Telopea Topics Les Nouvelles de Telopea


Telopea Topics Les Nouvelles de Telopea
Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No.8 – 29 May 2015
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
Alors que nous entamons la deuxième moitié du
trimestre, nos élèves poursuivent leur parcours
d’apprentissage avec beaucoup de sérieux et toute
l’énergie que nous leur connaissons.
L’année scolaire rythme nord touche à sa fin et un
certain nombre d’élèves du courant français
Secondaire finissent leur année scolaire au début du
mois de juillet puis, tout en restant dans le même
niveau australien, vont débuter le programme
français du niveau suivant. Beaucoup d’entre eux
passent des examens en juin, nous leur souhaitons
bon courage et bonne chance !
1 June
ACT Cross Country
3 June – 5 June
Primary Book Fair
4 June 3.30pm-6.00pm
World Challenge Meeting
5 June
DET On-line enrolments close K/7
8 June
Queen’s Birthday Holiday
10 June 3.30pm-4.30pm Gifted and Talented Committee Meeting
Les actions pédagogiques
National Eisteddfod
L’orchestre de l’école a remporté deux médailles d’argent et une médaille d’or lors des National Eisteddfod.
L’argent est allé à l’orchestre et au Jazz band des Années 7 et l’or à l’ensemble des instruments à vent. Il s’agit de la quatrième
médaille d’or pour l’ensemble des instruments à vent en 12 mois. Bravo !
Echange avec le lycée International de Grenoble
Nos élèves de Year 10 viennent de rentrer de France après un excellent séjour. Ils rapportent de magnifiques souvenirs qu’ils
vont pouvoir partager avec tous les élèves de l’établissement !
Fête de l’Athlétisme au Primaire
Le 27 mai, nos élèves du primaire ont participé sous un soleil radieux au Primary
Athletics Carnival. Un grand merci aux professeurs et aux parents pour leur contribution
à l’organisation de ce bel événement et bien sûr bravo et félicitations à tous les élèves
participants. L’un d’entre eux m’a confié que c’était pour lui « la plus belle journée de
l’année » !
Les enseignants du courant français
Cette année peu de changements dans nos enseignants français : En juillet , M. Ahmed
Chaouche, professeur de mathématiques et de SVT s’envolera vers de nouvelles
aventures. Il sera remplacé par Mme
Term 1
enseignante en lycée français en Tunisie. Nous lui souhaitons d’ores et déjà la
3 February – 10 April
Term 2
Nous remercions chaleureusement M. Ahmed Chaouche pour son engagement au
28 April – 3 July
quotidien auprès de nos élèves sur un poste complexe alliant primaire et
Term 3
20 July – 25 September
Term 4
12 October – 18 December
Visite du Maire du Havre et du Proviseur du Lycée Saint Joseph du Havre
Le vendredi 15 mai, nous avons eu le plaisir et l’honneur d’accueillir dans notre école M. Guillaume
Demeillers, Proviseur du lycée Saint Joseph du Havre et M. Edouard Philippe, Maire du Havre. Après
une visite de notre lycée, ils ont assisté à une assemblée du Secondaire et ont pu s’exprimer devant
celle-ci expliquant l’objet de leur visite et donnant même un cours de géographie à nos élèves qui
devraient maintenant pouvoir situer Le Havre sur une carte de France ! M. Edouard Philippe était en
visite à Canberra pour signer un MOU entre le Musée d’Histoire Naturelle du Havre et le National
Museum of Australia. Ce MOU permettra à l’exceptionnelle collection de dessins et gravures de Charles Alexandre Lesueur créée
à l’occasion de l’expédition Baudin en Australie de 1800 à 1804 d’être exposée dans différents musées en Australie.
Pour plus d’informations :
Délégation de Nouvelle Calédonie
Le jeudi 27 mai, nous avons accueilli une délégation du Vice-Rectorat de Nouvelle Calédonie. Nous
sommes très fiers des liens que nous entretenons avec cette belle partie de France si spécifique et si
proche de l’Australie. Nos élèves en bénéficient régulièrement et nous avons beaucoup de nouveaux
projets en cours !
Conférence du Baccalauréat International pour la zone Asie Pacifique
Notre lycée a accueilli le mercredi 27 mai le bureau Asie Pacifique de Singapour du Baccalauréat
International. Plus de 50 chefs d’établissements et coordinateurs des écoles offrant le Programme
Primaire, Intermédiaire et du diplôme du Baccalauréat International y ont participé. Un événement
exceptionnel dans notre établissement !
Telopea Park School / Lycée franco australien de Canberra dans le monde
Comité de Pilotage de la Mutualisation à Pékin
Julien Dugas, notre Conseiller pédagogique / Directeur du Primaire français s’est rendu à Pékin du 13 au 15 mai pour le Comité
de Pilotage de la Mutualisation de l’AEFE région Asie Pacifique. Elu au sein de ce comité, Julien représente les établissements
partenaires de l’AEFE de la zone. C’est une excellente nouvelle pour notre établissement qui est ainsi présent auprès des
instances dirigeantes de l’AEFE.
Symposium sur les langues indigènes dans le Pacifique
Le lundi 25 mai, j’ai eu le plaisir de présenter notre école et notre expertise en matière de bilinguisme à l’occasion d’un
symposium organisé à et par l’université de Sydney en partenariat avec l’Ambassade de France sur les langues indigènes dans le
Pacifique et en Australie. Notre retour d’expérience sur le bilinguisme a été très apprécié.
Pour davantage de renseignements :
Reportage sur SBS :
Site de l’Université de Sydney :
Les examens
Nos élèves se sont activement préparés au Baccalauréat et au Diplôme National du Brevet en participant aux derniers examens
blancs en semaine 9 du premier trimestre pour les Troisièmes et en semaines 1 et 2 du deuxième trimestre pour les Premières
et Terminales.
Les épreuves et les résultats
Le Brevet
La première épreuve s’est déroulée en semaine 3 du trimestre 2 à Telopea : l’oral d’Histoire des Arts. Nous avons eu des
présentations très intéressantes et de magnifiques productions qui seront exposées dans le couloir devant les bureaux de la
Les épreuves écrites du Brevet se dérouleront à l’Alliance Française du 22 au 23 juin 2015.
Les résultats seront publiés le 29 juin.
Le Baccalauréat
Les épreuves pratiques de SVT et de Sciences Physiques en laboratoire auront lieu à Narrabundah College le 02 juin 2015.
Les épreuves orales de français pour les Premières se dérouleront les 17 ou 18 juin à l’Alliance Française.
Les épreuves écrites de Première se dérouleront sur le site de Narrabundah College du 18 au 19 juin. Les élèves de Terminale
composeront les épreuves écrites à Sydney (Lycée Condorcet) du 15 au 19 juin.
Les résultats seront publiés le 26 juin au soir.
Jeudi 14 mai, nos élèves et professeurs étaient présents à Narrabundah College pour présenter le courant français et les études
jusqu’au Baccalauréat à l’occasion de l’Open Day de Narrabundah College. Nous les remercions pour cette présentation qui a
permis aux parents d’avoir un aperçu des possibilités de poursuite d’étude dans le courant français après la classe de Première /
Year 10. Pour toute information complémentaire à ce sujet, n’hésitez pas à me contacter par mail ou en prenant rendez-vous
auprès de Mme Bucholz (Secrétariat du courant français)
Nous pourrons vous proposer d’ici quelques jours un nouveau site internet du lycée Franco- Australien
( qui sera, je l’espère, plus attractif et permettra de mieux vous informer. En
complément de ce site, nous avons également des comptes Twitter et Facebook. Je vous invite à suivre notre actualité sur
Twitter à cette adresse : et à « aimer » notre page Facebook à cette adresse :ée-franco-australien-de-Canberra-Telopea-Park-School/1429983107306791
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Semaine de l’éducation publique - Public Education Week
Notre lycée a dignement fêté la semaine de l’Education Publique du 25 au 29 mai. L’équipe de direction a ainsi organisé un repas
pour tout le personnel le jeudi 28 mai. Tous nos enseignants ont également participé à un Challenge Pédagogique dont le thème
était « Connaître ses élèves et comprendre comment ils apprennent ». Un livret recueillant toutes les participations sera réalisé
par la suite. Par ailleurs, les récompenses reconnaissant les 10, 20 et 30 ans de service ont été remises à des membres de notre
Il me reste à souhaiter à tous une excellente fin de trimestre et beaucoup de courage à nos élèves qui doivent continuer à
donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes pour devenir les citoyens ouverts et éclairés du monde de demain.
Emmanuel Texier, le 27 mai 2015
As we are starting the second half of the term, our students are following their learning journey very actively. We also have to
remember that the French school year is getting to an end. Indeed, Secondary students are finishing their French academic year
at the beginning of July and will start a new one at the end of July after a short break, but staying in the same Australian level.
A lot of them are taking exams in June, we wish them all the best!
Educational actions
National Eisteddfod
We had plenty of successes at the National Eisteddfod on Thursday 14, Friday 15 and Saturday 16 May. The school bands
achieved one gold and two silver awards last week. One Silver went to the Year 7 band, another to the Jazz band and the gold
award went to the Wind Ensemble. This is the 4th gold award for the Wind Ensemble in the last twelve months! Bravo!
Exchange with Lycée International de Grenoble
Our Year 10 students have just returned from France. They are bringing back a lot of happy memories that they will undoubtedly
share with all other students in our school.
Primary Athletics Carnival
On 27 May, our Primary students participated in the Primary Athletics Carnival under a
clear blue sky. We warmly thank teachers and parents for their contribution to the
organisation of this event. Congratulation to all students. One of them told me it was « the
best day of the year » !
French Teachers
There will be few changes this year within our French teachers team. In July M. Chaouche,
Mathematics and Science teacher will be heading towards new adventures. He will be
replaced by Ms Aurélie Le Nevez, now teaching in a French school in Tunisia. We warmly
welcome her.
We warmly thank M. Chaouche for his contribution to our school in his complex PrimarySecondary position.
Visit from Mayor of Le Havre and from the Principal of Lycée Saint Joseph in Le Havre.
On Friday 15 May, we were honoured to welcome in our school M. Guillaume Demeillers,
Principal of Lycée Saint Joseph in Le Havre and M. Edouard Philippe, Mayor of Le Havre.
After visiting our school, they attended a Secondary Assembly. They spoke to the
Assembly to explain the purpose of their visit and even delivered a geography lesson to
the students who now should be able to locate Le Havre on a map of France! M. Edouard
Philippe was visiting Canberra to sign an MOU between the Natural History Museum of Le
Havre and the National Museum of Australia. This MOU will allow the unique collection of
drawings from Charles Alexandre Lesueur , made on the occasion of the Baudin expedition
to Australia from 1800 to 1804, to be exhibited in different museums within Australia.
For further information :
Delegation from New Caledonia
On Thursday 27 May, we welcomed a delegation from Vice-Rectorat (Education
Directorate) of New Caledonia. We are very proud of this link with this amazing part of
France, so specific and so close to Australia. Our students benefit from this on regular
occasions and we have many more projects to come!
International Baccalaureate Conference
The School hosted a visit from the International Baccalaureate Asia-Pacific Singapore
Office on Wednesday 27 May.
All Principals and Coordinators from schools that offer the IB Primary Years Programme,
the IB Middle Years Programme and the IB Diploma Programme attended the conference.
Over 50 attendees participated in that exceptional event.
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Telopea Park School / Lycée franco australien de Canberra in the world
Comité de Pilotage de la Mutualisation à Pékin / AEFE Asia Pacific board
Julien Dugas, our Conseiller pédagogique / Directeur du Primaire français went to Beijing from 13 to 15 May for the AEFE Asia
Pacific board. Elected member of this board, Julien represents AEFE Partner schools. This is an excellent news for our school
which is now represented within AEFE Executive boards.
Symposium on Indigenous Languages in French Pacific and Australia
On Monday 25 May, I was honoured to represent our school and our expertise in bilingualism at a Symposium, organised at and
by the University of Sydney in collaboration with the Embassy of France. This Symposium included many different talks about
Indigenous languages. Our experience in bilingualism was very much appreciated as one of the topics was the preservation of
that cultural heritage through bilingual schools.
For further information:
Report on SBS :
University of Sydney Website:
Our students have been actively preparing for the French Baccalauréat and Brevet National Diploma exams while participating in
the last preparatory exams sessions (Year 9 classes during Week 9 of Term 1, and Year 11 and 12 classes during Weeks 1 and 2
of Term 2).
Assessments and results
First session in Week 3 of Term 2 at Telopea was Art History oral exam. We had exceptional presentations and wonderful
works of art. They will soon be displayed in the white cabinet near the Principal's and Proviseur’s offices.
Written examinations at the Alliance Française, 22 and 23 June 2015.
Results will be published on 29 June.
Practical examinations in SVT (Earth and Life Sciences) and Physics in Narrabundah College Labs, 2 June 2015.
Year 11 Oral French at Alliance Française, 17 or 18 June.
Written examinations for Year 11 at Narrabundah College, 18 and 19 June, and for Year 12 in Lycée Condorcet, Sydney, 15-19
Results will be published late 26 June or early 27 June.
Thursday 14 May, EFS students and teachers were present at Narrabundah College to introduce French stream and continuing
studies up to the French Baccalauréat on the occasion of Narrabundah College Open Day
We will soon be able to offer a new improved Lycée franco- australien website which we hope to be more attractive and that will
allow us to improve our communication. In addition to this website, we also have Twitter and Facebook accounts. I invite you to
“follow” our events on twitter at this address: and to “like” our Facebook page at this address :ée-franco-australien-de-Canberra-Telopea-Park-School/1429983107306791
Semaine de l’éducation publique - Public Education Week
The school celebrated Public Education Week with a luncheon for all staff prepared by the school Executive teachers. ACT ETD
Service awards of 10, 20 and 30 years were presented to members of Telopea Park School.
Pedagogy Challenge
All teachers have written up their response to the Principal's Pedagogy Challenge: Know your students, know how they learn,
and how do you know they are learning? It was an excellent opportunity to celebrate Education Week with teachers sharing their
practices with each other. A booklet will be printed for all staff to share.
I would now like to wish everyone a successful end of term and a lot of courage to our students who must continue to do their
best to become the open and enlightened citizens of tomorrow.
Emmanuel Texier, May 13, 2014
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Important Information
Telopea Park School had a new phone system installed last year. As a result our phone numbers have
changed. Please do not use the old numbers as they are no longer active.
Listed below are the new school contact numbers:
Main Switchboard:
Primary Office:
Primary First Aid:
Student Services:
First Aid Secondary:
A message from the Secondary SRC:
Did you know that 6204 people so far have been known to have died in the recent devastating earthquake in Nepal? And did you
know that roughly 2.8 million Nepalese people have been displaced from their homes?
On Friday 19th June (Week 8) the SRC, supported by the Interact Club are holding a fundraiser. It will be a Mufti Day and there
will be street food stalls and musical performances by the school band. Please encourage your child to participate by providing
him/her with a few dollars to spend.
All students wearing Mufti will be asked to make a gold coin donation.
If you would like to make any further contributions to this cause, please contact the finance office.
If you would like to support the street food stalls by providing some baked goods or a pot of soup, please contact Mrs De Poorter
on 6142 3361 for more information
English Report
End of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 saw some changes in the English Faculty. Mr Chris Flaherty retired after years of
dedicated service. His professional judgement and willingness to assist with extra duties was valued by all in the faculty. In
Term 4 of 2014, Mr Michael Sisley took long service leave and is still on leave. Mr Matthew Nogrady joined Telopea in Term 4 of
2014 and is continuing as a member of the faculty. At the end of Term 1, this year, Mrs Pat Garret joined ANU and Mrs Lisabeth
Hemming joined Telopea at the beginning of Term 2.
NAPLAN tests for years 7 and 9 are over and the individual student reports will be sent home sometime around September. All
students are commended for their excellent participation and their outstanding behaviour during the tests.
Australian Curriculum English continues to be implemented in years 7-10 including the International Baccalaureate, the new
chapter. There is a slight change under the premise of the IB MYP new chapter documents. English is referred to as Language
and Literature – English. Another change is in the number of criteria in the marking rubric and maximum level of attainment.
Instead of three criteria, we now have four; namely Criteria A, Analysing; Criteria B, Organization; Criteria C, Producing a text;
and Criteria D, Language. All four criteria now have a maximum level of attainment of 8.
The ACT Debating Union competitions are approaching the end of the season and several teams have reached octo and quarter
finals. In the Junior Competitions, Team 1 comprising of year 7 students, Rosie M Hughes, Rosie A Hughes, Adele LouchardFletcher and Khushi Goel; and Team 2 comprising of year 8 students, Neha Kalele, Selina Li and Sarika Chandrakanthan have
reached the ocato-finals. This is the first round of elimination rounds. In the Senior Competitions, Team 2, comprising of Sam
Parkinson, Andrew Brown, Oliver Holloway and Tze Ming Lim have reached the quarter finals.
Adele Louchard-Fletcher, Sarika Chandrakanthan, Sam Parkinson, Olivia Baldwin, Andrew Brown and Harry Paradice have been
selected in the top 20 speaker list 2015. Congratulations to the teams and individuals for excelling in their teams and individual
recognitions and a huge thank you to all parents for their dedication in supporting the students each competition week.
Legislative Assembly Inter-School Debating Competition for year 10s is today and Eleanor Foster, Bella Rodrigues-Csokas, Harry
Paradice and George Keleher are representing Telopea.
All students are in the process of completing their final assessments in English this semester and are advised to submit
assessments on the due dates. They are encouraged to read the tasks carefully and seek clarification with their teachers when
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in doubt about requirements. Class time allocated to work on assignments is a good opportunity for students to discuss areas of
concern with their teachers. A few classes are delivering oral presentations and this can sometimes cause distress. Students
are strongly encouraged to prepare for the orals and have their palm cards and power-point presentations ready due to tight
schedules to complete class presentations in their allocated time. Perhaps saving oral presentations and assignments on a usb
will alleviate any IT issues on the due date.
Uraj Singh
Executive Teacher English
Les jours raccourcissent et nous entrons progressivement dans la période hivernale, mais le deuxième trimestre bat son plein à
l’école primaire ! Les élèves sont évalués en ce moment en prévision des bulletins de fin de trimestre et des rencontres parentsenseignants. Mais de nombreux autres évènements ponctuent la vie de nos élèves : compétitions d’athlétisme, concours
d’éloquence, fête du livre, … Voici un petit aperçu de ce qui se passe en ce moment à l’école primaire :
Entretiens Parents-Professeurs de fin de semestre
Les mardi 16, mercredi 17, mardi 23 et jeudi 25 juin 2015, de 16h à 18h, auront lieu les entretiens parents-professeurs de fin
de semestre. Une lettre d’information vous parviendra prochainement, vous indiquant les modalités d’inscription à ces
entretiens. Comme l’année passée, le système PTO sera utilisé et vous permettra de vous inscrire en ligne, sur notre site
internet. Les élèves de CE2 à 6º sont invités à participer à ces entretiens, afin de présenter à leurs parents ce qu’ils ont appris
durant le semestre, mais aussi pour analyser avec leurs professeurs quels sont leurs points forts, et les domaines pouvant être
ICAS competition
Comme chaque année, de nombreux élèves de CE1 à 6º ont choisi de participer aux diverses compétitions de l’Université du New
South Wales (ICAS). Pour cette année, le calendrier sera le suivant :
mercredi 3 juin : sciences
mardi 16 juin : production d’écrits, puis orthographe
vendredi 28 juillet : anglais
mardi 11 août : mathématiques
“Hats off day”
Du 1er juin au 31 juillet 2015, nous demandons aux élèves de ne plus porter leur chapeau. En effet, comme l’indique l’ACT
Cancer Council ( , l’index UV reste en dessous de 3 tous les jours et toute la journée durant cette période,
et le soleil ne présente donc pas de risque pour la peau de nos enfants. Bien au contraire : l’exposition au soleil permettra la
synthèse de vitamine D, dont nos élèves ont bien besoin durant l’hiver.
Compétitions d’athlétisme de l’école
Comme chaque année au deuxième trimestre, les compétitions d’athlétisme se sont déroulées sur l’ovale de l’école : le mercredi
27 mai toute la journée, puis l’après-midi du vendredi 29 mai pour la course de 800 mètres. A nouveau une excellente
participation de la part des élèves pour ce dernier évènement sportif de l’année.
Concours d’éloquence
Les élèves des classes de CM1 et 6º, puis de CE2 et CM2 ont présenté au cours de deux assemblées les discours, en anglais,
qu’ils avaient préparés avec leurs professeurs. La sélection par le jury n’a pas été facile tant les discours étaient de qualité.
Finalement, Eliane Louchart-Fletcher, élève de CE2.3 a été choisie pour représenter l’école. Elle sera accompagnée par Grace
Simon, élève de CM1.3, qui bien que ne participant pas à la suite de la compétition, aura la possibilité de présenter son discours
au public, le 2 juin au cours des quarts de finale qui se tiendront dans le grand hall de notre école. Bravo à toutes les deux et à
l’ensemble des élèves de cycle 3 pour la qualité de leur participation !
A noter : un autre concours d’éloquence, cette fois-ci en français, aura lieu au cours du troisième trimestre avec les mêmes
Fête du livre de l’école primaire
La Fête du livre de l’école primaire (Primary Book Fair) se tiendra dans la bibliothèque de l’école primaire les 3, 4 et 5 juin
(Semaine 6). Les élèves auront la possibilité de consulter et d’acheter une sélection de livres provenant de notre fournisseur,
Fête de la Musique
chaque année, le 21 juin, en France et ailleurs dans le monde a lieu la Fête de la Musique, un évènement festif regroupant une
communauté autour des pratiques musicales, dans tous les genres de musiques.
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Nous souhaiterions cette année associer l’ensemble de la communauté scolaire du Lycée franco-australien de Canberra / Telopea
Park School à cet évènement culturel mondial en proposant une journée placée sous le signe de la musique le vendredi 19 juin
L’idée serait d’offrir la possibilité aux musiciens de se produire sur deux scènes, l’une en primaire et l’autre au secondaire, à
différents moments de la journée :
de 8h30 à 9h00
de 10h40 à 11h20
de 12h40 à 13h40
de 15h15 à 15h45
Elèves, parents, et personnels de l’école sont invités à compléter le formulaire en ligne ( et à indiquer
leurs préférences quant aux plages horaires et aux publics.
Lors de la dernière session, un goûter sera proposé par les parents volontaires du P&C sur le Quad du Primaire.
Cette journée spéciale se poursuivra par un concert et une scène ouverte à l’Alliance Française de Canberra.
Après le succés du “petit-déjeuner français” organisé par le P&C le 27 mars dernier à l’occasion de l’exposition sur la Semaine de
la Francophonie, nous espèrons que cet évènement permettra à notre communauté scolaire de se réunir une fois encore en toute
The days are getting shorter as we approach the winter season, but the second Term is in full swing here in the Primary School.
The students are currently being tested as the teachers prepare for report writing as well as the Parent/Teacher interviews. But
many other things have “punctuated” our students’ lives: athletics carnival, rostrum (public-speaking) competition, Book Fair, ...
Here is a small window into the current happenings of the Primary School:
End of term Parent/Teacher interviews
The end of term Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th, Tuesday 23th and Thursday 25th June
2015. A formal letter with more details (including how to sign up) will be sent home in the coming weeks. As with last year, the
school is using the PTO system, which allows parents to sign up online via our website. Students from Years 3 to 6 are invited to
attend their interviews, in an effort to allow them to show their parents what they have learned this semester. It will also be an
opportunity for the students to reflect on their work, thinking about their best subjects as well as being able to recognise areas
that might need improving.
ICAS competition
Each year, many students from Years 2 to 6 participate in the University of New South Wales academic competitions (ICAS). This
year, the timetable for the testing is as follows:
Wednesday 3rd June: Science
Tuesday 16th June: Creative Writing and Spelling
Friday 28th July: English
Tuesday 11th August: Mathematics
“Hats off day”
From 1st June to 31st July 2015, students are no longer required to wear hats at school. As advised by the ACT Cancer Council
(, the UV index stays below 3 during this period – therefore the students are not at risk of getting
sunburnt. In fact, exposure to the sun will aid the absorption of Vitamin D that students need during winter.
Athletics Carnival
The Athletics Carnival, held in second term every year, took place on Wednesday 27th May out on the school oval. The 800m
events were held in the afternoon of Friday 29th May. Many students participated in this year’s events. This is the final sporting
event of the year.
Rostrum public speaking
Students in year 4 and 6 and later Year 3 and 5 presented their speeches (written in English) that they have been working on
with their teachers. All of the speeches made were excellent and the adjudicators had a tough time deciding on a winner. Finally,
Eliane Louchart-Fletcher, a student in class 3.2 was chosen as the school’s representative. She and Grace Simon from class 4.3,
who even though she will not be continuing in the competition, will have the opportunity to present her speech in public at the
quarter-finals, which will be held in the school hall on 2nd June.
Well done to both of the girls and to all of the upper Primary students for their high-level participation in this event. Please note
that another Rostrum public speaking competition will be held during the third term, but the speeches will all be presented in
Book Fair
The Primary school Book Fair will be held in the Primary Library from 3 rd-5th June (Week 6). The students will be able to view and
buy a range of Scholastics books.
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Music Festival
On the 21st June every year, a Music Festival takes place in France and in other countries all over the world. This exciting event
brings together musicians and music lovers from all different genres.
This year, we would like to bring this global, cultural Music Festival to the Telopea Park School community. The suggested date is
Friday 19th June 2015.
The idea would be to invite musicians to present on two different stages: one in the Primary School, the other in the Secondary
School. There would be performances held at different times throughout the day:
Students, parents and school staff are invited to fill out the online form ( , indicating their preferences
for times and venues, should they wish to perform.
The P&C proposes hosting an afternoon tea during the final session of the day in the Primary Quad.
This special event will be followed by a concert and an open stage at the Alliance Française of Canberra.
After the success of the “French Breakfast”, organised by the P&C for the Francophonie Week celebrations on 27 th March this
year, we hope that this event will provide another opportunity for our school community to come together in celebration of its
Next P&C Meeting – Wednesday June 17th, 7pm in the Secondary Staff Room
Last Chance to Sign the ‘Save the Sporting Fields’ Petition!
Our petition will be tabled in the Legislative Assembly next week. This is your last chance to put your signature of support on
paper. YOUR support can help us get this poorly made decision overturned.
Where can you sign?
Telopea Before and After School Care Office – until 4pm Friday afternoon
Wolfie, Manuka Terrace – until lunchtime Saturday
Volunteer parents are also roving the Manuka and Kingston shopping areas on Saturday morning 10am-12 noon.
Thank you to all those parents who have signed the petition and volunteered their time to collect the signatures of others. We
really appreciate your support! And of course we look forward to the ACT Government’s response…
Campaign Update
The ACT Government has publicly agreed to consider suitable alternative sites for the proposed childcare facility that will enable
us to retain the land on which our tennis courts are built.
So what are we doing to protect our school’s footprint and ensure the school can provide open play spaces for our
kids and the next generation to come?
We are working with town planners to find suitable alternative sites for the childcare facility, continuing to meet with Ministers of
the Legislative Assembly, and working with all community stakeholders to find a solution that offers benefits for everyone
involved. The government’s decision can be overturned with the support and collaboration of the community.
Want more information? Download the FACTSHEET from our website today! Keep reading your local newspapers, listening
to the radio and monitoring the P&C website: and/or our Facebook page for campaign updates. Read the School Board’s letter to Chief Minister Barr attached.
The Primary School Disco is coming!
Yes, it’s back again this year! We are proud to announce that the P&C will be hosting the Primary School Disco once again in the
School Hall. There will be 2 dance sessions again in 2015:
Save the Disco Date: Friday 26 June
Years K-2
Years 3-6
We are still looking for parent volunteers for the disco, so please contact Catriona if you are available that evening:
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[email protected]
Read Telopea Topics for more information closer to the event!
La Grande Fête - Save the date and Information
Date - La Grande Fête will be on 7 November 2015 – everyone please save the date!
Fête Stalls - A critical part of the Fête is the stalls. We will shortly be seeking coordinators for the school’s stalls and
interest from external providers for a small selection of additional stalls. If there are any family / friends groups that
would like to take the lead on any particular stall please do not hesitate to contact the coordinators at
[email protected].
Raffle – The raffle is a major fundraiser for the school and will shortly kick off, so get ready to start selling and making
this another successful venture in 2015. Keep a look out for information in Telopea Topics about the Raffle and how you
can get involved.
What does the money the P&C raises go towards? The Fête and the raffle are the major way that Telopea raises
funds and every dollar counts. Money that the school raised last year has been earmarked to upgrade the primary play
area, to build a dedicated learning space to teach children with learning differences and ensure that the School Library
continues to be a leader in French cultural resources.
Further information on the Fête and other fundraising activities can be found on Telopea Park’s P&C’s website at
Join the Fun on Facebook – Follow La Grande Fete on Facebook to keep up to date with all the latest happenings in
the lead up to the Fête:
– 8.30 - 9.30am
– 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 8.30 - 11.00am
Order and pay securely on the web: [email protected]
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
Telopea Park School P&C
Before and After School Care Program
Services eligible for Child Care Rebate and Child Care Benefit
Before School Care, After School Care, Holiday Program
Extra Curricular Activities
Phone: 02 6273 2553
Email: [email protected]
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Lifecycle supports regional families living with blood cancer
Every two hours, someone loses their life to blood cancer. Lifecycle is a community cycling event in its fourth year that promotes
awareness of the essential work of the Leukaemia Foundation and raises funds towards the construction and operation of a
purpose-built Village in Canberra that will provide care and accommodation for patients from the ACT/NSW region.
As part of our awareness raising activities, I am seeking permission to contribute short articles to your school’s newsletter.
The articles will highlight the annual community cycling festival – a leisurely challenge around Lake Burley Griffin on Saturday,
24 October 2015.
This year’s Challenge will include a host of exciting events, including a Guinness World Records attempt for the longest single
moving line of bicycles. We will provide details of other events as they become firmly locked into the program.
Perhaps your students (and their families) will be interested in fielding a team and raising money for the John James Village (see
details below).
Closer to the date, you might be willing to invite members of the Lifecycle team to a school assembly to talk about the event and
encourage student participation in the Challenge.
If you are willing to allow us to contribute short articles, it would be appreciated if you would send me a copy of your publication
policy (so that our contributions meet policy standards) and a schedule of publication dates.
John James Village
This major project by the John James Foundation is being undertaken to support the Leukaemia Foundation and will initially
provide six home-like self-contained units, in fully landscaped surroundings in the Canberra suburb of Garran. The complex will
include accommodation for patients’ families and carers to also stay on-site to provide the extra support that is so vital for
recovery. Some patients are quite young and some have young families so there is a need for multi-room units.
Regina Murphy
Lifecycle Public Relations Manager
0400 531 055
[email protected]
Are you a native
Swiss German
Contact Nina Meister on
0431 575 651 or
[email protected]
if you’re interested in joining a group
of parents getting together to speak
Swiss German with each other and
their children
NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
[email protected]
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Kerrie Blain
Deputy Principal 7-10
Michele McLoughlin
Proviseur/Head of French Studies
Emmanuel Texier
Conseiller Pédagogique
Julien Dugas
Deputy Principal 7-10
Tom Kobal
Business Manager
Mary Ryan
Deputy Principal K-6
Robin Egerton
School Board Members 2015
Board Chair
Jacinda Still
Appointed Member
Mary Welsh
Staff Member
Nick Rothwell
Staff Member
Katherine Solomko
P&C Member
Laura Beacroft
P&C Member
Hugh Griffin
Student Member
Philippa Evans
Student Member
Divij Madan
Australian Government
David Atkins
French Government
Eirc Soulier
French Government
Catherine Hodier
Board Secretary
Mary Ryan
Paul Haesler
Vice Presidents
Drew Baker and Emma Burns
Andrew Medlin
Assistant Secretary
Raana Asgar
Justin Brown
Public Officer
Catriona Dove
Before and After School Care
Andrea Grazziadelli
ACT P&C Delegate
Perry Head
Communication Officer
Debbie Tuck
Grants Officer
Bernadette Kelly
Lost Property Officer
Chris Burge
Returning Officer
Peter Roberts
Initial Fete Coordination Team
Vaishali Goel, Andrew Medlin, Glair Bannerman, Tran Tang, Nicola Smith
P&C 2015
and Jacinda Still
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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