artist biography


artist biography
Galerie mark Hachem Youri Born in 1972 Lives and works in Belgium Youri comes from the North of France, a region whose landscapes have seduced so many artists. Born in 1972, now married with three children, he is characterized by his reserve, his typical northern France inwardness and his sentimental attachment to his family and his origins. From a very young age, he showed great interest in art and any thing that gave free reign to his imagination. He attended classes offered by painting workshops At the age of sixteen, he went to the Saint-­‐Luc Institute in Tounai (Belgium) where he studied new arts teaching and met famous artists. He later attended architecture and design classes. After gaining his diploma in 1999, he joined an architect’s office in Lille (France) where he worked principally with volume, colors and the enhancement of light. His first exhibition was held at Le Masquerel (France) and included fifteen artists. He sold his first paintings. The highlights of 1997 and 1998 were his wedding and the birth of his first child. His painting evolved, his work focused more on the curves of the female body and the plumpness, sensuality, shapes and shadows that it emanates. After traveling in North Africa, be began to focus on his backing material – sand was a very successful and impressive medium, giving the viewer the urge to approach and caress his paintings. In 2000, he traveled to New York, where he feasted on verticality and asymmetries that were in sharp contrast to his supple work on the female body. In early 2001, encouraged by true art lovers and the success of his paintings, he left his job as an architect to devote himself to his art. He subsequently applied these geometric ideas in a literary theme, more intimate and reassuring – perspectives, depth, repetitions, an enormous library or just three books with straight lines and the effects afforded by contrasting materials. Looking out from his open workshop, many things inspire him. Through the lovely Breton coast, he reveals to us his third pictorial theme – the combination of feminine curves and asymmetric libraries suggest old sailboat parts. A veritable sail dance! This is how he expresses his desire for freedom. He is accumulating material and paint, brush it, and scratch it in order to reach the first material. He is doing several layers, always looking for a new effect of light and colors. A touching and moving kind of small “writing” born from his new abstract paints his fourth pictorial theme. Right up to today, his work remains centered around these four main themes of eroticism, travel, literature and architecture. Né en 1972 dans le Nord de la France Vit et travaille en Belgique Après quelques années passées dans un cabinet d'architecture, et poussé par de nombreux amateurs d'art, il arrête son activité professionnelle afin de se consacrer totalement à son art. La peinture devient un passe temps. Naît alors son premier thème : les nus. Il aime faire ressortir les courbes, les rondeurs, la sensualité, les formes et les ombres qui émanent des figures féminines. La matière est omniprésente, elle accentue la profondeur du tableau; donnant envie de toucher la toile. Le temps et l'expérience professionnelle lui permettent d’approfondir sa créativité, favorisant l'émergence d'un nouveau thème orienté vers la composition. Il met en scène des éléments d'intérieur et plus particulièrement les bibliothèques. On retrouve ainsi dans ses toiles la verticalité et les asymétries de l'architecture qui contrastent avec son travail, plus souple du corps de la femme. La suite logique de ses travaux l'a amenée à approfondir sa technique, créant des "accidents" qui le font évoluer. La matière est superposée puis grattée favorisant le motif et l’effet de matière sur la toile. YOURI / EXHIBITIONS SELECTED PERSONAL EXHIBITIONS 2011 Galerie Mark Hachem 2010 Galerie Mark Hachem 2008 Galerie Mark Hachem 2006-­‐2011 Galerie Vivendi 2003 ING Banque Exposition personnelle SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2010 Art London Fair 2005 Art London Fair Salon d’ArtContemporain 2004 Espace La Teinturerie GalerieChouinard Exposition personelle 2002 GalerieProgressy Paris, France Beirut, Lebanon New York, USA Paris, France Tournai, Belgique Obigies, Belgique London, UK London, UK Metz, France Tournai, Belgique France France Nord, France 

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