Ashampoo CEO celebrates his birthday: All programs* for 10 EUR!


Ashampoo CEO celebrates his birthday: All programs* for 10 EUR!
Ashampoo CEO celebrates his birthday: All
programs* for 10 EUR!
Ashampoo Press – 28.04.2011
On April 29th, 2011, Ashampoo CEO Rolf Hilchner celebrates his
55th birthday. Meanwhile, it has become an embosomed tradition
that not only the manager is given gifts, but also the customers. This
year all programs* from Ashampoo are available for 10 EUR no
matter how high the initial price was.
Facts at a glance:
- Each program* for only 10 EUR
- Duration of the offer: April 28th (00:00h) until May 4th 2011 (00:00h)
- Link:
It’s Happy Birthday on April 29th each year. On this day Ashampoo
CEO Rolf Hilchner is delighted with congratulations his family, friends
and colleagues: He is 55 years old. Ashampoo customers also wish
many happy returns. Although they do not give gifts, but instead they
get them.
Like every year, Rolf Hilchner wraps up a very special well-wisher
package in 2011. This year it comprises the whole range of products
from Ashampoo. All programs* were each reduced to 10 EUR.
Rolf Hilchner: "Five or six programs for the price of one – that’s going
to be an expensive birthday again. If someone already planned to
buy burning software or a tuning suite, they now get several other of
the latest programs as a gift. These will quickly become
indispensable on their computer. Luckily it’s my birthday only once a
* The programs Ashampoo® 3D CAD Architecture (version 2 and 3)
as well as Ashampoo® 3D CAD Professional (version 2 and 3) are
excluded from this offer.
Contacts et données complémentaires
Renseignements concernant la société éditrice:
Ashampoo est, dans le monde, l'un des éditeurs de logiciels travaillant par Internet au succčs le plus grand
dans les domaines de la conception de logiciels, des ventes et des sites portails Internet. Les logiciels
innovants d'Ashampoo fixent de facto un standard technologique et sont réputés pour leur technologie de
pointe bien au point et le confort de leur mise en śuvre.
Les logiciels Ashampoo Burning Studio, Ashampoo WinOptimizer et Ashampoo Photo Commander sont trois
des produits les plus populaires au milieu d'un portefeuille de produits trčs étoffé.
Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Str. 16, 26125 Oldenburg, Allemagne
Interlocuteur pour la presse : Jan-Gerrit Dickebohm
Téléphone : +49 441-93379-0, Télécopie : +49 441-93379-79
Courriel : [email protected]
Internet :
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