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Explore - Xleu.info
Piece of Cake 5e
Sous la direction d’ouvrage de
! Benjamin Sergent
Agrégé d’anglais
Académie de Paris
! Estelle Recht
Professeur certifié
Collège Jean Monnet (61)
Sous la direction éditoriale de Pénélope Liot
Co-auteurs :
! Marie Aubé
Professeur certifié
Collège Alfred de Musset (72)
! Fanny Doumerc
Professeur agrégé
Lycée Jean-Baptiste Corot (91)
! Damien Lesellier
Professeur certifié
Collège St-Joseph de Caen (14)
! Sylvie Bah
Professeur certifié
Maison d’éducation de
la Légion d’Honneur (93)
! Fanny Dralet
Professeur certifié
Collège Debussy (93)
! Christelle Michelet
Professeur certifié
Collège François Villon (77)
! Anne-Lise Dumas-
! Isabelle Pfeiffer
Professeur certifié
Lycée L’Initiative (75)
! Zaia Berkane
Professeur certifié
Collège Julie Daubié (57)
! Isabelle Besnier
Professeur certifié
Collège de Terreville (972)
! Françoise Calas
Professeur certifié
Collège Le Cèdre (34)
! Joëlle Cendrier
Professeur certifié
Collège Pierre Reverdy (72)
! Déborah Chasseport
Professeur certifié
Collège Bellevue (86)
! Ellen Dodds
Professeur certifié
Collège Louis Pasteur (81)
Professeur certifié
Collège de l’Esplanade (62)
! Ingrid Gaudin
Professeur certifié
Collège-Lycée St-Joseph
de l’Apparition (81)
! Cathy Germain
Professeur certifié
Collège de Puisaye - Site
Armand Noguès (45)
! Laurence Gilmant
Professeur certifié
Collège Les Rives du Léman (74)
! Virginie Le Coadou
Professeur certifié
Collège P. et M. Curie (27)
! Yani-Sabine Prom-Tep
Professeur certifié
Collège Chantemerle (91)
! Thierry Ray
Professeur certifié
Collège La Varandaine (71)
! Delphine Valero
Professeur certifié
Le Gymnase (Lucie Berger Jean Sturm) (67)
! Perrine Vautier
Professeur certifié
Lycée Léopold S. Senghor (78)
! Charline Waliyar
Professeur certifié
Collège Maryse Bastié (39)
p. 6
Présentation du manuel numérique
Prologue : Back to school
p. 8 à 21
Tâches du chapitre :
Long time
no see
New habits
Dos and don’ts
! Se présenter.
! Parler de son
emploi du temps.
! Écrire un
p. 10
p. 12
p. 14
! Décrire une
célèbre école
de magie.
! Inventer
son école idéale.
p. 16
p. 20
Lexique : L’école, le vocabulaire scolaire, les règles, les jours et les heures.
Grammaire : CAN, MUST, l’impératif ; BE et HAVE au présent simple ; LIKES/
Phonologie : L’intonation des questions et des exclamations ; CAN et MUST.
Culture : L’organisation de la semaine d’un écolier britannique, uniformes,
écoles célèbres, l’univers de Harry Potter.
1 Stay connected!
p. 22 à 35
Tâches du chapitre :
Surf at home
Care to share?
Think before
you post
! Donner des
ordres et des
conseils à un
! Établir une
enquête sur l’utilisation d’Internet.
! Créer un
p. 24
p. 26
p. 28
Be S.M.A.R.T.
! Écrire un
p. 30
! Participer à
une campagne
de sensibilisation aux dangers
p. 34
Lexique : L’informatique et Internet.
Grammaire : SHOULD, MAY/MIGHT ; WANT TO ; STOP +V-ING ; le présent simple.
Phonologie : La réalisation du -S à la troisième personne ; prononciation de
MAY et MIGHT ; prononciation de SHOULD et SHOULDN’T, lettres muettes.
Culture : Les réseaux sociaux, l’histoire d’Internet, la campagne Think before
you post, Safer Internet Day.
Piece of Cake
2 At the museum
p. 36 à 49
Tâches du chapitre :
Follow the
Lost in the
American Wing
Let’s agree
to disagree …
Looking for
! Guider des
visiteurs dans
un musée.
! Décrire une
œuvre d’art.
! Débattre,
défendre son
opinion sur une
! Visiter virtuellement le Metropolitan Museum
of Art.
p. 38
p. 40
p. 42
p. 44
! Créer
sa propre
p. 48
Lexique : L’art et les musées, le matériel artistique, les sentiments, les prépositions de lieu, les directions.
Grammaire : Le présent BE + V- ING ; CAN’T STAND, ENJOY, etc.
Phonologie : Les exclamatives avec SO, l’intonation des phrases longues,
les gap-fillers.
Culture : Le Metropolitan Museum of Art ; l’art américain au XIXe siècle ; l’art
contemporain ; les chevaliers au Moyen-Âge, le Google Art Project.
3 Emerald Isle
p. 50 à 63
Tâches du chapitre :
! Parler de
ses projets de
p. 52
New horizons
! Suggérer trois
activités pour le
p. 54
Dublin, here
we come!
! Aider ses
camarades à
préparer leurs
p. 56
Enjoy the Craic
! Découvrir la
culture irlandaise.
! Participer
au concours du
meilleur voyage
p. 58
p. 62
Lexique : Le voyage et sa préparation, les moyens de transport, le superlatif.
Grammaire : Le présent BE + V-ING, BE GOING TO, WILL ; NEED.
Phonologie : La prononciation de WILL/’LL.
Culture : L’Irlande, la ville de Dublin, la St-Patrick, les Leprechauns, etc.
4 Party time!
p. 64 à 77
Tâches du chapitre :
You’ve got mail
! Écrire une
carte d’invitation.
p. 66
Not for
the world!
Let’s take
a holiday!
! Faire ses
courses en ligne
pour préparer sa
! Refuser une
invitation au
! Célébrer les
fêtes britanniques
et américaines.
! Organiser
une fête pour
Pancake Day.
p. 68
p. 70
p. 72
p. 76
Lexique : Les ingrédients, les ustensiles de cuisine, les actions culinaires,
le téléphone.
Grammaire : La possession, les quantifieurs, le présent BE + V-ING.
Phonologie : WHOSE/WHO’S.
Culture : Les fêtes britanniques et américaines, les pancakes, la monnaie
et la poste britanniques.
5 Game on
p. 78 à 91
Tâches du chapitre :
Olympic spirit
! Parler de
son champion
p. 80
A demanding
! Écrire un
article racontant
un match de
p. 82
Quiz time!
! Interviewer
le capitaine de
! Tester les
de ses camarades
sur les origines
des sports.
! Créer
une émission
de radio sur
le sport.
p. 84
p. 86
p. 90
Lexique : Les sports, le comparatif.
Grammaire : Le prétérit simple.
Phonologie : La prononciation de -ED.
Culture : Les origines des sports, les Jeux Olympiques et les sportifs célèbres.
Lexique de l’élève
p. 120 à 125
p. 126 à 127
p. 128
6 We can be heroes
p. 92 à 105
Tâches du chapitre :
Hero Machine
Superheroes …
! Créer son
! Écrire une
p. 94
p. 96
… and
Super zeroes!
A king hero:
Arthur’s legend
! Suggérer des
pour améliorer
une histoire.
! Raconter une
! Participer à
un concours de
p. 98
p. 100
p. 104
Lexique : Les super-héros, les pouvoirs, les mots de liaison.
Grammaire : Le prétérit simple, USED TO, COULD/COULDN’T, les suggestions.
Phonologie : La prononciation de USED TO et de COULD/COULDN’T.
Culture : Marvel Comics, la légende du roi Arthur.
7 Let’s rock
p. 106 à 119
Tâches du chapitre :
New stars
Old Friends
! Écrire une
devinette sur sa
star préférée.
! Interviewer un
ami sur sa chanson préférée.
! Présenter
un jeu télévisé.
p. 108
p. 110
p. 112
From the Blues
to blue hair
! Tester ses
sur l’histoire de
la musique.
! Créer un
« Qui veut
gagner des
millions ? » sur
la musique.
p. 114
p. 118
Lexique : Les instruments, les métiers de la musique, les émissions télévisées.
Grammaire : Le prétérit simple et présent simple ; les verbes irréguliers ; les
mots interrogatifs.
Phonologie : L’intonation des questions, le body language.
Culture : L’histoire de la musique (Blues, Rock, Hip-hop, Pop), Slumdog
Watch out!
Expression orale individuelle
Écoute d’un enregistrement audio
Expression orale en interaction
Expression et compréhension écrite
Votre manuel numérique gratuit
sur www.lelivrescolaire.fr
Des ressources complémentaires gratuites
! L’intégralité du manuel et du workbook.
! Davantage d’exercices pour réviser et
! Des dizaines de liens internet vers des
ressources pédagogiques web.
! L’intégralité des enregistrements
! Le livre du professeur enrichi de documents supplémentaires à photocopier
(flashcards, webquests, etc.).
Pour le professeur
! Accédez en quelques clics aux
ressources pédagogiques de votre
! Affichez ces ressources en classe via
un vidéoprojecteur ou un TBI.
! En quelques clics, vous insérez vos
cours personnalisés ainsi que tous
types d’exercices dans votre manuel
numérique (QCM, textes à trous, mots
croisés, etc.).
! Vous retrouvez vos contenus à tout
moment sur le site internet. Vous pouvez
les emporter avec vous sur une clé USB.
! Vos élèves font leurs exercices de façon
interactive et s’enregistrent à l’oral ;
vous recevez leurs réponses et leurs
enregistrements sur lelivrescolaire.fr.
! Vous pouvez corriger les exercices
directement en ligne ou imprimer les
réponses et les corriger à la main et
télécharger les enregistrements des
! Pour chaque élève, un tableau vous
permet de valider les compétences du
socle commun et de faire des exercices
pour chaque compétence.
! Vous pouvez partager vos créations
(cours et exercices) avec vos élèves
et/ou collègues.
! Profitez des contenus rendus publics
par les autres professeurs de la communauté.
Pour les élèves
! Toutes les activités du manuel ainsi
que le workbook sont disponibles dans
un format interactif.
! Quand vous faites un exercice, votre
professeur reçoit la réponse et peut
vous envoyer la correction ainsi que
votre note.
! Pour chacun des chapitres, des enregistrements à écouter et à télécharger
! Un laboratoire de langue interactif
est disponible pour s’enregistrer,
s’écouter et échanger des enregistrements avec votre professeur.
Connectez-vous sur www.lelivrescolaire.fr
Back to school
1. Describe
Look at the picture and find words to describe it.
Prologue ! Back to school
2. Analyse
1. Who are they?
ˆ two adults
ˆ two students
ˆ two teachers
2. Where are they?
ˆ in the school playground
ˆ in the classroom
ˆ in the dining hall
3. What are they wearing?
ˆ uniforms
ˆ sportswear
ˆ pyjamas
3. Your information
Fill out this chart.
What is your name?
How old are you?
What is the name of your school?
What is your English teacher’s name?
Which class are you in?
4. When are the next vacations?
Can’t wait for the vacations? Match each holiday with the right month.
Christmas break
Spring break
Summer holidays
All Saint’s Day
Stage 1
Long time no see
1. Old friends …
Do you know these students? Listen to the extract and learn more about them.
1. This is ..................................................
She is ................................................. y.o.
She likes .................................................
Her favourite subject is .............................
2. This is ..................................................
He is .................................................. .y.o.
He likes ....................................................
His favourite subject is .............................
2. English in class
Here are some useful expressions. Match them to their French counterpart.
Good morning!
Merci !
How are you?
Ça va !
I’m fine!
Bonjour !
J’ai terminé (mon exercice) !
What’s the day today?
Pouvez-vous répéter, s’il vous plaît ?
It’s Tuesday.
May I go out for a moment, please?
Quel jour sommes-nous ?
Puis-je sortir un instant s’il vous plaît ?
Can you repeat, please?
Je suis désolé, j’ai oublié mon livre.
I’m finished (with my exercise)!
Comment vas-tu ? Comment allez-vous ?
Sorry, I’ve forgotten my book.
Nous sommes mardi.
Could I go and get my book in my locker please?
I’m not so great.
Ça ne va pas très fort.
Est-ce que je peux aller chercher mon manuel dans mon casier s’il vous plait ?
Prologue ! Back to school
3. … and new friends!
Listen to the extract and fill out the following grid.
Fill out the 1st column with names. Fill out the 2nd and the 3rd column with places. Fill out the 4th
column with adjectives of nationality. Fill out the 5th column with figures.
From …
Lives in …
Which accent?
4. Ask questions!
Practise your intonation! Listen and repeat.
1. How are you?
2. Where are you from?
3. Where do you live?
4. Can you help me, please?
5. Do you have a brother?
6. Do you have any pets?
7. Do you like music?
8. Do you like maths?
Your task
Play Who’s who? to get to know your new classmates!
On a card, write down "
! if you’re a boy or a girl
! your favourite hobby
! your age
! something special about
! your favourite subject
Beware " do NOT write your name on the card!
! do you have any brothers
or sisters ?
! do you have any pets ?
Now your teacher is going to give all the cards back. You have someone else’s card : you must
describe the person to the class, then guess who it is.
He/she is … years old.
He/she has … brothers.
He/she likes …
So I think it is …
Write down your description of the person, and reveal his or her identity.
New habits
Stage 2
1. What’s happening?
Listen to this dialogue, and fill out this grid.
Days / time
Loves it? Hates it?
2. Mark’s timetable
Name: Mark Woods
9 a.m. 9.30 a.m.
9.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m.
Set A
Set A
10.30 a.m. 11.30 a.m.
Set A
Set B
Set A
11.30 a.m. 11.45 a.m.
Set B
Set C
11.45 a.m. 12.45 a.m.
Design &
12.45 a.m. 1.30 p.m.
1.30 p.m. 2.30 p.m.
2.30 p.m. 3.30 p.m.
Set C
Set B
Set C
3.30 p.m. 4.30 p.m.
Year: Eight
Art & Design
Prologue ! Back to school
List all the different subjects that Marks studies.
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
Do you see any differences with the subjects you study?
Point the other differences with your timetable.
3. Mark’s routine
Pick a day of the week, and describe Mark’s routine on that day. Your classmates must
guess which day you’re talking about.
Your task
Invent your perfect timetable.
What do you study? Traditional subjects? Original ones? How many hours do you have? Do you
work on Wednesdays? On afternoons? At what time do you start or finish school? How long are
your breaks?
When you’re done, compare your timetable with your friends’.
Stage 3
Dos and don’ts
1. A foolish thing
Put these vignettes in the right order.
What happens on Friday?
What happens on Monday?
What happens on Tuesday?
2. You’re the teacher!
Imagine you are the teacher.
What do you say to Leah?
3. Listen
Who’s talking?
Pick out verbs.
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
Can you tell what happens?
Prologue ! Back to school
4. Help Leah out!
Choose two rules, and write them in the first
Do not shout. " I must not shout.
It is forbidden to chat in class. " I must not
chat in class.
! ........................................................................
Your task
Write the rules from your own school.
What must students do? What mustn’t they do? And what about teachers? Can you run in the corridors? Can you be late or chat in class? Don’t forget to be original and funny!
hooll rrules
Inspiring schools
1. Treasure hunt
Read information about Hogwarts and try to complete this treasure hunt with your
There are .................................. staircases at Hogwarts.
From this number, take away (soustraire) 92: .......
You’ll find the number of ................................
Pick out the 5th letter from that word ...................
It is also the 1st letter of an award: .................
Count the letters in these two words: ...................
Add 1.75: .....................................................
And you will find a very secret place.
2. Read and share information about Hogwarts
Hogwarts School Rules
-All students must be in uniform during classes.
Uniform violations are subject to whatever punishm
the Professor sees fit.
-No magic will be allowed in the corridors or in
-Students must be in their common rooms by
9 p.m. every night, and must remain there until
-The Forbidden Forest is strictly off limits to all
-Students are not allowed in the Restricted Section
of the library without a written and signed permissi
slip from a Professor.
-First year students are not allowed to possess their
own brooms. School brooms are provided for flying
lessons and Quidditch.
Look at the documents and answer the questions.
1. Pick a day of the week, and describe Harry’s routine on that day.
2. Do you think the rules of the school are funny? Explain why.
Prologue ! Back to school
3. Look at Harry’s grades. What are his best subjects?
4. Compare the grading system of Hogwarts with the one
from your school.
Hogwarts School Report
First Term
Harry Potter - First Year Student
3. Oxford and Harvard
Share information about these great universities!
Oxford Harvard
Staff members
Books in the library
Main campus
Your task
With the members of your group, write a treasure hunt inspired from the one about
Find the destination of your treasure hunt and imagine 5 steps or more to reach it. You can use
numbers, words, letters …
1. Esses
Listen to the audio extract and fill out this grid with the right words.
2. BE? HAVE?
Choose the right verb, and choose the right form.
1. I .................. 13 years old.
2. I .................. two brothers.
3. My timetable ......................... really fantastic!
4. She ............. 2 hours of Spanish in a row.
5. You ............. the best in English.
6. We .............. so many things in common!
7. They ............ our best friends.
Choose the right auxiliary!
1. .................... I go to the bathroom, please?
2. You ............. not make your classmate cry.
3. He ............... finish his homework before 6 p.m.
4. .................... we use cellphones in class?
5. I’m Benjamin. But you ........... call me Ben, if you want.
6. Our teacher often says we ............................... learn and have fun.
7. .................... you help me with my homework, please?
Prologue ! Back to school
Treasure trove
How does that sound?
1. Stressed syllable
Listen to the following words and underline the stressed syllable.
1. a school
2. a pupil
3. a student
4. a classmate
5. a teacher
6. a subject
7. a timetable
8. the rules
9. the playground
10. homework
2. Take dictation
3. Vocabulary around school
Find words that have a link with school.
4. Schools subjects
Fill those cards with the name of your school subjects, and draw something to remember
which subject it is.
3 x 5 = 15
Time to shine
Invent your dream school
What is the name of your school?
Describe your school
What is your role in the school?
! ...........................................................
What subjects do you study?
! ...........................................................
! ...........................................................
What is your schedule?
1. ..............................................................
2. ..............................................................
What are the rules ?
3. ..............................................................
4. ..............................................................
5. ..............................................................
Going further
Prologue ! Back to school
Auto-évaluation vers A2
Activité langagière
Objectif du chapitre
! Je peux comprendre quand quelqu’un se
! Je peux comprendre des consignes et des
Réception orale
! Je peux extraire l’information essentielle
(heure, jour, matières) quand quelqu’un décrit
son emploi du temps.
! Je peux comprendre un règlement.
! Je peux trouver un renseignement spécifique
Réception écrite
dans un document tel qu’un emploi du temps.
! Je peux identifier l’information pertinente dans
un court article décrivant des faits.
! Je peux établir un contact social.
Interaction orale
! Je peux participer à de courtes conversations.
! Je peux demander et fournir des renseignements
! Je peux présenter simplement des personnes.
Prise de parole
! Je peux dire ce que j’aime ou non.
! Je peux décrire des lieux en termes simples.
! Je peux parler de mes habitudes.
! Je peux écrire une série de règles.
Production écrite
! Je peux relier des phrases avec et, mais et
parce que.
Surf Safe
1. Describe
Find words to describe the picture.
2. Imagine
Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? How do they react? Why?
Chapter 1 ! Surf Safe
3. Give a definition
Tick the right answers.
What is a geek?
ˆ Someone who sometimes plays video games all night long.
ˆ A program that you can install on your computer.
ˆ Some food that you can eat above your laptop.
ˆ A criminal who steals computers.
ˆ Someone who never goes outside.
ˆ Something that you can buy in a computer store.
ˆ A boy or a girl who often chats online.
ˆ A person who always surfs the web.
4. Describe a geek’s room
What can you find in a geek’s room?
There is ...................................................................................................................................
There are ................................................................................................................................
Watch the video on www.lelivrescolaire.fr to complete your answers!
5. Geek’s vocabulary
Match the word to its definition.
Desktop ~
Dock ~
Open ~
Close ~
Save ~
Minimize ~
Maximize ~
Menu ~
Scroll ~
Download ~
Upload ~
~ Double click on the name of a file.
~ Give a name to the file.
~ Make the window appear on the desktop.
~ List of actions or options.
~ Move up or down a file, a page or a menu.
~ Computer screen.
~ Copy a file from the Internet to your computer.
~ Copy a file from your computer to the Internet.
~ Click on the red cross in the upper right of the window.
~ Make the window disappear from the desktop.
~ Icons at the bottom of the desktop.
Stage 1
Surf at home
1. Show and tell
Look at this picture and find words to describe it.
2. Turn it off!
Listen to this dialogue, and check the right answers.
1. What are Jenny’s activities?
ˆ Write to her French penpal.
ˆ Play games online.
ˆ Check her e-mails.
ˆ Chat with Mark online.
ˆ Do her homework.
2. What is her mother’s reaction? Jenny must/can …
ˆ … keep surfing.
ˆ … invite Mark over.
ˆ … shut the computer off.
ˆ … use social networks.
ˆ … search something online.
3. Why?
ˆ Jenny is an Internet addict.
ˆ It can hurt her eyes.
ˆ It is sunny outside.
ˆ She hates computers.
ˆ She is jealous of Jenny’s computer.
4. What are Jenny’s mother’s orders? Jenny must/should …
ˆ … go and play outside.
ˆ … talk to Mark in person.
ˆ … use the Internet for her homework only.
ˆ … write to her penpal only.
Chapter 1 ! Surf Safe
3. What can you find in an e-mail?
! Circle names in blue.
! Underline adjectives in green.
! Highlight pronouns in yellow.
What does Jenny want to do? ..........................
4. You have a new mess@ge
Help Mark complete his answer to Jenny.
Hi Jenny,
I’m sorry to hear that! But it’s true you spend a lot of time in front of the computer!
You should .............................................................................................................................
5. Are you addicted to the Internet?
Look at the survey and link the following numbers to what they represent.
61 ~
64 ~
44 ~
39 ~
55 ~
~ the percentage of males who feel addicted to the Internet.
~ the percentage of people who feel addicted to the Internet.
~ the percentage of females who feel addicted to the Internet.
~ the percentage of 65 y.o. people who feel addicted to the Internet.
~ the percentage of people who don’t feel addicted to the Internet.
Your task
Can I use the computer more
than 2 hours a day?
You mustn’t use the
computer more than 30
minutes a day.
You should read more
Can I chat with my friends
............................................. .............................................
........................................... ...........................................
Can I use your e-mail address?
............................................. .............................................
........................................... ...........................................
Can I reveal personal details
on social networks?
............................................. .............................................
........................................... ...........................................
Can I shop online?
Can I have a computer in my
............................................. .............................................
........................................... ...........................................
Stage 2
Care to share?
1. Visioconference
Find words to describe this picture. What are they doing?
2. Time difference
Listen to the extract. How much is the time difference between Boston and Brighton?
The time difference between Boston and Brighton is .............................. hours.
Now fill in this grid.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
11 p.m.
4 a.m.
3. The sisters’ plan
Put the following three steps of the teachers’ plan in the right order.
Chapter 1 ! Surf Safe
! Step … : The students analyse and compare the results.
! Step … : Give both classes a survey.
! Step … : Each student fills out the survey.
4. What a mess!
Oops, the teacher’s survey is all mixed up! Put the questions back in the right order.
1. go – often – on – the – do – you – how – Internet – ? ..............................................................
2. do – you – where – from – browse – ?....................................................................................
3. for – use – do – what – the – Internet – you – ? ......................................................................
5. Results time
Analyse the results of the survey.
1. Most American and English students go on the Internet …
ˆ … at least once a day.
ˆ … more than once a day.
ˆ … at least once a week.
ˆ … never.
2. Where do most students browse from?
ˆ From a computer at home.
ˆ From a tablet.
ˆ From a smartphone.
ˆ From a computer at school.
3. Privacy on the Internet is …
ˆ … more important to English students.
ˆ … more important to American students.
ˆ … as important to both.
ˆ … not important at all to students.
6. How often do you …?
1. How often do you search information on the Internet? ............................................................
2. How often do you use social networks? .................................................................................
3. How often do you spend a whole day without using the Internet? ............................................
Your task
Write down the questions of your survey.
1. ...........................................................................................................................................
2. ...........................................................................................................................................
3. ...........................................................................................................................................
Stage 3
Think before you post
1. Think before you post
Look at this campaign.
1. Circle verbs in red. Underline nouns in blue.
2. Can you guess the meaning of these words?
“revealing” " ...........................................................................................................................
“disrespected” " .....................................................................................................................
“misinterpret” " ......................................................................................................................
“posting” " .............................................................................................................................
2. A piece of advice
For each thought bubble, write a recommendation:
1. When using the Internet, you should be careful about what you say because
people might misinterpret your posts.
2. ...........................................................................................................................................
3. ...........................................................................................................................................
Chapter 1 ! Surf Safe
4. ...........................................................................................................................................
5. ...........................................................................................................................................
6. ...........................................................................................................................................
3. Tweets
Look at the tweets in your textbook. Are they reasonable, or should they be deleted?
4. Make it rhyme!
Link the rhyming words together!
beware ~
no ~
who ~
how ~
safety ~
right ~
eye ~
browser ~
jail ~
~ now
~ night
~ danger
~ go
~ you
~ free
~ there
~ mail
~ shy
5. Look for rhyming words
Look for words that rhyme with the following. Use an online dictionary if you’re not sure!
1. computer " ..........................................................................................................................
2. Internet " ............................................................................................................................
3. screen " ..............................................................................................................................
Your task
Write your slogan.
Be S.M.A.R.T.
1. Twitter … and tweeters
1. Using only letters, say how many tweeters there are …
a) … in Japan " ........................................................................................................................
b) … in Spain " ........................................................................................................................
c) … in India " .........................................................................................................................
d) … in the United States of America " .......................................................................................
e) … in Brasil " ........................................................................................................................
2. Now give each country its rank:
a) Japan = no ...........................................................................................................................
b) Spain = no ..........................................................................................................................
c) India = no ...........................................................................................................................
d) United States of America = no ..............................................................................................
e) Brazil = no ..........................................................................................................................
3. Have a look at the personalities with most followers: what are tweeters most interested in?
a) politics
c) cinema
b) music
d) sports
2. The pros and cons of Facebook
Read the text in your textbook, and fill this chart with the pros and cons of Facebook.
Chapter 1 ! Surf Safe
3. Mind map
Read the document your teacher will give you. Use this mind map to think of other
dangers of the Internet.
Your task
Use this space to write your acrostic.
1. Do as I say!
Rewrite the following using the imperative.
1. You must be smart when you use the Internet. " Be smart when you use the Internet.
2. You must be careful when using social networks. " ................................................................
3. You mustn’t offend people online. " ......................................................................................
4. You shouldn’t reveal too much about yourself online. " ..........................................................
5. You mustn’t shop online without your parents. " ....................................................................
6. You must not spend the whole day in front of the computer. " .................................................
2. How often …?
Fill the grid with things you do online …
Once a week
................................ ................................ ................................
Once a day
Twice a day
................................ ...............................
Once every other day
More than 3 times a day All the time!
3. Good advice
For each sentence, pick SHOULD or SHOULDN’T to give good advice.
1. You ˆ should ˆ shouldn’t spend all of your time in front of the screen.
2. Jenny ˆ should ˆ shouldn’t use only the Internet to do her homework.
3. Ellen and her brother ˆ should ˆ shouldn’t learn how to surf safely.
4. I ˆ should ˆ shouldn’t think before I post.
5. We ˆ should ˆ shouldn’t criticise others on social networks.
4. I want you to …
Rewrite the following sentences using WANT.
" Mrs
Jones wants Jenny to shut the computer off.
1. Mark: Jenny, do you want to play online games with me? " ......................................................
2. Jenny: Mark, let me concentrate on my homework! " ..............................................................
3. Ellen: Jenny, can you help me set up a Facebook account? " ....................................................
4. Mrs Jones: Jenny, can you look up a recipe online for me? " ....................................................
5. Jenny: Mom, give me five minutes! " .....................................................................................
Treasure trove
Chapter 1 ! Surf Safe
How does that sound?
1. Stressed syllable
Listen to the following words and underline the stressed syllable.
1. Browse.
2. A browser.
3. A computer.
4. Software.
5. Personal data.
6. Privacy.
2. Take dictation
3. Using the right word
Fill out the following sentences with the right word. Don’t look at your book!
1. If I need to find an information on the Internet, I will use a ......................... .........................
such as Google.
2. My ......................... is 15’’: it’s large enough to watch a movie comfortably.
3. Having a ......................... is very convenient when you work : you can carry your computer
everywhere you go.
4. It is hard to write in French with a Qwerty ......................... : you can’t use accents!
5. Illegal ......................... is severely punished by law.
4. What’s that?
Read the definition and find the word.
A connected group of pages on the World Wide Web usually focused on one topic. > a website.
1. To transfer a software or data from a distant to a neaby computer, from a larger to a smaller
computer, or from a computer to a peripheral device. " ..............................................................
2. Device connected to an audio system that makes sounds audible. " ........................................
3. A slate (= une ardoise) shaped device that can be manipulated by using a touch screen. " .......
Time to shine
Surf safe campaign
Dangers and advice
Use this chart to list the dangers of the Internet, and the ways to stay safe online.
Dangers of the Internet
How to surf safe?
Your slogan
Write your slogan here: ...........................................................................................................
Going further
Chapter 1 ! Surf Safe
Auto-évaluation vers A2
Activité langagière
Objectif du chapitre
! Je peux identifier le sujet d’une discussion.
! Je peux comprendre des expressions et des
Réception orale
mots porteurs de sens (géographie locale, heure,
! Je peux globalement comprendre le contenu
d’un document informatif vidéo.
! Je peux comprendre un email personnel simple
et bref.
Réception écrite
! Je peux identifier l’information pertinente dans
une brochure ou un questionnaire.
! Je peux utiliser le sens général d’un texte pour
déduire le sens probable de mots inconnus.
! Je peux faire des suggestions.
Interaction orale
! Je peux donner des directives.
! Je peux donner mon opinion sur un problème
! Je peux décrire un graphique en termes
Prise de parole
! Je peux décrire des gens, des lieux en termes
! Je peux parler de mes habitudes.
Production écrite
! Je peux écrire un questionnaire.
At the museum
1. Observation
Examine this picture, and stick the tags to the right places.
the entrance
an exhibition
the cloakroom
safety check
the information desk
Chapter 2 ! At the museum
2. Museums around the world
Here is a list of very famous museums around the world. Do you know where those
museums are?
Italy – Paris – Saint-Petersburg – United States – Roma – New York City – London – Russia –
Bilbao – United Kingdom
Name of the museum
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Louvre
The British Museum
The Guggenheim
The Hermitage
The Vatican Museums
Now, find them all on a world map!
3. Class survey: Do you like art?
Pair up with a classmate. Ask him or her the following questions, and present the results
to the class. Then switch roles!
1. Do you practise art?
ˆ Yes, at school.
ˆ Yes, in an extra class outside of school.
ˆ Yes, on my own.
ˆ No.
2. What art do you practise?
ˆ Music.
ˆ Drawing.
ˆ Painting.
ˆ Sculpture.
ˆ Other: ..................................................
3. How often do you go to the museum?
ˆ Very often, more than once a month.
ˆ Often, once a month.
ˆ Sometimes, more than once a year.
ˆ Once a year.
ˆ Never.
4. Which artist do you know? Can you name one of his paintings?
ˆ Leonardo Da Vinci.
ˆ Michelangelo.
ˆ Pablo Picasso.
......Painting: ................................................
ˆ Vincent Van Gogh.
Stage 1
Follow the guide!
1. Examine the brochure
Pick out proper names.
! ........................................................................................
! ........................................................................................
! ........................................................................................
! ........................................................................................
! ........................................................................................
! ........................................................................................
Pick out dates.
! ........................................................................................
! ........................................................................................
Fill in the chart.
Name of the museum
Location (country)
Location (city)
Nationality of the museum’s creators
2. Listen to the guide
Listen to the dialogue, and tick the right answers.
1. What is the name of the guide?
ˆ Mr Jackson.
ˆ Ms Jackson.
ˆ Mr Johnson.
ˆ Ms Johnson.
2. What rooms does the guide mention?
ˆ The Great hall.
ˆ The American Wing.
ˆ The Decorative Arts aisle.
ˆ The Thomas J. Watson library.
3. Who is Veronika?
ˆ The teacher.
ˆ The guide.
ˆ The name of a famous statue.
ˆ A student of the class.
Chapter 2 ! At the museum
4. What does her friend want to see?
ˆ His mother.
ˆ Mummies.
ˆ Medieval Arts.
ˆ Banksy’s work.
3. Make your way into the maze
Listen to the instructions, and see where they lead you.
A piece of advice: use a pencil instead of a pen to draw on your workbook, just in case you must
erase it!
What room are you in now?
Your task
You are the lost visitor.
Where are you? .......................................................................................................................
Where do you want to go? ........................................................................................................
You are the guide.
Where is the visitor? ................................................................................................................
Where does he want to go? ......................................................................................................
Tell him/her how to get there. ..................................................................................................
Stage 2
Lost in the American Wing
1. Description
Choose the right words to describe the painting.
This painting is a family ˆ photography ˆ portrait.
In the ˆ foreground ˆ background, we can see the
members of the family: a woman, a man, and their three
ˆ child ˆ children. The mother is ˆ holding ˆ holds
a baby in her arms. The baby ˆ cries ˆ is crying. One
of the boys is reading, and the other ˆ is playing ˆ plays the violin.
In the ˆ foreground ˆ background, we can ˆ watch ˆ see a house and a tree. It’s probably the
family’s ˆ home ˆ building.
2. Colours
Look at the painting in your book, and talk about its colours.
What’s blue in the painting?
The sky is blue. It’s light/dark blue. There’s a lot of blue in the painting …
3. Guessing game
Listen to the guide as he describes the painting. What objects is he talking about?
You can use this chart to find hints:
! In the column Who/What?, write down pronouns.
! In the column Where?, write down indications of space.
! In the column What colour?, write down adjectives about colours.
! In the column Doing what?, write down verbs in -ING.
! Use the last column to write down your answer!
What colour?
Doing what?
Chapter 2 ! At the museum
What colour?
Doing what?
4. Riddles
Listen to the guide again. Which painting is he talking about?
Riddle no 1
Pick out …
! … numbers " ........................................................................................................................
! … objects " ..........................................................................................................................
Answer " .................................................................................................................................
Riddle no 2
Pick out …
! … colours " ..........................................................................................................................
! … is the colour of … " ............................................................................................................
Answer " .................................................................................................................................
5. Your turn
Describe one of the three paintings (pick the one you like most!).
Your task
Choose four paintings from the American Wing.
Painting 1
Painting 2
Painting 3
Painting 4
Write down your riddle about one of the four paintings.
Stage 3
Let’s agree to disagree …
1. Contemporary art
Listen to the man’s thoughts, then choose the three adjectives
from the list that suit him best. Then explain why he feels this way.
curious – skeptical – funny – hesitant – surprised – amazed –
1. The man looks .........................................................................,
because he’s seeing this painting for the first time.
2. ...........................................................................................................................................
3. ...........................................................................................................................................
2. Many Campbell’s soups!
1. Is this a work of art?
ˆ Yes. ˆ No.
If not, what is it? 6 ...........................................................................
Where can you find it? 6 ...................................................................
What can you do with it? 6 ................................................................
2. Is this a work of art?
ˆ Yes. ˆ No.
If not, what is it? 6 ...........................................................................
Where can you find it? 6 ...................................................................
What can you do with it? 6 ................................................................
3. Is this a work of art?
ˆ Yes. ˆ No.
If not, what is it? 6 ...........................................................................
Where can you find it? 6 ...................................................................
What can you do with it? 6 ................................................................
4. Is this a work of art?
ˆ Yes. ˆ No.
If not, what is it? 6 .............................................................................................
Where can you find it? 6 .....................................................................................
What can you do with it? 6 .................................................................................
Chapter 2 ! At the museum
3. Banksy’s graffiti
Listen to this conversation.
1. What are the two students talking about? (several possible answers)
ˆ A sculpture.
ˆ A form of art.
ˆ A photograph of a work of art.
ˆ An artist.
2. Do they agree about it? (several possible answers)
ˆ Yes, it sounds like they agree.
ˆ It sounds like they disagree.
ˆ It sounds like they don’t care.
ˆ It sounds like they’re fighting.
3. What are the two students’ opinions?
Reason no 1
Reason no 2
4. Pop art quiz!
Read the Did You Know section before answering the following questions, and see how
good your memory is!
1. The artist Banksy works …
ˆ … in a workshop.
ˆ … in a museum.
2. The first name of painter Warhol was …
ˆ … Johnny.
ˆ … Gary.
3. One of his works has been sold for more than …
ˆ … $10.
ˆ … $100,000.
ˆ … in the street.
ˆ … Andy.
ˆ … $1,000,000.
4. The name of the artistic movement he created is …
ˆ … Pop Art.
ˆ … Mock Art.
ˆ … $100,000,000.
ˆ … Rock Art.
Your task
Write down four arguments to help you in the debate.
1. ...........................................................................................................................................
2. ...........................................................................................................................................
3. ...........................................................................................................................................
4. ...........................................................................................................................................
Looking for knights
1. Google Art Project
With the help of the website www.googleartproject.com, link the following words to the
right places on this screenshot.
Name of the museum
Links to additional information
Name of the painting
Link to create an Artwork Collection
2. Museum quest
In what gallery are these works displayed?
ˆ Ancient Near Eastern art.
ˆ Arms and armor.
ˆ Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas.
ˆ Asian art.
ˆ Drawings and prints.
ˆ Egyptian art.
1. Go on the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s website, find the museum map, and find this gallery.
Try and remember where it is!
Chapter 2 ! At the museum
2. Now, go on the Google Art project, and find the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Do you recognise the map? Click on the little yellow man, and find the gallery!
3. What’s in the middle of the gallery? " ...............................................................
3. Armour parts
Link the following words to the corresponding armour parts.
4. Find the knights!
Find other armours in the MET, using the Google Art project.
What room are they in? " ..........................................................................................................
Your task
Which medieval work of art did you pick? Present it.
1. Prepositions
Choose the right preposition.
1. I don’t like going ˆ to ˆ from the museum when the weather is nice ˆ inside ˆ outside.
2. He is walking ˆ into ˆ inside the gallery at this very moment.
3. Where are you coming ˆ from ˆ to? I’m coming ˆ from ˆ to the museum’s shop.
2. What are you doing?
Say that the following people are doing the following actions.
" Kenny + come from the shop " Kenny’s
coming from the shop.
1. I + learn about art " .............................................................................................................
2. My brother and I + visit a museum " ......................................................................................
3. My parents + leave the museum without us! " ........................................................................
4. Jerry + stay longer " .............................................................................................................
5. Veronika + go to the restroom " ............................................................................................
6. You + look at a painting " .....................................................................................................
3. Give an opinion
Listen and underline the stressed syllable. Is it a rising or a falling intonation?
It’s great!
Errr … I don’t like it.
How beautiful!
It’s not really my cup of tea …
Who painted it?
I love this sculpture!
Wow! It’s amazing!
It’s so expensive.
It’s really impressive.
It’s too banal …
Treasure trove
Chapter 2 2 At the museum
How does that sound?
1. Art project
Listen to the art teacher’s instructions and tick the boxes for the utensils you will need.
I will need …
ˆ … coloured paper.
ˆ … scissors.
ˆ … a pen.
ˆ … a paint spray.
ˆ … wire.
ˆ … paint brushes.
ˆ … a rubber.
ˆ … pencils.
ˆ … a marker.
ˆ … a piece of cloth.
ˆ … white paper.
ˆ … inspiration!
ˆ … glue.
ˆ … a hammer.
ˆ … a screwdriver.
2. Stressed syllable
Listen to the following words and underline the stressed syllable.
1. An artist.
2. A museum.
3. A painting.
4. A sculpture.
5. An exhibition.
3. Listen and repeat!
1. This painting makes me laugh!
2. I love visiting museums.
3. Art is fantastic, I LOVE it.
4. This is just beautiful.
5. Let’s see the next room!
4. Adjectives
Fill the grid with the following
Beautiful – interesting – boring – stunning –
great – gloomy – banal – original.
5. Take dictation
Time to shine
Your very own exhibition
My museum’s name " ..............................................................................................................
Painting no 1
Painting no 2
Painting no 3
1. Description of the first painting:
My opinion " ...........................................................................................................................
2. Description of the second painting:
My opinion " ...........................................................................................................................
3. Description of the third painting:
My opinion " ...........................................................................................................................
4. Questions for my visitors:
Going further
Chapter 2 ! At the museum
Auto-évaluation vers A2
Activité langagière
Réception orale
Réception écrite
Objectif du chapitre
! Je peux comprendre des indications simples
relatives à la façon d’aller d’un point à un autre.
! Je peux trouver une information spécifique
dans une brochure touristique.
! Je peux demander des directives.
Interaction orale
! Je peux donner des directives.
! Je peux dire ce que je pense d’un tableau.
! Je peux décrire un tableau.
Prise de parole
! Je peux expliquer en quoi une chose me plaît
ou me déplaît.
! Je peux faire une description brève et
Production écrite
! Je peux tirer de mon répertoire une série
d’expressions appropriées.
Emerald Isle
1. Describe a photograph
Look at the photograph in your textbook.
With a red pen, draw two lines to separate the foreground, the background and the sky on your
Examine the foreground on your book, and describe it.
Examine the background, and describe it.
Examine the sky, and describe it.
2. Analyse a photograph
1. Choose the colour that describes this picture best :
ˆ Blue.
ˆ Pink.
ˆ Red.
ˆ Black.
ˆ Brown.
ˆ Green.
Chapter 3 ! Emerald Isle
2. What moment of the day is it?
ˆ It’s dawn, the sun is rising.
ˆ It’s noon, the sun is high.
ˆ It’s sunset, the sun is going down.
3. Where is it?
1. Where was this photograph taken?
ˆ In a city.
ˆ In a park.
ˆ In a field.
2. Explain why the two other answers are wrong.
3. Why are there rocks in this landscape?
ˆ It’s natural.
ˆ They define the boundaries of men’s properties.
ˆ It looks nice.
4. Going further
The scene takes place on one of these four islands.
Find which one it is and justify your answer.
Number of rainy days
Average temperature
! 200
50° Farenheit; 10° Celsius
No rain, only snow
41° Farenheit; 5° Celsius
# 100
77° Farenheit; 25° Celsius
North America
206 days of fog per year
46,5° Farenheit; 8° Celsius
This scene takes place in .........................................................................................................
5. Emerald Isle?
Explain the title of the chapter.
Stage 1
Bye-bye Brighton
1. An announcement
What do you see in Ms Jones’s speech bubble?
In Ms Jones’s speech bubble, there are .....................................................................................
Can you guess what her announcement is? ...............................................................................
2. Going abroad
Listen and fill in this chart.
First, pick out the speakers’ names.
When you listen for the second time, pick out city names and country names.
Finally, focus on Ms Jones’s reaction.
Ms Jones’s reaction
ˆ Yes. ˆ No.
ˆ Yes. ˆ No.
ˆ Yes. ˆ No.
ˆ Yes. ˆ No.
ˆ Yes. ˆ No.
Where are they going? .............................................................................................................
3. A mysterious phone call
Ellen is calling a mysterious man. Look at him.
1. Who do you think he is?
ˆ Ellen’s father.
ˆ Ellen’s old American
ˆ Ellen’s grandfather.
2. Where do you think he lives?
ˆ In the United Kingdom.
ˆ In the United States.
ˆ In Ireland.
3. Explain why Ellen is calling him.
Chapter 3 ! Emerald Isle
4. Listen
Pick out names and explain who these people are.
Pick out dates
! .............................................................
! ..............................................................
1. What specific day are they talking about? What’s happening on that day? ...............................
2. What can Ellen do in Dublin? ................................................................................................
5. Where are they going?
Match the pictures with the right sport. Write a sentence explaining what these people
are going to do. He’s going to play football.
Scuba dive
1. ............................. 2. ............................. 3. ............................. 4. .............................
................................. ................................. ................................. .................................
Your task
Where are you going for your next holidays?
Stage 2
New horizons
1. Tourist brochure
Examine this brochure.
! Circle prices in blue.
! Underline places to visit in green.
! Highlight hours in yellow.
How many places can you visit? " ...........
How long does the tour last? " ...............
How much is the tour? " ........................
2. A phone call …
! Pick out people. " ..............................
! Pick out places. " .................................................................................................................
! Pick out numbers. " ..............................................................................................................
! Pick out dates. " ...................................................................................................................
! Pick out times. " ...................................................................................................................
3. … and an e-mail!
Imagine you are Ms Jones. Write an e-mail to the students’ parents to explain the
program you chose.
Dear parents, on the fifteenth, we will ......................................................................................
4. Getting there
Find two different ways to go from Brighton to Dublin. Draw the two routes on the map,
and write how the students will get there.
Chapter 3 ! Emerald Isle
" The
students will take a train from … to … ,
and then … .
Route no 1 " ............................................................................
Route no 2 " ............................................................................
5. A long journey
Can you guess where these conversations are taking place?
1. – It’s my first time. I’m a bit scared.
– Why are you scared Jenny?
– What if we fall?
– Don’t worry, we won’t. Do you want the air hostess to give you some water?
This scene takes place in the ................................................................................................... .
2. – Ms Jones, are we there yet?
– We will be in Liverpool in a few hours, after the lunch in the restaurant car.
– Where is my seat belt?
– Don’t worry Mark, there are no seat belts.
This scene takes place in the ................................................................................................... .
3. – Ellen! Look at the horizon! It’s so beautiful.
– I think I’m sick …
– Don’t you enjoy breathing the fresh air?
– I’m cold ! And the waves make me dizzy!
This scene takes place in the ................................................................................................... .
Your task
Browse www.discoverireland.ie and choose three great activities for your trip.
Why did you pick these activities?
Stage 3
Dublin, here we come!
1. Sticky notes
Circle proper nouns. Who wrote these notes?
Make suppositions about their family tree.
The ....................................... family tree
Chapter 3 ! Emerald Isle
2. Packing up
List the questions Ellen should ask her mother.
What do you think she should bring? Why?
3. The suitcase game
Play the suitcase game! What will you pack in your suitcase?
Your task
Go on Wallwisher with your teacher. Divide the class into teams: the first team asks
questions about the trip, the second team answers them!
Team 1 " What clothes should we bring?
Team 2 " You should bring warm clothes!
Team 1 " What if it rains?
Team 2 " Then take your umbrella!
Team 1 " …
Enjoy the Craic
1. The Emerald Isle
Watch the report on Ireland’s geography and history on www.lelivrescolaire.fr,
and write the following elements on the map.
! Dublin
! Northern Ireland
! Belfast
! Irish Sea
! the Shannon River
! Atlantic Ocean
! United Kingdom
2. In Dublin
Read the brochure on Dublin
and find where these people
will go when they visit the city.
! Mrs Daniels will go to Dublin
next month. She enjoys attending
ballets and is fond of architecture.
Where will she go?
! Mr Thompson, a literature teacher, will visit Dublin with his family. They usually like going to
the restaurant and listening to music. What will they do in Dublin?
! Miss Granger, a painter, is crazy about contemporary art and classical music. Which places will
she visit?
Chapter 3 ! Emerald Isle
3. Different accents
Accents are also part of a country’s culture. Listen to the following sentences, and guess
who is Irish, British or American.
Irish English
British English
American English
Sentence 1
Hi, nice to meet you! How are you
ˆA ˆB ˆC
ˆA ˆB ˆC
ˆA ˆB ˆC
Sentence 2
I love to travel, it’s my favourite
ˆA ˆB ˆC
ˆA ˆB ˆC
ˆA ˆB ˆC
Sentence 3
I can’t believe this is happening.
ˆA ˆB ˆC
ˆA ˆB ˆC
ˆA ˆB ˆC
Sentence 4
What’s wrong with my accent?
ˆA ˆB ˆC
ˆA ˆB ˆC
ˆA ˆB ˆC
Your task
If you capture a Leprechaun, he will grant you three wishes for his freedom. Write a short
paragraph about your quest for a leprechaun:
! Where will you find one?
! How will you catch him?
! What will you ask him?
1. Be going to
Talk about what’s going to happen in these situations. Use BE GOING TO + BV.
1. Mark forgot his umbrella. " He’s going to be wet!
2. We’re going to Dublin! " .......................................................................................................
3. Ellen is buying postcards. " ..................................................................................................
4. Mark is lost in Dublin. " ........................................................................................................
5. I caught a Leprechaun! " ......................................................................................................
6. We are sleeping at the hotel tonight! " ..................................................................................
2. Need + N
What will you need in the following situations?
1. We’re going to Dublin! " We will need our cameras!
2. It’s so sunny today! " ...........................................................................................................
3. What if it rains? " .................................................................................................................
4. Jenny is cold. " ....................................................................................................................
5. They want to buy postcards. " ...............................................................................................
6. I want to see the St Patrick’s Day parade. " ............................................................................
3. Need to + BV
What will you need to do in the following situations?
1. I want to see Trinity College! " You need to take the bus.
2. Ms Jones has lost two students in Dublin! " ...........................................................................
3. Mark and Jenny can’t find their way to the hotel. " ..................................................................
4. My umbrella is broken. " ......................................................................................................
5. The students want to visit the city. " ......................................................................................
6. Jenny wants to see the Book of Kells. " ..................................................................................
4. Superlative
Use the superlative to define the following.
1. Ireland is the loveliest country in Europe!
2. Our trip is going to be ..........................................................................................................
3. Dublin is .............................................................................................................................
4. Our class is .........................................................................................................................
5. Our teacher is .....................................................................................................................
Chapter 3 ! Emerald Isle
Treasure trove
1. Crosswords
Complete the crossword with the new words.
How does that sound?
2. Stressed syllable
Listen to the following words and underline the stressed syllable(s).
1. A trip.
2. A traveller.
3. Visit a city.
4. Take a photograph.
5. A tourist.
6. Tourism.
7. A different culture.
3. Listen and repeat!
1. We’re going to Dublin, isn’t it great?
2. It’s fantastic! When are you leaving?
3. We’re leaving tomorrow, I can’t wait!
4. Oh, I envy you. Dublin is a really nice city.
5. You should come with us!
4. Take dictation
Time to shine
A school trip to Dublin
Members of your group " ..........................................................................................................
Date of departure
Date of return
Means of
(name and address)
Visit no 1
Visit no 2
Visit no 3
Visit no 4
Needs for luggage
Draw your itinerary on the map.
Going further
Chapter 3 ! Emerald Isle
Auto-évaluation vers A2
Activité langagière
Objectif du chapitre
! Je peux identifier le sujet d’une discussion.
Réception orale
! Je peux extraire l’information essentielle de
courts passages enregistrés.
Réception écrite
! Je peux trouver une information spécifique
dans une brochure touristique.
! Je peux poser des questions et y répondre sur
un sujet pratique.
Interaction orale
! Je peux échanger des idées et des renseigne-
! Je peux discuter du programme d’un séjour.
! Je peux exprimer mon accord ou mon désaccord.
! Je peux faire une très brève annonce préparée.
! Je peux répondre aux questions qui suivent.
! Je peux faire une description brève d’une activité.
Prise de parole
! Je peux décrire des projets.
! Je peux décrire des préparatifs.
! Je peux expliquer en quoi une chose me plaît
ou non.
! Je peux écrire une description brève d’une
Production écrite
! Je peux décrire quelque chose avec une liste
de points successifs.
Party time!
1. Describe
Look at the picture and find words to describe it.
Where are the girls? What are they doing?
2. What’s in a kitchen?
In a kitchen, I can find …
ˆ a whisk
ˆ a bed
ˆ a microwave oven
ˆ a piano
ˆ some flour
ˆ a pillow
What else can you find? List as many things as you can.
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
ˆ a sofa
ˆ a toothbrush
ˆ a printer
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
Chapter 4 ! Party time!
3. Do you like cooking?
1. How often do you cook? .......................................................................................................
2. What is your favourite recipe? ..............................................................................................
3. List 3 ingredients that you need for the recipe.
! .......................................................................................................................................
! ........................................................................................................................................
! ........................................................................................................................................
4. Our holidays
Link the following holidays to what they celebrate, and how you celebrate it.
5. How about you?
What day do you celebrate with your family? Describe what happens on that day.
Do you have a special meal? Describe what it is.
If not, feel free to invent one.
Stage 1
You’ve got mail
1. Chilling out
First, let’s find out WHO’S talking. Pick out the speakers’ names.
WHO’S talking?
Now, find out WHAT they are talking about. Pick out stressed words, and you will find the
theme of the conversation.
WHAT are they talking ABOUT?
Now, find out how they FEEL about it. Listen to intonation, how the speakers sound. Then, try to
guess WHY they feel this way.
He/she sounds ...
Finally, find out WHAT they are going to do about it.
… is going to...
2. On an invitation
What information do you need on an invitation for a party?
! A reason to celebrate
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
! .....................................
… probably because ...
Chapter 4 ! Party time!
3. An invitation
Fill in this chart.
Who organises the party?
Who is the invitation for?
Why is there a party?
At whose house is the party?
What is the address?
At what time is the party?
How should the guests respond?
How should the guests dress?
4. British and French addresses
Look at the envelope in your textbook.
How is it different from your French address?
Imagine you are sending a letter to yourself, write
down your name and address, in English of course !
5. Whose party is this?
Choose the right words.
ˆ My ˆ her name is Emma, I’m a friend of Jenny
and Ellen. They invited ˆ me ˆ them to ˆ their ˆ my party on next Tuesday. I can’t wait! It’s the
first time that I’m going to ˆ Ellen’s ˆ Ellens house, but everyone tells me ˆ her ˆ hers place is
fantastic ! You should see ˆ mine ˆ my ... It’s so small!
Your task
Write your invitations. Don’t forget to write your address the English way!
Stage 2
@The grocer’s.com
1. Imagine
Look at the image in your textbook. Describe the scene. What do you think is happening?
! Ellen and Jenny are .................................
! Jenny seems to be ...................................
! Jenny looks ............................................
! They probably .........................................
! Ellen looks .............................................
2. At the pancake van
Listen to the dialogue, and help Ellen and Jenny calculate the cost of their party!
So, let’s see ...
… a Nutella pancake
is ...
At the party, there
will be ...
Each person will
have ...
So the party will
cost …
£ ............................
.................... people.
................ pancakes.
£ ............................ !
1. Does Jenny sound happy about this?
ˆ She sounds very happy about it.
ˆ She sounds shocked.
ˆ She sounds angry about it.
ˆ She sounds indifferent to it.
2. What does the pancake man offer?
ˆ A 50% discount on the girls’ order.
ˆ A free delivery at their place.
ˆ A £10 discount on the girls’ order.
ˆ He doesn’t offer anything.
3. Oops … What should the girls do before they leave? ..............................................................
3. Grandma! Help!
Listen to the dialogue. For each question, make three assumptions, and circle the most
probable one.
Who is the woman? This woman could be … Jenny’s mother/Jenny’s grandmother/an
alien in disguise/Ellen’s grandmother.
What is she doing? She is ........................................................................................................
Why is Jenny calling her? Jenny’s calling her because ................................................................
Chapter 4 ! Party time!
4. Read a recipe
Read this recipe. Look carefully at the instructions.
Circle out ingredients in blue. Underline utensils in red. Highlight verbs in yellow.
How many steps are there in the recipe? ....................................................................................
Your task
Name of the online supermarket " ............................................................................................
Link to the website " ................................................................................................................
Circle your most expensive ingredient in red and the least expensive in blue.
Stage 3
Not for the world!
1. Make assumptions!
What do you think Jenny is talking about with her friend? Make three assumptions.
1. They are talking about ...........................................................................................................
2. ...........................................................................................................................................
3. ...........................................................................................................................................
2. Listen
Who’s coming to the party? Who isn’t? Why?
Is he or she coming?
If not, why?
3. Find the liar
Listen again, and look carefully at the excuses given by those who can’t come.
Don’t you notice something strange? Who’s the liar?
4. Is that English?
Find the correct sentences in English.
Chapter 4 ! Party time!
5. Yes! Yes! It’s English!
Fill in this chart.
Quote from the text message …
… and in proper English!
Who sent the text message?
Where is the party?
When is the party?
Are you allowed to come with
6. Your turn!
Write down your answer to the invitation.
Your task
Write down your excuse before recording it.
Let’s take a holiday!
1. Thanksgiving
Describe the following picture.
Where is the scene taking place? Who are these people? What are they doing? What can you
guess about Thanksgiving?
2. Thanksgiving meal!
List the courses of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.
Traditionally, at Thanksgiving, people eat .................................................................................
Chapter 4 ! Party time!
3. Independence Day
People commemorate Independence Day …
What do they eat?
What do they do?
What are the main
4. Mardi Gras
Point out the differences between an American and a French Mardi Gras.
In America ..............................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................... whereas in France,
5. Halloween
How will you make your Halloween party really spooky?
You need …
A creepy place
Scary props
Wicked tricks!
Your task
Your favourite holiday
Where are you throwing your party?
Who’s invited?
What’s to eat?
Any fun activities?
Ask yourself to whom the following objects belong.
Oh, there’s a party tonight! " Whose party is it?
1. I love this journalist costume! " ............................................................................................
2. These pancakes are delicious. " ...........................................................................................
3. This rugby player outfit is very realistic! " ..............................................................................
4. This music is amazing. " ......................................................................................................
5. Some people lost their wigs! " ..............................................................................................
Now, answer the question from the first exercise using the genitive.
Whose party is it? " It’s Jenny’s party.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ..........................................................................................................................................
Now rewrite your answers using possessive adjectives.
It’s Jenny’s party. " It’s her party.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ..........................................................................................................................................
Now rewrite your answers using possessive pronouns.
It’s her party. " It’s hers!
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 74
Chapter 4 ! Party time!
Treasure trove
How does that sound?
1. Stressed syllable
Listen to the following words and underline the stressed syllable.
1. Cooking time!
2. The kitchen
3. A whisk
4. The batter
5. Butter
6. Flour
7. Milk
8. Olive oil
9. Vanilla
10. A recipe
11. A frying pan
12. Delicious
13. Disgusting!
4. This is going to be great!
5. I can’t come, I’m sooooo
6. Let’s party!
2. Listen and repeat!
1. Let’s cook!
2. It’s sooooo good!
3. It’s a disaster…
3. Take dictation
4. Write cooking instructions
Write the cooking instructions corresponding to each vignette !
Time to shine
Organise your party
Your classmate …
… plays the role of …
What he/she does …
… and what I must
tell him/her!
Going further
Chapter 4 ! Party time!
Auto-évaluation vers A2
Activité langagière
Objectif du chapitre
! Je peux identifier le sujet de la conversation.
! Je peux comprendre des mots porteurs de
Réception orale
! Je peux extraire l’information essentielle de
courts passages enregistrés.
! Je peux comprendre une carte d’invitation.
! Je peux trouver les informations essentielles
Réception écrite
dans une recette.
! Je peux trouver une information sur un site
! Je peux discuter du programme de la soirée.
! Je peux faire des suggestions.
Interaction orale
! Je peux réagir à des propositions.
! Je peux faire une invitation, l’accepter ou la
! Je peux décrire un projet.
! Je peux décrire et comparer brièvement des
Prise de parole
! Je peux faire la description brève d’un événe-
! Je peux écrire une carte d’invitation simple et
Production écrite
! Je peux prélever des informations dans un
texte court.
Game on
1. Describe
Look at the picture and find words to describe it.
Who are these girls? What are they doing? What sport do they practise?
2. National anthems
At what moment of sports competitions can we hear national anthems?
Link the anthems to the right countries, and listen to them on www.lelivrescolaire.fr.
United Kingdom
United States
~The Star-Spangled Banner
~Ireland’s Call
~Advance Australia Fair
~Ô Canada
~La Marseillaise
~God Save the Queen
Chapter 5 ! Game on
3. Different sports
Look at the conversations. Which sport are they talking about?
1. - Look at Mark! He’s running with the ball.
He’s very fast. And he shoots!
- The goalkeeper jumped on the wrong side!
It’s a goal!
- Wow! He’s such an impressive player.
Jenny and Ellen are talking about ...................
2. - I love to practise. I go there at least three
times a week for two hours. I find the water
very relaxing. You should come with me Ellen.
- Oh, I hate going to the pool! This is not the
right sport for me.
Jenny and Ellen are talking about ...................
3. - Ellen dribbles incredibly fast. Look at how
she manages to avoid all the other players!
- It’s impressive. She is a very good team leader.
Jenny and Mark are talking about ...................
4. - I just love to watch the Tour de France
during the summer.
- Me too! I love the supporters cheering on the
road, and the sport of course.
Jenny and Mark are talking about ...................
4. How about you?
Pair up with a classmate and interview him/her about his/her sports activities. Be
prepared to present your results to the rest of the class!
1. When do you practise sport?
ˆ At school.
ˆ In a class outside of school.
ˆ On my own, outside of school.
ˆ I never practise sport.
2. What’s your favourite sport?
ˆ Soccer.
ˆ Rugby.
ˆ Basket-ball.
ˆ Other (specify).
4. Would you like to play a sport professionally?
ˆ It is my dream.
ˆ Why not?
ˆ Oh no!
5. Would you like to practise more sport at
ˆ Yes!
ˆ I’m fine with things as they are.
ˆ I would like to have less sport at school.
ˆ I don’t care.
3. Do you watch professional sport on television
(Olympic Games, tournaments, etc.)?
ˆ Yes, often.
ˆ Yes, sometimes.
ˆ No, never.
Olympic spirit
Stage 1
1. London 2012
Watch the video on www.lelivrescolaire.fr to help you out!
What happened in London during the summer of 2012?
There was .......................................................................................
There were ......................................................................................
Was it the first time? ........................................................................
2. Do you know this man?
Listen to Mark and Jenny, and fill the boxes with the appropriate information.
WHEN? .....................
WHO? .......................
Now, tick the boxes above the sports they mention.
ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ~
table tennis
volleyball swimming gymnastics athletics
Finally, give its name back to each vignette.
Chapter 5 ! Game on
3. Lightning Bolt
First name: Usain
Last name: Bolt
Nickname: Lightning Bolt
Date of birth: 21 August 1986
Nationality: Jamaican
! Usain Bolt was born on August 21, 1986 in Sherwood
Content, Jamaica. When he was a kid, he played cricket
and football with his brother. Then he started running,
and by the age of 12, he was already the fastest
sprinter in his school. After that, in just a few years,
Bolt became the greatest sprinter of all times.
! Bolt won his first silver medal during a regional
competition in 2001, when he was only 15. He won
his first gold medal the next year, and in 2008, he
won 3 gold medals during the Summer Olympic
Games in Beijing, for the 100 metres, the 200 metres
and the 4 x 100 metres relay.
! Circle out names in blue.
! Underline dates in red.
! Highlight disciplines in yellow.
! Underline numbers in green.
! Underline verbs in black.
How well did Usain Bolt do in London in 2012? Look
it up on the Internet!
! In 2009, Bolt improved his performance, and set the
world record for the 100 metres at 9.58 seconds.
4. Oscar Pistorius and Shawn Johnson
Write the biographies of these champions.
Oscar Pistorius > ...............................................................................
Shawn Johnson > ...............................................................................
5. Another champion
Listen and fill in the chart.
Your task
Fill in the chart with your favourite champion’s information.
Stage 2
A demanding match
1. Mark’s team
Listen to the dialogue and fill the following grid with the appropriate information.
We can hear …
1. ...........................................................................................................
2. ...........................................................................................................
3. ...........................................................................................................
4. ...........................................................................................................
They are in ..............................................................................................
This is taking place during .......................................................................
They’re talking about ...............................................................................
Who did what? Pick out names and verbs, then make sentences.
Mark’s team + play (very well) " Mark’s team didn’t play very well.
1. 2. 3. 4. ..............................................................
2. Open mic!
Who is the man? Describe him.
Pick out names .....................................................................................................................
Pick out verbs " .......................................................................................................................
Now, explain what happened.
Chapter 5 ! Game on
3. At the doctor’s
Prepare the questions you’re going to ask (if you’re playing the doctor), and/or the answers
you’re going to give (if you’re playing the patient).
4. Fair play
Look at the following actions. Are people being good sports or sore losers ?
Good sport
Sore loser
Shake hands at the end of
the match.
Blame the referee for your
Insult other players.
Be very disappointed after a
Your task
Write an article about Mark’s match, then go on http://www.fodey.com/generators/
newspaper/snippet.asp to make it look more real!
Stage 3
1. Video killed the radio stars
What are the girls doing? What are they talking about?
2. Break a leg!
Look at the following sayings, and try to find their equivalent in French.
1. Break a leg! .........................................................................................................................
2. Fingers crossed! ..................................................................................................................
3. May the best player win. ......................................................................................................
4. Practice makes perfect. .......................................................................................................
5. Hands down! .......................................................................................................................
6. Knockout someone. .............................................................................................................
7. Win by a nose. ....................................................................................................................
8. Saved by the bell! ................................................................................................................
9. The ball’s in your court. .......................................................................................................
10. Hit the bull’s eye. ..............................................................................................................
Chapter 5 ! Game on
3. Results of the tournament
Listen and fill in the blanks.
2 February 2012
15 February 2012
4 March 2012
18 March 2012
Matches Won
28 February 2012
31 March 2012
Johnny Waterman
Liam Gallagher
Combativity Award
Your task
Pair up with a classmate, and make your own interview. One of you plays the journalist
and the other plays the captain of one of the teams.
Write down your questions to prepare your interview.
Quiz time!
1. How do you pronounce ...?
Listen and repeat.
! football
! cricket
! handball
! lacrosse
! baseball
! gymnastics
! rugby
! equestrian
2. The achievement of a lifetime!
Pick out proper names in the Explore section, and explain what these people did.
" Edmund
: hurt his legs, bruised his face, played rugby, etc.
What did they do?
3. Explain the rules
Write a short paragraph to explain each of these sports in English.
How many teams are there? What’s the goal of the game? How do you win? How many players
are there in each team? Do you need special objects? What’s forbidden? How long does a
game last? Is there a break? If so, when?
Chapter 5 ! Game on
4. Invent a sport !
Did you read Harry Potter? J.K. Rowling invented Quidditch, which is played on flying brooms!
It is now your turn to invent a game.
How many teams are there? How many players does a team have?
What’s the goal of the game? How long does a game last?
How do you play? What is forbidden?
What do you need to play? Can you play it indoors? Outdoors?
Your task
Write five questions to test your classmates’ knowledge about sports’ origins.
1. ...........................................................................................................................................
2. ...........................................................................................................................................
3. ...........................................................................................................................................
4. ...........................................................................................................................................
5. ...........................................................................................................................................
1. Compare
Translate the following into sentences, using the comparative.
Mark > Jenny (height)
Mark is taller than Jenny.
1. Jenny = Ellen (height)
2. Jenny > Ellen (competitive)
3. Ellen < Mark (athletic)
4. Ellen > Jenny (play football / good)
5. Ellen < Jenny (play tennis / good )
2. Prétérit
Ask if the following people did the following things, and when.
Mark + play a rugby game. " Did Mark play a rugby game?
1. Ms Jones + watch Mark’s game.
2. Ellen and Jenny + buy popcorn at the
3. Mark’s brother + stop watching the game.
4. Mark’s brother + have to study.
5. Our team + win.
Now answer these questions, and add when these things happened.
Did Mark play a rugby game? " Yes, he played a rugby game two days ago.
a) .................................................................
b) .................................................................
c) .................................................................
d) .................................................................
e) .................................................................
3. Prononciation des verbes réguliers
I watched the match between Brighton and Leeds yesterday; Brighton players played really well
and defeated Leeds again. The players all received an award for their combativity. The captain Mark
Woods slipped and sprained his ankle so he stayed on the bench. I’m so sad, I wanted him to play!
Chapter 5 ! Game on
Treasure trove
How does that sound?
9. 1. Stressed syllable
2. Listen and repeat!
Listen to the following words and
underline the stressed syllable.
1. I hate losing!
2. You’re really competitive!
3. May the best man win!
4. Fault! Fault!
5. That was real fair play.
6. He’s the best!
7. I can’t believe I won!
1. the pitch
2. a team
3. a teammate
4. the captain
5. fair-play
6. a draw
7. a competition
8. a tournament
3. Take dictation
4. Crossword puzzle
Fill out this crossword about sports. At the end, a name will appear. Who is that person?
Time to shine
Become a sportscaster
Write down the detailed program of your radio show.
(general introduction, results, interview, etc.)
Take notes to help you during the recording.
Section 1 : ..............................................................................................................................
Section 2 : ..............................................................................................................................
Section 3 : ..............................................................................................................................
Section 4 : ..............................................................................................................................
Going further
Chapter 5 ! Game on
Auto-évaluation vers A2
Activité langagière
Objectif du chapitre
! Je peux saisir le sujet d’une conversation.
Réception orale
! Je peux comprendre l’essentiel d’une émission
! Je peux comprendre un récit.
Réception écrite
! Je peux identifier l’information principale dans
un article décrivant des faits.
! Je peux poser des questions sur les activités
Interaction orale
! Je peux répondre à des questions sur les
activités passées.
! Je peux présenter une personnalité
Prise de parole
! Je peux décrire un événement.
! Je peux comparer deux athlètes entre eux.
! Je peux raconter une histoire dans un article.
Production écrite
! Je peux rédiger une biographie.
! Je peux remplir une feuille de résultats.
We can be heroes
1. Describe
Look at the left part of the photograph. Describe it.
Look at the right part of the photograph. Describe it.
Now, explain why the photograph is funny.
2. Imagine
Imagine that the boy on the photograph is your little brother. It’s 8 a.m. and he’s already late
for school, but he wants to keep on playing in the garden. What will you tell him? Imagine your
- You: ...................................
- You: ...................................
- You: ...................................
- Your brother: ......................
- Your brother: ......................
- Your brother: ......................
Chapter 6 ! We can be heroes
3. How many superheroes can you name?
Play a game with your classmates: in turns, name as many superheroes as you can!
To help you win the game, make a list of all the superheroes you know!
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
! .........................
4. Who’s your favourite superhero?
Write about your favourite superhero.
What are his/her origins? How did he/she become who he/she is? Who are his/her enemies? Why
do you like him/her? Could you do the same things?
Draw him or her, and write a speech bubble.
Stage 1
Hero Machine
1. The Incredibles
Match these riddles with the right character.
D 1
2. In Mark’s room
Look at Mark and Jenny.
What are they doing? What are they talking about? Describe the picture.
3. Reading comics
Listen and fill out the grid.
Real name
Superhero name
Chapter 6 ! We can be heroes
4. Would you mind helping Marvel Comics?
Make up the identity of a superhero. Fill in his biography chart.
Real name
Superhero name
Date of birth
Country/city of birth
How did he get his superpowers?
5. Peter Parker’s life
Watch the unofficial trailer of the movie Spiderman on www.lelivrescolaire.fr, and explain what
Peter Parker’s life was like before he became Spiderman.
Peter used to .............................................................................................................................
Peter couldn’t ............................................................................................................................
Your task
It’s your turn!
Go on the Hero Machine and create your superhero (or superheroine).
Write the identity and the biography of your hero, and be ready to talk
about him or her in front of the class.
Stage 2
Superheroes ...
1. Wolverine’s story
1. Circle out names. Underline verbs. Highlight linking words.
2. What is the right order?
2. Now explain
1. Who was James? ..................................................................................................................
2. Who was Victor? ...................................................................................................................
3. Who was Kayla? ...................................................................................................................
4. Who was James’s father? .......................................................................................................
Chapter 6 ! We can be heroes
3. Once upon a time, in a little town of America ...
Listen to the story, and put the
vignettes in the right order.
! Before listening to the extract, write
down a few words under each vignette
to describe it.
! When you listen to the extract, write
down words you understand here, and
try to match them with the vignettes.
The order is ..................................
4. And then what?
Choose the right words.
I was watching TV ˆ so ˆ when suddenly I saw a giant walk by the window! My mother hadn’t
seen it ˆ yet ˆ until, and it was not ˆ when ˆ until he crossed the door that she understood.
My brother was ˆ because ˆ also there, ˆ because ˆ until it was on a Saturday afternoon.
Your task
Your favourite superhero has lost his superpowers. Imagine what happened to him when
he realised he was as normal as anybody.
Stage 3
... and Super zeroes!
1. Captain V’s adventures
Listen to Mark’s story, and draw Captain V’s adventures in the comic strips below!
Chapter 6 ! We can be heroes
2. Another adventure for Captain V!
Imagine another adventure for Captain V, write about it in the past tense, and draw it in
the comic strip below (use a pencil!).
3. A few ideas …
Read Jenny’s e-mail. What are her suggestions?
1. ...........................................................................................................................................
2. ...........................................................................................................................................
3. ...........................................................................................................................................
4. ..........................................................................................................................................
5. ..........................................................................................................................................
4. Redo!
Now complete your comic strip with Jenny’s instructions!
Your task
Write an e-mail to Mark and suggest changes to make his story look extraordinary and
A king hero: Arthur’s legend
1. How Arthur became king...
Read Arthur’s story, and draw his family tree below.
A long time ago, the King of Britain, Uther, married Igraine. They had a son born at Tintagel
Castle, and called him Arthur. At the time, Britain was attacked by the Saxons, so, to protect
him, Uther gave Arthur to Merlin, his wizard. Arthur grew with Sir Ector, his adoptive father,
and Kay, his foster brother. But Uther died, and Britain was left without a king. Nobody knew
Arthur was his son, except Merlin. To decide who could become King, Merlin put a mysterious stone in the churchyard of St Paul’s Cathedral in London. In the stone, was a huge
sword, which bore the inscription “Whoever pulls the sword from the stone is to become
High-King of Britain”. Lots of knights and lords tried to pull it off, but nobody could. When
Arthur turned 15, Kay, aged 18, went to participate in his first tournament in London.
Arthur was in charge of his sword but he forgot it home. So Kay urged him to find one. He
found the sword in the stone and pulled it out easily. When Kay read the message, he understood Arthur was to become King of Britain. Everyone was amazed.
What object did Arthur find?
one hundred
Chapter 6 ! We can be heroes
2. Lancelot and Guinevere
Pair up with a classmate, and share information about Lancelot and Guinevere.
Full name
Family information
Role in the legend
3. Arthur’s death
Read the story in your textbook, and try to sum it up in 3 lines! Keep only the essential
Your task
Read the characters’ portraits on www.kingarthursknights.com, and complete this grid
with your favourite character’s information. Then write a riddle about him/her.
Family information
Role in the legend
Your riddle "
one hundred one
He could fly
Use this model to explain what the following people COULD do, and then COULDN’T do
anymore. Be imaginative!
day he hurt himself
1. My neighbour ...............
.........................., but then
2. I ........................................... , but suddenly ........................................................................
3. My parents ............................ , but one day .........................................................................
4. Captain V ....................................................... , but then ......................................................
5. My favourite superhero ................................... , but sadly, one day .......................................
Now say what these people USED TO do when they had their powers.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...........................................................................................................................................
Tell these people what they should do now that they have lost their superpowers.
" Why
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 102
not buy a bird?
one hundred two
Chapter 6 ! We can be heroes
Treasure trove
How does that sound?
1. The stressed syllable
Listen to the following words and underline the stressed syllable.
1. a comic strip
2. an adventure
3. literature
4. a caption
5. a speech bubble
6. a hero
7. a heroine
8. an animated series
9. a villain
2. Listen and repeat!
1. That’s some action!
2. Ⱥ Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can … Ⱥ
3. – Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
– The same thing we do every night, Pinky — try to take over the world!
3. Take dictation
4. Nicknames
Link each superhero to his nickname(s)!
The Hulk
Iron Man
Batman and Robin
The Dark Knight
~The Man of Steel
~The Dynamic Duo
~The Golden Avenger
~The Boy Wonder
~The Jolly Green Giant
one hundred three
Time to shine
A comic strip contest
Make a draft of your own comic strip here, then make it come to life on
http://www.comicmaster.org.uk/. Or draw the final version here!
one hundred four
Going further
Chapter 6 ! We can be heroes
Auto-évaluation vers A2
Activité langagière
Réception orale
Réception écrite
Interaction orale
Objectif du chapitre
! Je peux identifier le sujet d’une conversation.
! Je peux comprendre un récit.
! Je peux comprendre un texte court sur un sujet
! Je peux comprendre un e-mail simple et bref.
! Je peux faire des suggestions.
! Je peux réagir à des propositions.
! Je peux décrire et présenter une personne.
Prise de parole
! Je peux raconter un événement.
! Je peux expliquer en quoi une chose me plaît
ou me déplaît.
! Je peux écrire un e-mail simple et bref
Production écrite
concernant une nécessité immédiate.
! Je peux faire la description brève d’activités
one hundred five
Let’s rock!
1. Describe and imagine
Have a look at this picture, and describe it with the appropriate words.
Now imagine what these three people might be saying, and write it in their speech
Answer the questions.
1. What kind of show is it? .......................................................................................................
2. Who is the winner? How do you know? ..................................................................................
3. Who lost? How do you know? ...............................................................................................
one hundred six
Chapter 7 ! Let’s rock!
2. How about you? (Class survey)
Do you like TV? Do you watch it a lot? Let’s share!
1. How often do you watch TV?
ˆ Once a year
ˆ Once a month
2. Some people say that TV is bad for children …
ˆ I strongly agree.
ˆ I agree.
ˆ I don’t have an opinion.
3. What do you watch on TV?
ˆ Documentaries
ˆ Game shows
ˆ Reality TV
ˆ News
ˆ Movies
4. Have you already been on TV?
ˆ No, and I don’t want to.
ˆ No, but I would love to.
ˆ Yes, but I didn’t like it.
ˆ Once a week
ˆ Once a day and more
ˆ I don’t agree.
ˆ I don’t agree at all.
ˆ TV series
ˆ Thrillers
ˆ Comedies
ˆ Romantic comedies
ˆ Cooking shows
ˆ Yes, I loved it.
ˆ I’m on TV all the time, don’t you know?
3. Famous TV game shows
Find the equivalent of those famous TV shows in France!
Famous TV shows …
… Émissions célèbres
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
The Weakest Link
The Wheel of Fortune
The Price is Right
Family Feud
one hundred seven
Stage 1
New stars
1. Lady Baba
Have a look at this poster.
! Circle names in red.
! Circle places in blue.
! Circle dates and times in
2. I’m so jealous!
Listen to this dialogue and fill out this grid.
Who’s talking?
one hundred eight
Could he/she go to
the concert?
Is he/she happy
about it?
Next time, he/she
should …
Chapter 7 ! Let’s rock!
3. Amy Winehouse
! Circle names in blue.
! Circle dates in red.
Now associate each date to a verb and fill this timeline.
4. Compare and contrast
Your task
Write a short biography of your favourite
rockstar or popstar.
TV Report
one hundred nine
Stage 2
Old friends
1. Interviews
Put the images in the right order, and fill out this grid.
Who’s interviewed?
2. Mark’s challenge
Listen to the extract again.
Can you answer Mark’s
questions? Circle the right
3. Your turn!
Now write a question
to test your classmates’
one hundred ten
His/her favourite
Sung by…
Chapter 7 ! Let’s rock!
4. Get ready!
Find the words corresponding to the drawings below.
Associate these words to a verb, by putting the right number above the drawing.
1. Ask for / 2. Burn / 3. Call / 4. Close / 5. Cut / 6. Eat / 7. Forget / 8. Get / 9. Have / 10. Leave
11. Lose / 12. Miss / 13. Pour / 14. Spill / 15. Throw / 16. Walk
5. Listen and sing
Now, take the sheet given by your teacher and sing along!
Your task
Ask a friend about his / her favourite song.
one hundred eleven
Stage 3
1. Teasers
Listen to these teasers and try to guess which kind of show they are promoting.
Teaser #1
Teaser #2
Teaser #3
Words you heard
Type of show
Name of the show
Topic of the show
2. Slumdog Millionaire
Watch the video on www.lelivrescolaire.fr without the sound, and try to imagine what
they might be saying.
- Player: ...............................
- Player: ...............................
- Player: ...............................
- Anchorman: .......................
- Anchorman: .......................
- Anchorman: .......................
one hundred twelve
Chapter 7 ! Let’s rock!
3. A real slumdog millionaire!
Look at this newspaper clipping.
Underline dates in blue.
Circle out verbs in red.
Highlight adjectives in yellow.
Circle out transition words in green.
Now tell one of your classmates
what happened.
4. Role playing!
Use this space to write three questions about the article and play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.
Pair up with a classmate. One of you will play the host, and the other the contestant. Then swap roles.
one hundred thirteen
From the Blues to blue hair
1. Music genres
Read the Explore pages in your textbook and fill out this grid with the appropriate
Beware " you’ll have to find some information by yourself!
An album
A song
Rock and Roll
In the 2000’s
Born This
BB King
one hundred fourteen
Chapter 7 2 Let’s rock!
2. How many …?
Fill out the following sentences only using letters.
1. To win a gold disc in the United Kingdom, you need to ...........................................................
2. To win a gold disc in the United States, you need to ...............................................................
3. The Beatles hold the record of album sales with .....................................................................
4. Sony invented the compact disc in ........................................................................................
5. Rap and hip hop emerged in the ...........................................................................................
3. What’s a crooner?
What’s a “crooner” ...? Let’s try to guess.
A singer is someone who sings, so a crooner must be someone who ...........................................
........................ is a verb, let’s look it up in the dictionary!
In French, ................................. means .....................................
Now, in your opinion, why are some singers called “crooners”?
Your task
Find the one-billion question!
one hundred fifteen
1. Shuffle and answer
Shuffle these words to create questions.
Winehouse was Amy when born? " When was Amy Winehouse born?
1. Die did how she?..................................................................................................................
2. Become when and did popular rap hip-hop? ..........................................................................
3. Lady Gaga album did latest release when her? .......................................................................
4. Compact were when invented discs? .....................................................................................
5. Them who invented? ............................................................................................................
Now answer those questions, with time indications.
" Amy
Winehouse was born on September 14th, 1983.
1. ...........................................................................................................................................
2. ...........................................................................................................................................
3. ...........................................................................................................................................
4. ...........................................................................................................................................
5. ...........................................................................................................................................
2. A little revision never hurts!
Fill out this chart with the appropriate form of each verb.
one hundred sixteen
Chapter 7 ! Let’s rock!
Treasure trove
How does that sound?
1. Body language
For each sentence, find the right vignette. Then, listen to the audio file and find the best
intonation between the three proposals.
1. Are you kidding me?
2. I have no idea what you’re
talking about.
3. Its a disaster!
4. I’m so happy for you!
5. It’s a shame.
6. This is so painful!
2. Word stress
Underline the stressed syllable in the following words.
1. a TV show
2. a radio show
3. a radio broadcast
4. a host
5. a contestant
6. a prize
7. victory
8. defeat
9. win
10. lose
11. fail
3. Listen and repeat!
1. I can’t believe it!
2. I won a million pounds!
3. And, we have a winner!
4. I’d like to thank my mom and dad,
who always believed in me!
5. What are you going to do with all that
6. I’m going to buy a yacht and sail around the
7. Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy!
4. Take dictation
one hundred seventeen
Time to shine
Who wants to be a millionaire?
Host of the game : ....................................................................................................................
Contestants : ...........................................................................................................................
one hundred eighteen
Going further
Chapter 7 ! Let’s rock!
Auto-évaluation vers A2
Activité langagière
Objectif du chapitre
! Je peux identifier le sujet d’une conversation.
! Je peux comprendre l’essentiel de courts
Réception orale
passages enregistrés.
! Je peux identifier l’élément principal d’une
émission télévisée.
! Je peux comprendre l’information essentielle
Réception écrite
dans un article de journal.
! Je peux comprendre un récit.
Interaction orale
Prise de parole
Production écrite
! Je peux répondre à des questions sur des
activités passées.
! Je peux comparer.
! Je peux présenter une émission.
! Je peux écrire une devinette.
! Je peux rédiger un questionnaire.
one hundred nineteen
(adj.) ! adjectif
(adv.) ! adverbe
(n.) ! nom
(prep.) ! préposition
(v.) ! verbe
Anglais > Français
ability (n.) ! capacité, talent
about (prep.) ! à propos de
accordion (n.) ! accordéon
achievement (n.) ! réussite
ad / advertisement (n.) ! publicité
addict (n.) ! accro
advice (n.) ! conseil
afraid (adj.) ! effrayé
air (v.) ! diffuser (sur un média)
alias (n.) ! faux-nom
all day long (adv.) ! toute la journée
all the time (adv.) ! tout le temps
almost (adv.) ! presque
always (adv.) ! toujours
amazing (adj.) ! extraordinaire
ankle (n.) ! cheville
announcement (n.) ! annonce
appear (v.) ! apparaître
approximately (adv.) !
argue (about something) (v.) !
discuter de quelque chose
arrival (n.) ! arrivée
artwork (n.) ! œuvre d’art
as soon as (adv.) ! aussitôt que
at night (adv.) ! la nuit
attendant (n.) ! participant
awesome (adj.) ! super
background (n.) ! l’arrière-plan
bagpipes (n.) ! cornemuse
bake (v.) ! cuisiner
baking powder (n.) ! levure
balloon (n.) ! bulle de
bank (n.) ! banque
one hundred twenty
bank holiday (n.) ! jour férié
basket (n.) ! panier
bat (n.) ! chauve-souris
be bad / good at something (v.) !
être bon / mauvais dans un domaine
be nice to (v.) ! être gentil avec
be on holiday (v.) ! être en vacances
beard (n.) ! barbe
beat (v.) ! battre (quelqu’un au jeu)
behave (v.) ! se comporter
behind (prep.) ! derrière
belong to (v.) ! appartenir à
bench (n.) ! banc
between (prep.) ! entre
beware (v.) ! faire attention
blend (v.) ! mélanger
blind (adj.) ! aveugle
boat (n.) ! bateau
bold character (n.) ! caractère gras
boring (adj.) ! ennuyeux
borough (n.) ! quartier
brand (n.) ! marque
break (n.) ! pause, récréation
break into (v.) ! cambrioler
breastplate (n.) ! cuirasse
broadcast (n.) ! émission
browse (v.) ! chercher
bruise (n.) ! bleu, ecchymose
bubble (n.) ! bulle
burglar (n.) ! voleur
cabbage (n.) ! chou
call (v.) ! appeler
camera (n.) ! appareil-photo
canvas (n.) ! toile
car (n.) ! voiture
carving (n.) ! sculpture, gravure
cash desk (n.) ! caisse
castle (n.) ! château
catch (v.) ! attraper
ceiling (n.) ! plafond
celebrate (v.) ! fêter
celebrity (n.) ! célébrité
CEO (n.) ! patron
character (n.) ! personnage
chart (n.) ! tableau
check (v.) ! vérifier
cheerful (adj.) ! joyeux
church (n.) ! église
citizenship (n.) ! éducation civique
(cours de)
city (n.) ! ville
city hall (n.) ! mairie
classmate (n.) ! camarade de classe
claw (n.) ! griffe
clipping (n.) ! coupure de presse
close (adj.) ! proche
coach (n.) ! bus
coat (n.) ! manteau
coin (n.) ! pièce de monnaie
colourful (adj.) ! coloré
comic strip (n.) ! bande dessinée
compartment (n.) ! compartiment
confidant (n.) ! confident
confident (adj.) ! sûr de soi
connection (n.) ! correspondance
consent (n.) ! accord
contest (n.) ! concours
copy (v.) ! copier
corner (n.) ! coin
corridor (n.) ! couloir
costume (n.) ! déguisement
CPU (n.) ! unité centrale
crazy (adj.) ! fou
cup (n.) ! coupe
cupboard (n.) ! placard
cursor (n.) ! curseur
cut (v.) ! couper
daily (adj.) ! quotidien
data (n.) ! données
daughter (n.) ! fille (de quelqu’un)
deal (n.) ! bonne affaire
debriefing (n.) ! compte-rendu
dedicated (adj.) ! dévoué
delete (v.) ! effacer
demanding (adj.) ! exigeant
departure (n.) ! départ
describe (v.) ! décrire
design and technology (n.) !
technologie (cours de)
dictation (n.) ! dictée
direction (n.) ! direction, indication
disappear (v.) ! disparaître
disappointed (adj.) ! déçu
discipline (n.) ! discipline, matière
dive (v.) ! plonger
draw (v.) ! dessiner
draw (n.) ! égalité (en compétition)
drawing (n.) ! dessin
dress up (v.) ! se déguiser
drive (v.) ! conduire
drop (n.) ! goutte
dub (v.) ! doubler (des paroles)
dull (adj.) ! monotone
egg (n.) ! œuf
empty (adj.) ! vide
enjoy doing something (v.) ! aimer
faire quelque chose
enthusiastic (adj.) ! enthousiaste
entrance (n.) ! entrée
event (n.) ! événement
exhibition (n.) ! exposition
expensive (adj.) ! cher, coûteux
extent (n.) ! étendue
extract (n.) ! extrait
fame (n.) ! célébrité
famous (adj.) ! célèbre
fancy (adj.) ! chic
far (adv.) ! loin
favourite (adj.) ! préféré
feeling (n.) ! sentiment
few (adv.) ! quelques
field (n.) ! champ
fire (v.) ! licencier quelqu’un
fireworks (n.) ! feu d’artifice
flag (n.) ! drapeau
flight (n.) ! vol
font (n.) ! police de texte
foolish (adj.) ! bête, stupide
forbidden (adj.) ! interdit
foreground (n.) ! le premier plan
former (adj.) ! ancien
foster (adj.) ! adoptif
found (v.) ! fonder, créer
freedom (n.) ! liberté
frequently (adv.) ! souvent
friend (n.) ! ami(e)
friendly (adj.) ! sympathique
friendship (n.) ! amitié
frighten (v.) ! effrayer
frying pan (n.) ! poêle
gather (v.) ! réunir, rassembler
gauntlet (n.) ! gantelet
get to know (v.) ! apprendre à
ghost (n.) ! fantôme
gloomy (adj.) ! sombre
greet (v.) ! accueillir
guess (v.) ! deviner
happen (v.) ! arriver, se passer
hard-working (adj.) ! travailleur
harvest (n.) ! récolte
hear (v.) ! entendre
heart (n.) ! cœur
heat (n.) ! chaleur
helmet (n.) ! casque
hide (v.) ! cacher
hike (n.) ! randonnée
hobby (n.) ! loisir, activité
hole (n.) ! trou
homework (n.) ! devoir à la maison
honey (n.) ! miel, chéri
ice (n.) ! glace
in front of (prep.) ! devant
in the morning (adv.) ! le matin
indeed (adv.) ! en effet
introduce oneself (v.) ! se présenter
jail (n.) ! prison
jam (n.) ! confiture
keep doing something (v.) !
continuer à faire quelque chose
keyboard (n.) ! clavier
kingdom (n.) ! royaume
kneecap (n.) ! rotule
knock (v.) ! frapper (à la porte)
lake (n.) ! lac
landscape (n.) ! paysage
laptop (n.) ! ordinateur portable
laugh (v.) ! rire
launch (v.) ! lancer
lead (v.) ! mener, diriger
leaf (n.) ! feuille
left (n.) ! gauche
lemon (n.) ! citron
lesson (n.) ! cours, leçon
liar (n.) ! menteur
listen to something (v.) ! écouter
quelque chose
lively (adj.) ! vivant
look for (v.) ! chercher
lover (n.) ! amant
luggage (n.) ! bagages
lunch (n.) ! déjeuner
lyrics (n.) ! paroles de chanson
mail (n.) ! courrier
mail (v.) ! envoyer (un courrier)
mailer (n.) ! expéditeur
make friends (v.) ! se faire des amis
map (n.) ! carte
maple syrup (n.) ! sirop d’érable
meal (n.) ! repas
meaning (n.) ! signification
meat (n.) ! viande
medal (n.) ! médaille
medicine (n.) ! médicament
milk (n.) ! lait
mischief (n.) ! bêtise
miss (v.) ! manquer
money (n.) ! argent
mouse (n.) ! souris
mummy (n.) ! momie
murder (n.) ! assassinat
murderer (n.) ! assassin
neighbour (n.) ! voisin
network (n.) ! réseau
never (adv.) ! jamais
next (adj.) ! prochain, suivant
nickname (n.) ! surnom
obey something (v.) ! obéir à,
se conformer à
occasionally (adv.) ! parfois, à
office (n.) ! bureau
often (adv.) ! souvent
oil (n.) ! huile
open-minded (adj.) ! ouvert d’esprit
orphanage (n.) ! orphelinat
outdoors (adv.) ! dehors
outfit (n.) ! tenue
pain (n.) ! douleur
pain-killer (n.) ! anti-douleur
painful (adj.) ! douloureux
paintbrush (n.) ! pinceau
paintpot (n.) ! pot de peinture
paintspray (n.) ! spray à peinture
paste (v.) ! coller
peach (n.) ! pêche
penfriend (n.) ! correspondant
perform (v.) ! jouer
pet (n.) ! animal domestique
pick (v.) ! choisir
pin (v.) ! épingler
pitch (n.) ! terrain
plane (n.) ! avion
play an instrument (v.) ! jouer d’un
play sports (v.) ! faire du sport
playground (n.) ! cour de récréation
pond (n.) ! étang
post (v.) ! afficher
pound (n.) ! livre sterling
pour (v.) ! verser
practise (v.) ! s’entraîner
price (n.) ! prix
printer (n.) ! imprimante
privacy (n.) ! vie privée
profile (n.) ! profil
program (n.) ! logiciel
proud (adj.) ! fier
one hundred twenty-one 121
pub (n.) ! bar
punchy (adj.) ! percutant
pupil (n.) ! élève
quick (adj.) ! rapide
quote (n.) ! citation, phrase célèbre
race (n.) ! course
raise one’s hand (v.) ! lever la main
rarely (adv.) ! rarement
realm (n.) ! royaume, domaine
recipe (n.) ! recette
recognize (v.) ! reconnaître
record (v.) ! enregistrer
red card (n.) ! carton rouge
referee (n.) ! arbitre
rehearse (v.) ! répéter (s’entraîner)
relationship (n.) ! relation
reliable (adj.) ! digne de confiance
repeat (v.) ! répéter
responsible (adj.) ! responsable
restroom (n.) ! toilettes
retirement (n.) ! retraite
riddle (n.) ! devinette
right (n.) ! droite
ring (n.) ! anneau, bague
room (n.) ! pièce
rubber (n.) ! caoutchouc
rules (n.) ! règles (de conduite)
runway (n.) ! piste de décollage
safety (n.) ! sécurité
sail (v.) ! naviguer
scale (n.) ! balance
scary (adj.) ! effrayant
school subject (n.) ! matière
scratch (v.) ! griffer
screen (n.) ! écran
scribble (v.) ! gribouiller
scuba (n.) ! tuba
search engine (n.) ! moteur de
seat (n.) ! siège
sentence (n.) ! phrase
setting (n.) ! cadre
shape (n.) ! forme
share (v.) ! partager
shield (n.) ! bouclier
shoot (v.) ! tirer
shout (v.) ! crier
sick (adj.) ! malade
sidewalk (n.) ! trottoir
single (adj.) ! seul
skill (n.) ! compétence
skull (n.) ! crâne
one hundred twenty-two
slave (n.) ! esclave
smiling (adj.) ! souriant
smooth (adj.) ! lisse, homogène
sometimes (adv.) ! quelquefois
son (n.) ! fils
spelling (n.) ! orthographe
spend time (v.) ! passer du temps
spider (n.) ! araignée
spirit (n.) ! esprit, mentalité
spot (n.) ! tache, endroit
step (n.) ! marche, étape
stink (v.) ! puer, sentir mauvais
stir (v.) ! remuer
stop (doing something) (v.) ! arrêter
(de faire quelque chose)
strength (n.) ! force
subway (n.) ! métro
successful (adj.) ! réussi
suddenly (adv.) ! soudain
sugar (n.) ! sucre
suggest (v.) ! suggérer
suitcase (n.) ! valise
supermarket (n.) ! supermarché
surf the web (v.) ! naviguer sur la
survey (n.) ! sondage
swap (v.) ! échanger
swimming (n.) ! natation
swing (n.) ! rame
switch on / off (v.) ! allumer /
sword (n.) ! épée
tablespoon (n.) ! cuillère à soupe
tablet (n.) ! tablette
tackle (v.) ! tacler
take-off (n.) ! décollage
talented (adj.) ! talentueux
talkative (adj.) ! bavard
target (n.) ! cible
task (n.) ! tâche
taste (n.) ! goût
team (n.) ! équipe
teaspoon (n.) ! cuillère à café
teenager (n.) ! adolescent
terrific (adj.) ! énorme, formidable
text message (n.) ! texto
throne (n.) ! trône
throw a party (v.) ! faire une fête
time difference (n.) ! décalage
timeline (n.) ! frise chronologique
timetable (n.) ! emploi du temps
tip (n.) ! conseil
tired (adj.) ! fatigué
tool (n.) ! outil
torchbearer (n.) ! porte-flambeau
tough (adj.) ! difficile
tournament (n.) ! tournoi
towards (prep.) ! vers
track (n.) ! voie
trailer (n.) ! bande-annonce
treat (n.) ! plaisir, gâterie
trip (n.) ! voyage
truck (n.) ! camion
trumpet (n.) ! trompette
trust (v.) ! faire confiance
try (n.) ! essai
try (v.) ! essayer
tune (n.) ! air de musique
turkey (n.) ! dinde
ugly (adj.) ! laid
underground (adj.) ! souterrain
underline (v.) ! souligner
undo (v.) ! annuler
update (v.) ! actualiser
useful (adj.) ! utile
utensil (n.) ! ustensile
villain (n.) ! méchant
voicemail (n.) ! répondeur
wall (n.) ! mur
weapon (n.) ! arme
wear (v.) ! porter (des vêtements)
weather (n.) ! temps (météo)
website (n.) ! site internet
wet (adj.) ! mouillé
whistle (n.) ! sifflet
whole (adj.) ! entier
window (n.) ! fenêtre
wing (n.) ! aile
wire (n.) ! fil électrique
witch (n.) ! sorcière
wizard (n.) ! sorcier
word processing (n.) ! traitement
de texte
workshop (n.) ! atelier
world (n.) ! monde
worry (v.) ! inquiéter
wound (v.) ! blesser
write down (v.) ! écrire
yellow card (n.) ! carton jaune
yummy (adj.) ! délicieux, miam
Français > Anglais
à propos de (prep.) ! about
accord (n.) ! consent
accordéon (n.) ! accordion
accro (n.) ! addict
accueillir (v.) ! greet
actualiser (v.) ! update
adolescent (n.) ! teenager
adoptif (adj.) ! foster
afficher (v.) ! post
aile (n.) ! wing
aimer (faire quelque chose) (v.) !
enjoy (doing something)
air de musique (n.) ! tune
allumer / éteindre (v.) ! switch
on / off
amant (n.) ! lover
ami(e) ! (n.) ! friend
amitié (n.) ! friendship
ancien (adj.) ! former
animal domestique (n.) ! pet
anneau, bague (n.) ! ring
annonce (n.) ! announcement
annuler (v.) ! undo
anti-douleur (n.) ! pain-killer
apparaître (v.) ! appear
appareil-photo (n.) ! camera
appartenir à (v.) ! belong to
appeler (v.) ! call
apprendre à connaître (v.) ! get to
approximativement (adv.) !
araignée (n.) ! spider
arbitre (n.) ! referee
argent (n.) ! money
arme (n.) ! weapon
arrêter (de faire quelque chose) (v.) !
stop (doing something)
arrivée (n.) ! arrival
arriver, se passer (v.) ! happen
assassin (n.) ! murderer
assassinat (n.) ! murder
atelier (n.) ! workshop
attraper (v.) ! catch
aussitôt que (adv.) ! as soon as
aveugle (adj.) ! blind
avion (n.) ! plane
bagages (n.) ! luggage
balance (n.) ! scale
banc (n.) ! bench
bande dessinée (n.) ! comic strip
bande-annonce (n.) ! trailer
banque (n.) ! bank
bar (n.) ! pub
barbe (n.) ! beard
bateau (n.) ! boat
battre (quelqu’un au jeu) (v.) ! beat
bavard (adj.) ! talkative
bête, stupide (adj.) ! foolish
bêtise (n.) ! mischief
blesser (v.) ! wound
bleu, ecchymose (n.) ! bruise
bonne affaire (n.) ! deal
bouclier (n.) ! shield
bulle (n.) ! bubble
bulle de bande-dessinée (n.) !
bureau (n.) ! office
bus (n.) ! coach
cacher (v.) ! hide
cadre (n.) ! setting
caisse enregistreuse (n.) ! cash desk
camarade de classe (n.) ! classmate
cambrioler (v.) ! break into
camion (n.) ! truck
caoutchouc (n.) ! rubber
capacité, talent (n.) ! ability
caractère gras (n.) ! bold character
carte (n.) ! map
carton jaune (n.) ! yellow card
carton rouge (n.) ! red card
casque (n.) ! helmet
célèbre (adj.) ! famous
célébrité (n.) ! celebrity
célébrité (n.) ! fame
chaleur (n.) ! heat
champ (n.) ! field
château (n.) ! castle
chauve-souris (n.) ! bat
cher, coûteux (adj.) ! expensive
chercher (v.) ! browse, look for
cheville (n.) ! ankle
chic (adj.) ! fancy
choisir (v.) ! pick
chou (n.) ! cabbage
cible (n.) ! target
citation, phrase célèbre (n.) ! quote
citron (n.) ! lemon
clavier (n.) ! keyboard
cœur (n.) ! heart
coin (n.) ! corner
coller (v.) ! paste
coloré (adj.) ! colourful
compartiment (n.) ! compartment
compétence (n.) ! skill
compte-rendu (n.) ! debriefing
concours (n.) ! contest
conduire (v.) ! drive
confident (n.) ! confidant
confiture (n.) ! jam
conseil (n.) ! advice, tip
continuer (à faire quelque chose) (v.) !
keep (doing something)
copier (v.) ! copy
cornemuse (n.) ! bagpipes
correspondance (n.) ! connection
correspondant (n.) ! penfriend
couloir (n.) ! corridor
coupe (n.) ! cup
couper (v.) ! cut
coupure de presse (n.) ! clipping
cour de récréation (n.) ! playground
courrier (n.) ! mail
cours, leçon (n.) ! lesson
course (n.) ! race
crâne (n.) ! skull
crier (v.) ! shout
cuillère à café (n.) ! teaspoon
cuillère à soupe (n.) ! tablespoon
cuirasse (n.) ! breastplate
cuisiner (v.) ! bake
curseur (n.) ! cursor
décalage horaire (n.) ! time
décollage (n.) ! take-off
décrire (v.) ! describe
déçu (adj.) ! disappointed
déguisement (n.) ! costume
dehors (adv.) ! outdoors
déjeuner (n.) ! lunch
délicieux, miam (adj.) ! yummy
départ (n.) ! departure
derrière (prep.) ! behind
dessin (n.) ! drawing
dessiner (v.) ! draw
devant (prep.) ! in front of
deviner (v.) ! guess
devinette (n.) ! riddle
devoir à la maison (n.) ! homework
dévoué (adj.) ! dedicated
dictée (n.) ! dictation
difficile (adj.) ! tough
diffuser (sur un média) (v.) ! air
digne de confiance (adj.) ! reliable
dinde (n.) ! turkey
direction, indication (n.) ! direction
one hundred twenty-three 123
discipline, matière (n.) ! discipline
discuter (de quelque chose) (v.) !
argue (about something)
disparaître (v.) ! disappear
données (n.) ! data
doubler (des paroles) (v.) ! dub
douleur (n.) ! pain
douloureux (adj.) ! painful
drapeau (n.) ! flag
droite (n.) ! right
échanger (v.) ! swap
écouter (quelque chose) (v.) ! listen
(to something)
écran (n.) ! screen
écrire (v.) ! write down
éducation civique (cours de) (n.) !
effacer (v.) ! delete
effrayant (adj.) ! scary
effrayé (adj.) ! afraid
effrayer (v.) ! frighten
égalité (n.) ! draw
église (n.) ! church
élève (n.) ! pupil
émission (n.) ! broadcast
emploi du temps (n.) ! timetable
endroit (n.) ! spot
en effet (adv.) ! indeed
ennuyeux (adj.) ! boring
énorme, formidable (adj.) ! terrific
enregistrer (v.) ! record
entendre (v.) ! hear
enthousiaste (adj.) ! enthusiastic
entier (adj.) ! whole
entre (prep.) ! between
entrée (n.) ! entrance
envoyer (un courrier) (v.) ! mail
épée (n.) ! sword
épingler (v.) ! pin
équipe (n.) ! team
esclave (n.) ! slave
esprit, mentalité (n.) ! spirit
essai (n.) ! try
essayer (v.) ! try
étang (n.) ! pond
étendue (n.) ! extent
être bon / mauvais dans un domaine
(v.) ! be bad / good at something
être en vacances (v.) ! be on holiday
être gentil avec (v.) ! be nice to
événement (n.) ! event
exigeant (adj.) ! demanding
expéditeur (n.) ! mailer
exposition (n.) ! exhibition
one hundred twenty-four
extrait (n.) ! extract
extraordinaire (adj.) ! amazing
faire attention (v.) ! beware
faire confiance (v.) ! trust
faire du sport (v.) ! play sports
faire une fête (v.) ! throw a party
fantôme (n.) ! ghost
fatigué (adj.) ! tired
faux-nom (n.) ! alias
fenêtre (n.) ! window
fêter (v.) ! celebrate
feu d’artifice (n.) ! fireworks
feuille (n.) ! leaf
fier (adj.) ! proud
fil électrique (n.) ! wire
fille (de quelqu’un) (n.) ! daughter
fils (n.) ! son
fonder, créer (v.) ! found
force (n.) ! strength
forme (n.) ! shape
fou (adj.) ! crazy
frapper (à la porte) (v.) ! knock
frise chronologique (n.) ! timeline
gantelet (n.) ! gauntlet
gauche (n.) ! left
glace (n.) ! ice
goût (n.) ! taste
goutte (n.) ! drop
gribouiller (v.) ! scribble
griffe (n.) ! claw
griffer (v.) ! scratch
huile (n.) ! oil
imprimante (n.) ! printer
inquiéter (v.) ! worry
interdit (adj.) ! forbidden
jamais (adv.) ! never
jouer (v.) ! perform
jouer un instrument (v.) ! play an
jour férié (n.) ! bank holiday
joyeux (adj.) ! cheerful
l’arrière-plan (n.) ! background
la nuit (adv.) ! at night
lac (n.) ! lake
laid (adj.) ! ugly
lait (n.) ! milk
lancer (v.) ! launch
le matin (adv.) ! in the morning
le premier plan (n.) ! foreground
lever la main (v.) ! raise one’s hand
levure (n.) ! baking powder
liberté (n.) ! freedom
licencier quelqu’un (familier) (v.) !
lisse, homogène (adj.) ! smooth
livre sterling (n.) ! pound
logiciel (n.) ! program
loin (adv.) ! far
loisir, activité (n.) ! hobby
mairie (n.) ! city hall
malade (adj.) ! sick
manquer (v.) ! miss
manteau (n.) ! coat
marche, étape (n.) ! step
marque (n.) ! brand
matière scolaire (n.) ! school subject
méchant (n.) ! villain
médaille (n.) ! medal
médicament (n.) ! medicine
mélanger (v.) ! blend
mener, diriger (v.) ! lead
menteur (n.) ! liar
métro (n.) ! subway
miel, chéri (n.) ! honey
momie (n.) ! mummy
monde (n.) ! world
monotone (adj.) ! dull
moteur de recherche (n.) ! search
mouillé (adj.) ! wet
mur (n.) ! wall
natation (n.) ! swimming
naviguer (v.) ! sail
naviguer sur la toile (v.) ! surf the
obéir à, se conformer à (v.) ! obey
œuf (n.) ! egg
œuvre d’art (n.) ! artwork
ordinateur portable (n.) ! laptop
orphelinat (n.) ! orphanage
orthographe (n.) ! spelling
outil (n.) ! tool
ouvert d’esprit (adj.) ! open-minded
panier (n.) ! basket
parfois, à l’occasion (adv.) !
paroles de chanson (n.) ! lyrics
partager (v.) ! share
participant (n.) ! attendant
passer du temps (v.) ! spend time
patron (n.) ! CEO
pause, récréation (n.) ! break
paysage (n.) ! landscape
pêche (n.) ! peach
percutant (adj.) ! punchy
personnage (n.) ! character
phrase (n.) ! sentence
pièce (n.) ! room
pièce de monnaie (n.) ! coin
pinceau (n.) ! paintbrush
piste de décollage (n.) ! runway
placard (n.) ! cupboard
plafond (n.) ! ceiling
plaisir, gâterie (n.) ! treat
plonger (v.) ! dive
poêle (n.) ! frying pan
police de texte (n.) ! font
porte-flambeau (n.) ! torchbearer
porter (des vêtements) (v.) ! wear
pot de peinture (n.) ! paintpot
préféré (adj.) ! favourite
presque (adv.) ! almost
prison (n.) ! jail
prix (n.) ! price
prochain, suivant (adj.) ! next
proche (adj.) ! close
profil (n.) ! profile
publicité (n.) ! ad / advertisement
puer, sentir mauvais (v.) ! stink
quartier (n.) ! borough
quelquefois (adv.) ! sometimes
quelques (adv.) ! a few
quotidien (adj.) ! daily
rame (n.) ! swing
randonnée (n.) ! hike
rapide (adj.) ! quick
rarement (adv.) ! rarely
recette (n.) ! recipe
récolte (n.) ! harvest
reconnaître (v.) ! recognize
règles (de conduite) (n.) ! rules
relation (n.) ! relationship
remuer (v.) ! stir
repas (n.) ! meal
répéter (v.) ! repeat
répéter (s’entraîner) (v.) ! rehearse
répondeur (n.) ! voicemail
réseau (n.) ! network
responsable (adj.) ! responsible
retraite (n.) ! retirement
réunir, rassembler (v.) ! gather
réussi (adj.) ! successful
réussite (n.) ! achievement
rire (v.) ! laugh
rotule (n.) ! kneecap
royaume (n.) ! kingdom, realm
s’entraîner (v.) ! practise
sculpture, gravure (n.) ! carving
se comporter (v.) ! behave
se déguiser (v.) ! dress up
se faire des amis (v.) ! make friends
se présenter (v.) ! introduce oneself
sécurité (n.) ! safety
sentiment (n.) ! feeling
seul (adj.) ! single
siège (n.) ! seat
sifflet (n.) ! whistle
signification (n.) ! meaning
sirop d’érable (n.) ! maple syrup
site internet (n.) ! website
sombre (adj.) ! gloomy
sondage (n.) ! survey
sorcier (n.) ! wizard
sorcière (n.) ! witch
soudain (adv.) ! suddenly
souligner (v.) ! underline
souriant (adj.) ! smiling
souris (n.) ! mouse
souterrain (adj.) ! underground
souvent (adv.) frequently, often
spray à peinture (n.) ! paintspray
sucre (n.) ! sugar
suggérer (v.) ! suggest
super (adj.) ! awesome
supermarché (n.) ! supermarket
sûr de soi (adj.) ! confident
surnom (n.) ! nickname
sympathique (adj.) ! friendly
tableau (n.) ! chart
tablette (n.) ! tablet
tâche (n.) ! task
tache (n.) ! spot
tacler (v.) ! tackle
talentueux (adj.) ! talented
technologie (cours de) (n.) ! design
and technology
temps (météo) (n.) ! weather
tenue (n.) ! outfit
terrain (n.) ! pitch (sport)
texto (n.) ! text message
tirer (v.) ! shoot
toile (n.) ! canvas
toilettes (n.) ! restroom
toujours (adv.) ! always
tournoi (n.) ! tournament
tout le temps (adv.) ! all the time
toute la journée (adv.) ! all day long
traitement de texte (n.) ! word
travailleur (adj.) ! hard-working
trompette (n.) ! trumpet
trône (n.) ! throne
trottoir (n.) ! sidewalk
trou (n.) ! hole
tuba (n.) ! scuba
unité centrale (n.) ! CPU
ustensile (n.) ! utensil
utile (adj.) ! useful
valise (n.) ! suitcase
vérifier (v.) ! check
vers (prep.) ! towards
verser (v.) ! pour
viande (n.) ! meat
vide (adj.) ! empty
vie privée (n.) ! privacy
ville (n.) ! city
vivant (adj.) ! lively
voie (n.) ! track
voisin (n.) ! neighbour
voiture (n.) ! car
vol (n.) ! flight
voleur (n.) ! burglar
voyage (n.) ! trip
one hundred twenty-five 125
Lexique de l’élève
Photographier mentalement les mots
Pour retenir du nouveau vocabulaire, tu peux utiliser ta mémoire visuelle en associant un mot et
une image. Crée ici tes propres flashcards en écrivant les nouveaux mots et en les dessinant pour
t’en souvenir !
one hundred twenty-six
Lexique de l’élève
one hundred twenty-seven 127
Prologue > Start : 1. Getty Images / Fuse
Chapitre 1 > Start : Getty Images / Peter Cade
Chapitre 2 > Start : Getty Images / Hiroyuki Matsumoto – Stage 3 : 1. Getty Images ; 3. Wikimedia / SixSigma
4. Wikimedia / Alejandro Linares Garcia – Explore : 1. Google Art Project ; 2 et 3. Metropolitan Museum of Art, DR
Chapitre 3 > Start : Getty Images / Travelpix Ltd – Stage 1 : 1. G Getty Images / Paul Burns ; 2. Getty Images /
I love images ; 3. Getty Images / Paul Bradbury ; 4. Getty Images / Cavan Images – Stage 2 : Dublin Bus Tour
Time to shine : Wikimedia
Chapitre 4 > Start : Getty Images / Tyler Edwards
Chapitre 5 > Start : Getty Images / PhotoAllto/Sandro Di Carlo Darsa – Stage 1 : 1. Tous droits réservés
2. Wikimedia / Richard Giles ; 3. Wikimedia / Kastom ; 4. Wikimedia / bryangeek
Chapitre 6 > Start : 1, 2 et 3. Getty Images / Diane Collins and Jordan Hollender – Stage 1 : 1. Alamy / AF
archive © ; 2. Getty Images / Adam Kmiolek & Anna Maniowska
Chapitre 7 > Start : Getty Images / Michael Cogliantry
Avec la participation de Sophie de la Porte.
Maquette : Anne Catel
Mise en page : Anne Catel et Alix Miquel
Illustrations : Stéphanie Rubini
Dépôt légal : Août 2012 / ISBN 978-2-9536455-9-0
80, rue des Haies
75020 Paris
01 55 25 75 00
[email protected]
one hundred twenty-eight