Ashampoo Photo Illuminator 2 released!


Ashampoo Photo Illuminator 2 released!
Ashampoo Photo Illuminator 2 released!
Johann Lueppen – 11.09.2003
Find all lost and forgotten JPGs, TIFs, BMPs and all other graphic files on your
hard disk! Ashampoo Photo Illuminator 2 puts all your images and media files on
your fingertips - especially for your digital photo collection!
* Burn images to CD
* Rotate, resize, convert and rename images in batch mode
* Print full images or contact sheets with almost any number of rows and columns
* Turn your favourite photos into fantastic screen savers and send them via e-mail
* Compress images, text and voice to a compact, single-file "talking slideshow"
* Create screenshots from your desktop and send them via e-mail
But that's not all!
Find all lost and forgotten JPGs, TIFs, BMPs and all other graphic files on your
hard disk! Ashampoo Photo Illuminator 2 puts all your images and media files on
your fingertips - especially for your digital photo collection!
* Burn images to CD
* Rotate, resize, convert and rename images in batch mode
* Print full images or contact sheets with almost any number of rows and columns
* Turn your favourite photos into fantastic screen savers and send them via e-mail
* Compress images, text and voice to a compact, single-file "talking slideshow"
* Create screenshots from your desktop and send them via e-mail
But that's not all: Entertain your friends and relatives with a slide show of your
holiday pictures, build a short flyer presentation of your product pictures for your
customers or create a screen saver with your favourite photographs! Scan your hard
drives for images, videos, music & documents, make screenshots of your desktop,
send images, screen savers or slide shows with spoken comments via e-mail
... whatever you wish to do with your images - there is no limit!
* NEW *
The brand-new Wizard's Bag facilitates the exhausting work with images from different folders.
Just collect your images and other graphics from various folders and transmit them to the integrated Wizards!
* NEW *
Ashampoo Photo Illuminator 2 ist now skinable!
You can change the look of the interface with just a few clicks.
* NEW *
You can call the wizards directly out of the Windows® Explorer
with the new shell extension.
Ashampoo Photo Illuminator 2 supports Windows® 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000 and XP!
Ashampoo Photo Illuminator 2 can be downloaded directly at:
Ashampoo Photo Illuminator 2 in a nutshell:
Name: Ashampoo Photo Illuminator 2
Version: V2.00
Author: Ashampoo
Software: Shareware
Language: English, German, French, Dutch, Icelandic, Hungarian and Russian
Platforms: Windows® 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000 and XP
Size: 10.57 MB
Regular price: 49.99 $
Contacts et données complémentaires
Renseignements concernant la société éditrice:
Ashampoo est, dans le monde, l'un des éditeurs de logiciels travaillant par Internet au succčs le plus grand dans
les domaines de la conception de logiciels, des ventes et des sites portails Internet. Les logiciels innovants
d'Ashampoo fixent de facto un standard technologique et sont réputés pour leur technologie de pointe bien au
point et le confort de leur mise en śuvre.
Les logiciels Ashampoo Burning Studio, Ashampoo WinOptimizer et Ashampoo Photo Commander sont trois des
produits les plus populaires au milieu d'un portefeuille de produits trčs étoffé.
Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Str. 16, 26125 Oldenburg, Allemagne
Interlocuteur pour la presse : Jan-Gerrit Dickebohm
Téléphone : +49 441-93379-0, Télécopie : +49 441-93379-79
Courriel : [email protected]
Internet :
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