AP French - Northview High School


AP French - Northview High School
AP French - Summer work
Preparing for the AP French class demands that you practice in order to reach your
goals and the goals of the program. Spending a little time everyday listening to
French/ Francophone songs, playing games in French, watching Francophone
television shows online, or watching a French-language Francophone movie on a
regular basis will improve your language skills. Language learning is a skill that
must be developed frequently and over a long period of time.
1. Test your French
2. AP Practice exam Question
3. Listening/Viewing Practice (Les Infos-news)
Les infos (news)1. RFI infos du jour
2. La Banque Mondiale et les défis mondiaux
3. RFI general-les infos et la musique
4. TV5 Monde Actualités du Jour
5. Les 7 jours sur la planète-les dossiers
6. Radio France
7. News Map in France-cliquez sur "France"
8. Québec infos
9. BBC Afrique
10. Les infos-20 minutes.fr
11. TV5Monde
12. France 24 YouTube channel
13. http://www.france24.com/fr/
14. Coup de Pouce sur la planète
15. TV5Monde Afrique
1 4. Listening/Viewing Practice
1. BrainPOP Learning Videos
2. Courts dialogues avec transcription
3. Curiosphere TV5
4. La France Bis authentic listening activities
5. Radio France Facile
6. BBC Interactive video theme instruction
7. BBC Languages-French
8. CultureBox-Fr3-info culturelle en vidéo
9. Continent Noir
10. Listening Practice-daily life
11. Authentic French Listening Resources
12. Podibus contenus culturels
13. http://www.canalacademie.com/apprendre/fiche.php?id=63
14. http://sonsenfrancais.org/
5. Listening Practice (La musique, les films, les exposés etc)
Vidéoclips de musique populaire francophone
Stars Parades-Musique en Afrique et aux Antilles
MSN video française
Universal Musique France
La Chanson Française et Francophone
Lyrics Training-listen to music video in French and fill in lyrics
10. http://musique.ados.fr/scene-francaise/songs/
6. Reading Practice (Lire)
Les journaux (newspapers in France)
INSEE-les statisques de la vie française, etc
Les Ados-stories about and teenagers
Culture Blog Français
Reader's Digest-Canada
Lire: Harry Potter, les animaux, les BD
European Space Agency for Kids
2 9. Conte-moi la francophonieGastronomie
10. Cavilum-Vichy-series of advanced level themes and activities
11. Frenglish News: read and listen
12. http://www.20minutes.fr/
13. 1 jour 1 actu
14. http://www.linternaute.com/
7. Grammar Practice (Grammaire)
Walk, talk and learn-grammar by walks through Paris- (scroll down page)
French 3, 4, 5 grammar
French 3 grammar
Français Interactif - Students explore French language and culture by
following the lives of real UT students who have participated in the UT
Summer Program in Lyon, France. Online curriculum includes over 320
videos, vocabulary and phonetics audio, online grammar reference with selfcorrecting exercises and audio dialogues, verb conjugation and practice tools,
diagnostic grammar quizzes (testez-vous), a workbook of classroom activities
and homework assignments, online polls, and Internet writing activities.
6. http://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/
7. http://www.xtec.es/~sgirona/fle/subjonctif_index.htm
8. http://platea.pntic.mec.es/~cvera/hotpot/exos/index.htm
9. http://platea.pntic.mec.es/cvera/ressources/recurfr29.htm
10. http://faculty.virginia.edu/ajmlevine/grammar/a_grammarindex.html
11. http://www.french-linguistics.co.uk/grammar/
12. http://www.lepointdufle.net/grammaire_conjugaison.htm
13. http://grammaire.canalblog.com/
8. Vocabulary Practice (Vocabulaire)
Series of voicethreads made by many with different topics in French.
BBC French situations in French
French slang-l'argot-great practice
6. Texting en français-Les textos français
7. Word Reference (dictionnaire en ligne)
3 9. Cultural Knowledge (Culture)
1. La Culture:The four levels of cultural awareness: Lisez avec les détails et
après il faut que vous passiez l'interrro.
2. Maintenant continez à Ethnocentrism to ethnorelativitism
3. http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/
4. Lots of French cultural links
5. CultureBox-Fr3-info culturelle en vidéo
6. Understand France-Intercultural perspectives
7. Cajun culture
8. http://www.frenchresources.info/module_ressources/en/htm/frameset/ressourc
10. Littérature
Lit Gloss: This site has a connection to original selections of literature in
many different languages. Also included is the context of the piece and
additional resources to better understand it.
Audio-Vidéo Littérature: listen or see authors' works
Littérature audio
Littérature-audio et vidéo
La Litteratureaudio
11. Les Jeux
http://www.polarfle.com/ Un meurtre a été commis à Trouville. L’inspecteur
Roger Duflair mène l’enquête. Il doit retrouver le coupable, son mobile et les
circonstances du crime. Vous êtes son assistant. Pour accomplir votre
mission, vous devez choisir votre niveau (débutant, élémentaire,
intermédiaire ou avancé) et faire toutes les rubriques dans l’ordre.
Les Jeux de Charlotte or http://www.campus-electronique.tm.fr/TestFle/
Bravo jeux
12. http://cfrancisse.pbworks.com/w/page/27278127/FrontPage
1. Watch a French film (1)
Regardez un film français (ou francophone) – not an American film with a French
soundtrack. Write a short critique (10 sentences minimum) where you briefly
summarize the plot (l’intrigue) and give your personal opinion of the film.
4 2. Chansons (3)
Open the site http://platea.pntic.mec.es/cvera/hotpot/chansons/ and from the
“Choisissez une chanson” menu, choose “niveau moyen” or “niveau avancé”. Find 3
songs that you like, listen to them, do the activities and print them out, then give a
short description of each in French (along with the title and artist). You will discuss
and compare these with what other students selected once you are back in school.
Choose 3 songs (see # 5. websites) and create 2 activities for each song (ex. cloze
exercise and questions on the content).
3. Grammaire
It is a good idea to review grammar taught at earlier levels (Discovering French
Rouge). Practice! Practice! Practice!
A strong command of grammar is essential to success in AP. You need to do a
complete review of all verbs (regular and irregular) in the following tenses:
Le présent – DF Rouge pages R2, R3 et R 20-21
L’impératif - http://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/tai1.html
Le passé composé – DF Rouge, page R4 et p. 44, 50, 55, 114, 128
L’imparfait – DF Rouge, page R 5, p. 116, 128, 131
Le futur – DF Rouge, p. 201 et suivantes
Le conditionnel – DF Rouge, p. 207
Le subjonctif – DF Rouge, p. 86, 270-275
Then go to
Also, you need to familiarize yourself better with :
le plus-que-parfait
le gérondif
l’infinitif passé
5 1. A good site to start with: http://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/
2. Then, you can practice on
http://platea.pntic.mec.es/~cvera/hotpot/exos/index.htm (click on “Conjugaison”.)
or : www.lepointdufle.net
4. Lecture - Find an article for the class (1)
Cherchez un article écrit qui intéresserait la classe.
a) Sauvegardez ou imprimez une copie du texte.
b) Notez l’adresse du site
c) Préparez le vocabulaire
d) Soyez prêt à présenter votre article en classe. (You will present and explain your
article to the class, with vocabulary).
5. Ecoute (3)
Go to the site http://www.rfi.fr/lffr/dynamiques/liste_fait_du_jour_archive.aspx
Click on the date of the article to see the video, then do the exercises. Correct with
the key provided and print out your page(s) of responses. Please write the date and
title of the article you heard since they change constantly. You must do this three
times: once each in June, July and August.
Regardez les informations sur TV5 ou un autre site d’actualité française ou écoutez RTL.
Notez la date. Faites une liste de 3 sujets différents de ce jour. Faites un compte-rendu
(bref) en français d’un des sujets pour ce jour-là.
(Note the date and 3 topics before doing a brief summary in French of one of the stories of
the day).You must do this three times: once each in June, July and August.Three articles
from August will not be accepted.
You will turn in the summer assignment on the first day of school:
résumé d’un film + opinion
3 chansons et exercices
article que vous avez lu
6 ‐
3 écoutes + exercices ou compte-rendu
you will be quizzed on grammar the first week of school (présent, passé
composé et imparfait, futur et conditionnel)