Florida International University University Park Modesto A. Maidique


Florida International University University Park Modesto A. Maidique
Florida International University
University Park Modesto A. Maidique Campus
Miami, Florida 33199
Department of Modern Languages
French I Summer Term 2016
FRE 1130-U01A (53714)
Prof. Jean-Robert Cadely
Prof. Ilham Mendjeli Lakehal
Office Hour: by appointment (Send an E-mail)
[email protected]
[email protected]
For each e-mail: Please, write the course name in the subject
Course Description:
This course is specifically designed for university students with no previous language study in
French. The emphasis is on acquiring all four basic language skills: listening, reading, writing,
and speaking.
Expected learning outcomes for FRE 1130:
By the end of the course, students will have developed a beginning level of fluency and accuracy
in the French language. They will be able to:
Use basic structures of French in appropriate situations
Engage in basic communicative tasks in different social contexts and talk about
themselves, their family and their immediate happenings
Be aware of various aspects of French culture that relate to lesson topics
Required Textbook:
CONTACTS 9th ed. by Valette and Valette (LL + Access) ISBN: 978-128-549083-0
Classroom etiquette:
An atmosphere of mutual respect in class is in order and your undivided attention is a must.
Please do not hold conversations with classmates whenever your professor or another student is
speaking. Also refrain from participating in any other distractive behavior. CELL PHONES
OFF, please. Try to be on time and remain in class for the entire period: arriving late and/or
leaving early are a distraction to your classmates who are trying to listen to a lecture or
participate in a discussion. If you must be absent one day, you are still responsible for turning in
on time any written or oral assignment given for the next session. Please get to know a couple of
reliable classmates who will let you know exactly what you missed and what is expected from
you in case you’re not able to contact me immediately. NO MAKE-UPS PLEASE. Expect to get
from this class what you give to it, so be here, be prepared, be awake, and expect to be
Unit tests:
There will be six unit tests as indicated in bold in the syllabus. They will last about an hour.
Please note that make-up exams will be reserved for exceptional circumstances with adequate
Most of your SAM homework will be done through ilrn and you will receive instructions in
class. Punctuality is important in order to receive full credit for your work.
Final exam:
A two-hour comprehensive final exam will take place in class and will cover the 6 units studied
in class during the semester. Please note that make-up exams will be reserved for exceptional
circumstances with adequate justification.
In this course, your grade will be based on:
6 Unit tests
Homework (Instructions for ilrn will be given in class)
Class Attendance
Active oral class participation
Final Exam
***Absences will be recorded and counted in the total average:
0-2…..A; 3-4…..B; 5-6…..C; 7-8…..D; 9-Up…..F
Grading Scale:
A+ 100%
B+ 89-87
C+ 79-77
D+ 69-67
A 99-94
B 86-84
C 76-74
D 66-64
A- 93-90
B- 83-80
C- 73-70
D- 63-60
F 59 & Below
Language & Lab. Hours:
MMC Campus: SIPA 240, ph. 305-348-5743
BBC Campus: Academic II, room 214, ph. 305.919.5872
(Hours available at http://dll.fiu.edu/languages/
For free tutorial help, visit http://dll.fiu.edu/languages/sipa-240-tutoring/
Early Alert
In an effort to help you succeed in your academic courses, FIU utilizes an Early Alert system.
Instructors are now able to notify students’ academic advisors if there are concerns about class
performance. If an alert is submitted, your academic advisor will send you a message via your
Student Dashboard (accessed via your MYFIU page) to discuss ways to improve your
performance. Please respond to any communication you receive from your academic advisor
about an early alert. Our goal with this program is to help you to be successful by identifying any
issues as early on as possible and working to address them.
SYLLABUS Curriculum Lesson Plans
…….. Et alors, maintenant, tout en français! Bon courage!
 Unité 1
Leçon 1: Bonjour!
Note culturelle: La formalité.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to greet people, to introduce oneself, to count from 0 to 12, to know
the french alphabet, to tell time in hours.
 Unité 1
Leçon 2: Copain Copine. Note culturelle: Copain, copine.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to point out people, to express likes & dislikes.
 Unité 1
Leçon 3: Ça va?
Note culturelle: Les salutations.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to express greetings, to tell time in minutes, to talk about one’s
 Vie Pratique 1:
L’argent européen.
Le Français langue internationale.
Pour quoi parler français?
Short History of the french language.
Révision de l’unité 1
Unité 1
Test 1 & Rendu des Exercices de la Vie Pratique 1(Cultural Topic)
Unité 1 Activities book / SAM iLrn completed
 Unité 2
Leçon 4: A Québec.
Note culturelle: Québec et la joie de vivre.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to say who we are, to describe what we do, and to make general
statements; La conjugaison française Le conjugueur.com les pronoms sujets, la négation.
 Unité 2
Leçon 5: A Dakar.
Note culturelle: Dakar et le Sénégal.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to ask questions, to talk about our reference, to give the day of the
week; La construction infinitive
Unité 2
Leçon 6: A Genève.
Note culturelle: Genève, ville internationale.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to ask for specific information, to add emphasis to a statement, to
give dates. Les pronoms accentués.
 Vie Pratique 2:
La France et les français.
La France multiculturelle.
Le calendrier des évènements.
La biographie de René Philombe.
Révision de l’unité 2
 Unité 2
Test 2 & Rendu des Exercices de la Vie Pratique 2 (Cultural Topic)
Unité 2 Activities book / SAM iLrn completed
 Unité 3
Leçon 7 : La vie est belle.
Note culturelle: L’amitié.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to describe what we own, to talk about common objects.
La conjugaison française Le conjugueur.com, les articles définis et les articles indéfinis,
l’expression « il y a / il n’y a pas »
 Unité 3
Leçon 8 : A la terrasse d’un café.
Note culturelle: Les français et le cinéma.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to talk about people, to give their nationality, to describe their
appearance and personality. Les adjectifs réguliers et irréguliers, La place des adjectifs dans une
phrase, L’expression “C’est, Ce sont / Il / Elle est, ils/ elles sont. »
Unité 3
Leçon 9: Vive la musique.
Note culturelle: Les jeunes français et la musique.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to express general opinion, to say where we are going, to
Talk about future events, to discuss favorite pastimes, to show people around town. Les articles
définis et les articles contractés, La conjugaison française Le conjugueur.com, la préposition
« Chez ».
 Vie Pratique 3:
La France d’outre-mer.
Aimé Césaire.
Paul Gauguin.
Révision de l’unité 3
 Unité 3
Test 3 & Rendu des Exercices de la Vie Pratique 3 (Cultural Topic)
Unité 3 Activities book / SAM iLrn completed
Unité 4
Leçon 10: Ma famille.
Note culturelle: La famille en France.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to describe one’s family, to express personal relationships, to
indicate ownership, to talk about weather. Les adjectifs possessifs, le temps et les saisons.
 Unité 4
Leçon 11: Rien n’est parfait.
Note culturelle: Les français et la mode.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to describe what we purchase, to discuss prices, to point out people
and things. Les adjectifs interrogatifs, les adjectifs démonstratifs, les nombres de 60 à l’infini.
 Unité 4
Leçon 12 : Le rêve et la réalité.
Note culturelle: Le logement des étudiants.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to describe one’s home, to make comparisons, to talk about one’s
finances. La question avec inversion.
Révision de l’unité 4
Vie Pratique 4:
Les soldes
Les vêtements et les accessoires.
Georges Moustaki.
Révision de l’unité 4
 Unite 4
Test 4 & Rendu des Exercices de la Vie Pratique 4(Cultural Topic)
Unité 4 Activities book / SAM iLrn completed
Unité 5
Leçon 13 : Une question de priorité.
Note culturelle : Les jeunes français et le bonheur.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to describe certain feelings and needs, to make suggestions.
La conjugaison française Le conjugueur.com
Unité 5
Leçon 14 : Un mois à Paris.
Note culturelle : La France un pays touristique.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to describe past actions, to ask about past activities. Les questions au
passé. La conjugaison française Le conjugueur.com
Unité 5
Leçon 15: Souvenirs de vacances.
Note culturelle : Les vacances des français.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to talk about vacation plans, to describe where we went, to give
complete date. La conjugaison française Le conjugueur.com
 Vie Pratique 5:
Les spectacles.
Le cinéma.
Les régions françaises.
Révision de l’unité 5
Unité 5
Test 5 & Rendu des Exercices de la Vie Pratique 5 (Cultural Topic)
Unité 5 Activities book / SAM iLrn completed
Unité 6
Leçon 16 : Un grand gourmand.
Note culturelle : L’art de manger à la française.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to indicate how long certain activities have been going on, to
describe recent events, to talk about cities and countries. Depuis et Pendant”, les articles de
noms géographiques.
Unité 6
Leçon 17: Petit déjeuner du matin
Note culturelle: Le petit déjeuner français.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to discuss foods and beverages to talk about portions and servings.
Les articles partitifs.
Unité 6
Leçon 18: L’anniversaire de Charlotte.
Note culturelle : Les repas français.
Curriculum Lesson Plans: to describe meals, to talk about various quantities. Articles
définis indéfinis, partitifs.
 Vie Pratique 6:
Les courses
Jacques Prévent
 Unité 6
Révision de l’unité 6
Unité 6
Test 6 & Rendu des Exercices de la Vie Pratique 6 (Cultural Topic)
Unité 6 Activities book / SAM iLrn completed
How to register on iLrn?
1.1. Guide for new iLrn users:
1.2. Guide for existing iLrn users:
1.3. You will need the following information to register in this course:
FRE 1130-U01A (53714) Summer Term
ilham lakehal
Florida International University
May 16, 2016- Jun 24, 2016
More information and additional assistance about iLrn?
2.1.For more information about iLrn:
2.2. For additional assistance, you can contact the Technical Support information:
[email protected]
1.877.282.4400, option 2
Monday through Friday 10 AM EST to 8 PM EST
You are not ready to purchase iLrn, you want to start a three week trial?
Follow the same process as
above (1.1 or 1.2). Locate
the book and click buy.
Click the “if you are not
ready to purchase this book,
you can start a three week
iLRN, your digital workbook Student Guide
From the Welcome page, you have access to these tabs:
1) Assignment calendar— provides one place for you to go to access all of your assignments
(Text and SAM Activities). Here you can locate all assignments by due date or by chapter.
2) EBook—this page-for-page reproduction of the printed book features embedded audio,
video, as well as note-taking and text highlighting capabilities. You can complete textbook
activities directly from the eBook interface. You can also see whether it is assigned, completed
or graded. Just look for the icon to see what is assigned and when it is due. Hover the mouse
over the icon to see your grade for a completed assignment. The page view can be magnified
and the content searched via the index, table of contents, or search functions.
3) Activities— Textbook and Student Activity Manual activity tabs have been consolidated into
one tab where you can locate all assignments. You can select a chapter and view all of the
Textbook and SAM exercises for each chapter. Click on the title to open an activity. Links to
the exercises are available here, the Assignment Calendar
and directly from the eBook.
4) Self-Tests— You may take an online self-test before or after working through a textbook
chapter to get an initial assessment of what you know and what you still need to master. Your
results are graded automatically and displayed according to learning outcomes. A Personalized
Study Plan, based on the automatically graded test, directs you to additional study aids that
focus your efforts and study time on the areas where you need the most help. Please see the
Self-Tests and Personalized Learning section for more information.
5) Video Library— For every chapter, you can access accompanying video segments. You can
also turn closed captioning on and off as an aid to understanding. Video segments may be
accompanied by pre and post-viewing exercises.
6) Practice—Depending on the title, practice activities might include any or all of the following
additional activities: vocabulary flashcards; grammar and pronunciation tutorials; additional
self-graded quizzing; access to Heinle iRadio’s MP3-ready cultural exploration activities; and
access to Student Multimedia CD-ROM activities.