The ultimate tweaking tool from Ashampoo now updated


The ultimate tweaking tool from Ashampoo now updated
The ultimate tweaking tool from Ashampoo now
Johann Lueppen – 13.04.2006
Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum is a convenient tool for fine-tuning your Windows® NT4, 2000, 2003 Server
and XP configuration to suit your precise needs and wishes.
It gives you direct access to many frequently-required settings and parameters, enabling you to make your
operating system behave the way you want.
Now available: Updated version V1.0!
Some of the settings you can change with Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum are available in Windows®, but you
will find that accessing them in Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum is much quicker and more convenient because
they are all available in a single location, with the same intuitive procedure for changing all the parameters.
The Highlights of Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum:
- Tuning Assistant: Safe, comprehensive system tuning with just a few mouse clicks
- More configuration options for blocking attachments in Microsoft Outlook® XP
- Disable the Windows® XP function that checks whether you are online (Regdone)
- Remove Windows® Messenger
- Activate IDE UDMA 66 mode for faster performance with Intel chipsets
- Optimize your virtual memory (hard disk cache)
- Clean up your Windows® Registry database
- Delete files completely and permanently
- Fully revised program interface
- And much more!
NEW in version V1.10:
* Several improvements under the hood
* Additional language: French
Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum can be downloaded directly at:
Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum in a nutshell:
Name: Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum
Version: 1.10
Author: Ashampoo
Software: Shareware
Language: English, German, Hungarian, French
Platforms: Windows® NT, 2000, 2003 Server and XP
Size: 7.20 MB
Price: 49.99 $
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