Tune up your computer like a pro in seconds!


Tune up your computer like a pro in seconds!
Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum 2 released Tune up your computer like a pro in seconds!
Johann Lueppen – 11.10.2005
Tune up your computer like a pro in seconds!
Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum 2 is the successor to Ashampoo PowerUP XP Platinum. It includes all
the powerful features that made its predecessor the favorite tuning tool of many Windows users. And it
adds some terrific and unique new features that give you more control and makes it even easier to use.
Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum 2 takes the hassle out of tuning up your Windows computer. One click is
all it takes to optimize your computer for office work, gaming, media editing or maximum resources
(memory etc).
Now you can switch your setup in seconds depending on what you are doing. Of course it includes several
powerful new tools that give you even more control over your computer.
NEW in version V2.2 of Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum 2:
- One-click tuning: For Office / Gaming / Media Editing / Resource Optimization
- Multiple desktops: Create additional “desktops” and switch between them, running some programs on one
desktop and some on another.
- Click-and-send support reports: Collect all the system information support hotlines need and mail it to
them in seconds.
- SysInfo tools: View all the information about all the components in your computer.
- Autostart programs manager: Check which programs start automatically with Windows and enable or
disable them with a single click.
- Taskbar control center: Access all tools whenever you need them with a handy taskbar tool.
- XP firewall monitor: Keep track of the Windows® XP firewall’s settings and Internet connections.
- Tasks & processes control: View all running tasks and processes and adjust their priority for optimum
The current shareware version of Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum 2 can be downloaded directly from our
server by using » this download link «.
Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum 2 in a nutshell:
Name: Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum 2
Version: V2.2
Author: Ashampoo
Software: Shareware
Languages: English, German, Hungarian and French
Platforms: Windows® 2000, XP and Server 2003
Size: 10,0 MB
Price: $ 49.99
Screenshot: » Please click here to see the screentshot «.
Product page: » Please click here to open the product page «.
Homepage: » Please click to visit our homepage «.
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Ashampoo est, dans le monde, l'un des éditeurs de logiciels travaillant par Internet au succčs le plus grand
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pointe bien au point et le confort de leur mise en śuvre.
Les logiciels Ashampoo Burning Studio, Ashampoo WinOptimizer et Ashampoo Photo Commander sont trois
des produits les plus populaires au milieu d'un portefeuille de produits trčs étoffé.
Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Str. 16, 26125 Oldenburg, Allemagne
Interlocuteur pour la presse : Jan-Gerrit Dickebohm
Téléphone : +49 441-93379-0, Télécopie : +49 441-93379-79
Courriel : [email protected]
Internet : www.ashampoo.com
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