Floristik, Geographie, Systematik etc. 103 plantation of Larch


Floristik, Geographie, Systematik etc. 103 plantation of Larch
Floristik, Geographie, Systematik etc.
plantation of Larch, Spruce and Scots Pine. The main object is to
show that afforestation of high moorlands in B r i t a i n may be successfully and profitably carried out, but the paper contains useful
information on the growth of these trees at high altitudes and under
somewhat severe climatic conditions. The plantation (about 200 acres)
extends from 900 feet to above 1500 feet (460 metres) in the
E n g l i s h L a k e D i s t r i c t where the greatest adjoining elevations
are from 600 m. to 770 m. The effect of altitude on growth is
shewn by curves of height-growth, girth, and volume. In each
case increase in altitude brings diminution in these measurements,
there being a marked reduction in the higher zone above 380 metres, where exposure to wind is greatest. Natural regeneration of
Larch took place abundantly on adjoining slopes amongst Calluna.
W. G. Smith.
Robbins, W . W., C l i m a t o l o g y a n d V e g e t a t i o n i n C o l o r a d o . (Bot. Gaz. XLI. p. 256—280. fig. 1—7. April 1910.)
The author describes first the topography of the state, the
masselevations, drainage systems, general precipitation, seasonal
distribution of rainfall, the temperature, frost and wind factors in
the text and by charts. Under the head of vegetation is considered
the influence of the climate on the different types of vegetation
found on the plains, eastern lower foot hills and north eastern
upper foot hills, mountains, mountain parks, western sage plains
and lower foot hills. The western part of the state being drier has
a more xerophytic vegetation than that of the eastern part.
John W. Harshberger.
Rouy, G., S u r q u e l q u e s S c r o f u l a r i a c é e s du S u d - E s t d e la
F r a n c e et sur d e u x S a l i c a c é e s d ' A l s a c e . (Bull. Soc. bot.
France. LVII. p. 195—201. 1910.)
Hybrides nouveaux: 1° X Pedicularis camberiensis Rouy (P. gyro flexa Vill. X Barrelieri Reichb.), dont les parents sont ceux attribués au P. delphinata Steininger par son auteur.
2° X P- Blanci Rouy et Faure (P. cenisia Gaud. X Barrelieri
Reichb.), dont la diagnose se rapporte à celle du P. delphinata
3 X P- Gillotana Rouy et Faure (P. cenisia Gand. X gy*9flexa Vill.).
4° X P- alpicola Rouy et Faure (P, Barrelieri X tuberosa L,).
L'auteur décrit en outre deux Salix hybrides: X S. Issleri Roxiy
(S. aurita X hastata Wimm.), X -S. Mantsii Rouy (S. incana X "
gricans Mantz) et une nouvelle sous-espèce, trouvée en S a v o i e , du
Linaria vulgaris, le L. Perrieri Rouy.
J. Offner.
Simmons, H. G., F l o r a n o c h V e g e t a t i o n e n i K i r u n a . (Vetenskapliga och praktiska Undersökningar i Lapland, anordnade
af Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag. 403 pp. 22 Tafeln, und
1 Karte. Mit engl. Zusammenfassung. Nordiska Bokhandeln,
Stockholm, 1910.)
Der durch seinen Grubenbau bekannte Ort K i r u n a ist in
T o r n e L a p p m a r k bei 67°50' n.Br. gelegen. Das in den Jahren
1908 und '09 untersuchte, etwa 10 km grosse Gebiet ist zum grössten Teil zur ßirkenregion zu zählen; nur der höchste Teil von
K i i r u n a v a a r a gehört zur regio alpina.