

Berger, L. M. (2004). Income, family structure, and child maltreatment risk. Children
and Youth Services Review, 26 (8), 725-748.
Résumé: This paper uses data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth to explore the
effects of income, family structure, and public policies on several indicators of child
maltreatment. Results suggest that income and family structure affect a family's overall risk of
child maltreatment, and that these factors differentially affect various outcome measures. In
particular, income impacts routine medical and dental care, the quality of the caregiving
environment, and to a lesser extent, spanking behaviors. Single-parent families and families with
a biological mother and non-biological father figure tend to have lower quality caregiving
environments than mother-father families, and single-mother families with working mothers are
at even greater risk of poor caregiving. Finally, this analysis provides some tentative evidence
that higher welfare benefits and lower unemployment rates may serve as protective factors for
Duggan, A., McFarlane, E., Fuddy, L., Burrell, L., Higman, S. M., Windham, A., & Sia,
C. (2004). Randomized trial of a statewide home visiting program: impact in preventing child
abuse and neglect. Child Abuse & Neglect, 28 (6), 597-622.
Résumé: Objectives: To assess the impact of home visiting in preventing child abuse and neglect
in the first 3 years of life in families identified as at-risk of child abuse through population-based
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screening at the child's birth.Methods: This experimental study focused on Hawaii Healthy Start
Program (HSP) sites operated by three community-based agencies. From 11/94 to 12/95, 643
families were enrolled and randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. Child abuse
and neglect were measured by observed and self-reported parenting behaviors, all
hospitalizations for trauma and for conditions where hospitalization might have been avoided
with adequate preventive care, maternal relinquishment of her role as primary caregiver, and
substantiated CPS reports. Data were collected through annual maternal interviews (88% followup each year of all families with baseline interviews); observation of the home environment; and
review of CPS, HSP, and pediatric medical records.Results: HSP records rarely noted home
visitor concern about possible abuse. The HSP and control groups were similar on most
measures of maltreatment. HSP group mothers were less likely to use common corporal/verbal
punishment (AOR=.59, p=.01) but this was attributable to one agency's reduction in threatening
to spank the child. HSP group mothers reported less neglectful behavior (AOR=.72, p=.02),
related to a trend toward decreased maternal preoccupation with problems and to improved
access to medical care for intervention families at one agency.Conclusions: The program did not
prevent child abuse or promote use of nonviolent discipline; it had a modest impact in preventing
neglect. Possible targets for improved effectiveness include the program's implementation
system and model.
Rodriguez, C. M., & Price, B. L. (2004). Attributions and discipline history as predictors
of child abuse potential and future discipline practices. Child Abuse & Neglect, 28 (2), 845-861.
Résumé: Objectif: Nous avons tente d'identifier des facteurs pouvant êtres incorporés dans des
programmes de prévention primaire et secondaire et pouvant élargir nos connaissances à savoir
pourquoi les personnes qui ont échappé a la maltraitance s'adonnent a des comportements
abusifs. Le but de cette étude fut d'explorer comment les jeunes adultes considèrent avoir mérité
la discipline qu'on leur imposa en enfance, ainsi que leurs expériences en tant que victimes de
maltraitance et (1) voir si ces facteurs prédisposent à devenir des parents agresseurs et (2)
connaître comment ils entrevoient discipliner les enfants qu'ils auront un jour. Méthode: On a
enquêté auprès d'un échantillon de 140 collégiens et collégiennes sans enfant à savoir comment
ils ont été disciplinés en enfance, comment ils perçoivent cette discipline, la possibilité qu'ils
abuseront et les méthodes de discipline qu'ils envisagent pour l'avenir. On a choisi des jeunes
ages de 18 à 20 ans pour une variété de raisons, y compris leur participation favorable a des
programmes de prévention. Résultats : Une analyse révèle que lorsque les participants pensent
avoir mérité la discipline qu'ils ont connue et que ce facteur est relié à la sévérité de la discipline,
ils seront plus aptes à devenir des parents abusifs et à discipliner leurs enfants. Discussion :Ces
résultats suggèrent que lorsque les participants se blâment pour les punitions qu'ils ont subies, ce
facteur tend à élever la probabilité qu'ils seront des parents agresseurs, même s'ils n'ont pas été
eux-mêmes victimes de mauvais traitements en enfance.
Ryan, J. P., & Schuerman, J. R. (2004). Matching family problems with specific family
preservation services: a study of service effectiveness. Children and Youth Services Review, 26
(4), 347-372.
Résumé: Family preservation programs are comprised of a broad menu of clinical and concrete
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services. Although these programs have been the focus of numerous evaluations, there is
relatively little research that specifically investigates the services that comprise this intervention.
Moreover, there have been few attempts to understand the impact of services for subgroups
within this client population. The purpose of the current study is to (1) identify a specific
problem subgroup; (2) identify specific concrete and clinical services intended to address the
problem of that subgroup; and (3) investigate the effects of these specific services on family
functioning, child maltreatment, and substitute care placement. The data analyzed in this study
are a subset from the Evaluation of Family Preservation and Reunification Programs (US
Department of Health and Human Services, 2001). Two stage least squares regression is used to
address the issues of selection bias. Hierarchical non-linear modeling is used to understand both
the child and family level characteristics as predictors of child maltreatment and substitute care
placement. The results indicate that few services are related to changes in family functioning.
However, several problem specific services were related to a decreased risk of child
maltreatment and substitute care placement.
Sabol, W., Coulton, C., & Polousky, E. (2004). Measuring child maltreatment risk in
communities: a life table approach. Child Abuse & Neglect, 28 (9), 967-983.
Résumé: Objective:The purpose of this article is to: (1) illustrate the application of life table
methodology to child abuse and neglect report data and (2) demonstrate the use of indicators
derived from the life tables for monitoring the risk of child maltreatment within a
community.Method:Computerized records of child maltreatment reports from a large, urban
county in Ohio are cumulated for 11 years and linked for each child. Life table methods are used
to estimate the probability that children from birth to age 10 will be reported victims of
maltreatment by age, race, and urban or suburban residence.Results:Using life tables, the
estimates in the county of this study are that 33.4% of African American children and 11.8% of
White children will appear in substantiated or indicated child abuse or neglect report(s) by their
10th birthday. The age-specific probability of a maltreatment report is highest in the first year of
life for both groups. The probability of a child being reported for a substantiated or indicated
incident of maltreatment before his or her 10th birthday is more than three times higher for city
dwellers than for suburbanites in the urban county studied here.Conclusions:Life table
methodology is useful for creating child well-being indicators for communities. Such indicators
reveal that a larger portion of the child population is affected by maltreatment reports than would
be concluded from examining cross-sectional rates and can be used to identify racial or
geographic disparities.
Guille, L. (2004). Men who batter and their children: an integrated review. Aggression
and Violent Behavior, 9 (2), 129-163.
Résumé: The father-child relationship has received relatively little attention in the research on
domestically violent families. Certain methodological, theoretical, and clinical issues make this a
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particularly difficult area of study. This review integrates three areas of the literature that have so
far remained divided: the literature on fathering, men who batter, and the effect of witnessing
violence on children. It underscores the importance of men who batter as an important point of
investigation and intervention in an effort to stop the intergenerational transmission of domestic
violence. This integrated review intends to inform the child development and fathering literature
and open possibilities for new areas of study in the domestic violence research.
Windham, A. M., Rosenberg, L., Fuddy, L., McFarlane, E., Sia, C., & Duggan, A. K.
(2004). Risk of mother-reported child abuse in the first 3 years of life. Child Abuse & Neglect, 28
(6), 647-669.
Résumé: Objective: The purpose of this research was to investigate, within an at-risk population,
parent and child characteristics associated with a mother's self-reports of severe physical assault
and assault on the self-esteem of the child in the first 3 years of life.Design: The study population
consisted of a community-based sample of mothers of newborns identified as at-risk for child
maltreatment (n=595). Families were assessed annually from the child's birth through age 3
using instruments with established psychometric properties. Independent variables investigated
included: family socio-demographics, parity, mother's social support, maternal depression,
maternal problem drug or alcohol use, partner violence, child's age, child's sex, low birth
weight/small for gestational age (SGA), and mother's perception of child's demand level.
Associations with maltreatment were examined using multivariable methods for longitudinal
data.Results: Child severe physical assault was significantly associated with parent
characteristics (maternal depression and partner violence); and child characteristics (SGA).
Assault to the child's self-esteem was significantly associated with maternal depression, maternal
illicit drug use, partner violence and mother's perception of child's demand level. Controlling for
family sociodemographic characteristics did not change the associations. Likewise, while
mother's perception of child demand level had an independent association with self-esteem
assault, the associations described above persisted while demand level was held constant. In this
high-risk sample, abuse was not associated with mother's age, education, race, parity, or
household income level.Conclusions: While characteristics such as SGA can serve as markers
for increased abuse risk, they are not amenable to intervention after the child is born. However,
certain other risk factors, such as maternal depression and domestic violence are malleable and
should be targeted for intervention with the goal of preventing child maltreatment.
Boyer, D., Crompagne, L., & Vérité, C. (2004). Temps de travail et garde des enfants.
Les enseignements d'une enquête sur les salariés de la branche Famille. Recherches Et
Prévisions, (76), 93-98.
Résumé: L'évaluation de l'impact de la loi relative à la réduction du temps de travail (RTT) sur
la vie quotidienne des salariés constitue une clef d'entrée intéressante pour apprécier les
arbitrages établis entre la vie privée et la vie professionnelle. Les travaux déjà existants montrent
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que le temps familial libéré sur le temps de travail est vécu par de nombreux salariés comme
facteur de bien-être avec, toutefois, un certain nombre d'effets différenciés selon le secteur
d'activité, la catégorie sociale, le sexe, l'âge, la présence d'enfants mais aussi le rôle joué par le
processus de négociation et de concertation de la RTT. Un des enseignements des différentes
enquêtes est que le temps “ récupéré ” est utilisé de manière assez massive pour s'occuper des
enfants, et ce par les hommes comme par les femmes. Pour autant, la RTT a peu entamé la
division traditionnelle des rôles et peu transformé les usages différenciés du temps entre les
hommes et les femmes. Ainsi, le souhait de consacrer davantage de temps à ses enfants est
exprimé également par les pères et les mères, mais ne se repère pas dans les faits.
Douglas, E. M. (2004). The effectiveness of a divorce education program on father
involvement. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 40 (3-4), 91-101.
Résumé: Since the beginning of the 1990s, there has been a dramatic increase in, and use of,
divorce education programs for parents who are divorcing. While many studies have examined
the long-term effectiveness of such programs, virtually no studies have exclusively focused on
outcomes for divorced fathers. In this study, I compared fathers who had attended a divorce
education program (because of a county mandate) with fathers who did not participate in such an
intervention. All fathers had been divorced for two to four years. I assessed several different
kinds of father-outcomes including contact with children, attendance at school or extracurricular
activities, participation in decision-making about children's lives, post-divorce relations (with the
child and mother), and adjustment to life as a divorced father. The results indicate that this
particular divorce education program did not bring lasting effects for divorced fathers.
Fagnani, J., Méda, D., Bessin, M., & Neyrand, G. (2004). Rétrospective et prospective de
la fonction paternelle. Points de vue de chercheurs. Recherches Et Prévisions, (76), 79-84.
Résumé: En complément de ce numéro spécial de Recherches et Prévisions consacré aux pères,
il a semblé utile de demander le point de vue de chercheurs sur les évolutions passées et futures
de la fonction paternelle. Répondant aux deux questions maintenant habituelles de rétrospective
et de prospective, ils livrent leurs points de vue sur ces évolutions. Au-delà de la diversité
disciplinaire et des approches des auteurs, leurs contributions mettent en lumière une fonction
paternelle qui se conçoit et se construit comme une série d'interactions au sein de la famille -avec
les compagnes, les enfants...- et au sein de la société, la fonction paternelle et ses évolutions étant
intimement liées à la place et aux rôles qu'elle confie aux hommes et aux femmes.
Gagnon, L., & Rondeau, G. (2004). Les hommes: s'ouvrir à leurs réalités et répondre à
leurs besoins. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec.
chap 1: S'ouvrir aux réalités des hommes
1.1 L'évolution récente de la société québécoise
1.2 La socialisation des hommes
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1.3 Les attitudes des hommes faces au services
1.4 La santé physique et mentale des hommes
1.5 Les défis de leur scolarisation et de leur vie professionelle
1.6 Leur styles de vie et leurs habitudes
1.7 Les réalités judiciaires et les aspects légaux liés à la paternité
chap 2: Répondre aux besoins des hommes
2.1 Les éléments constitutifs de la réponse
2.2 Des pistes qui rencontrent les impératifs
chap 3: Recommandations
3.1 La nécessité de répondre aux besoins des hommes
3.2 Les recommandations qui interpellent le ministère de la santé et des services sociaux
3.3 Les recommandations qui concernent d'autres acteurs gouvernementaux
Gregory, A., & Milner, S. (2004). Dispositifs publics et investissements des pères : une
comparaison franco-britannique. Recherches Et Prévisions, (76), 63-78.
Résumé: Dans un contexte de changements socio-économiques profonds, la construction d'une
nouvelle paternité est d'actualité en France et en Grande-Bretagne. Les auteures examinent les
politiques publiques relatives à la paternité ainsi que les données relatives à l'investissement
familial des pères dans les deux pays. On constate une similitude entre ces deux pays dans le
développement récent de politiques incitatives encourageant une plus grande participation
paternelle à la vie des enfants, mais des différences encore importantes subsistent dans les «
régimes de paternité ». Néanmoins, dans les deux pays on observe des similarités fondamentales
dans les pratiques parentales, notamment un décalage entre les régimes de paternité et la réalité
observée des pratiques paternelles.
Méda, D., Cette, G., & Dromel, N. (2004). Les pères, entre travail et famille. Les
enseignements de quelques enquêtes. Recherches Et Prévisions, (76), 7-21.
Résumé: Dans tous les pays, les usages du temps restent différenciés selon les sexes. Si l'écart
dans les temps consacrés aux activités domestiques par les hommes et les femmes s'est réduit sur
longue période, cette évolution doit peu de choses à un investissement plus fort des hommes.
Cela est particulièrement vrai des tâches familiales ou du temps passé avec les enfants. L'arrivée
d'un enfant affecte beaucoup moins fortement l'activité professionnelle des pères que celle des
mères. Pourtant, on constate qu'une partie des pères, notamment les plus diplômés d'entre eux,
développent des discours et des comportements qui se rapprochent de ceux des mères -déclarant
notamment qu'ils ont réduit leur temps de travail à l'occasion de l'arrivée d'un enfant- et se
plaignent également de manque de temps pour leurs enfants et de difficultés de conciliation. Les
hommes sont-ils “ contraints ”, notamment par leur engagement professionnel, de moins
s'occuper des enfants que les mères, augmenteraient-ils leur investissement paternel s'ils
disposaient de plus de temps ? L'expérience de la réduction du temps de travail permet d'apporter
quelques réponses à cette question. Un des résultats importants est que, lorsqu'ils ont connu une
réduction de leur temps de travail, les pères se sont plus occupés de leurs enfants, et ce d'autant
plus que leurs conjointes travaillaient à plein temps et n'avaient pas elles-mêmes connu de RTT.
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Ridder, G. d., Ceroux, B., & Bigot, S. (2004). Les projets d'implication paternelle à
l'épreuve de la première année. Recherches Et Prévisions, (76), 39-51.
Résumé: La naissance d'un enfant au sein d'un couple n'est pas neutre. Pourtant, si cette arrivée
est plutôt bien connue, car largement étudiée pour la mère, les réactions du père sont méconnues.
Cet article s'attache à définir et à analyser l'implication des pères lors de l'arrivée d'un enfant. À
partir d'une série d'entretiens réalisés avant la naissance de l'enfant et lors de ses premiers mois,
les auteurs montrent comment les pères réagissent et construisent leur identité de père tant sur un
plan personnel -quelle conception de la paternité développent-ils ?-, que familial -comment
construisent-ils, par exemple, leur statut de père vis-à-vis de la mère ?-, ou social -l'impact de la
naissance sur leur vie professionnelle.
Spillman, J. A., Deschamps , H. S., & Crews, J. A. (2004). Perspectives on nonresidential
paternal involvement and grief: A literature review. The Family Journal: Counseling and
Therapy for Couples and Families, 12 (3), 263-270.
Résumé: This article reviews literature regarding nonresidential paternal involvement
postdivorce. Attempts have been made to understand nonresidential fathers’ contact with their
children from a variety of perspectives including level and quality, theoretical, sociocultural
influences, legal, maternal, childhood, paternal, and paternal postdivorce grief. In most cases, the
authors found elements of grief throughout the literature. However, current literature has not
integrated these elements into a framework for understanding fathers’ postdivorce contact
through a grief lens. Thus, this article explores the issue of familial and paternal grief and makes
suggestions for future areas of research.
Baum, C. L. (2004). The long-term effects of early and recent maternal employment on a
child's academic achievement. Journal of Family Issues, 25 (1), 29-61.
Résumé: More children today are being raised in households with mothers who work for pay
compared to a generation ago, when most mothers did not engage in marketplace work. This
demographic change is important because it could affect children. In this article, the effects of
early and recent maternal employment on a child’s academic development are identified as
measured by high school grades. Results suggest that whereas early maternal employment does
not have an effect, recent maternal employment (during a child’s adolescent years) significantly
decreases grades. Results also show that the effects of maternal employment do not differ for
boys and girls.
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Golombok, S. (2004). Solo mothers: quality of parenting and child development.
International Congress Series, 1266, 256-263.
Résumé: Introduction: Any consideration of the development of children in solo mother
families is essentially addressing the more fundamental question "Do fathers really matter?" This
presentation will explore the empirical evidence relating to the two areas of child development
where fathers are generally considered to matter a great deal, (i) children's psychological
adjustment and (ii) children's sex role development, and will examine whether fathers really do
matter for these key aspects of children's lives. Children's psychological adjustment: The role of
fathers in promoting children's psychological adjustment has been examined in the following
ways: (i) Fatherless families have been studied to determine whether children without fathers
differ from those who grow up with a father in the home; (ii) Lesbian families have been
investigated to establish whether it is a father's maleness, or his role as an additional parent, that
is important; (iii) Research has been carried out on families where the father is the primary
caregiver to examine what effect this has on the child; and (iv) Traditional two-parent families
have been studied to increase understanding of the processes through which fathers' relationships
with their children influence children's psychological adjustment. Children's sex-role
development: Whether or not fathers matter for children's sex-role development depends on the
extent to which it is possible for parents to influence the gender development of their children.
Different theoretical perspectives range from the view that fathers are essential to the position
that fathers make no difference at all. Empirical evidence regarding the sex-role development of
children in different family types will be presented to examine the role of fathers in children's
gender development. Solo mothers: There has been much controversy in recent years about
whether single heterosexual women should have access to assisted reproduction. The concerns
that have been expressed center around the negative effects of growing up in a fatherless family
following parental separation or divorce. However, children born to single mothers following
assisted reproduction have not experienced the adverse factors associated with divorce, although
they may be exposed to other pressures that may increase their vulnerability to emotional and
behavioral problems. Findings will be presented from a controlled study of women who have had
a child through donor insemination (DI) and who are raising that child without a father right
from the start.
Moore, K. A., Lippman, L., & Brown, B. (2004). Indicators of child well-being: The
promise for positive youth development. The Annals of the American Academy, 591 (1), 125145.
Résumé: In the current U.S. indicators system, measures of child well-being focus primarily on
negative outcomes and problems. We measure and track those behaviors that adults wish to
prevent. For the most part, the indicators system does not monitor positive development and
outcomes. Such a system of child well-being indicators lacks the breadth and balance required in
a science-based measurement system. Moreover, it lacks measures of the kinds of constructs that
resonate among adolescents themselves and adults. Measures are needed for multiple domains of
development, including educational achievement and cognitive attainment, health and safety,
social and emotional development, and self-sufficiency. Positive outcomes are often critiqued as
soft, highlighting the importance of rigorous conceptualization and measurement, including
conceptual clarity and face validity, age appropriate measures, and psychometric rigor. In
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addition, constructs and measures need to be presented in ways that are understandable to policy
makers and the public and that work across varied subgroups and levels of governance. Ideally,
comparable measures will be used for indicators, for program evaluation, and in basic research
studies of child and adolescent development.
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