
communication permettent un développement rapide et tout le monde
même le vieux dans sa campagne s’acharne à tout comprendre dans ce
domaine. Le texte que tu vas lire parle de Paul un amoureux de l’ordinateur
qui ne peut se passer de sa machine même une seule minute.
Support :
Text : private property
The information in a person’s computer is private, and normally it is a
crime for anyone to find a way of seeing this information when they have no
right to do so. Young men who have committed the crime of hacking ‘’ , or
finding a way of seeing the data in other people’s computers have been sent
to prison for as long as six months. However, a court decided that Paul
Bedworth, aged 19, did not intend to commit a crime when he illegally
gained access to other people’s computers. In the opinion of the court, Paul
was an addict who could not stop what he was doing.
Paul was given his own computer when he was II and started by playing
computer games. But he soon became bored with this and quickly learned
to write his own’ programs’, that is, give the computer instructions to do
certain things. By the age of 14 he was able to gain access to other people
computers, starting with ones belonging to travel organization. Quickly
moving on to bigger and more powerful machines, he was even able to see
the secret details of people ‘s illnesses by reading health records on
His computer was the only thing that mattered to Paul so he would stay
up nearly all night, sitting at it in a darkened room hour after hour, night
after night, hardly eating or sleeping. When friends called round to see him,
he ignored them even when they were in the same room with him. He even
gave up swimming, which he used to enjoy.
His physical and social life suffered, but Paul’s skill computers had no
limits. He was very intelligent and the reason for his hacking was because
it was and intellectual challenge. Computer owners try to keep their
information private by using what are called ‘security systems’ , which
simply means ways of protecting their information. Paul’s aim was to use
his brain to find a way of defeating these systems. Before he could get into
a computer, he had to discover its secret word, called a password. But he
was he was not content just to read the information he found: he would add
his own messages. On one computer he placed the greeting ‘’ Welcome to
the world of magic.
How was Paul able to reach computers all over the world from his
mother’s house. He made a piece of equipment which linked his computer
with others through the telephone line. This piece of electronic equipment
is called a modem ‘. The first computer he ‘’ hacked was at a university near
his home. It was one of a network of computer linking universities all over
the country. So he was able to reach all these university. From these
machines he could ‘go’ anywhere in the world.
His mother became very worried that her son spent all his time with his
computer. So she switched off the electricity supply in their house. But
whenever she did this, he would become very aggressive and turn it on again
she even tried to stop him using the telephone by playing and electronic
device on it. But he was able to discover how it worked and find a way
around it. Fortunately, Paul obtained a place at university to study
computing. He finds the work there very challenging , so he no longer feels
the need to ‘hack’ other computers and stopped breaking the law.
Tâche :
Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as comprise en :
-reconnaissant les détails du texte
-appréciant personnellement le texte
-reformulant des passages du texte
-montrant la maitrise l’expression du temps à travers une bonne
-complètant les mots
-traduisant un passage du texte.
Item 1 : Answer ‘’True or False’’ according to the text
1-Paul didn’t obtain a place at university to study computing
2-Paul was 22 years old
3-he was given his own computer when he was 9
4-Paul was not intelligent
Item 2: write full answer to these questions
1-when is it a crime to try to see the information on someone else’s
2-what interested Paul apart from computer?
3-What are the three things that you can do with a computer mentioned in
4-How did Paul’s use of his computer affect his health?
Item 3: give other words or phrase synonym in the text for each or
2- committing a crime
3- turn off
4- instructions for a
Item 4: rephrase these sentences without changing their meaning.
1-Paul’s mother became very worried because her son spent all his time
with his computer
---------------------------------------------------that is why ---------------------------2-it is a crime for anyone to find a way of seeing a person’s information
without permission
-if-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-don’t give Paul his own computer
-it is not …………………………………………………………………………………
4-Paul’s mother became very worried but he spent all his time with
5-His physical and social life suffered but Paul’s skill with computers had
no limits
Item 5 : give the correct tense and form of the bracketed verbs
1-his mother (not to become ) very worried yet.
2- At the age 14 he (to be able ) to gain access to other people’s computers.
3-it was the first time the young boy (to write ) his own programs
4-if Paul were not an addict of computer, he (can not ) behave like that.
Item 6 : fill the gaps with : in the contrary, Despite, But, However(1ère
AB ony )
1-Paul’s mother disliked her son’s behaviour ……………………. she became
very worried.
2-…………………………….she did , Paul became very aggressive.
3-His physical and social life suffered ………………….Paul’s skill with
computer had no limited
4-……………………………….a court decided that Paul Bedworth aged 19
didn’t intend to commit a crime , when he illegally gained access to other
people’s computer.
Item 7: Translate into French ‘’from ‘’
“The information in a person’s computer…………..as long as six months”.
II- production écrite d’un texte de type particulier
Contexte :
L’ordinateur est une machine qui nous permet d’évaluer dans tous les
domaines éducation, manufacturation, divertissement etc. En te basant sur
ce que tu as lu et ce que tu connais de l’utilisation de l’ordinateur tu diras
comment cela peut aider l’apprenant dans son domaine.
Tâche : tu montreras ta compétence à produire un text cohérent en Anglais
en :
-respectant la logique interne.
-Construisant le vocabulaire des phrases grammaticalement correctes.
-utilisant le vocabulaire adéquat
-utilisant la ponctuation appropriée et l’orthographe correcte des mots.
Consigne :
What is the importance of computer using in the student’s life?
NB : don’t copy the text.