Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 now part of Incomedia WebSite


Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 now part of Incomedia WebSite
Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 now part of
Incomedia WebSite X5 Suite — All-round
carefree package for the web community
Ashampoo Press - Jan-Gerrit Dickebohm – 30.10.2012
(Oldenburg, Germany – October 30, 2012) Ashampoo Photo Commander 10, the image editor and
manager that is used by millions, now comes bundled with Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution 9 and
SendBlaster 2 Express as part of a fully-fledged web-design suite. The package includes 50 Mini Sites with
50 pre-designed website projects to select from. Web site creation and publishing has never been easier
and more affordable.
Overview: Included Products
Ashampoo Photo Commander 10
Image import with support for all common image formats and camera models as well as image creation,
management, organization and sharing - Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 supports all your image
processing tasks. The extensive feature set paired with a clean user interface make Ashampoo Photo
Commander 10 an indispensable image tool for beginners and professionals alike.
WebSite X5 Evolution 9
Create elegant blogs or lucrative online stores in five easy steps. Select from 1500 customizable designs or
create your own individual design. Build online stores with support for credit card payments, email forms,
password-protected areas, video and image galleries and more, no programming skills required. WebSite
X5 Evolution 9 also comes with 50 Mini Sites, a selection of website project templates created for and with
the product itself. Each project contains all the files required for a small website and needs only be
customized to suit your needs.
SendBlaster 2 Express
Email marketing made easy. Use fully-automated newsletter and email dispatching to database-listed
contacts and create email campaigns for up to 5 different recipient lists with up to 300 messages for each
mailing. Send either directly or through SMTP services with up to 5 simultaneous connections. SendBlaster
2 Express also supports message customization and comes with 80 elegant design templates.
WebSite X5 SUITE bundles products worth €400 and has been available in stores since 1 October for the
unbeatable price of €89.95.
Contacts et données complémentaires
Renseignements concernant la société éditrice:
Ashampoo est, dans le monde, l'un des éditeurs de logiciels travaillant par Internet au succčs le plus grand
dans les domaines de la conception de logiciels, des ventes et des sites portails Internet. Les logiciels
innovants d'Ashampoo fixent de facto un standard technologique et sont réputés pour leur technologie de
pointe bien au point et le confort de leur mise en śuvre.
Les logiciels Ashampoo Burning Studio, Ashampoo WinOptimizer et Ashampoo Photo Commander sont trois
des produits les plus populaires au milieu d'un portefeuille de produits trčs étoffé.
Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Str. 16, 26125 Oldenburg, Allemagne
Interlocuteur pour la presse : Jan-Gerrit Dickebohm
Téléphone : +49 441-93379-0, Télécopie : +49 441-93379-79
Courriel : [email protected]
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