japanese translation program


japanese translation program
Suzanne Berger
Office Telephone: (617) 253-6640
Email: [email protected]
FAX: (617) 258-6164
Department of Political Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
30 Wadsworth Street, E53-451
Cambridge, MA 02139
Raphael Dorman and Helen Starbuck Professor, Department of Political Science,
Globalization and Politics; Manufacturing and Innovation
Instructor, Harvard University, 1966-68
Department of Political Science, MIT, 1968 – Present
Antioch College, 1956-1958
University of Chicago, 1958-1960 (B.A. with honors)
Harvard University, 1960-1967 (M.A. and Ph.D.)
Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur, 2009
Rossi Prize (Academie des sciences morales et politiques), 2007
Gordon Y. Billard Award (MIT), 2013
Class of 1960 Fellow, 2006-2008
Inaugural Lecture, Doctoral School, Sciences Po, Paris France, 2007
Prix Européen du Livre d’Economie, 2004
Dean’s Award for Distinguished Service, 2003
Visiting Professor, Ecole Polytechnique and Sciences Po, 2001-2002
Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, 1993
Chevalier dans l’Ordre National du Mérite
APSA Pi Sigma Teaching Award, 2003, 2006
Mentor of Distinction Award, Women’s Caucus for Political Science, 1993
Outstanding Mentor, 2000
1 Graduate Student Council Teaching Award, MIT, 1987
French-American Foundation Chair in American Civilization, Ecole des Hautes
Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 1985-1986
Fulbright Visiting Lecturer, France, 1985-1986
Guggenheim Fellowship, 1979-1980
William R. Kenan, Jr. Chair, MIT, 1972-1974
American Philosophical Society Grant
Ford Foundation (Award in competition for proposals on common problems of
industrial societies)
Ford Professor of Political Science
Phi Beta Kappa
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship
Radcliffe Fellowship
Frederick Sheldon Traveling Fellowship
Forstmann Scholarship
Co-Chair, MIT Production in the Innovation Economy Commission, 2010-2013
Founding Director, MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI)
Director, MIT France, 1995-2015
Founding Director, Seminar XXI: MIT Seminar on Foreign Politics and the
National Interest, 1986-1993
Faculty Supervisor, MIT-Sciences Po (France) exchange
MIT Taskforce on Promotion and Tenure
Board, MIT Press
Global Council, MIT
International Advisory Committee, MIT
Advisory Board, INT Management School, Institut National des
Telecommunications, France
Academic Council, MPA Program, Sciences Po, France
Past member, Tocqueville Prize Committee
Vice-President, American Political Science Association, 1996-97
Chair, Department of Political Science, MIT, 1989-1992
Board of Directors, Social Science Research Council, 1986-1992
SSRC-ACLS Joint Committee on International Programs, 1992-1996
German-American Academic Council, 1993-1996
Member, Conseil Scientifique, Centre de Sociologie des Organisations, CNRS,
Member, National Research Council, Competitiveness Task Force
Faculty Committee, MIT-World Economic Forum Industrial Summit
Executive Committee, MIT Industrial Performance Center
Member, Committee on Studies, Council on Foreign Relations
Member, MIT Commission on Industrial Productivity, 1986-1989
Faculty Associate, Center For European Studies, Harvard University
Organizer, Comparative Politics Section, APSA, 1985, 1993
Oversight Panel, National Science Foundation, 1984
Board Member, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 1981-1984
2 SSRC-ACLS Committee on West Europe, 1977-80
Member, Council of the American Political Science Association, 1976-1978
Chair, Killian Award Committee, MIT, 1984-1985
Member, Committee on International Institutional Commitments, MIT, 1984-1986
Associate Chairman of the Faculty, MIT, 1975-1977
Member, Visiting Committee on the College and Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences, Harvard University 1975-1982
Trustee, World Peace Foundation, 1974-1982
Board Member, MIT Press, 1980-1983
Consultant, German Marshall Fund of the United States
Consultant, OECD, 1974-1975
Editorial Boards (past and current)
Political Science Quarterly
West European Politics
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
The International Spectator
Stato e Mercato
European Sociological Review
American Political Science Review
Political Studies
World Politics
Japanese Journal of Political Science
European Journal of Political Science
Board of Directors, BNP Paribas (2007-2011)
President, Jury for the BNP Paribas Philanthropy Prize
Chair, Collège de France, International Committee on Scientific and Strategic
Board of Directors, Collège de France Foundation
Peasants Against Politics: Rural Organization in Brittany, 1911-1967 (Harvard University
Press, 1972). Translated into French with a new chapter: Les Paysans contre la
politique (Seuil, 1975). Re-issued by Harvard University Press as e-book, 2015.
The French Political System. New York: Random House, 1974. Also in S. Beer and A.
Ulam (eds.), Patterns of Government (Random House, 1972).
The Utilization of the Social Sciences in Policy Making in the United States (editor with
introductory essay) (OECD, 1980).
3 Dualism and Discontinuity in Industrial Societies (co-authored with Michael Piore).
Cambridge University Press, 1980. Translation into Italian: Dualismo economico e
politica nelle società industriali (Il Mulino, 1982).
Organizing Interests in Western Europe (editor, with introductory chapter and one other
chapter) (Cambridge University Press, 1981). Translation into Italian:
L’organizzazione degli interessi nell’Europa occidentale (Il Mulino, 1983). Translation
into Spanish: La organización de los grupos de interés en Europa Occidental (Ministerio
de Trabajo y Seguiridad Social, 1988).
Religion and Politics in Western Europe, editor, with introduction (Frank Cass, 1982).
National Diversity and Global Capitalism (with Ronald Dore), editor, with chapter.
(Cornell University Press, 1996). Published in Italian as Differenze nazionali e
capitalism globale (Il Mulino, 1998) with new introduction. Japanese translation.
Made By Hong Kong (with Richard K. Lester) (Oxford University Press, 1997).
Notre Première Mondialisation: Leçons d’un échec oublié (Seuil, 2003). Received the Prix
Européen du Livre d’Economie, 2004.
Global Taiwan (with Richard K. Lester) (M.E. Sharpe, 2005).
How We Compete: What Companies Around the World Are Doing to Make It in the Global
Economy (Doubleday, 2006). Translation of the book with new preface; Made in
Monde (Seuil, 2006). Editions appeared in Japanese (Soshisha) with a new preface
in Fall 2006; as well an Italian edition, Mondializzazione: come fanno per competere
(Garzanti). Spanish (Urano), Portuguese, Greek, Romanian, and Korean
Making in America: From Innovation to Market (with the MIT Taskforce on Production in
the Innovation Economy) (MIT Press, 2013).
“Edouard Leclerc: Grocer of France,“ Yale Review, Fall, 1965.
“Corporative Organizations: The Case of a French Rural Association,” in R. Pennock and
J. Chapman (eds.), Voluntary Associations (Nomos XI), “Etats-Unis: Agriculture
sans classe paysanne,” in H. Mendras and Y. Tavernier (eds.), Terre, paysans et
politique. S.E.D.E.I.S. (1968).
“Etats-Unis: Agriculture sans classe paysanne,” in H. Mendras and Y. Tavernier (eds.),
Terre, paysans et politique. S.E.D.E.I.S. (1968).
“The Problem of Reform in France: The Political Ideas of Local Elites,” Political Science
Quarterly (with Peter Gourevitch, Patrice Higonnet, and Karl Kaiser), LXXIV: 3
September, 1969.
4 “””Corporatisme et politique des partis,” in Y. Tavernier (ed.), L’Univers politique des paysans
(A. Colin, 1972).
“Bretons, Basques, Scots and Other European Nations,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History,
Spring 1972.
“Uso Politico e sopravvivenza dei ceti in declino” (The Uses of the Traditional Sector:
Why the Declining Sector Survives), in F. L. Cavazza and S. Graubard (eds.), Il
Caso Italiano (Garzanti, 1974). Translation in French in Contrepoint, No. 18 (1975).
Revised and expanded version in English in Frank Bechhofer and Brian Elliot, The
Petite Bourgeoisie: Comparative Studies of the Uneasy Stratum (Macmillan, 1980).
“France: Autonomy in Alliance,” in David Landes (ed.) Western Europe: The Trials of
Partnership, Critical Choices for Americans, vol. VIII (D.C. Heath, 1977).
“Italy: On the Threshold or the Brink?” in David Landes (ed.) Western Europe: The Trials
of Partnership, Critical Choices for Americans, vol. VIII (D.C. Heath, 1977).
“Bretons and Jacobins: Reflections on French Regional Ethnicity” in Milton Esman (ed.)
Ethnic Conflict in the Western World (Cornell University Press, 1977).
“D’une boutique à l’autre: The Organization of the Traditional Middle Class from Fourth
to Fifth Republic,” Comparative Politics, October 1977.
“Politics and Anti-politics in Western Europe in the Seventies,” Daedalus, Winter 1979.
“Foreign Workers in Western Europe,” Journal/The Institute for Socioeconomic Studies,
December, 1978.
“Lame Ducks and National Champions: French Industrial Policy in the Fifth Republic,”
in William Andrews and Stanley Hoffmann, The Fifth Republic at Twenty (SUNY
Press, 1981).
“Monde catholique, pratique religieuse et vie politique,” in Jean-Daniel Reynaud and
Yves Grafmeyer (eds.). Francais, qui etes vous? (Documentation française, 1981).
“The French Socialists at Midterm,” Journal/The Institute for Socioeconomic Studies, IX:1
Spring, 1984.
“Politics: American and Non-American,” PS, XVII: 3 Summer 1984.
and the Transformation of Politics,” European Sociological Review vol. 1: no. 1,
and in revised form as a chapter in Charles Maier, ed., Changing Boundaries of
Politics (Cambridge University Press, 1987). Translation into French: “Declin
religieux et recomposition politique: Une Interpretation de l’exemple français,” in
Archives de Sciences Sociales en Religion, vol. 66, no. 1, 1988.
“Il conflitto sociale nella Francia socialista,” Stato e mercato, no. 12, December 1984.
Translation in Spanish in Papeles de Economia Espanola, 22, 1985.
5 “French Socialists and the Patronat,” in Howard Machin and Vincent Wright (eds.),
Economic Policies and Policy-Making under the Mitterrand Presidency 1981-1984
(St. Martin’s Press, 1985).
“French Politics at a Turning Point?” in French Politics and Society, No. 15, November
“French Business from Transition to Transition, 1981-1986,” in G. Ross, S. Hoffmann and
S. Malzacher, The Mitterrand Experiment: Continuity and Change in Socialist France
(Polity Press, 1987).
“Liberalism Reborn: The New Liberal Synthesis in France,” in J. Howorth and G.
Ross, France: A Yearbook of Interdisciplinary Studies, Number One (Frances
Pinter, 1987).
“La nuova sintesi neoliberale in Francia,” in M. Aymard, ed. Il Governo della Sinistra
nella Francia degli anni ’80 (F. Angeli, 1987).
“Towards a New Industrial America,” in Scientific American, June 1989, with Michael
Dertouzos, Richard Lester, and Robert Solow.
“The French Revolution in Contemporary French Politics,” French Politics and Society, vol.
8, no. 2, Spring 1990.
“Old Allies, New Realities: Changing American Views on Europe and Japan,” TBR
Intelligence, vol. 3, no. 1, 1990.
“From Le Mouvement Poujade to the Front National: Studies on the Dark Side of
French Politics,” in Linda B. Miller and Michael Joseph Smith (eds.) Ideas
and Ideals: Essays on Politics in Honor of Stanley Hoffmann (Westview
Press, 1993).
“De Made in America à Made in France,” in B. Coriat and D. Taddei, Entreprise France: Made
in France, vol. 2 (1993).
“Quatre ans après Made in America,” in Revue politique et parlementaire, no. 966, JulyAugust 1993.
“The Coming Protectionism: Trade and Identity in France,” in Business and the
Contemporary World, VII, 1, 1995. This appears also in Gregory Flynn (ed.)
Remaking the Hexagon: The New France in the New Europe (Westview, 1995).
“Comments,” in William Wallace, Regional Integration: Western Europe
(Brookings Institution, 1995).
6 “Domestic Politics of Globalization: The European Debate,” in B-M. Hwang and Y-K.
Yoon, Middle Powers in the Age of Globalization, KAIS International Conference
Series, No. 5, 1996. Also in French in Sciences Humaines, September 1996.
“Globalization and Politics,” Annual Review of Political Science, Volume 3, 2000.
“Globalisierung und die Zukunft der Arbeit,” [Globalization and the Future of
Work] in W. Krull, Zukunftsstreit (2000).
“’Il caso italiano’" and Globalization,“ (with Richard Locke), in Daedalus, July, 2001.
“La Première Globalisation,“ in Gérer et Comprendre, Spring 2002.
“French Democracy without Borders?“ in French Politics and Society, Spring 2002.
“French Democracy without Borders?” in A. Le Gloannec et al., (eds.), Entre Kant et
Kosovo (Presses de Sciences Po, 2003)
“Representation in Trouble, “ in P. Culpepper, P. Hall, and B. Palier, (eds.),
Changing France: The Politics that Markets Make (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2006);
also in Culpepper et al. La France en Mutation 1980-2005 (Presses de la
Fondation des Sciences Politiques, 2006).
“Untapped Wealth: Industry and Innovation in Ile-de-France,” (with Dan
Breznitz), unpublished paper.
"Que peuvent faire les entreprises françaises?" in Michel Albert, La France et la
mondialisation, (Presses universitaires de France, 2007).
“Historical Economic Imbalances and Political Reckonings: Lessons from the First
Globalization,” Comments on ‘Losing Our Marbles in the New Century? The
Great Rebalancing in Historical Perspective,’ by Christopher M. Meissner and
Alan M. Taylor,” in Jane S. Little (ed.) Global Imbalances and the Evolving World
Economy, (Boston: Federal Reserve Bank, 2008), 131-143.
“Mastering or Missing Opportunities?”in G. Dosi and M-C Marcuzzo, L’Economia e la
Politica: Saggi in onore di Michele Salvati (Il Mulino, 2007).
Discussion Forum, On Suzanne Berger, “How We Compete: What Companies Around
the World Are Doing to Make It in Today’s Global Economy,” Panel at SASE 2008,
Response to W. Streeck, K. Thelen, J. Whitford, J. Zeitlin, in Socio-Economic Review,
vol. 7, No. 3, 2009, 525-534.
“Decline or Renewal: France and the Hoffmann Paradigm,” French Politics, vol. 7.
No. 4, 2009.
”Choix et Contraintes: la France en fin de régime,” in Philippe Urfalino, (ed.)
Intelligences de la France, Editions Cécile Défaut (Presses Universitaires de France,
7 “Troubleshooting Economic Narratives,” in A. Hemerijck, B. Knapen, E. van
Doome, Aftershocks: Economic Crisis and Institutional Choices
(University of Amsterdam Press, 2009).
“German Crises Before the Crisis,” Comparative European Politics, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 468-76,
December 2010.
“Toward a Third Industrial Divide?” in Paul Osterman, editor, Economy in Society
(MIT Press, 2012).
“Puzzles from the First Globalization,” in Miles Kahler and David Lake (eds.), Politics in
the New Hard Times (Cornell University Press, 2013).
“La Grande Désillusion,” in Jean-François Sirinelli, ed., La France qui vient (CNRS
Editions, 2014).
“How Finance Gutted Manufacturing,” Boston Review, April 2014.