FR201: programme provisoire


FR201: programme provisoire
Portland State University
Instructor: «inst»
Office: «ofc»
e-mail: «syllemail»
(503) «ofcphone»
Office hours: «ofchours», and by appt.
Fall 2014
Course supervisor: Prof. Stephen WALTON / NH451-G / [email protected] / (503) 725-5278
Course goals:
•to review, develop and extend your knowledge of essential structures of French grammar and vocabulary;
•to develop successful language-learning habits;
•to develop your ability to communicate in written and spoken French;
•to broaden your knowledge of French and Francophone cultures.
Book: Mitschke: Imaginez 2nd ed.: Textbook & Supersite Plus code (Vista Higher Learning, 2012). Available at PSU
bookstore, or on-line at
Recommended: Jacqueline Morton, English Grammar for Students of French
Textbook Website: You will need a Supersite Plus Code (inside your book) to access the Supersite
and WebSAM (on-line Student Activities Manual).
A note on the textbook: Imaginez assumes you have had a year of college-level French or the equivalent. Much of the
material in FR201 is review, so the textbook does not present grammar in the same way as a beginning-level text. The
grammatical component will not be as detailed or seem as methodical as in 1st year. Our coverage of grammar is intended
to extend your existing conceptual knowledge and proficiency and put them to use in communicative contexts. (If you
need a more thorough review, you may wish to consult your 1st-year book.) You will be assigned some Fiches de
Grammaire (found at the end of Imaginez) for review purposes. You are responsible for understanding this material,
which may not be presented in class.
Course Policies:
1) Regular class attendance is expected. You should notify your instructor when absent. Your final grade will be lowered
if you have more than 3 absences; missing 3 or more weeks of class will normally result in a failing grade.
2) All work in the Devoirs column of the programme is to be completed by the due-date. If you know you will be absent,
make arrangements to turn the work in when due, or submit it ahead of time. Late work will not be accepted.
3) Online Student Activities Manual (WebSAM): The on-line homework is an essential component of the course.
Assignments are listed on the website, and also on the programme. You should complete all assigned exercises.
4) Compositions: You will be assigned two compositions (rédactions). Rewrites are mandatory and count for a
significant portion of the grade. Full credit will not be given for a composition if the re-write is not completed.
5) Tests: A quiz on chapter 1, an exam on chapters 1-2, and a final exam are scheduled. These will cover the assigned
material from chapters 1-3, as well as any additional material covered in class. The final exam will cover all the
material from the term. Additional short quizzes on assigned material and verb mastery will also be given. Some oral
exams will take place outside of class time.
Make-up tests are not ordinarily given unless special arrangements are made with the instructor in advance. If for some
reason you must miss an exam, you should make every effort to contact your instructor by e-mail before the exam.
Requests for exceptions to this policy will be granted only in special circumstances and at the instructor’s discretion.
6) Final grades will be based on the following percentages:
Grading Scale:
Participation & Preparation:
A- / A:
90-93% / 94-100%
Online homework:
B- / B / B+: 80-83% / 84-86% / 87-89%
Verb quizzes:
C- / C / C+: 70-73% / 74-76% / 77-79%
Rédactions (2):
D- / D / D+: 60-63% / 64-66% / 67-69%
Quizzes (2):
Midterm Exam:
Oral exam:
Final Exam:
Any student with a disability needing accomodation for in-class work or
exams in this class must register first with Disability Services (725-4150/TDD 725-6504; Smith Memorial Union 116) at
the beginning of the term. If you have registered, please notify your instructor and provide her or him with the necessary
FR201: programme provisoire
DEVOIRS à faire
Les devoirs en italique se trouvent en ligne sur
“WebSAM” (ou sous l’onglet Practice)
29 sept.
Présentation du cours
Imaginez: mode d’emploi
Vocabulaire, ch. 1: «Les relations personnelles»
Lisez le syllabus !
Etudiez pp. 4-7; 392-93
Pour commencer: #1-2; LAB pour commencer: #1
1er oct.
Vocabulaire, suite
Révision: Fiche de grammaire 1.4 (Vbs réguliers)
Préparation du court métrage
Pour commencer: #3; LAB Pour commencer: #2
Lisez le script du court métrage (en ligne sur portlingua)
Court métrage: « Le télégramme »
Supplément 1: la Conjugaison
Etudiez Suppl. 1 (conjugaison); faites l’exercice
Lisez pp. 12-14; Etudiez pp. 22-23
6 oct.
Verb Quiz #1 (VQ1)
Imaginez: «Les Etats-Unis»
Structures 1.2: être, avoir, aller, faire
A rendre: Supplément 1 (exercice)
Lisez p. 15; Etudiez pp. 26-27
Structures 1.2: #1-2; LAB Structures 1.2: #1
Structures 1.2, suite
Structures 1.3: Formation des questions
Sons et lettres 1
Imaginez: le Zapping
Etudiez pp. 18-20; Lisez p. 31
Structures 1.2: #3, 5
Str. 1.3: #1, 5; LAB Structures 1.3: #1 Ecoutez Sons et
lettres, leçon 1
Les questions, suite
Structures 1.1: Vbs qui changent d’orthographe
Préparation pour la lecture
Sons et lettres, suite
Lisez pp. 32-34
Structures 1.1: #1-2; LAB Structures 1.1: #1
Structures 1.2: #6*
13 oct.
Vbs qui changent d’orthographe, suite
Lecture: «Les Francophones d’Amérique»
Structures 1.1: #3, 5; LAB Structures 1.1: #2
Révision de Ch. 1 et QUIZ
Etudiez pp. 42-45; 400-401 (fiches de grammaire)
Vocabulaire, ch. 2: « En ville »
Préparation du court métrage
Fiche de grammaire 3.4: Adj. possessifs
Leçon 2: Pour commencer: #1-2;
LAB Pour commencer: #1
20 oct.
Vocabulaire, suite
Court métrage: «J’attendrai le suivant…»
Sons et lettres 2
Lisez pp. 50-52; Etudiez pp. 56-57
Ecoutez Sons et lettres, leçon 2
Imaginez: «La France»
Structures 2.1: Vbs réfléchis et réciproques
Sons et lettres, suite
Etudiez pp. 60-61
Structures 2.1: #1-2
Vbs réfléchis et réciproques, suite
Structures 2.2: Les adjectifs
Etudiez p. 64
Structures 2.1: #3, Str. 2.2: #1; LAB Str. 2.1: #1
27 oct.
les Adjectifs, suite
Structures 2.3: Les adverbes (formes)
Lisez p. 73
Structures 2.2: #2; LAB Structures 2.2: #1
Practice 2.3: #1
Préparation pour la lecture
Rédaction 1—en classe
Etudiez pp. 64-65; Lisez pp. 74-77
Essayez: LAB Structures 2.3: #3
31 oct.
Structures 2.3: Les adverbes (suite)
Lecture: «tout bouge autour de moi»
Structures 2.3: #1-2; LAB Structures 2.3: #2
FR201: programme provisoire
3 nov.
Révision: chs. 1-2
EXAMEN, chs. 1-2
Etudiez pp. 82-85
Vocabulaire, ch. 3: «L’univers médiatique»
Préparation du court métrage
Sons et lettres 3
Leçon 3: Pour commencer: #1-2
Ecoutez Sons et lettres, leçon 3
10 nov.
A rendre: rédac. #1, version finale
Vocabulaire, suite
Court métrage: «Émilie Muller»
Sons et lettres, suite
Lisez pp. 90-92; Etudiez pp. 96-97
Structures 3.1: Le passé composé avec avoir
Imaginez: «Le Québec»
Lisez p. 93
Structures 3.1 #3; LAB Structures 3.1: #1
Le p.c. avec avoir, suite
Imaginez: le Zapping
Etudiez pp. 100-101
Practice 3.1: #1
Exercices supplémentaires
17 nov.
Structures 3.2: Le p.c. avec être
Sons et lettres 4
Etudiez pp. 402-403
Practice 3.2: #1; Structures 3.2: #1, 3
Ecoutez Sons et lettres, leçon 4
Le p.c. avec être, suite
Fiche de grammaire 3.5: l’Imparfait
Sons et lettres, suite
Etudiez pp. 104-105; Lisez, préparez p. 109
Structures 2.3: #4
QUIZ (ch. 3)
Structures 3.3: Le p.c. vs. l’imparfait
Préparation à la lecture
Structures 3.3 : #1-2
Révisez pp. 104-105
Lisez pp. 111-112
Exercices supplémentaires
24 nov.
Début des examens oraux
Le p.c. vs. l’imparfait, suite
Lecture: Guy Laliberté
Examens oraux
Jour férié
1 déc.
Rédaction 2—en classe
Le p.c. vs. l’imparfait, suite
Révision pour l’examen final
A rendre: rédac. #2, version finale
DEVOIRS à faire
Structures 3.3: #3-4; LAB Structures 3.3 : #1
Exercices supplémentaires

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