Septembre 2011 / 1 Tine Brouckaert


Septembre 2011 / 1 Tine Brouckaert
Tine Brouckaert
Centre for Intercultural Communication and Interaction
Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
Ghent University
Rozier 44
9000 Ghent, Belgium
[email protected]
Éducation, Cultures et Politiques
Université Jean Monnet De Saint Etienne et Université Lyon2
Personal Information
Date of Birth : 19 February 1982
Place of Birth: Ostend (Belgium)
Nationality: Belgian
Academic Teacher Training
University Leuven
Master’s Degree of Science in Social Work
University Leuven
MA thesis title: ‘Tendencies of social work in Spain. The social worker within the poverty programs in
Barcelona and Madrid.
Bachelor in Social Cultural Work
Bachelor thesis title: ‘Citizens emancipation and the Theatre of the Oppressed (A. Boal)’
Supplementary Courses
Gender Research Seminar (Lecturer: Dr. Chia Longman) (Specialist courses doctoral schools)
Academic English – Conference Skills – Ghent University Language Centre (Transferable skills training
doctoral schools)
Gender Research Seminar (Lecturer: Dr. Chia Longman) (Specialist courses doctoral schools)
Academic English –Writing Skills – Ghent University Language Centre (Transferable skills training
doctoral schools)
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Training Course - BTC-CTB Belgian Development Agency
Professional Qualification en Jewelry – IATA, Namur
Current Position
PhD Grantee (financed by the French Government for Higher Education - joint Doctorate at the
University Saint Etienne and University Ghent)
Research: Citizenship Practices among Undocumented Immigrant Mothers: A comparison of
ethnographic case studies in Flanders (Belgium) and France (Working title)
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Chia Longman (UGent) and Prof. Dr. Marc Derycke (University Saint Etienne)
Support Commission: Prof. Dr. Rik Pinxten and Prof. Dr. Rada Ivekovic
Other Work Experience
Uitbouw Gender- en Diversiteitsstudies UGent. Ministerie voor Gelijke Kansen en Onderwijs & Vorming
France, Bar Le Duc, Commercial Assistant Bergère de France. Market research of the Spanish textile and
wool market (Barcelona, Madrid).
Ecuador, Quito, CENIT (Centro de la Niña Trabajadora – Centre for the Working Girl). Mapping out the
school situation and the familial environment of the working girls in the backstreets of Quito.
Educative Lecturer - Centrum Basiseducatie Waasland
Teaching & Invited Lectures
University Saint Etienne, France, Invited Lecturer Course ‘Citoyenneté, genre et diversité’ (Sept.-Dec.)
Bachelor Sociology
30 students
September 2011
Final Symposium of PROFACITY: Testing Profane Citizenship in Hybrid Situations in Europe
Workshop: Rendre Justice. Le cas des sans-papiers et des effaces. Paper: The Ambivalence of Networks –
Brouckaert, Tine and Franc Rottiers
Institut de science de l’homme - Lyon, France
September 2011
Congrès de l’Actualité de la recherché en éducation et en formation (AREF)
Paper : Donner sens avec des mères sans-papiers à leurs savoir profanes
Université de Genève
June/July 2010
Beyond Citizenship: Feminism and the Transformation of Belonging
Paper: Maternalism as a citizenship ideology: maternal practice among undocumented migrant mothers
Birckbeck, University of London, London (UK)
February 2010
Le multiculturalisme a-t-il un avenir?
Paper : Comment Négocier que les enfants de sans-papiers, deviennent de futurs citoyens acceptés tout
en laissant une place à leurs droits à la différence ? Entre valeurs et construction d’identités à l’école, une
Septembre 2011 / 2
comparaison entre la France et la Belgique – Guezzou, Karima and Tine Brouckaert
University Paris 1
February 2010
Conference on Mothering and Migration: (Trans)nationalisms, Globalization and Displacement
Paper: Revisiting Maternalism: Parenting as a Citizenship Practice among Undocument Immigrant
Mothers and Adoptive Parents – Chia Longman, Tine Brouckaert & Katrien Degraeve
Association for Research on Mothering and the University of San Juan, Puerto Rico
December 2009
Third Symposium Ghent Africa Platform (GAPSYM2): Gendering Research in/on Africa
Workshop: Mothering and Agency in Transnational Contexts – Katrien De Graeve, Tine Brouckaert and
Marianne Vervliet
Ghent University, Belgium
Brouckaert, Tine & Longman Chia. (2011) « Le ‘travail de soins’ des mères de famille sans papiers, une forme de
citoyenneté ? » Migrations Société, 23 (137), pp.169-184.
Brouckaert, Tine (2011). De opvoeding van kinderen zonder papieren tot burgers, een burgerschapspraktijk? Getuigenissen
van moeders zonder papieren in hun interacties met school, kinderopvang en thuis. Tijdschrift voor genderstudies (2012).
(accepted for publication)
Brouckaert, T. (2011) Donner sens avec des mères sans-papiers à leurs savoir profanes.Conference proceeding, Université
Brouckaert, T., Longman, C. and Derycke, M. (2010) “Les saviors profanes des mères sans-papiers” Diversité, (special issue :
Parents d’élèves), 163, pp.206-212
Brouckaert, T. “Identiteit, burgerschap en het recht om te bestaan”, Het Vrije Woord, pp.14-17
Book Chapters
Brouckaert, Tine “Les ambivalence dans la justice. Le cas de huis mères sans-papiers en Belgique et la France In : M.T. Tetu
et al. (red.), Profane Citizenship in Europe. Testing Democratic Ownership in Hybrid Situations (2012). (accepted for
Brouckaert, Tine (2009) “De eerste stappen in het huis voor documentloze vrouwen in Antwerpen. Een antropologisch
onderzoek naar vrouwen zonder papieren in België.” In: Mensen. Een inleiding in de culturele antropologie. H. Pinxten (ed.),
pp. 141-144 : Lannoo Campus.
Articles under review:
Longman, Chia, Katrien De Graeve & Tine Brouckaert, ‘Parenting and Affective Citizenship Amang Adoptive and
Undocumented Migrant Mothers’
Longman, C. & Brouckaert, T. « Motherwork as a Citizenship Practice among Sans-Papières » (under review), European
Journal of Women’s Studies.
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