BM Morzine aout 08 - Mairie de Morzine Avoriaz


BM Morzine aout 08 - Mairie de Morzine Avoriaz
events in morzine
18 &19 July 2013 – Making the carillon bells
After the initial public appeal for funding, the second important stage in the process of making the automatic carillon
turned into a truly festive affair. That’s because bell-makers Paccard set up their foundry in the village to make eight
bells in front of onlookers. This celebratory event was an opportunity to thank all those who contributed to making this
special creation possible. In October, councillors voted to erect the “Ars Sonora” carillon near the tourist office. This vote
followed the presentation of other possible sites on the shortlist. The tourist office square was deemed most
appropriate thanks to its welcoming atmosphere and the fact that it and the carillon complement each other. In
addition, the new carillon will not disrupt events while also offering regular musical performances produced by its 19
bells. (Read the full details about the carillon project at
17 & 18 August 2013: 25 to 27 July 2013:
“L’Accord des Alpes” Morzn'a Festival
29 & 30 August 2013:
“Le Tour de l'Avenir”
The festival celebrating Alpine music and
Morzine traditions continues to
grow...with Alpine horn concerts,
shepherds leading their flocks, and the
Mines d’Or lake mountain festival.
Two days of high quality cycling around Morzine in a race
that brings together up-and-coming stars of international
cycling. The stages took in St Gervais and finished in Morzine
(via Les Gets), with the next and final stage heading off the
following day to Chatel via Thonon. The event was a new
collaborative effort with Amaury Sport Organisation, which
owns the event along with Le Tour de France, which we
hope to see return to Morzine soon.
The event featured three days of entertaining
workshops for parents and children. Launched
only recently, the festival has nonetheless
been a hit with all ages, holidaymakers and
locals, with its interactive appeal and grand
honours ceremony.
5 to 7 September 2013:
65th Mont-Blanc Morzine
One of the best stages of the French automobile
championships, featuring special stages around
Morzine, Montriond, the Joux-Verte and Joux- Plane
passes, La Côte d'Arbroz ... and, to top it all, victory for
Julien Maurin and Nicolas Klinger. As if to prove the
enduring appeal of the rally in Morzine, the tourist
office was full of spectators, who braved the
threatening skies to applaud the winners.
Visit us online and see what’s happening in Morzine-Avoriaz! For information on major events,
local news and other projects …search for
A messAge from the mAyor
It’s with mixed emotions that I write this foreword, since it is in fact
the last of my current mandate. The role of Mayor is unlike any other
job, since it is above all about having a passion...passion for my village
of course, but also for those who live here and who I’ve known for so
long. And then there’s the passion I have for leading my team,
whether they’re my councillors or all other town hall staff. Looking
back as we approach the final months of this mandate, many
achievements stand out for me. Each serves as a reminder that
nothing can be achieved alone or without hard work in this fine
country of ours, France. To achieve results, it’s crucial to explain the
whys and wherefores behind a given project, clearly and
persuasively. But you can only do this is if you’re sure of heading in
the right direction, which means in the general public interest and in
the interests of helping Morzine-Avoriaz prosper, so that it maintains its status as one of France’s
leading international ski resorts.
I also maintain that to be truly productive, projects need to be considered for the long-term. It is, after
all, only after many years that we can measure the benefits of our investments. This is a fragile concept,
however. For in view of the demands that are soon to be placed on elected officials --namely to
represent their villages as well as inter-municipal entities -- they will effectively become professionals
of the public sphere. I do not share this interpretation of public service, since I remain convinced that
all elected officials should be able to remain above politics, which is the best guarantee of working for
the public good.
With this in mind, and with the municipal and village elections next spring coming up, I would like to
take this opportunity to wish you an excellent winter and a successful season.
Mayor of Morzine-Avoriaz
Pages 4 - 6
Elections and intermunicipality
Page 7
Page 8
Parking and traffic
Page 9
The ski area
Pages 10&11
Town Planning changes
PLU modification No.7
After considering the matter on 17 July 2013, the town hall team decided to implement “modification no.7” to
the town planning (PLU) blueprint, the objectives being to:
• ensure conformity of the UT zone in Avoriaz, following the request for change of use by ALDA and the
latest legislation concerning surface area measurements (see below).
• make changes to the existing PLU rules in response to comments, while also improving and refining
various points to help provide better advice on town planning issues (minor changes to zoning and
declassification of paths).
The public consultation period will be held at the town hall from 2 December 2013 to 3 January 2014.
Reforms to surface area measurements
This reform became applicable on 1 March 2012, at which point surface area measurements became the sole
reference for the application of town planning regulations. Formerly, this required the calculation of surface
areas according to their SHOB and SHON. The surface area of a given space is defined as all enclosed floor space
where the ceiling height is at least 1.80 metres, wall to wall. Legislation from December 2011 details exemptions
for cavities and corridors, parking areas, cellars, attics and service areas, as well as 10% of floor space in shared
In practice, this reform will lead to greater building density, which is what the state wants. It will encourage
more construction in existing shared buildings. The aim of changes voted to the town planning blueprint (as
explained above) are to manage this potential increase in building density in Avoriaz.
Approval of the PPR blueprint
Following the public consultation held from Monday 18 February to Friday 22 March 2013 and in view of the
conclusions and report submitted by the investigating commissioner, revisions to the PPR plans to prevent
naturally occurring dangers were approved by prefectural decree on 24 September 2013. This decision was
made despite comments and objections by the town hall team. As of the above date, all town planning
decisions are to be considered under the auspices of this new PPR dossier. It is available at the town hall and
also on the government’s website:
Meanwhile, the rockfall (approximately 24m3) in the Allamands neighbourhood in April was recorded in the
official register on 13 September 2013 as being the subject of a natural catastrophe order. The PPR details for
this sector were put on hold as a result (stretching from Le Cret village to Le Chargeau), until further surveys
have been carried out. Once their results are known, the whole sector will be reviewed and potential solutions
suggested, most likely at the beginning of 2014.
Page 12
Social news
Page 13
Schools news
Pages 14&15
Culture and Heritage
Page 16
Diary, civil announcements,
other news...
visit our website
For information about life in the community: latest minutes from council meetings, phone numbers for town hall departments, news and major projects…
Publishers: Mayor Gérard Berger and the Communication Commission - Editing and layout: Chantal Bourreau - Design: EC Création - La Marmotte Bleue
Translation: [email protected] - Printed on PEFC certified paper (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) by an Imprim’Vert certified printer: Imprimerie Nouvelle Sallanches.
LoCAL AnD intermuniCiPAL eLeCtions
Voters will be called to the ballot
box on 23 and 30 March to decide
the local elections. For the first
time, intermunicipal councillors
will be voted in too
A quick reminder...
The last local elections took place in March
2008. The councillors voted in will also be
elected for a six-year term. In view of next year’s
heavy voting schedule (local elections in
March, European elections on 25 May and
senatorial elections in September), the
departmental and regional elections have been
pushed back to 2015.
Voting changes
Legislation from 17 May 2013 lowered the
threshold for proportional representation from
3500 people to 1000. This means that Morzine’s
two-round election system will be proportional
(with no changes possible to the candidates’
lists, and the majority advantage given to the
list receiving the most votes).
March 2014 elections
What won’t
Morzine’s town hall team will continue to have
23 councillors. Either on Friday at the earliest
after the vote, or on Sunday at the latest, the
new team will meet to elect the mayor and
deputies (6 maximum).
What will
Balance and the alternating
names rule
Candidates’ lists must be balanced, with the
same number of men and women; the names
of the male and female candidates must
alternate too. The same principle applies for the
mayor’s deputies elected by the town council.
Complete lists
Candidates’ lists must be complete (23 names
in Morzine’s case), and there must be no
change to the order of names.
Two rounds of voting...if
In the first round, the list with an absolute
majority (50% +1) wins half the seats available
+1 (in Morzine’s case, 11+1 = 12).
The remaining seats will be averaged out and
divided proportionally among all candidates’
lists which obtain 5% of the vote. If there is a
second round of voting, and if none of the lists
wins an absolute majority (50% +1), lists can
stand again or merge if they gained at least
10% of the vote in the first round. These can be
modified, notably by merging with other lists
eligible for the second round. In practice, lists
that receive at least 5% of the vote will be able
to merge with lists that receive more than 10%
of the vote. The division of seats will be as in the
first round. For the second round, parity and
the alternating names rule also apply, so there
can be no mix’n’match!
Until now, Morzine’s electorate could alter their
candidates’ lists when necessary, by adding or
taking away candidates. From now on, sole
mix’n’matching is no longer allowed for
communes of more than 1000 residents (until
now the rule applied to communes of 3500
people or more). Previously then, Morzine’s
voters would add, strike out or replace a
candidate, but today, the village’s voters must
choose a complete list of candidates. Any
voting slip featuring annotations, struck or
added names will be void!
LoCAL AnD intermuniCiPAL eLeCtions
One voting slip – two elections
In 2014 and for the first time,
voters will elect intermunicipal
councillors to represent their
village in the extended
intermunicipal authority, as well
as their local councillors
For the first time, voters will participate in a direct
voting earmarking system (1), using just one
voting slip to decide their local and
intermunicipal councillors. These new
intermunicipal councillors will represent Morzine
in the new “Communauté de Communes du HautChablais” which is to be established on 1 January
2014 (see next page).
As is indicated in legislation from 16 December
2010, this reform aims to confer a true democratic
legitimacy to cooperative (or EPCI) public
institutions which we know as the “Communauté
de communes”. We should remember that
formerly, village EPCI representatives were
chosen by local councillors. So those receiving the
most votes on the electoral lists will be able to
represent this new Haut-Chablais institution.
How many seats will Morzine
The split will vary before and after the local
elections. From 1 January to the day after the
March elections, Morzine-Avoriaz will have 3
representatives and one replacement (already
chosen by Morzine councillors). The day after the
election (30 March after the second voting
round), Morzine will have 7 representatives (out
of a total of 30) and 2 supernumerary
representatives (2).
Morzine’s intermunicipal representatives will
therefore be chosen from the electoral
(candidates’) lists using the same voting process
as for the local councillors. For each list, seats on
the larger body will be attributed according to the
order in which the candidates appear on the list.
The new “Communauté de Communes du HautChablais” will be staffed by a president and 6-9
Parity remains the byword
The list of candidates standing for the
intermunicipal authority must feature alternating
male and female names.
An illustration...
In the example below, the voting slip for Morzine’s
elections features two lists: 1 with 23 names for
the local elections + 1 list with 9 names for the
Communauté de Communes du Haut-Chablais
(CCHC). The list of CCHC names must comprise
7+2 =9 names.
des élec
de vote
Bulletin 3 mars 2014
du 1
des can
Liste dest
figuran ulletin de vote
sur le Pierre .
Arthur e
Fabienn .
au consenautaire
à pouvoi
(7 sièges dats
Pierre .
The ‘head-of-the-list’ principle
Candidates named in the top quarter of the list for
the local elections must also feature in the same
order at the top of the intermunicipal list. To
calculate numbers correctly, count the total
number of candidates on the local elections list, ie
the number of posts and add the supernumerary
candidates (1 below 5, 2 above 5).
The aim of this “top quarter rule” is to ensure the
same candidates are given a similar significance
on each list. The term “head-of-the-list”
designates candidates in the top positions of a
list, including the leading candidate.
When the top quarter rule is applied and the end
total is not a round figure, it should be rounded
down (the minimum figure is 1). In the event of
an intermunicipal list of 4, 5, 6 or 7 candidates, the
quarter corresponds respectively to 1, 1.25, 1.5
and 1.75, hence the final figure will be rounded
down to 1. The successful candidate must be the
first on the local election list and the
intermunicipal election list. In the example, the
first name on the list can only be Pierre.
No-one figuring after the 14th position on the
local election list (from Antoine to Marcel, in other
words) can feature on the intermunicipal list; 2/5
of 23 equals 9.
In addition, parity rules dictate that a woman
must be in second position, since the first name
on the list is a man. This means that the choices
are Henriette, Jeanne, Anne, Emilie, Fabienne,
Maria or Evelyne. Anita cannot be the second
name since 5 names need to be chosen from the
initial14 candidates first. In the example, Jeanne
takes the second position. For parity, the third
position must be a man from the 5th to 11th
position. It can’t be Philippe since the order of the
intermunicipal list must follow the local election
list (you can’t choose from candidates higher in
the list than Jeanne, in other words). This means
that the choices are Olivier, Frédéric, Arthur or
Fabrice (Marc cannot be chosen since there are
still 3 posts to fill which will be chosen ahead of
14th position. In the example, the third position is
taken by Frederic. The 6 other names will be
chosen in the same way.
The majority bonus
The seats attributed to each local election list are
divided on a PR basis with a 50% bonus for the
most popular list (art. L.262 of the electoral code).
Intermunicipal councillor seats are attributed on
the same basis, ie, the village’s seats on the
intermunicipal council will be shared
proportionally with a 50% bonus based on the
results of the vote.
Taking an example of 2 211 registered voters...
Total vote: 72.99% or 1 614 votes counted
List 1 won 56.87% of the ballot (918 votes) and
List 2 won 43.12% (696 votes).
1/ For the local council
List 1 wins 12 seats initially (23/2 = 12).
To decide the remaining 11 seats, the electoral
ratio needs to be applied:
1 614 votes/11 seats = 146
On this basis, List 1 has 918 votes/146 = 6.28, or 6
List 2 has 696 votes/146 = 4.76, or 5 seats.
So this means that List 1 gets 18 of its candidates
elected (giving it a comfortable majority) and List
2 gets 5 of its candidates elected. Seats are given
based on the order of the list, ie the first 18
candidates from Pierre to Denise.
2/ For the Intercommunal council
Using the same principle, List 1 wins 4 seats
thanks to its absolute majority. The electoral ratio
is 1 614 /3 = 538,
so List 1 has 918 votes/538 = 1.70 (or 2 seats),
And List 2 has 696 votes/538 = 1.29 (or 1 seat),
List 2 has 6 seats (4+2) and List 2 has 1 seat.
The 2 supernumerary seats are elected in the
order they appear on the list.
The earmarking system requires just one vote
which serves to elect both local councillors and
intermunicipal councillors by applying different
calculations to votes cast.
The 2 supernumerary delegates must be a man
and a woman, for reasons of parity. This means that
delegates who retire (through resignation or
another reason) can be replaced by a delegate of the
same sex.
site internet :
From 1 January 2014,
the communes of
Morzine-Avoriaz, Les
Gets and
Brevon (Bellevaux,
Lullin, Vailly et
Reyvroz), will become
part of the
Communes de la Vallée
d'Aulps (CCVA). This 15member body will
function as the
Communauté de
Communes du HautChablais (CCHC)
A new intercommunal
team of 15
How will the 15-strong body work?
Six communes will join the 9 already in the current
CCVA. This extension has many ramifications, the
primary one being fiscality, shared responsibilities and
governance of the new EPCI body.
The CCHC’s tax policy is an “additional” system, whereby
4 communal rates are levied, as well one for the CCHC.
From 2014, all Morzine taxpayers will see a new column
for the CCHC on their council tax form. The total
amount of tax (for the commune and for the CCHC)
must be the same as previous levels, so the creation of
the CCHC does not impact on taxpayers.
Simulation for 2013 budget
the most important concern infants (year-round
crèches), maintenance of the Regina football ground,
footpaths, the music school, public lifts, Avoriaz
welcome area and roads. Similarly, the CCHC will be
responsible for various budgets (known as
“participations”), including membership of SIAC, CAUE,
the Territorial Pastoral Plan, as well as the Mission
Locale du Chablais, the seasonal workers’ welcome
fund, the River Contract and Montriond football
The total amount to be controlled by the CCHC (as
opposed to Morzine) represents € 2 798 825. To pay for
this, Morzine’s tax share amounts to € 2 941 332, so
Morzine’s goodwill contribution is €142 507, which will
be used to merge the two administrations and their
Other impacts...
Council tax
Property tax (developed)
Property tax (undeveloped)
Business tax
Council tax
Property tax (developed)
Property tax (undeveloped)
Business tax
The table shows that if Morzine had joined the CCHC in 2013, the tax levy would have been unchanged.
As was explained in last April’s
newsletter, a certain number of
responsibilities will be transferred to
the CCHC, apart from tourism and
related activities (ski lifts...) which
were set aside and remain the
commune’s responsibility. Among
those responsibilities transferred,
There will be other changes in addition to this transfer
of monies and responsibilities, including the transfer of
staff or partial/total sharing of provision. The same will
be true for installations or buildings, with partial or total
sharing of facilities, including the Avoriaz welcome
area, crèche, music school...for which the CCHC will
assume responsibility, taxes, mortgage repayments
(without being the owner), or other facilities including
vehicles or machines, which can be totally transferred
to the CCHC as the new owner.
As we have seen, becoming part of an intercommunal
authority involves transferring taxes and
responsibilities which cannot be achieved without
totally reorganising the current communal and
intercommunal management and having an effect on
staff and property. It requires a clever balancing act
which involves understanding all the pros and cons in
the short and long term. This is not always easy to
achieve and has prompted much discussion and
concern from the town hall team, faced with this new
intercommunal idea that’s been imposed by central
government. However, these discussions have been
held in the public interest and taxpayers should not see
any difference once the new intercommunal structure
takes shape.
Diverses compétences, comme celle de
l’entretien des sentiers de Morzine-Avoriaz,
seront désormais assurées par la CCHC.
News from SIVOM
Lower waste bills (TEOM)
In March, the Vallée d’Aulps SIVOM voted to reduce
the waste collection levy (TEOM). This reduction is
owing to several factors:
• Rise in basic provision after reevaluation of
leashold costs (+1.8%) by central government
as part of the 2013 Finance Law,
• Increase in the income stream, or in other
words, the number of houses using the service
(from new builds),
• Residents’ efforts to recycle waste which has
generated income and lowered overall
incineration costs.
These 3 factors together have led to a drop in costs
in Morzine of 5.24% in 2013 (down from 6.99% in
2012) and in Avoriaz of 8.25% (down from 11% in
2012). This represents a 25% drop for Morzine and
Avoriaz which every resident will see in their
council tax bill this autumn...
While we have little direct influence on the first
two factors, it’s clear that the third factor is the
result of recycling efforts by all residents. So it’s
important that we all continue in this vein and
recycle our waste (packaging, glass and indeed all
waste collected at the tips, which will reduce our
total waste bill. There are financial and ecological
benefits and let’s not forget that in this area,
“small streams make great rivers...”, so everyone
has a part to play in the overall success of the
The Avoriaz tip
After it opened last autumn, the tip has found
its rhythm, set by the tourist activity in resort.
Opening times are as follows:
• Spring and autumn (interseason):
Monday to Saturday from 2pm to 6pm,
• Summer in July and August and in winter
from December to April (in season):
Monday to Saturday from 9am to 7pm.
Closed on Sundays and bank holidays. Full
details available at the tip. If necessary, the
Couard tip in Morzine is open all year from
7.30am to 7pm.
For waste information:
tel +33 (0)4 50 79 51 58 or
buiLDing work
Building work
continues at ‘La
Muraille’ where the
new Morzine
medical centre is
nearly ready
Medical centre
to open soon
The masonry and other major building work have
been completed on the medical centre, as well as
the roof and exterior joinery, so the building is
now sealed in. Work began in October to build the
interior walls and the various trades got to work
with rewiring, plumbing, carpentry and
decorating. Designed by Thonon architects
Cheysson and Daragon, the new medical centre
will have general medicine and casualty services
on the ground floor, other medical services on the
first floor and accommodation above. Initially,
level one will house 2 physiotherapists, 1 dentist,
nurses (currently working from the pool complex),
and occupational health. Discussions are being
held to nominate the doctors who will treat
trauma patients and meet the needs of the tourist
industry (ski & MTB accidents...) The centre could
open its doors at the beginning of 2014, once the
health professionals are ready for work.
Building work in Morzine
The gendarmerie
The tourist office square hall
Work to remove asbestos took place in the summer and
demolition followed in September. The first phase involved
taking down the building and sorting the materials. The
demolition phase was completed by the end of October. The
aim is to prepare the ground for future use and create
parking spaces for the coming tourist season.
A wooden pod is to be installed under the
hall to shelter the ticket office and openair ice skating changing rooms. Another
pod will be set up for the SAGS parking
Upgrading work
The school
The fire that ravaged part of the primary school roof on 1
March caused major damage. Temporary repairs were
carried out to prevent further damage and other building
work then began to return the school to its original form.
This meant removing asbestos from all affected areas, which
finished in August. The area of the roof affected by the fire
was covered to allow work to continue below and under
shelter. The joists were found to be too water-damaged and
the floor had holes from the flames. This required laying a
whole new floor, which had not been expected initially,
pushing back the finish date. The gables, joinery, roof, floor
and slates have all needed replacing. Once done, the two
apartments will also be decorated. Barring any further
surprises, the project should be completed in the coming
weeks, with a view to the children returning to new
classrooms at the beginning of 2014!
Major safety work has been carried out to
the following buildings to meet current
regulations: church (wiring, boiler
ventilation), vicarage and infants’ school
(wiring), Les Floralies (lift wiring, smoke
detectors and computer link with the
town hall), forestry office (new oil burner),
Palais des Sports ice rink (wiring, sealing
the floor...).
Work was also carried out to public areas
at the pool and school to improve
children’s safety.
Roads –The ‘Tailles de Mas’
(TDM) lanes
Work has finished on Morzine’s “Mas des Joux”
and "Champs de la Plagne" TDM. Along with
the borders and pavements, entrances to
residences and other access points were
overhauled, along with the dry and wet
utilities before the final surface was laid.
New road signs
Road names had been designated but the
road signs still had to be made. They were
made in enamelled sheet metal and will be
erected in stages before Christmas. The
contract for production and installation was
awarded to Girod.
Municipal pound
The new pound is ready at the
Grand’Maison car park.
site internet :
trAnsPort & PArking
Old cable car
des Lans
barrier 3
90 spaces
barrier 2
barrier 1
Parking reception
Automatic ticket machines
P0 Short-stay parking (236 spaces)
P1 Long-stay parking (350 spaces)
Entrance barrier
Exit barrier
Buses, shuttles, SAT coaches
Short-stay users (< 24H)
Long-stay users (> 24H)
80 spaces
350 spaces
3S Prodains
66 spaces
Les Prodains Regulated parking
Parking firm
SAGS has been
awarded the
contract to
manage parking
in Les Prodains
The reason for changing the status quo was to manage the
parking better in a sector that's so key for reaching Avoriaz,
with SERMA’s blessing. The new system works by
differentiating between parking for (short-stay) skiers and
(long-stay) holidaymakers, using short and long-stay car
parks. Tariffs are decided according to the length of stay and
the zone chosen. Responsibility for the project lies with SAGS,
which already oversees parking in Morzine.
Three parking zones
If driving into Les Prodains, the first car park on the right is the
“Lans” and is for workers up in Avoriaz. It has around 90 spaces
and provides barrier access for season ticket-holders. The two
following zones are primarily for short-stay parking, from 1 to
24 hours, for skiers who’ve come for the day. The price beyond
24 hours is deliberately prohibitive so that those staying in
Prodains or Avoriaz do not park there for several days. The
second zone is right at the far end of Prodains and is for
long-stay parking with more attractive parking rates than
the short-stay car park. To ensure availability, this zone can
also be used to reserve short-stay parking. Both car parks
have barrier access, located near the SAGS reception chalet
and an automatic ticket machine. The other ticket office is
near the 3S cable car exit.
Parking for buses carrying groups and ski shuttles was
designed to be close to the 3S cable car, to promote public
transport. It is worth noting that SERMA retains its staff car
park near the old cable car. Resort workers or skiers can use
the Avinières car park, free of charge and at any time, and
then take the ski shuttle to Prodains if they wish.
Prices are available online at:
New buses for the community
After tendering
for the business
in the spring, bus
Transdev will now
be responsible for
the community’s
Transport company
Transdev – subsidiary
of Caisse des Dépôts
and Veolia E n v i r o n
n e m e n t -- currently
operates in more than
20 Alpine resorts (Chamonix, Flaine, Les Aravis...). The 5-year
contract can be extended twice. Transdev is particularly
committed to providing a quality service and to its 13
seasonal drivers, recruited for the winter and given special
training for driving in the mountains. In all, six brand new
buses will be available, as well as two holiday road trains,
in and around Morzine. These new buses are suitable for
people with reduced mobility and meet Euro 5
regulations too, of course. There will be little noticeable
change for users since the Transdev service will follow the
same schedule and routes as before. The route map will
available from mid-December at the town hall and tourist
The buses will display a new logo in Morzine’s colours and offer advertising space too at the rear.
PLeney CAbLe CAr
There’s been no let-up in the
project and several firms are
hard at work, side by side, to
ensure the new lift opens on
21 December
The Pleney cable car
Let’s review the important steps behind the
Pleney’s new cable car:
Building the stations
Building the bottom station began at the
beginning of October with the installation of the
shell. Electricians then started work on the
cabling. The station’s distinctive length is
designed to make it possible for passengers to
embark in a straight line, giving them more time
to do so in comfort (they can deposit their skis in
the exterior racks or take them with them inside).
This layout will also help to increase cabin use,
with a maximum of 3000 people per hour based
on 10 people per cabin. The top station was
finished in mid-October using the same
techniques at the foot of the mountain to fix the
roof and motor in place. A lift will be used to store
the cabins in a modified garage in the old cable
car building.
ramp leading from the road to the embarkation
area. The ticket offices are on the lower level and
feature a totally modernised sales area with a large
hall offering shelter for skiers who want ski passes.
There will also be stairs and a lift for those wanting
to head up to the cable cars, principally for those
with reduced mobility. The platform on the left
hand side of the station will be designed as a
meeting area for ski schools, which will also be at
ground level for ease.
Laying the cables
Cables (50mm thick!) were laid at the end of
October and splicing began on Monday 4
Traffic access
The complete redevelopment of the bottom
station provided an ideal opportunity to
overhaul traffic access. The entrance to the
Joux-Plane car park will from now be from the
Taille du Grand Mas and the exit opposite the
Champs Fleuris hotel. This new scheme will
reduce congestion since traffic is one way,
without reducing the number of spaces. The
amount of traffic in front of the bottom
station will also be reduced in favour of
pedestrians and skiers, with cable car access
for the holiday road train alone.
Ski area opening date
The official opening date for the ski area is 21
December. Full season ski passes will be
available from the sales desk at the tourist
office from Saturday 30 November, and are
already available from the company
headquarters (at Nyon cable car).
Getting on at ground-level
On the loading platform, the walls for the two
buildings were completed at the beginning of
November. The building on the right will house ski
lockers, while the one on the left will be
principally for offices and the car park exit. The
right hand side of the bottom station will have a
The Fornet reservoir
The project to construct a reservoir at 2000m was
launched by SERMA (the mountain lift company in
Avoriaz) in spring 2012 and is now becoming operational.
Enough water fell by the end of October – some 78
000m3 in all – and this reserve will be used to make snow
at the bottom of Fornet and Chavanette, as well as on the
Retour Chavanette ski run back to the resort. In addition,
3.6km of pipe was laid this autumn to provide water for
Prodains Express
the new snow cannons put in place this
autumn. The Fornet reservoir, which was built
to avoid having to take water from “Lac
d’Avoriaz 1730”, will also be used to make snow
on the Hauts Forts sector, from the Coupe du
Monde run to the bottom of Crôt.
The new cable car opened in
April and functioned all
summer. It will be inaugurated
on 20 December.
site internet :
Charles Cazaux: a fine
summer’s paragliding
Charles won two medals at the World
Paragliding Championships: silver in the
individual event and gold in the team
event. This was no easy matter, even if the
Morzine paraglider was the title holder
after his victory at Piedrahita in Spain in
2011 (the world championships alternate
every two years with the European
His next goal, having flown Morzine’s
colours since 1996, is the world cup super
final next January in Brazil. After winning
the event in 2009, Charles hopes to win
points towards the next world cup in
Colombia in January 2015, an event
where there are only five French places
up for grabs…
w w
Céline Gros:
sport or nothing!
In the last 3 years of World Cup 4X MTB, Céline
has reached the podium 15 times in 15 stages
with 3 crystal globes to top it all. In September,
in her final event, she won bronze at the Worlds
in Austria. She’s only 30, but her record’s as long
as her arm! It means she can hang up her cycle
boots in the knowledge that she’s raced at the
top level for 15 years. But if she’s calling time on
MTB, it’s not her heart that’s saying so, so much
as her body. We catch up with this top-flight
athlete who’s flown the flag for Morzine from
world’s sporting podiums for the last 12 years. Why are you retiring?
Charles won 2 medals in the World FAI
Paragliding Championships in Sopot,
Bulgaria, from 15 to 27 July.
After his two bronze medals in ski touring
at the World Championships in Pelvoux in
February, and his gold medal at the World
Military Games in Annecy, Alexis got
stuck into summer sports. In sky running,
he took part in a world cup stage in June
in Chamonix (finishing 4th overall and 1st
in France) and in two European
championship races in Italy (finishing 6th
and 5th overall, and 2nd and 1st in France).
He also ran the 40th Sierre-Zinal, finishing
15th overall and 1st in France.
Alexis also won the Red Bull Element in
Talloires, a team event featuring rowing
on Lake Annecy, 11km trail running up
the Tournette, paragliding and 25km of
MTB. Alexis did the trail running element,
helping his team finish the event in
Finally, in September Alexis also won the
KMV de Nantaux for the second year
Céline Gros
announced her
retirement from
top-level MTB
racing. But this
competitor has
new sporting
challenges in
“After 10 operations and with one more to come, it
really was time to stop: my medical team was
telling me the same thing. It wasn’t an easy
decision, and it .took a long time to reach it, but in
the end I wanted to stop at the top of my career
rather than after a string of injuries and poor
performances. I’ve had around 50 podium
finishes in World Cup competition and won 7
crystal globes, so I’ve got no regrets...moreover,
my recent results show that I was still in the
running and I finished well with a medal in the
World Championships, so who could ask for
What will you do after MTB?
More MTB of course! I earned my guiding diploma eight
years ago and hope to launch my own MTB school in
Morzine next summer. I’m also thinking about how I can
help young people who want to race, not as a coach, but
rather as an adviser... In the long-term, I’d like to create a
bigger organisation, an MCF bike school with other
instructors... But recently I’ve been having a go at trail; in La
Réunion in October I finished third in my category and 4th
scratch in the Trail des Mascareignes. Some have told me I
could do well in it so it makes me smile...On the other hand,
I’ve announced my retirement and I’ve received some offers
from the world of’s a chaotic time for me and the
hardest thing will be undoubtedly to make the right
So what are you doing this winter?
I’ll look for work this season but I’m keen to continue ski
touring; it’s such a great sport! I want to do the Pierra
Menta and the French championships, the Mountain Ski
Tour, the Morzine races ... at least 20 races all told.”
With such a packed diary there’s every chance of
bumping into this friendly athlete who’s done so much
to entertain her fans and everyone in Morzine for the
last 15 years as a top-flight MTB racer.
2014 is an Olympic year; the Games are happening in February and
March in March (paralympic games in February) in Russia. Two
Morzinois are well placed to go...
It’s already a certainty that
Yohann Taberlet is going to
Sochi after his selection was
announced on 28 October.
With Marie Bochet, Solène
Jambaqué and Vincent
Gauthier-Manuel, Yohann will
be representing France in
downhill skiing. These Games
will be “Yo’s” third, after Turin
and Vancouver.
Cyprien Richard, must wait for
the French team to be announced
in January. But his 8th place finish
at Solden could weigh in his
favour, even if places are very
tough to come by, given the
quality of the French team in the
In the departmental and
regional finals at the end of
the season, Morzine’s
swimmers had a great finish
in a season full of good
Morzine’s swimming club: another excellent season!
Departmental championships
Regional Championships
At La Roche-sur-Foron, on Sunday 18 August,
Morzine’s swimmers scooped 38 medals in total (12
gold, 11 silver and 15 bronze). Morzine also finished
third place in the clubs ranking behind Thônes and La
Over the weekend of 24 - 25 August at Livron
(Drôme), the club’s swimmers finished the
season in style in a competition that brings
together around 15 clubs from the region. No
less than 35 Morzine swimmers qualified for
the event and the club finished with 15 medals,
winning 3 during the relays (5 gold, 6 silver, 4
bronze). Finally, Théo Dillies and Théo
Goschler were picked for the DauphinéSavoie team, which trains the best “minimes”
and “cadets” in the region. Their team won
the French Summer Swimming Cup in
Souillac (Lot), beating Aquitaine and MidiPyrénées.
Morzine-Avoriaz-Les Gets Hockey-Club
A new ice hockey club -- HCMAG – was born this
summer! This new identity emphasises the
collaboration between Mozine and the neighbouring
resort of Les Gets, the aim being to promote the longterm growth of ice hockey in the valley. The merger
was approved by both town councils and supported by
the general councillor for the Haute-Savoie. It will
enable HCMAG to aim for new sporting heights in
years to come. Together, Morzine and Les Gets will be
proud to support their ice hockey team, now in its 10th
year in Magnus League competition.
The club’s visual identity has changed considerably
over the seasons
After 50 years, a new chapter
The club is celebrating its 50th birthday, but it
has not always been an easy ride – remember
the financial problems last season when some
sponsors failed to pay. Federal hearings
resulted in the club being allowed to stay in the
Magnus League but it has been barred from
playing in the French Cup this season. The
necessary financial belt-tightening explains a
cautious recruitment policy with the signing of
many young players. It’s also a perfect chance
for them to shine at the highest level during
the 2013/2014 season. Similarly, the club’s
supporters must stick together and show more
support than ever for the club, just as the
village and other local partners are doing.
Become a fan of HCMAG!
Info: Tel: +33 (0)4 50 75 78 21
email: [email protected] -
Sporting Club Morzine Vallée d'Aulps
wins FFF Label/Nike Football School
Overseen by the French Football Federation,
the FFF/Nike Football School award is in
recognition of the excellent football
coaching at SCMVA. On Sunday 20 October,
the whole club, its committee, players and
coaches turned out to receive the award,
presented by Marc Godet, vice-président of
the Haute-Savoie/Pays de Gex and Grégory
Morel, FFF technical adviser.
The award is given for 3 years and the club
sincerely hopes to keep it in future years
site internet :
Community news
Martine and Sylvie
(pictured) now
share the job of
looking after the
Floralies home
following the
retirement of
A two-strong team
at Les Floralies
Martine Berger and Sylvie Rulland know each
other very well, for the simple reason that they
followed almost exactly the same career path at
the MGEN. Both worked for around 15 years as
activity hosts at Blanche-Neige centre in EssertRomand until it closed in 2000. Both then began
work as nursing auxiliaries at the Alexis Léaud
centre in Saint-Jean d'Aulps. Both live in Morzine
and decided to leave the co-operative centre
rather than travel to work in Evian, and proposed
to the town hall instead that they share the job of looking after
the centre and accommodation at Les Floralies (managed by
CCAS, the Communal Centre for Social Welfare). This mutual
arrangement means that both carry out their functions on a
consecutive basis, two weeks at a time. Each is motivated to work
professionally with senior citizens, their aim being to encourage
participation in workshops or excursions so the residents
maintain a link with the community, while maintaining their
capacity for learning, making and exploring.
Activities for all
Collective meals are organised on Wednesday afternoon “since the room is used by the
school at other times. It’s a real success because we have around 15 guests! At the end
of the meal we serve coffee and some stay to play cards. In future, we hope to offer
more people the chance to eat together so residents can enjoy a chat. Apart from
needing some logistical fine-tuning, we’re also considering extending the invitation to
residents’ families,” explains Martine Berger. Creating other activities to bring people
together is an integral part of Martine and Sylvie’s job. Some activities have already
been put in place, such as board and card game sessions, cake making sessions, a
lottery, an excursion to the Tourist Office Square on the holiday road train, a talk about
waste recycling by the SIVOM, a presentation by children from La Ruche who’d come to
do their circus acts show... Other projects are on the cards in
coming months. During the Toussaint holidays, a Savoyard
Raclette meal was organised while the canteen was closed. “Our
mission is also to help residents keep their outside links going,
and to open up the home to the outside so we prevent people
from feeling isolated, and so that the residents continue to
participate in what’s going on in Morzine. On the other hand, we
also need to be careful that we don’t become a substitute for
families and for the different service providers who do the
shopping, healthcare, since their role is essential. Here, residents
have somewhere to live but this is not a retirement home,” says
Sylvie Rulland.
Both managers expressed their gratitude to Martine Philipp from
CCAS Morzine, as well as all those in the commune and parish
who have helped them in their new role, and who are facilitating
real teamwork in favour of residents.
Senior citizens’ meal
Shortly after taking her retirement, Elisabeth Marullaz visited residents enjoying their
regular Wednesday lunch date.
No less than 120 of Morzine’s senior residents received a
lunch invitation from the town hall and CCAS to dine at the
Neige et Roc hotel in Prodains on Sunday 29 September. After
musical performances from local players and an aperitif,
mayor Gerard Berger welcomed everyone, with CCAS’s
Martine Philipp at his side, Nicole Denis and Geneviève
CCAS and seasonal
As well as working for senior
citizens, Morzine's Communal
Centre for Social Action also helps
seasonal workers in many ways..
Seasonaires’ accommodation
This autumn, CCAS allocated all of its
accommodation in Morzine-Avoriaz. “The 39 units in
the Magnolias in Avoriaz and the 37 flats in Le Savoie
were rented to employers who requested them. We
allocate them according to the date the employer’s
demand was made, and we try to remain fair to all by
rotating it all the time,” explains Martine Philipp, CCAS
La Baume workers’ campsite
As in previous years, La Baume campsite is open to
seasonal workers who have a work contract and who
want to stay in their vans. The service is co-financed
by Morzine town hall and managed by the
Communauté de Communes de la Vallée d'Aulps
(Information from the CCVA,
tel: +33 (0)4 50 72 14 54).
September means…
back to school !
In the commune’s 4 schools, 363
children started the school year in
September. Their number is set to grow
by 30 in January
Changes at PAS
The seasonaires’ welcome service (PAS) helps with
many problems, from accommodation to
employment law issues, healthcare and training. The
service is no longer run by the Mission Locale du
Chablais but instead by the CCVA, with the help of
Morzine and Les Gets. The project has been
entrusted to Jean-Pierre Benedetti, who already
manages Le Savoie. He is available on Mondays and
Thursdays from 1.30pm to 4.30pm (in the PôleEmploi offices).
Seasonality forum
Organised every year with the help of CCAS, the
seasonal workers’ forum took place on 16 October at
the Palais des Sports in Morzine. Around 50
employers from around the Portes du Soleil came
along to meet jobseekers.
Morzine’s job centre (Pôle-Emploi) is open until
28/02 from 9am to 12pm and from 1.30pm to 4pm
(except Friday afternoon, weekends and bank
Employers can contact the centre by telephoning +
33 (0)4 50 75 97 80, by fax +33 (0)4 50 04 20 48 or by
email: [email protected].
Jobseekers can also telephone +33 (0)4 50 74 54 76.
Health awareness for seasonaires
Every year, the “Collectif Saisonnier 74” offers a dropin service for workers to get information about
health issues and free and anonymous tests for
HIV/Aids, hepatitis and other sexually transmitted
Schedule: in Morzine’s Palais des Sports from 1.30pm
to 5.30pm on Thursday 23 & 30 January, 6 February
and 13, 20 and 27 March 2014.
In Avoriaz from 1.30pm to 5.30pm on Tuesday 14 and
28 January and 4 February 2014.
Falling numbers
The public school saw a slight drop in
numbers at the start of term with classes
currently averaging 20-21 children. It’s clear
that if this fall in numbers continues next year,
a class will have to close.
Numbers per class
(2012/2013 total then 2013/2014 total)
- Primary school: 140 - 128
- Infants school: 43 - 45
- Avoriaz school: 33 – 26
- Sainte-Marie-Madeleine:164 - 164
(57 infants, 107 primary age)
1/ in the public sector: 216 in 2012/2013 and
199 in 2013/2014.
2/ in the private sector: 164 in 2012/2013 and
164 in 2013/2014.
The total is therefore 380 children last year
and 363 this year.
A classroom for everyone...
Following the fire last winter, work has been
carried out to repair the classrooms and
apartments. The two classes that moved to
Montriond school have returned to Morzine
at the teachers’ request, and are being taught
in the classrooms untouched by the fire. This
means that work has been going on during
the school day to repair the building, but
there is no question of the children’s safety
being at risk, thanks to workers organising
their time effectively. A CP/CE1 class will
remain at the infants’ school until the work is
completed. By the same token, the canteen
will stay at Les Floralies for a few more weeks.
Because the dining room is small, parents are
requested to send only the children who can’t
come home at lunchtime.
The situation is clearly not ideal and requires
a good deal of patience from parents and
teachers. The town hall is nonetheless
required to heed many legal obligations and
deal with various issues to fix the school
(public sector rules, quoting, having trouble
finding businesses prepared to operate in
August, finding unseen damage during the
course of the repairs, statutory delays...).
New: a children’s service
The new service was set up on 1 September
to bring together all child-related services. It
covers child care and the activity centre which
were brought into the municipal fold on 1
September too, as well as the school canteen.
It is run by Bogena Dworak, whose office is at
the infants’ school.
Office hours: 8am to 10pm, Monday to
Thursday during term time.
Email: [email protected], or
tel:: +33 (0)4 50 83 01 87
For more information about all 3
services, visit the town hall’s website:
site internet :
CuLture & heritAge
The village
Histoire et
Patrimoine wants
to keep our
history alive and
highlight the role
played by the old
village centre
with a new
"House of
History and heritage
a project for the historic centre
Morzine has no museum or place where
visitors can find out about the village’s
history. However, our shared past is rich,
thanks to centuries of change that have
seen the Morzinois move away from their
farming past to live almost exclusively
from tourism, and also slate mining,
briefly. Heritage plays an increasingly
important part of the tourist economy and
is a perfect complement to mountain
sports (skiing, walking...), offering an
authentic advantage which plays its part
in choice of destination for many tourists,
tour operators, school group excursions,
while also generating an economic return.
Armed with these facts, Morzine’s Histoire
et Patrimoine association has looked into
creating a project dedicated to local
history, a "House of Memories" in the Rue
du Bourg which will be the focus of a more
general development taking in diverse
sites including the renovated sawmill (currently under way
in Dereches park), the old Meuniers slate mines, farm visits
and Alpine meadow tours...
The idea is also to focus anew on the old village centre (the
“bourg”) to turn it into an historic area which bears witness
to the past and is also car-free. All the elements are in place
and this refurbishment should not require major upheaval.
As it is described in the association’s literature, the project
would involve – in addition to the Memory Lane project
–incorporating the town hall’s proposal to pedestrianise the
area in front of it by altering the road layout. It is also
proposed that the hall’s layout be modified with the creation
of a visitors’ walkway, or erecting an old slate mine on a
circuit that would pass by the old renovated cemetery and
continue towards the current cemetery. This new space
would comprise the church, the vicarage, the Fraternelle, the
Passaquin farm, and their historical worth could be
highlighted by panels explaining their former activities
(bread oven, notary, hostel...), while not impeding the
buildings’ current uses.
This project, the brainchild of Paul Boucher and
supported by president Bernard Buet and all members of
“Histoire et Patrimoine de Morzine”, was presented to the
town council team in October. They listened with interest
and the project is continuing in close partnership with
the town hall.
At the library...
New activities...
Not forgetting...
Chess club: every Tuesday at 6pm on the 1st floor in the
reception room. Hosted by Franck Vulliez from the Club de
Bonneville-Annemasse and whose advice is precious...
Art workshop: every Wednesday from 10am to 11.0am on the
1st floor in the reception room. The workshop is hosted by Sue
Neal who offers the chance to do drawing, painting...
Storytelling hour: every Wednesday from 4pm to 5pm in the
reading room decorated by Cilou. “Grandma” Yvonne Chevallet
looks forward to reading to children aged 3 to 8 yrs.
New literary season arrivals: all novels that have won a literary
prize, along with the week’s latest publications.
CuLture & heritAge
La Battante association
‘La Battante’
association is
working to rebuild a
sawmill in Dereches
On Saturday morning, and on five
other occasions this summer and at
the beginning of autumn, two
Morzine associations who work
closely together -- La Battante under
president Benoît Tavernier and
Histoire et Patrimoine under
president Bernard Buet, invited
volunteers to cut, clear, fell, shred
and tidy...the aim of these mornings
being to prepare the site chosen in
Dereches park that will soon be
home to the rebuilt sawmill given by
the Richard family. This sawmill
represents one of the projects
forming part of the House of
Memories project tout court, as
detailed on page 14. While some
volunteers worked in the forest,
others made lunch and lit the
barbecue as a reward for everyone’s
hard work. Details about the project
are available from the tourist office,
the town hall and the library.
Do you know l’Épicerie?
L’Épicerie association,
launched in January 2013,
numbers 75 members and
most are families
L'Épicerie was created on a collegiate basis, without a
director (as is possible in law), so that all members have
an equal say in projects and decision-making.
The association’s aims
• Allow and encourage people to take back control of
food production by choosing to buy direct,
favouring bio or reasonably produced food,
• Create a network and exchange facility, share
knowledge, collaborate, promote fairness
• Enable members to become local partners who
promote sustainable development.
Projects that have already taken
• Participation in the national campaign for
“incredible foods”
• Production of bio bread in La Mouillette bread oven
with help from residents in Bô and La Mouillette. The
bread was made with flour from Raphaël Balthassat,
from traditional flour in Loex
• Planting a vegetable garden in La Salle, on land
loaned by the owner and tended by a gardener
employed by the association, with the harvest sold
to members,
• Participation in the film-debate "Au nom de la terre"
in Les Gets.
Guillaume cooks bread in La Mouillette
bread oven
The association is busy with
many projectsprojets
• The association is looking for new land to
develop a permanent growing project. This
technique uses human, ethical, durable and
tough ecosystems which work in harmony with
nature to produce food locally. The project also
has an educational aspect. (If you have any
available land, please telephone the association
by dialling +33 (0)6 89 59 15 18). Similarly, the
association is also looking for storage facilities,
• Cooking workshops. The association has joined
the cooperative organisation “Agriculture
Durable de Proximité Léman” (ADP Léman) to run
and host cooking workshops which will help
participants understand the links between
food/health and food choices/societal
• Bulk purchases of local products (meat, wheat,
2013 subs: € 15 per family
website: //
Facebook - email :
[email protected]
site internet :
Winter agenda
December 2013
13 - 15:
13 - 15:
Les Femmes en Or (Prize-giving for exceptional women - Avoriaz)
10th Fête de la Glisse - Rock On snowboard Tour (Avoriaz)
Official inauguration of the 3S Prodains Express
January 2014
6 - 10:
6 - 9:
25 - 31:
Morzine celebrates the Russian Christmas
9 th International Chablais Ski Week (downhill skiing)
Avosnowfest (European competition held in Avoriaz snowparks)
March 2014
26 - 30:
Rock The Pistes Music Festival (band information online:
French figure skating championships
Journées de la Médecine Foetale (Prenatal conference)
21 - 23:
26 - 30:
April 2014
11 - 13 April:
17 - 21 April:
French Championships for volunteer ski instructors (Avoriaz)
Avoriaz Jazz Up Festival
Trophée des Hauts-Forts (ski Alpinism)
Indoor pool opening schedule
For the winter season, the pool complex will be open from 14
December to 21 April, from Monday to Friday 12pm to 8pm and at
weekends (Saturday and Sunday) from 2pm to 8pm. Other facilities also
available at these times: wellbeing salon with sauna and hammams,
swimming lessons, swimming introduction for babies, aquagym and
aquabike (according to pool use). There are different price offers for the
pools and/or wellbeing facilities, as well as membership options and
family rates so everyone can enjoy the centre at the right price!
Ice skating rink opening times
The indoor skating rink at the Palais des Sports opens from 23
December from Monday to Friday 2.15pm to 5.15pm with evening
opening on Tuesday and Thursday from 9pm to 11pm (postponed for
hockey matches).
The outdoor ice skating rink in the Tourist Office square opens
from 14 December every day from 10.30am to 12.30pm and from 3pm
to 7pm.
AVO BOULE: a new association!
This new French bowls club for the Vallée d'Aulps holds weekly games
in the old France Telecom building.
Civil announcements
6 June:
10 June:
25 June:
1 July:
2 July:
4 July:
5 July:
8 July:
18 July:
22 July:
1 August:
3 August:
28 August:
4 Sept:
7 Sept:
27 Sept:
Agathe ROY, a daughter for Mathieu and Florence BARTHÉLÉMY
Léo MARULLAZ, a son for Cédric and Lucie CORDONNIER
Olivia DUBARRY, a daughter for Jean-Noël and Kristel BERTHOMMIER
Lily JOUAN, a daughter for William and Edwina Van BAVEL
Tony & Charly GRAND, twins for Sébastien and Laetitia DARTY
Nine BAUD, a daughter for Philippe and Maud CHAVANNE
Léo LE PORT, a son for Romain and Jessy VALLIET
Kathleen GAYDON, a daughter for Jérôme and Aurore MARULLAZ
Tino MUFFAT, a son for Eddie and Karen BERGER
Emy COTTET-PUINEL, a daughter for Olivier and Vanessa BASTARD
Anna SHEPPARD, a daughter for Matthew and Joanne PORTER
Mehdi KHATTAB, a son for Sahbi and Meriam SOUAIED
Eloïse BAUD, a daughter for Sébastien and Ombeline MORAND
Méline BORIE, a daughter for Gilles and Delphine PREMAT
Tristan GOAËR, a son for Armand and Elodie PEILLEX
Krzysztof ZALEWSK, a son for Grzegorz and Krystyna DAWIDOWSKA
6 July:
26 July:
17 August:
21 August:
14 Sept:
14 Sept:
20 Sept:
5 October:
19 October:
Frédéric TROMBERT & Solène BOURDÉ
Stuart MONK & Elizabeth MULLETT
Adrien BAUD & Pauline RICHARD
Fabien TROMBERT & Malorie COITE
Christophe COGREL & Edith RICHARD
3 August:
5 August:
18 August:
24 Sept:
7 October:
13 October:
Marie, Alice BAUD (née MECHOUD) - 102
Marie JOLLY (née RICHARD) - 91
Antoine BAUD - 18
Alphonsine CHOURAQUI (née AMBROSINO) - 97
Clément ROSSET - 91
Nicole ZÉLUS (née MAURIANGES) - 75
For more information, please contact the club’s
president Mikaël Henry, tel +33 (0)6 31 65 77 93.
The TAD ‘P’tit
bus’: now in
From 1st January 2014, the P'tit Bus will also come to Morzine! This on-call
bus service operates from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 5.30pm. It’s
open to everyone and takes passengers to village centres from the
following places:
• From the bus-stop nearest to people’s homes (as already exist in the
• Towards existing transport hubs: Le Biot (chef-lieu), Seytroux (Pont
Molliet), Essert-Romand (Blanche-Neige), St-Jean d’Aulps (tourist
office, EHPAD or Vernay-Bron, Carrefour Market), Montriond (La
Glière or the town hall), Morzine (town hall or footbridge
roundabout), Les Gets (medical centre),
• For reduced mobility passengers (or senior citizens), the P’tit bus
can make home pick-ups and drop passengers off where they wish
(and as far as Thonon’s Place des Arts or the hospital) for €3.50 per
The fare is €1.50 per journey
10 ticket subscription for €10.
To book (please try to give a half-day’s notice),
telephone +33 (0)810 00 88 38.
Theatre: Les Chemins de Traverse
This theatre initiative led by the Thonon-Evian Maison des Arts is already
in its 11th year, and the mission remains the same: to bring theatre, dance,
music or musicals to every corner of the Chablais, and take culture into a
new rural setting and relocate shows outside the towns of Thonon and
Friday 10 January at 3pm - Morzine - Palais des Sports
Tous les Garçons et les filles...(All boys and girls)
Working on the premise that we don’t always need a script or a story to
make us dream, this is a visual show featuring dance and film, where the
spaces we occupy (houses, perhaps, or something less tangible, such as
intimacy...) appear in their simplest form and are easily recognised. Some
questions may remain unanswered, but linger in the minds of the
children looking on...
Duration: 45 minutes – Suitable from 3years old
Tickets: €10 Reduced entrance: €8
Info :