BIBLIOGRAPHIE L`Open Source comme méthodologie de


BIBLIOGRAPHIE L`Open Source comme méthodologie de
L’Open Source comme
méthodologie de développement
Entrée en matière
INRIA DTI Stratégie de l’INRIA sur le logiciel libre, 14 juin 2009
Le logiciel libre est devenu un fait incontournable de l’édition logicielle, que ce soit dans le monde
académique, dans l’industrie et les services et, au delà, dans l’ensemble de la société. L’INRIA,
acteur national de la recherche et du transfert dans les sciences numériques, souhaite, par cette
prise de position, réaffirmer son soutien à cette dynamique qu’il juge indispensable au
développement de la société numérique de la connaissance. Le logiciel libre est un objet complexe
qui recouvre plusieurs dimensions aux logiques éventuellement contradictoires (vecteur de la
diffusion scientifique et objet de recherche, vecteur du transfert technologique et objet industriel).
Dans ce contexte, pour des logiciels développés à l’INRIA, le choix du logiciel libre doit être
mûrement pesé et doit s’inscrire dans la recherche de la stratégie qui maximisera l’impact sur la
société, notamment par le transfert. Ceci passe par la capacité à caractériser les situations
logicielles et à conforter la professionnalisation des pratiques.
Quelques définitions
Open source
La désignation Open Source, "source ouverte" en français ou code source libre, s'applique
aux logiciels dont la licence respecte des critères précisément établis par l’Open Source
Initiative, c'est-à-dire la possibilité de libre redistribution, d'accès au code source et de
travaux dérivés. On qualifie souvent un logiciel libre d'Open Source, car les licences
compatibles Open Source englobent les licences libres selon la définition de la FSF (Free
Software Foundation). Le terme Open Source est en concurrence avec le terme Free
Software. Le terme Freeware désigne des logiciels gratuits qui ne sont ni nécessairement
ouverts, ni libres.
FLOSS : Free/Libre Open Source Software
L'expression Free/Libre and Open Source Software, abrégée en FLOSS, qualifie à la fois les
logiciels libres et les logiciels open source, les deux grands mouvements soutenus respectivement
par la l’OSI.
Bibliographie de l’ICSE en ligne
Bibliography for the International Conferences on Software Engineering (ICSE)
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)- Bibliography – DBLP
Le coin des spécialistes
Deek, F., McHugh, J. Open Source : technology & policy ; CUP, 2008.
Meeker, Heather J., The open source alternative : understanding risks and leveraging
opportunities, Wiley, 2008. Three different domains - technology, law and business - intersect in the
world of open source software and Meeker's book manages to address each of the three at an
expert level while still synthesizing the larger issues relevant to everyone in the field. While the topic
of open source has generated a flood of commentary, the type of careful and reasoned analysis
offered in this book is in short supply and makes The Open Source Alternative stand apart from
similar recent offerings. [consultable à l’INRIA Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes]
Lessig, L. Code [Texte imprimé] : version 2.0, Basic books, 2006 . There's a common belief that
cyberspace cannot be regulated-that it is, in its very essence, immune from the government's (or
anyone else's) control. Code, first published in 2000, argues that this belief is wrong. It is not in the
nature of cyberspace to be unregulable; cyberspace has no "nature." It only has code-the software
and hardware that make cyberspace what it is. That code can create a place of freedom-as the
original architecture of the Net did-or a place of oppressive control. Under the influence of
commerce, cyberpsace is becoming a highly regulable space, where behavior is much more tightly
controlled than in real space. But that's not inevitable either. We can-we must-choose what kind of
cyberspace we want and what freedoms we will guarantee. These choices are all about
architecture: about what kind of code will govern cyberspace, and who will control it. In this realm,
code is the most significant form of law, and it is up to lawyers, policymakers, and especially citizens
to decide what values that code embodies. [consultable à l’INRIA Rh Alpes]
Du même auteur, accessible en ligne voir aussi Codev2
Muffatto, M. Open source : a multidisciplinary approach, Imperial college Press, 2006.
Feller, J. Perspectives on free and open source software, MIT Press, 2005. What is the status of
the Free and Open Source Software (F/OSS) revolution? Has the creation of software that can be
freely used, modified, and redistributed transformed industry and society, as some predicted, or is
this transformation still a work in progress? Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software
brings together leading analysts and researchers to address this question, examining specific
aspects of F/OSS in a way that is both scientifically rigorous and highly relevant to real-life
managerial and technical concerns.
Fogel, K. Producing open source software : how to to run a successful free software project,
O’Reilly, 2005. The corporate market is now embracing free, "open source" software like never
before, as evidenced by the recent success of the technologies underlying LAMP (Linux, Apache,
MySQL, and PHP). Each is the result of a publicly collaborative process among numerous
developers who volunteer their time and energy to create better software. [consultable à l’INRIA
Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes]
St Laurent, A. Understanding open source & free software licensing , O’Reilly, 2004. In his book,
Andrew M. St. Laurent attempts to help readers understand the variations and complexities
involved in deciding what kind of licensing model to apply to software being developed and how to
understand the complexities and requirements of open source and free software licensing that
someone may want to use and incorporate in software packages being developed for internal use
and/or external distribution. [consultable à l’INRIA Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes]
William, S. Free as in Freedom, O’Reilly & Associates, 2002. In 1984, Richard Stallman launched
the GNU Project for the purpose of developing a complete UNIX-like operating system that would
allow for free software use. What he developed was the GNU operating system. (GNU is a recursive
acronym for "GNU's Not UNIX,'' and it is pronounced guh-NEW. Linux is a variant of the GNU
operating system.) This biography traces the evolution of Stallman's eccentric genius from gifted
child to teen outcast to passionate crusader for free software.
Feller, J.Fitzgerald, B, Raymond E. Understanding open source software development, AddisonWesley/ Pearson, 2002.
Raymond, E. The cathedral and the bazaar : musings on linux and open source by an accidental
revolutionary, O’Reilly, 2001. It may be foolish to consider Eric Raymond's recent collection of
essays, The Cathedral and the Bazaar, the most important computer programming thinking to
follow the Internet revolution. But it would be more unfortunate to overlook the implications and
long-term benefits of his fastidious description of open-source software development considering
the growing dependence businesses and economies have on emerging computer technologies.
DiBona, C. Ockman, S. Stone, M. Open sources : voices from the open source revolution; O’Reilly,
1999. Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution is a fascinating look at the raging
debate that is its namesake. Filled with writings from the central players--from Linux creator Linus
Torvalds to Perl creator Larry Wall--the book convinces the reader of the overwhelming merits of
freeing up the many iterations of software's source code [consultable à l’INRIA Sophia Antipolis]
Chapitres d’ouvrage
Dengya Zhu, Vidyasagar Potdar and Elizabeth Chang : Open Source Software Development
(OSSD) Based On Software Engineering , IFIP International federation for Information Processing,
Springer, vol. 203, pp. 345-346, 2006. [accessible depuis
Stefan Koch, Agile Principles and Open Source Software Development: A Theoretical and Empirical
Discussion, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 85-93, 2004. [accessible depuis
Barcellini, F. Conception de l'artefact, conception du collectif: dynamique d'un processus de
conception ouvert et continu dans une communauté de développement de logiciels libres . Thèses.
Conservatoire national des arts et métiers - CNAM (28/11/2008), Françoise Détienne (Dir.)
Tariq, Muhammad, Quality of the Open Source Software University essay from Blekinge Tekniska
Högskola/Sektionen för Teknik (TEK), 2008.
Bronner, Mathias, Measuring the Usage of Open Source Software, University essay from IT
-universitetet i Göteborg/Tillämpad informationsteknologi . 2007.
Druel, F. Évaluation de la valeur à l'ère du web : Proposition de modèle de valorisation des projets
non marchands Thèses. Université d'Angers (14/11/2007), Simon RICHIR (Dir.)
François Letellier, Open Source Software: the Role of Nonprofits in Federating Business and
Innovation Ecosystems, AFME , janvier 2008.
SubmittedPaper.pdf Due to its function as a key enabling technology for the information society and
to its compliance with open standards, infrastructure software is quickly commoditized. Its market
therefore evolves to natural monopolies faster than markets for tangible goods. The success of
free/libre/open-source software, originally created for ethical reasons, may be explained by
interpreting it as a new paradigm which provides effective answers to the structural flaws of the
market. Now that mainstream industry players realize how much economical sense this approach
makes, they investigate new business and innovation models. In this context, business-neutral metaorganizations federating vendors, customers and governmental agencies shall target the
sustainable development of business ecosystems where stakeholders, widely spread across various
geographic and cultural environments, develop beneficial strategies in line with their business and
societal requirements. Real world experience from new generation F/L/OSS communities confirm
this vision and suggest some balanced principles for their management and governance."
Karl Toth, Experiences with Open Source Software engineering tools., IEEE Software, nov.déc. 2006
(vol. 23 no. 6) pp. 44-52, 2006.
arnumber=04012623 [accessible depuis l’INRIA]
For software engineering (SE) and computer science (CS) programs to deliver on their promises,
they must go beyond teaching students about principles, processes, models, and strategies and
offer them realistic, practical experience as well. Although industry has been pressing to increase
the emphasis on practical aspects, many CS programs continue to give students relatively simple
problems focused on selected computing and software concepts and theories
Ruben van Wendel de Joode, Yuwei Lin and Shay David, Rethinking free, libre and open source
software in Knowledge, technology & Policy, pp. 5-16, Springer, 2006. [accessible depuis l’INRIA]
von Krogh. G , Spaeth S ,Lakhani K. Community, joining, and specialization in open source software
innovation: a case study in Research Policy 32 (2003) 1217–1241.
This paper develops an inductive theory of the open source software (OSS) innovation process by
focussing on the creation of Freenet, a project aimed at developing a decentralized and anonymous
peer-to-peer electronic file sharing network. We are particularly interested in the strategies and
processes by which newpeople join the existing community of software developers, and how they
initially contribute code. Analyzing data from multiple sources on the Freenet software development
process, we generate the constructs of “joining script”, “specialization”, “contribution barriers”, and
“feature gifts”, and propose relationships among these. Implications for theory and research are
François Letellier, Le logiciel libre selon ObjectWeb : une logique d'écosystème in le Journal du Net,
15 octobre 2004.
La stratégie du consortium repose sur un constat : le libre n'est pas un produit, mais un processus.
Pour qu'il apporte un plus technologique, ce processus doit permettre l'implication progressive de
nouveaux acteurs.
Laurent Charles, Manuel Vacelet, Mohamed Chaari, Miguel Santana, STMicroelectronics, SDS :
Une infrastructure d'installation de logiciels libres pour des organisations multi-sites.
DECOR’04, Déploiement et (Re) Configuration de Logiciels Les développements logiciels
sur les systèmes UNIX font de plus en plus appel aux logiciels libres. Nous proposons une solution
de déploiement et de contrôle de ces logiciels libres au sein d’une grande organisation. Nous nous
attachons particulièrement à résoudre les problèmes liés au déploiement multi-sites ainsi qu’à la
gestion de configuration de ces déploiements. L’originalité de notre approche repose sur sa
capacité à être mise en oeuvre et contrôlée par les utilisateurs plutôt que par les administrateurs,
sans nécessiter d’expertise particulière, et par les possibilités de déploiement dans des
environnements hétérogènes.
Laurent Charles, Logiciels libres pour organisations multisites SDS à STMicroelectronics, slides,
Décor'04 - 28 et 29 octobre 2004
Loilier, T. Gestion de l’innovation : quels enseignements tirer du cas des logiciels libres ? in Finance
Contrôle Stratégie – Volume 5, N° 3, septembre 2002, p. 141 - 168.
Dans le secteur de l’informatique, la réussite attestée des logiciels libres conduit à s’interroger sur
la spécificité du modèle innovateur qui les a développés. Celui-ci présente de réelles originalités tant
au niveau organisationnel que stratégique. L’objet de cet article est dans un premier temps de
cerner ce modèle innovateur avec précision, puis de discuter de sa prétendue nouveauté. Cette
dernière est notamment débattue grâce à la mobilisation de plusieurs théories de gestion de
l’innovation et de la théorie des transactions informelles.
Actes de conférences
A. Capiluppi, J. Feller, B. Fitzgerald, S. Hissam, K. Lakhani, G. Robles, W. Scacchi, First
International Workshop on Emerging Trends in FLOSS Research and Development , International
Conference on Software Engineering (Companion to the proceedings of the 29th International
Conference on Software Engineering ) , IEEE Computer Society, pp. 135-136, 2007.
535081 [accessible depuis l’INRIA]
The "Emerging Trends in FLOSS Research and Development" workshop series will be based on the
growing interest of researchers and practitioners in Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS).
The first workshop will be specifically focused on discussing the phenomenon of global FLOSS
development and how to improve collaboration and the communication of results between
researchers, practitioners and FLOSS communities. For this purpose, the overarching theme of this
year's workshop is "Feeding Back the Communities". Its goal is to bring together academic
researchers, industry members and FLOSS developers and to discuss crossfertilization of results
on FLOSS research and practice.
Jaccheri, L, Østerlie T., Open Source Software: A Source of Possibilities for Software Engineering,
Education and Empirical Software Engineering, First International Workshop on Emerging Trends in
FLOSS Research and Development (FLOSS'07), 2007. source projects are an
interesting source for software engineering education and research. By participating in open
source projects students can improve their programming and design capabilities. By reflecting on
own participation by means of an established research method and plan, master’s students can in
addition contribute to increase knowledge concerning research questions. In this work we report on
a concrete study in the context of the Netbeans open source project. The research method used is
a modification of action research.
Boehm, B. A view of 20th and 21st century software engineering. In Proceedings of the 28th
international Conference on Software Engineering (Shanghai, China, May 20 - 28, 2006). ICSE '06.
ACM, New York, NY, 12-29. DOI= [Accessible
depuis l’INRIA]
George Santayana's statement, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat
it," is only half true. The past also includes successful histories. If you haven't been made aware of
them, you're often condemned not to repeat their successes.In a rapidly expanding field such as
software engineering, this happens a lot. Extensive studies of many software projects such as the
Standish Reports offer convincing evidence that many projects fail to repeat past successes.This
paper tries to identify at least some of the major past software experiences that were well worth
repeating, and some that were not. It also tries to identify underlying phenomena influencing the
evolution of software engineering practices that have at least helped the author appreciate how our
field has gotten to where it has been and where it is.A counterpart Santayana-like statement about
the past and future might say, "In an era of rapid change, those who repeat the past are
condemned to a bleak future." (Think about the dinosaurs, and think carefully about software
engineering maturity models that emphasize repeatability.)This paper also tries to identify some of
the major sources of change that will affect software engineering practices in the next couple of
decades, and identifies some strategies for assessing and adapting to these sources of change. It
also makes some first steps towards distinguishing relatively timeless software engineering
principles that are risky not to repeat, and conditions of change under which aging practices will
become increasingly risky to repeat
Ye, Y., Kishida, K. Toward an understanding of the motivation Open Source Software developers. In
Proceedings of the 25th international Conference on Software Engineering (Portland, Oregon, May
03 - 10, 2003). International Conference on Software Engineering. IEEE Computer Society,
Washington, DC, 419-429, 2003. [accessible depuis l’INRIA]
An Open Source Software (OSS) project is unlikely to be successful unless there is an accompanied
community that provides the platform for developers and users to collaborate. Members of such
communities are volunteers whose motivation to participate and contribute is of essential
importance to the success of OSS projects. In this paper, we aim to create an understanding of
what motivates people to participate in OSS communities. We theorize that learning is one of the
motivational forces. Our theory is grounded in the learning theory of Legitimate Peripheral
Participation, and is supported by analyzing the social structure of OSS communities and the coevolution between OSS systems and communities. We also discuss practical implications of our
theory for creating and maintaining sustainable OSS communities as well as for software
engineering research and education.
J. Feller, B. Fitzgerald, A. Van der Hoek, 1st Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering,
Software Engineering, International Conference on, pp. 0780, 23rd International Conference on
Software Engineering (ICSE'01), 2001.Toronto, Canada. Open Source
Software (OSS) has recently become the focus of considerable interest, yet there remains a need
for rigorous analytical inquiry into the subject. This workshop seeks to articulate OSS as an SE
paradigm and to address the requirements of OSS in terms of methodology & process, tools &
enabling technologies, and human resources & project management. Format: Round-Table
Discussion. Size: Maximum 40 participants. Position Papers Required. The Workshop Report
Proceedings - Software on Open Source Software Engineering, and workshop participants will be
encouraged to submit full research papers based on their position papers for possible inclusion in
the special issue.
Scacchi, W. Understanding the Requirements for Developing Open Source Software Systems, IEEE
Proceedings – Software Paper number 29840, Accepted for publication with revisions, December
This study presents an initial set of findings from an empirical study of social processes, technical
system configurations, organizational contexts, and interrelationships that give rise to open
software. The focus is directed at understanding the requirements for open software development
efforts, and how the development of these requirements differs from those traditional to software
engineering and requirements engineering. Four open software development communities are
described, examined, and compared to help discover what these differences may be. Eight kinds of
software informalisms are found to play a critical role in the elicitation, analysis, specification,
validation, and management of requirements for developing open software systems. Subsequently,
understanding the roles these software informalisms take in a new formulation of the requirements
development process for open source software is the focus of this study. This focus enables
considering a reformulation of the requirements engineering process and its associated artifacts
or (in)formalisms to better account for the requirements for developing open source software
Godfrey, M., Qiang, T., Evolution in open source software: a case study Proceedings. International
Conference on Software Maintenance, 2000, pp. 131-142.
Most studies of software evolution have been performed on systems developed within a single
company using traditional management techniques. With the widespread availability of several
large software systems that have been developed using an “open source” development approach,
we now have a chance to examine these systems in detail, and see if their evolutionary narratives
are significantly different from commercially developed systems. This paper summarizes our
preliminary investigations into the evolution of the best known open source system: the Linux
operating system kernel. Because Linux is large (over two million lines of code in the most recent
version) and because its development model is not as tightly planned and managed as most
industrial software processes, we had expected to find that Linux was growing more slowly as it got
bigger and more complex. Instead, we have found that Linux has been growing at a super-linear
rate for several years. In this paper, we explore the evolution of the Linux kernel both at the system
level and within the major subsystems, and we discuss why we think Linux continues to exhibit such
strong growth.
Séminaires / Présentations
François Letellier, F/L/OSS is Central to ICT Innovation in fOSSa, 2009, Grenoble.
François Letellier, Du chercheur à l'utilisateur : l'open source au coeur des démarches d'innovation
ouverte en Europe, Séminaire Aristote 2008, Paris.
François Letellier, Un exemple d’initiative dans les logiciels libres : ObjectWeb in Journée
découverte des logiciels libres et Solutions Alternatives, ESSI, 2004, Nice.
Daniel Le Berre, Open source development as a software engineering concept. The University Of
Newcastle. Overview of the lecture. History of open Source ...
Outils et applications
Call for papers
ICSE-2010 International Conference on Software Engineering
ICSE 2010 ACM/IEEE 32nd International Conf. on Software Engineering, 2-8 MAY Cape Town,
South Africa
OSCON-2010 Open Source Convention
CeBIT 2010 - March 2 -6 Hanover, Germany
fOSSa – Grenoble
Projets de Recherche/Consortium
The OW2 Consortium is an open source community committed to making available to everyone the best and
most reliable middleware technology. OW2 mission is to develop open source code middleware and to foster
a vibrant community and business ecosystem. The OW2 Consortium was initiated on January 1, 2007
through the merger of ObjectWeb and Orientware, two leading open source middleware communities of
renown industry players, innovative start-ups, prominent academic organizations and individuals from across
the world.
XRCE Xerox Research Centre Europe
The European branch of Xerox global research, Xerox Research Centre Europe is a multidisciplinary
organisation with experts in computer science, natural language processing and machine learning
applied to information, data and documents. We design technology with the knowledge gathered by
our work practice specialists to create innovative document services and solutions. XRCE is set in
the heart of the French Alps near Grenoble.
A l’occasion de l’Open World Forum 2009, l’INRIA réaffirme son soutien à la dynamique du logiciel
libre. Convaincu du rôle indispensable du logiciel libre dans le développement de la société
numérique et fort d’une longue expérience dans le domaine, l’INRIA renforce sa politique en la
matière, notamment dans une optique de transfert, et annonce l’ouverture d’un Centre d’Innovation
et de Recherche en Informatique sur le Logiciel Libre (CIRILL). Avec ses partenaires de la
recherche publique et les acteurs du logiciel libre, l’INRIA propose avec le CIRILL de croiser dans un
lieu de création unique des expertises scientifiques, technologiques et industrielles nécessaires
pour répondre aux défis soulevés par la croissance rapide du logiciel libre.
Alchemy (Centre de Recherche INRIA Saclay-Ile de France)
Les thèmes de recherche de l’équipe-projet ALCHEMY sont les architectures, langages et
compilateurs pour les processeurs haute performance embarqués ou généralistes. ALCHEMY
étudie des solutions alternatives aux optimisations incrémentales de l’architecture et du
compilateur pour les processeurs haute performance. La complexité croissante de ces
processeurs a deux conséquences essentielles. (1) A court terme, l’incapacité d’intégrer dans les
compilateurs un modèle suffisamment précis de l’architecture rend difficile la génération de
programmes efficaces, et l’obtention de performances soutenues élevées. (2) A long terme, la
complexité de l’architecture rend difficile le dimensionnement des architectures de processeurs,
plus exactement, il est de plus en plus difficile de traduire les progrès de la technologie en
améliorations de performances. Nous développons deux approches correspondant à ces deux
Coccinelle is a program matching and transformation engine which provides the language SmPL
(Semantic Patch Language) for specifying desired matches and transformations in C code.
Coccinelle was initially targeted towards performing collateral evolutions in Linux. Such evolutions
comprise the changes that are needed in client code in response to evolutions in library APIs, and
may include modifications such as renaming a function, adding a function argument whose value is
somehow context-dependent, and reorganizing a data structure. Beyond collateral evolutions,
Coccinelle is successfully used (by us and others) for finding and fixing bugs in systems code.
Gallium (Centre de Recherche INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt)Les travaux de
recherche de l’équipe-projet GALLIUM portent sur la conception, la formalisation et
l’implémentation de langages et systèmes de programmation. Notre objectif est d’améliorer la
fiabilité (sûreté de fonctionnement et sécurité) des logiciels en utilisant :
des langages de programmation de plus haut niveau, plus sûrs et plus expressifs, basés sur
le paradigme de la programmation fonctionnelle ;
la détection automatique d’erreurs de programmation à l’aide de systèmes de types et
autres analyses statiques ;
une meilleure intégration de la programmation et des méthodes formelles, en particulier la
preuve sur machine de programmes.
Mancoosi is a European research project in the 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7) of the
European Commission. The project is situated in the FP7 theme Information & Communication
Technologies (ICT), Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures,
Objective 2007.1.2 Service and Software Architectures, Infrastructures and Engineering. The
project has started February 1st, 2008, and will have a duration of 3 years.
Ocsigen is a research project aimed at developing new programming techniques for the Web. Its
goal is to offer an alternative to Apache/PHP, based on cutting-edge technologies from research in
programming languages. It contains a full featured Web server and a programming framework,
called Eliom, that provides a new way to create dynamic Web sites. With Eliom, you program in a
concise and modular way, with a strong type system which helps you to produce valid XHTML. Eliom
handles sessions, URLs, and page parameters automatically.
Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web.
Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a
uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not
just a one-way publishing medium. The application is jointly developed by W3C and the WAM (Web,
Adaptation and Multimedia) project at INRIA. The core team includes: Irène Vatton (Project lead,
INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA)..
GNU Operating System
Le projet GNU a été lancé en 1984 pour développer un système d'exploitation complet de style
Unix, qui soit un logiciel libre :le système GNU
Open Source Engineering Tools
This is a DevelopSpace project to aid the space systems development by providing access to
relevant, open source engineering software tools, using input provided by both DevelopSpace
contributors and the wider space engineering community. We aim to both provide information on
existing tools and identify areas in which new tools would be of use so as to encourage the
development of such tools. For tools that are available, our goal is to provide reviews regarding the
usefulness of each tool for particular applications, guides on how to most effectively use the tools
for various types of efforts related to space system development, and descriptions of how the tools
can be used together. Where needs exist to either create new tools or enhance existing tools, we
will aim to gather input regarding what functionality is desired and (when possible) point towards
relevant commercial tools that could serve as models. While the focus of this project is on tools
that are relevant to space applications, space engineering has significant overlap with many other
engineering disciplines, as such a significant number of the tools we describe will be relevant
outside of the space arena.
OpenDS, un logiciel libre, une approche industrielle
Ludovic Poitou, Sun Microsystems - OpenDS Community Manager démarré à l’initiative de Sun
Microsystems en Juillet 2006, le projet de logiciel libre OpenDS a pour objectif de réaliser une
nouvelle génération de services d’annuaire, s’appuyant sur les standards d’Internet que sont
LDAPv3 et DSMLv2. Par bien des aspects, le projet OpenDS est différent du monde du logiciel
libre. Sans être une "cathédrale", OpenDS est construit avec une approche très industrielle. Cette
session présente les particularités du projet OpenDS et détaille les avantages et les inconvénients
d’une telle approche.
Ludovic Poitou, OpenDS un annuaire LDAD 100% libre et 100% Java, OpenDS Community
Lead, Sun Microsystem Inc, 2009.
Source Forge
SourceForge is your location to download and develop free open source software.
2020 FLOSS RoadMap
Based in Paris, Open World Forum ( is a forum dedicated to FLOSS, its players
and projects. OWF offers all contributors this open space in which they can express their own vision
of FLOSS. 2020 FLOSS Roadmap is the Open World Forum’s main manifesto, and is designed to
support discussions taking place during the different OWF seminars and forums. This is a
prospective Roadmap, and a projection of the influences that will affect FLOSS between now (2008)
and 2020, with descriptions of all FLOSS-related trends as anticipated by OWF contributors over
this period of time. It also highlights all sectors that will, potentially, be impacted by FLOSS, from the
economy to the Information Society.
Codendi est la plateforme open-source de développement collaboratif proposée par Xerox. Elle
rassemble à partir d'une même interface, les outils nécessaires aux équipes de développement
logiciel : gestionnaire de code source, outils de suivi (tâches, bug, etc.), gestionnaire de documents,
outils de communication et de collaboration.
STMicroelectronics a été créée en 1987 par la fusion de la société italienne SGS Microelettronica
et de la société française Thomson Semiconducteurs et est cotée depuis 1994. Ses actions
s’échangent à la bourse de New York (NYSE : STM), sur Euronext à Paris et à la Bourse italienne à
Milan. Depuis sa création, ST a progressé à un rythme supérieur à celui de l’industrie des
semiconducteurs dans son ensemble et elle compte parmi les cinq premiers fabricants mondiaux
de semi-conducteurs depuis 2005. Le Groupe compte environ 50.000 personnes, 16 unités de
Recherche & Développement avancées, 39 centres de conception et d’application, 13 principaux
sites de fabrication et 78 bureaux de vente dans 36 pays.
Associations / Sociétés savantes/ Communautés
Pionnière du logiciel libre en France, l'April, constituée de 5310 adhérents (4872 individus, 438
entreprises, associations et organisations), est depuis 1996 un acteur majeur de la
démocratisation et de la diffusion du logiciel libre et des standards ouverts auprès du grand public,
des professionnels et des institutions dans l'espace francophone
Creative Commons
Creative Commons is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to making it easier for people to share and
build upon the work of others, consistent with the rules of copyright. CC provides free licenses and
other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others
can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof.
Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of
developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public Licence, the source code
for Linux is freely available to everyone.
FSF – Free Software Foundation
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a nonprofit with a worldwide mission to promote computer
user freedom and to defend the rights of all free software users.
Grilog Grenoble Isère Logiciel
L'Association GRILOG est née avec pour objectif de donner une plus grande visibilité au Logiciel
Isérois, à ses entreprises et organismes institutionnels.
Donner une plus grande visibilité au logiciel Isérois et à ses entreprises ;
Fédérer les acteurs du logiciel et défendre l'image de marque du logiciel Isérois ;
Favoriser la connaissance mutuelle des entreprises et des institutions du secteur ;
Faciliter les partenariats technologiques et commerciaux ;
Dynamiser l’emploi dans le secteur et contribuer à l'évolution des cursus de formation.
Open World Forum : Free Libre and Open Source Software
OSI- Open Source Initiative
L’Open Source Initiative est une organisation dévouée à la promotion du logiciel Open
Tigris is a mid-sized open source community focused on building better tools for collaborative
software development. provides information resources for software engineering
professionals and students, and a home for open source software engineering tool projects.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member
organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards. Led by Web
inventor Tim Berners-Lee, W3C's mission is to lead the Web to its full potential.