AP Syllabus - Bear Creek High School


AP Syllabus - Bear Creek High School
Bear Creek High School
AP French Language and Culture 2012-2013
Monsieur Keil
[email protected]
Course Overview:
This French language course was designed to help students prepare for the AP French Language
and Culture exam as well as providing students with a holistic learning experience equivalent to
a third year French language college course. The three modes of communication: Interpersonal,
Interpretive, and Presentational, will be the foundation of the communicative proficiency
demonstrated by the students.This course will be taught entirely in the French language in order
to give students a sense of immersion in the language and the culture.
Course Objectives:
• To attain proficiency in the French language in accordance with Jeffco School Standards and
the ACTFL Performance Guidelines by giving students:
1. The ability to use the acquired skills to communicate in the Interpersonal,
Interpretive, and Presentational mode.
2. The ability to comprehend spoken French in various contexts.
3. The ability to express oneself accurately and with reasonable fluency in both
spoken and written French.
4. The ability to read and understand French in a variety of texts such as magazines,
newspapers, literary texts (e.g., authentic sources and textbook, etc.)
5. The ability to recognize grammar rules when seen in context and use them to
convey meaning.
6. The ability to increase knowledge of new vocabulary by exploring concept-based
ideas through authentic sources.
7. The ability to recognize the interrelatedness of the skills listed above.
• To enrich the student’s experience of cultural knowledge by engaging them to explore both the
contemporary and historical contexts of the francophone world through a variety of different
Primary Textbooks
• IMAGINEZ: Le français sans frontière
Cherie Mitschke
Vista Higher Learning, 2008
This text is used throughout the school year. The short subject film collection
and the supersite on the internet allow for listening practice of authentic
materials and discussions on specific themes. The text allows review of grammar
structures in context.
• LATITUDES 3: Méthode de Français
Yves Loiseau, Marie-Noëlle Coction, Mathilde Landier and Anneline Dintilhac
Les Editions Didier, 2010
This text is a great resource of authentic materials reflecting the plurality of language
and culture. The activities encourage small and large group interaction to recreate
real life situations and to encourage students think about the world around
them. This text also comes with a CD to help students develop their listening skills.
Other Sources and Materials:
The supplemental materials for this course include but are not limited to the following:
• AP French: Preparing for the Language and Culture Examination
Author: Richard Ladd
Publisher: Pearson, 2012
This text is mostly used as a workbook for students to practice (in class and at home) all
aspects of the AP exam. It includes: Interpretive communication practiced with multiple
choices exercises. Interpersonal and Presentational writings practiced with free response.
Interpersonal and Presentational speaking also practiced with free response exercises.
• En Bonne Forme
Authors: Simone Renaud Dietiker, Dominique van Hooff
Publisher: Houghton Mifflen, 2001
• Face à Face: Conversation et rédaction
Author: Françoise Ghillebaert
Vista Higher Learning, 2011
Listening and speaking sources:
• Yabla
• TV5Monde: le journal and Sept jours sur la planète
• Court metrage downloaded from Imaginez, Mischke, Vista in education
• AP French Digital Course: e-Text with audio, activities, and test practice, Real Talk! Speak and
Record by Richard Ladd
• Authentic videos downloaded from the Internet
• Radio France Internationale: http://www.rfi.fr
Reading, culture and speaking sources:
• Autour de la littérature
Heinle & Heinle, 1987
• Moments littéraires
D.C. Heath, 1992
• Images trois, Lectures Littéraires
• McDougal Littell, 1999
• Nouvelles lectures libres
D.C. Heath, 1989
• French Four Years/AP
Amsco, 2006
• Tous les poèmes. Pour le cours avancé
Longman, 1988
• Voix Française du monde noir
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971
Themes studied in this course:
Students will develop their skills in the context of cultural themes, in order to gain knowledge
and insight in the francophone culture. The themes will be presented in French, with the use of
authentic materials such as magazine article, short films (court métrage), short interviews on
YouTube or TV5, as well as with the use of Francophone literary text.
Students will start every class with a short writing assignment in the form of a journal entry
based on teacher provided prompt about the theme being studied. This prompt will then be
discuss as a short brain storming activity introducing a text or a listening activity.
The following magazine articles, literary texts, listening activities and discussion topics are
examples of the materials being used in class and do not represent every activities being
practiced by the students:
Theme 1: Families and Community (5 weeks)
Sub Themes: Friendship and love, Family structures, Age and Class, Childhood
and Adolescence. The instruction of these themes will be in French.
Vocabulary about relations, personalities, communities, activities is
introduced and practiced.
Extrait du roman de Didier van Cauwelaert « L’éducation d’une
fée »
Magazine article : J’habite chez moi Laurence Lecoq : Swarado, Le soir
(Belgique) 20.05.2008
Mieux comprendre les différences entre les générations au travail.
De Franck Nicolas
(YouTube) Serge Reggiani « Le pont Mirabeau » de
Guillaume Apollinaire.
Court Métrage « le télégramme » de Coralie Fargeat
Email to respond to the article “j’habite chez moi”
Essay writing “Quand j’étais petit” about students’relationship with their
Journal entries: Based on a prompt, about the themes, at the beginning of
every class.
Students answer questions in writing about the texts read in class.
Written announcements about a school get together between staff and
student to shrink the communication gap between generations.
Daily short discussion about the journal entry
Discussion and or debates (French only):
-Personalities, what makes us different from one another?
- Differences between generations X and Y
- Are the language differences between generations a result or a cause of
the cultural differences between the generations?
Students create a skit about a conflict between a parent and a
Grammar review: present tense, imperative, Passé composé vs. Imparfait.
Theme 2: Personal and Public Identity (6 Weeks)
Sub Themes: Beliefs and Values, Language and Identity, Multiculturalism, Alienation and
Vocabulary about discrimination, beliefs, values is introduced and practiced.
« La loi Stasi a une dimension universaliste »
D’Henri Pena-Ruiz, Le Point
Le symbole (de Climbie) Bernard Dadier
« La discrimination nous concerne tous » Christine Trumper and
John Israel 2011.
« Réflexion sur Montréal et ses banlieues »
Yannou, www.yannou.com
Assimilation, intégration ou insertion ? La documentation française
YouTube Muslim women in Paris etc…
Court Métrage “ Samb et le commissaire »
d’Olivier Sillig
Court Métrage « Sans titre »
par David Rousseau et Valery Schatz 2007
Laïcité et les croyances- Entretien avec Fréderic lenoir.mov.
Clémence Boussirat, YouTube
L’identité culturelle. Madagascar et la Réunion.
Togolas, YouTube
Journal entries based on a prompt about the themes at
the beginning of each class.
Essay writing : « Vous êtes un élève d’échange à Paris.
Vos amis français viennent de vous expliquer la loi
Stasi. Ecrivez un email à vos parents pour expliquer ce
que vous avez appris et votre opinion sur cette loi »
Letter to the editor: Comparison between freedom of
religion in the US and in France.
Students answer questions in writing about the texts
being studied.
Class discussions and or debates: French only
- Y a-t-il une corrélation entre le langage et la
- Le port du voile dans les écoles françaises. ” What are
the effect of the Stasi law on Muslim women in France”
- Comparison between about the views on freedom of
expression in France and in the US.
-Students will give a 3 minutes opinion speech about the
use of the Symbole” in Dadier school by the French
Grammar review: les temps composés, les pronoms relatifs, le subjonctif
Theme 3: Contemporary life (5 weeks)
Sub Themes: Housing and shelter, Profession, Leisure and Sports.
Vocabulary about pastime, housing and professions is introduced and practiced.
“Le football” de Sempe-Goscinny
« Profession libérale » de Marie Le Drian
« Faut –il suspendre le Tour de France cycliste » Hagert
& P Miguel, L’express
« Pour vivre heureux, vivons perches sur une terrasse »
Anne-Sophie Cathala 2011, Le Figaro
Pharmacien ou médecin ? (de Rue Deschambault)
Gabrielle Roy.
Court métrage « Le ballon Prisonnier » de Cyril Gelblat
Court métrage « bonbon au poivre » de Marc Fitoussi.
« L’hymne de nos campagne » de Tryo (YouTube)
Les jeunes sans abri (YouTube)
Letter writing: The life of my dreams in the city of my dreams.
Journal entries based on a prompt about the themes at
the beginning of each class.
Students answer questions in writing about the texts
being studied.
Creating a blog based on like and dislike about the area were
students lived. What they would change if they could?
Essay: Compare contrast the benefits of team sport in a
formal setting with independent sporting activities like
hiking, Parkour etc…
Class discussions and or debates
- How does the cost of energy in France affect housing?
- Life in the suburb vs. Life in the city?
- Comment est-ce qu’un sport peut être le symbole d’un pays?
- How does a job define you?
« Ce qui console d’un travail difficile c‘est qu’il est
difficile». Alain (1868-1951).
Role play: Debate about the construction of a shelter for
the homeless in your neighborhood. Each student will
assume the role of a person from the community, with
different agenda.
Grammar review: Le participe présent, le subjonctif #2, les pronoms d’objet.
Theme 4: Global Challenges (6 weeks)
Sub Themes: Diversity Issues, Human rights, Environmental issues.
Vocabulary about environment, nature, human rights and diversity is introduced and
L’Affiche d’Abdelader Djemai sur le réchauffement de la
(Article www.contrepoints.org )
Toxic planet de David Ratte (Mauvaise nuit) Bande
Le marché de l’espoir de Ghislaine Sathoud
Effet de serre naturel #1 (YouTube)
Le processus de Grenelle de l’environnement. (YouTube)
Les droits des petits hommes. Chanson des rugbymen
français contre la maltraitance des enfants.
Journal entries based on a prompt about the themes at the
beginning of each class.
Letter to the editor of the school newspaper: “Why the need for
diversity club in our school.”
In what ways (positive or negative) do the human rights
laws and beliefs in France affect the migrant population?
Students answer questions in writing about the texts being studied.
Class discussions and or debates
- Do children have the same rights as adults?
- In which way do the laws about children in France affect
Give a 2 minutes speech « Quelle est notre responsabilité dans
l’effet de serre? »
- Students create a speech for the school TV broadcast to
explain to students the problem of waist in their school
and how they can help recycle and save energy.
Grammar review:
Le passé du subjonctif, les prépositions avec l’infinitif, past
participles used as adjectives.
Theme 5: Science and Technology (5 weeks)
Sub Themes: Social impact of Technology, the New Media, and Ethical Questions.
Vocabulary about technology and media is introduced and practiced.
« Premier contact avec la télévision » (de la goutte d’or)
Michel Tournier.
« Croniques de l’an 2222 » Patrick Cauvin
« Solitude numérique. » De Didier Daeninckx, France
Court métrage : « Comment j’ai marché sur la lune » de
Samuel Jadok
Court métrage : « Emilie Muller » d’Yvon Marciano
Journal entries based on a prompt about the themes at
the beginning of each class.
News paper article to the school news paper: “The
relationship between students and their phone”
Students answer questions in writing about the text being
Class discussions and or debates
How do the media influence you?
Do people behave differently when they are in front of the camera?
The generation Y seems to love the idea of being famous, why do
you think that is?
Develop an interview of students for the school broadcast, about
their views on the need for more technology in the public schools.
Grammar review: Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, future, conditional, If
Theme 6 : Beauty and Aesthetics (5 weeks)
Sub themes: Ideals of beauty, Contribution to world Artistic heritage, literature, Visual art.
Vocabulary about art is introduced and practiced.
« Les rêves de ma mère » (Le pont Marida) Georges
« Le rossignol » de Marie de France
« La gastronomie française classée au patrimoine de
l’Unesco? » L’Express en 2010
« Qui était Saint Exupery? » de Jean Montenot l’Express
en 2008
« L’hymne à la beauté » de Baudelaire
Art de Yasmira Reza- La pièce aux 2 Molières
(LFRN-Cavok) Daily Motion YouTube
Court métrage « L’homme qui plantait des arbres »
Fréderic Back
Journal entries based on a prompt about the themes at the
beginning of each class.
Write an article for the school paper “What is beauty? Is it
Students answer questions in writing about the texts being studied.
Class discussions and or debates
-What French products distinguish France from other
Class presentation: Students will research and present a
significant contribution they believe the French culture
brought to the rest of the world?
Grammar review: Faire causative, indirect discourse.
Course requirements:
The AP French Language course is conducted exclusively in French. Students are encouraged to
practice the language consistently with teachers and peers. Students are expected to initiate
conversations in French with the teacher inside or outside of the classroom at least once a week.
As a result listening is also being practiced every class period and at times outside of the class
period. Students will also develop their listening abilities by being exposed to instructional
materials that include CDs with native speakers, authentic video clips and movies, passages of
books on tape, songs and internet exercises, YouTube interviews and TV5 programs. Students
will learn about the French culture, compare the francophone culture and language with their
own. Students will also develop their reading skills by being exposed to different genre of
readings. Passages of novels, essays, poetry and tales in their original forms will be studied as
well as articles from news papers and magazines and internet sites. The majority of the reading
and listening materials will be authentic.
1. Oral participation and assignments
Students speak entirely in French in the classroom and are encouraged to use the new
thematic vocabulary.
• Students participate in all classroom discussions and debates.
• Students present:
1. Poetry recitation (Poems must be memorized and students must use proper
pronunciation and intonation)
2. Oral opinions
3. Short Speeches
4. Interviews
5. Original dialogues or skits (using new vocabulary, idiomatic expressions and
grammar being reviewed. Dialogues must be memorized and students must use
proper pronunciation and intonation)
6. Oral test ( summary of an article or a story read in class or of a short movie clip)
7. Oral presentations (on research topics)
2. Written assignments
• Formal essays (40 minutes in class essays, last 22 weeks without the use of
dictionaries or verb books. Students are expected to edit and re-write essays as a
• Warm ups, journal writing done daily. ( Based on a prompt given by the teacher at
the beginning of class)
• Listening test (Dictations, listening to a song or a short video clip or poem and fill
in the blanks with the missing words)
• Vocabulary test (vocabulary learned in the context of a reading or a listening
• Grammar test (based on a review done in class or given as homework)
• Homework (Review a specific grammar point in their Amsco or Barron
workbook, assign reading or research with preparation for class discussion)