
Section Three:
Classroom (Equipment, Supplies, Furniture)
1. What type of items would you find in a classroom? In English, make a list of
ten items on the lines below.
2. Did you recognize any words as you listened? List them below. You do not
need to fill all the lines.
Pg 1
3. In the columns below list the items that were put away in Mme Morin’s
classroom. Write both the French word with the article le, la or les and the
English translation. Use the glossary for help.
French Words
4. Listen to Track 8 on the Workbook CD 1. Write the appropriate
definite article le or la in front of the classroom supplies listed
below. Follow the model.
Model: __le__ bac de recyclage
Pg 2
a. _________ brosse
b. _________ bureau
c. _________ carte géographique
d. _________ cassette audio
e. _________ cassette vidéo
f. _________
Pg 3
g. _________ pupitre
h. _________ fenêtre
i. _________
globe terrestre
j. _________
k. _________ rétroprojecteur
5. Change the words on the next pages from singular to plural. Be sure to
change the definite article to les and the ending of the noun by adding an ‘s’.
Follow the model.
le pupitre
les pupitres
Pg 4
le téléphone
le téléviseur
le classeur
Pg 5
la craie
la fenêtre
la porte
le trombone
la poubelle
Pg 6
la punaise
6. Play a game of Bingo 1 online.
Pg 7
1. Look back on Day One of the Workbook question 3. Rewrite the items that
were found in Mme Morin’s classroom by changing the definite article le, la or
les to an indefinite article un, une or des. Follow the model.
Model: la salle de classe une salle de classe
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________
2. Play a game of Bingo 1 online.
Pg 8
1. As you watch the animation, did you notice where the students place le
perforateur, le calendrier and l’affiche? In the space below, write a sentence
in English describing where each item was placed.
The hole punch is on ______________________.
le perforateur
le calendrier
2. Can you identify the word they used to say ‘on’? Write it on the line below.
Pg 9
3. Listen to Track 9 on the Workbook CD 1. The character will tell you
where each of the items a to g are to be placed in the classroom.
Write the letter corresponding to each item on the picture as
directed. The first one is done for you.
4. Play a game of Les images et les mots 2 online.
Pg 10
1. What item was placed under the clock in the animation? Watch the animation
again if you can’t remember and write, in French, the item on the line below.
2. On the following page, colour (colorie) the items as instructed below and cut
them out. Use the glossary to review the vocabulary and colours used.
a. Colorie l’affiche en rouge et blanc.
b. Colorie le téléphone en violet.
c. Colorie l’agenda scolaire en rouge et vert.
d. Colorie le magnétophone en noir.
e. Colorie la poubelle en gris.
Colorie la carte géographique en brun, en bleu et en vert.
g. Colorie la gomme en rose.
h. Colorie la trousse de crayons en orange.
Colorie le perforateur en brun.
Pg 11
Pg 12
3. Using your coloured images from question 2, glue (colle) them, in
the picture on the following page, as directed on Track 10 on the
Workbook CD 1. Use the pictures below to help you understand the
Pg 13
Pg 14
1. On the lines below write, in French, the two items that were placed in Justin’s
2. Look inside your desk. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences below with
the items that are found in your desk. Use the glossary to help you name and
write the items correctly in French. Follow the model.
Note: All nouns in French are always accompanied with an article. In this
case use definite articles (le or la) in front of each noun.
Model: Le crayon est dans le pupitre.
a. ____________________________________est dans le pupitre.
b. ____________________________________est dans le pupitre.
c. ____________________________________est dans le pupitre.
d. ____________________________________est dans le pupitre.
e. ____________________________________est dans le pupitre.
f. ____________________________________est dans le pupitre.
Pg 15
3. Next to each letter on the following page you will find three
pictures of various items you may find in a student’s desk. Listen to
Track 11 on the Workbook CD 1 and circle the picture that
corresponds with what the character sees (Je vois) in the desk.
Pg 16
4. Play a game of Bingo 1 online.
Pg 17
1. What did you do to help you understand Track 26 on the Unit CD 1? You may
want to review strategies in Section Two, Day Nine.
2. Listen again to Track 26 on the Unit CD 1 and use the pictures in
the Unit to answer the following questions. Questions a and b are
to be answered in English.
a. In relation to the table, where is Monique standing?
b. In relation to the window, where is Patrick standing?
c. Can you write the French equivalent for “behind” and “in front of”?
Pg 18
3. Listen to Track 12 on the Workbook CD 1 and write on the lines
below whether the first object is devant or derrière the second
object. The first one is done for you.
Pg 19
4. Write a sentence to express who or what is devant and who or what is
derrière. Follow the model.
Le crayon est devant la gomme.
La gomme est derrière le crayon.
Pg 20
5. Play a game of Les images et les mots 2 online.
Pg 21
1. Listen to Track 26 on the Unit CD 1 as often as you need. Then
answer the following questions in French.
a. What supplies does Patrick need to purchase?
b. What supplies does Justin need to purchase?
c. What words did they use to say “I need…”?
2. Listen to Track 13 on the Workbook CD 1. Justin will read a list of
things he needs. From the three pictures, circle the item he needs
and then write a sentence to express his need. Use the glossary
and follow the model.
J’ai besoin d’un stylo.
Pg 22
Pg 23
3. Read the context below and listen to Track 14 on the Workbook CD 1.
Context: When Justin was helping Mme Morin clean up her classroom, he made
a list of items that were missing in the classroom. He is now reading the list to
On the next page you will find a random placing of the items that are needed in
Mme Morin’s classroom. Write, in order, sentences to express the items on
Justin’s list. The first one was done for you.
Note: Be careful to use the appropriate article; un for masculine nouns or une
for feminine nouns.
Pg 24
a. Tu as besoin d’une poubelle.
b. _____________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________________________
e. _____________________________________________________________
f. _____________________________________________________________
g. _____________________________________________________________
h. _____________________________________________________________
i. _____________________________________________________________
Pg 25
4. What are your needs? Look through your school supplies and
decide what you need. Use the glossary and make a list of five
items. Next ask a friend or sibling what they need and make
another list of five items. When your two lists are completed,
record yourself reading them.
Tu as besoin de / d’
J’ai besoin de / d’
Note: When reading your list use J’ai besoin de / d’ and when reading the
second list use Tu as besoin de / d’. Remember to use the appropriate article: un
for masculine nouns and une for feminine nouns.
Submit your recording with the Workbook.
Start your recording by introducing yourself.
Je m’appelle (give your name).
This is Unit 1, Section 3, Day 7, Number 5.
Pg 26
1. Listen again to Track 26 on the Unit CD 1. Justin, Patrick and
Monique are sorting their supplies. On the lines below, list in
French the supplies that are being sorted. Can you pick out at least
Pg 27
2. Listen once more to Track 26 on the Unit CD 1. Below you will find,
on the left, pictures of the school supplies that are being sorted in
the classroom. On the right, you will find pictures of the students
doing the sorting. As you listen to the CD, pay attention to the
possessive adjectives: mon / ma, ton / ta. Draw a line from the
school supply to the student who owns it.
Pg 28
3. With the items listed below you will need to write two sentences. First tell
Justin that the item he has belongs to you. Second tell Justin that the item
you have belongs to him. Be sure to look at the gender of the noun. Follow
the model.
le crayon
Justin, c’est mon crayon.
Justin, c’est ton crayon.
la craie
Justin, c’est ma craie.
Justin, c’est ta craie.
a. la feuille de papier
b. le crayon de cire blanc
c. la trousse de crayons noire
d. le calendrier
e. le pupitre
Pg 29
f. le cahier d’exercices
g. le magnétophone
h. le téléphone
4. Play a game of Le bonhomme pendu 2 online.
Pg 30
1. Below is the conversation Patrick had with Monique when he was looking for
his felt pens. Notice the possessive adjectives that were used: mes / tes.
Explain, in English, why you think these were used instead of mon / ma or
ton / ta.
Patrick : Tu as vu mes feutres?
Monique : Oui! Tes feutres sont sur le pupitre de Karine.
2. Rewrite the sentences changing the possessive adjective from mon or ma to
mes. Note the changes that take place in the model.
C’est mon crayon.
Ce sont mes crayons.
a. C’est mon affiche.
b. C’est ma craie.
c. C’est mon rétroprojecteur.
Pg 31
d. C’est mon téléphone.
e. C’est ma table.
3. Rewrite the following sentences changing the possessive adjectives ton or ta
to tes. Note the changes that take place in the model.
C’est ton ordinateur.
Ce sont tes ordinateurs.
a. C’est ta chaise.
b. C’est ton magnétoscope.
c. C’est ton magnétophone.
d. C’est ton téléviseur.
Pg 32
4. Record yourself reading the two sentences for each of the following
questions: 2a, 2c, 2e, 3b, 3d. Submit your recording with the
Start your recording by introducing yourself.
Je m’appelle (give your name).
This is Unit 1, Section 3, Day 9, Number 4.
Pg 33
1. Play Les mots-mystères 3 online or complete Les mots-mystères
(word search) below.
le bac de recyclage
la brosse
le calendrier
la chaise
la fenêtre
le magnétophone
le perforateur
la table
le téléphone
le taille-crayon
le téléviseur
le crayon
l’agenda scolaire
le stylo correcteur
le trombone
le rétroprojecteur
la punaise
Pg 34
le bureau
la porte
la fenêtre
le globe terrestre
2. Complete the picture on the following page by using the directions
below. You may listen to Track 15 on the Workbook CD 1 for the
directions being read.
a. Dessine (draw) cinq pupitres bruns dans la salle de classe.
b. Dessine deux crayons jaunes sur un pupitre.
c. Dessine trois cahiers d’exercices verts sous un pupitre.
d. Dessine une gomme rose dans un pupitre.
e. Dessine une horloge rouge sur un mur.
Dessine une fenêtre sur un mur.
g. Dessine une étagère sous la fenêtre.
h. Dessine un magnétophone sur l’étagère.
Dessine une table devant les pupitres.
Dessine une chaise grise derrière la table.
Pg 35
Pg 36
3. Play a game of Bingo 1 online.
Pg 37