Climate Heroes


Climate Heroes
CLI M ATE heroes
get inspired to act against climate change
un projet collaboratif /
a collaborative project
l’équipe / the team
avez entendu parler des victimes et des conséquences du changement
Mais connaissez-vous les femmes et les hommes qui se battent chaque jour pour
en contrer les causes, ou les conséquences ?
simple citoyen à la personnalité médiatique, ils peuvent nous inspirer dans
notre vie quotidienne pour nous aider à modifier nos comportements et
désacraliser l’ampleur de la tâche qui nous attend.
Rassemblés au sein d’un même
projet photographique, ce sont les visages des Héros qui se battent pour comprendre,
anticiper ou limiter les impacts des changements climatiques.
en collaboration avec / in partnership with
You heard about the victims and the consequences of climate change.
But do you know that well the story of the women and the men who fight each
day to counter its causes and consequences?
From the everyday citizen to the officials involved in media or politics, they can
inspire us in our daily life, and help us change our behavior while making the
task at hand more humanly reachable. Gathered within one single photographic
project, they are the faces of the
the impacts of climate change.
who fight to understand, anticipate or limit
Quels sont les objectifs du projet ?
What are the project objectives?
"Inspirer par l’exemple d’actions positives."
"Inspire by example of positive actions."
A travers le projet photographique Climate Heroes, nous
avons décidé de mettre en lumière celles et ceux qui
se distinguent par leurs valeurs et leurs actions, dans leur
lutte quotidienne, avec les solutions dont ils sont porteurs. Sur le
terrain ou depuis leur bureau, leur exemple nous insuffle l’énergie
nécessaire pour répondre à la question « comment puis-je
commencer à agir aujourd’hui ? »
Climate Heroes is a photo project by which we aim to shed the
light on those men and women who stand out by their values
and actions, in their daily fight, along with the solutions they try to
promote. From the field or from their office, their example gives
us the necessary strength to answer the question «how can I start
acting now?»
Notre visée est particulièrement de :
We specifically aim to:
• Valoriser les démarches positives et porteuses de solutions
• Highlight positive actions that bring actual solutions
• Proposer au public une vision nouvelle et accessible sur les
problématiques du climat, à travers des exemples tirés de
l’ensemble de ses acteurs, professionnels ou citoyens
• Offer the public a novel vision on climatic issues, more readily
accessible through examples taken from a wide range of
stakeholders, be they professional or citizens
• Interpeller, inspirer et faciliter les évolutions de comportements
• Provoke thought, inspire and foster behavioral changes
En faisant le portrait des femmes et des hommes qui sont passés
à l’action, nous décidons de porter un message fort et positif.
Climate Heroes se conclura par une exposition finale d’envergure
en 2014, faisant écho au Sommet de la Terre (ou Rio+20), de juin
2012, et en parallèle des discussions sur le futur Protocole de
Kyoto fin 2014.
By making the portrait of those men and women who already
started acting for the wealth of all, we decide to carry a strong
and positive message. Climate Heroes will conclude through a
final exhibition in 2014, echoing the Earth Summit, or Rio+20, of
June 2012, and in parallel to the climate talks that will prepare the
new Kyoto Protocol end of 2014.
Quel est le contenu du projet ?
What is the project content?
> Nous montrons la diversité des acteurs engagés dans la lutte contre le changement climatique pour inspirer le plus grand nombre, via quatre chapitres :
> We show the diversity of stakeholders involved in the fight against climate change to inspire as many as possible, via four chapters:
C itizens
> Whether in developing or developed countries, they set personal records, accomplish
remarkable or just simple acts, launch expeditions or engage in environmental defense in order
to show their commitment.
S cientists
Former illegal loggers reconverted to sustainable farming – Sumatra, Indonesia
A pioneer community lives on wind power – Samso, Denmark
Urban farmers growing food locally, eliminating the need for food transportation – New
York City
A Citizen who chose to live with «zero impact» – New York City
Winnie Asiti, Africa Youth on Climate Change – Kenya
Ikal Angelei, Friends of Lake Turkana – Kenya
Deepa Gupta, co-founder of the Indian Youth Climate Network – India
Surui Indians preserve their forest by selling Carbon credits to surrounding business – Brazil
A priest sets to cure the corals – Saint Vincent and Grenadines
C ommited P ublic F igures
> Men and Women, involved in mitigating climate change through their political or public fight
Achim Steiner- Executive Director, UNEP – Kenya
Senator Bob Brown* – Tasmania, Australia
Allan Schwarz, Nature conservationist. Founder, Mezimbite Forest Center – Mozambique
Fredy Brunner, St. Gallen’s City Government, for an innovative energy concept for the city
– Switzerland
> Active on the field, they want to understand the causes of climate change in order
to find solutions: scientific expeditions and research programs on the field
Study of the Canopy and its interactions with atmospheric CO2: Nalini Nadkarni,
Global Canopy Program – Costa Rica, Panama, USA
Jintana Kaewkhao, leader of natural preservation network of Bo Nok and Hin Krud
– Thailand
Peggy Liu, Chairperson and co-founder of JUCCCE, a non-profit that aims to
accelerate the greening of China – China
Dr. Sander Van der Leeuw, set to understand why humanity is not facing up to the
long-term issue of environmental change – The Netherlands
CoolNR, an NGO that promotes the use of renewable energies – Mexico and
Malini Mehra, founder of the Centre for Social Markets – UK and India
Social Entrepreneur Dorjee Sun, Chief Executive Officer of Carbon Conservation
in his fight against deforestation – Singapore and Indonesia
I nnovative E ntrepreneurs
> Entrepreneurs and leaders who innovate on the field and leverage their
expertise to reduce our footprint on the climate
Mark Morrison, Environmental Architect, environmental projects counteracting
the urban heat bubble effect – New York City
Michael Mwakilasa, Mafuta Sasa Biodeisel, the first Wasted Vegetable Oil-tobiodiesel company in East Africa – Tanzania
Ronald, Solar Entrepreneur for Barefoot Power – Uganda
Fábio C. Barbosa, clean tech entrepreneur – Brazil
* Sous réserve d’accord / pending approval
Comment nous soutenir ?
How to support us?
Vous pouvez nous accompagner avec un soutien financier,
You can participate through a financial, logistical or technical
mais aussi logistique ou matériel.
• Nous travaillons dans de nombreux pays. La facilitation de nos
transports, contacts locaux, hébergement, ou la mise en relation
avec des organismes scientifiques dans les pays où nous travaillons
est vitale.
• We work in numerous countries. Making our transportation easier,
providing local contacts, housing, or putting us in contact with
scientific organizations in the countries where we work, is key.
• Vous souhaitez vous associer au projet en le sponsorisant ? Nous vous
proposons une place privilégiée sur les moyens de communication,
lors de l’exposition, dans nos newsletters.
• You wish to sponsor the project? We can offer a space on our project
documents, during the exhibition, or in our newsletters.
• Vous connaissez un Héros du Climat ? Participez en nous envoyant un
portrait et un court texte de description de son engagement à agraffer
sur notre site:
• Do you know a Climate Hero? Participate by sending us a portrait and
a short description text of her/his action, to pin on our website:
CLI MATE heroes
Héros du Climat
Short description
of Brian’s
Short description of
Short description
of Erik’s
description of Mr
Short description
of Amir’s
Quels seront nos moyens de communication ?
How will we use the media?
Héros du Climat sera très largement diffusé au sein d’un réseau de décideurs et dirigeants d’entreprises, tous issus de Grandes Ecoles et d’organismes
internationaux dont sont issus les porteurs du projet :
> En France, Royaume Uni, USA et dans le monde : 400 000+ dirigeants d’entreprises et cadres de grands groupes (CAC40, LSE, NYSE), et d’organismes
publics et privés
> Des partenariats sont envisagés avec les ONG ou institutionnels les plus pertinents (PNUE, Banque Mondiale) ou fondations (Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation)
Climate Heroes will be extensively promoted through a network of decision-makers, from top-level Universities and international organizations, in
which the project leaders are members:
> In France, the UK, the US and the world: 400,000+ CEOs and decision-makers of large groups (French CAC40, LSE, NYSE), and of public and
private institutions
> Partnerships are envisioned with the most relevant NGOs, institutional bodies (UNEP, World Bank) or foundations (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)
La promotion du projet se fera principalement grâce à / The project will be promoted mainly through:
www . climateheroes . org
P rint
Un site internet dédié en tant que vecteur de communication,
d’échange entre partenaires. Tout au long du projet, il permettra la
publication des travaux et d’informer le public et les partenaires :
Tout au long du projet :
Génération de buzz à travers les réseaux sociaux
Publication de Web-documentaires (2 à 5 min) alliant
diaporamas d’images, prises sonores terrain, et témoignages
issus d’enregistrements audio des entretiens avec les Héros du
A dedicated website to serve as a communication and interchange
hub for our partners. During the entire project, this will allow keeping
the public and our partners updated about the new work carried
Buzz generation through social networks
Web-documentaries (2 to 5 min): combination of photographs
and sound recordings on the field, along with testimonies from
interviews with the Climate Heroes
Dossiers de Presse (France et Europe)
autour des Héros du Climat
Diffusion d’une newsletter au sein de nos
institutionnelles et rapports annuels de
During the entire project:
Press kits (France and Europe) around the
Climate Heroes
Newsletter sent out to our networks
Publications in institutional brochures and
our partners’ annual reports
É vénements / E vents
Exposition finale d’envergure sur Paris en
En partenariat avec les organismes de
recherche et les partenaires du projet
Publication d’un livre regroupant les
photographies et histoires des Héros du
Climat, ainsi que les données scientifiques
pertinentes pour leur vulgarisation
Final major exhibit in Paris in 2014
In partnership with research institutes and
project partners
Publication of a book gathering the
photographs and stories of the Climate
Heroes, and relevant scientific data for
educational purposes
Exemples de photos
Sample pictures
Extraits des deux premiers reportages - Indonésie et Danemark :
Extract of the two first reportages - Indonesia and Denmark:
Subari, Amir, Sryiadi et Mr Paryoto sont d’anciens travailleurs impliqués dans
la déforestation illégale de l’ile de Sumatra. Ils ont choisi de stopper cette
activité et sont aujourd’hui exploitant agricole, gérant d’une ferme cafetière
et fruitière, travailleur manuel ou Secrétaire de village producteur de Café.
Subari, Amir, Sryiadi and Mr Paryoto are former workers involved in the illegal
deforestation of Sumatra. They chose to stop this activity. Today they are
land owner, manager of a coffee and fruit farm, manual worker or Secretary
of Village and coffee producer.
Soren, Brian et Erik sont les acteurs du projet d’Ile Durable à Samso, Danemark.
Ils ont investi leur temps et leurs économie pour faire de Samso une
communauté entièrement basée sur les énergies renouvelables.
Soren, Brian and Erik are the intitiators of the Sustainable Island project in
Samso, Denmark. They invested their time and money in making Samso a
community fully based on renewable energies.
Nous avons documenté leur nouveau mode de vie et leurs convictions.
We documented their new lifestyle and beliefs.
Une équipe internationale sur le terrain
A global team on the ground
Peter Caton holds an Honours Degree in Photography and works on the
road globally as a freelance professional. Much of his work has been
commissioned by leading NGOs including Save the Children, CARE,
Greenpeace, WWF, UNESCO, The Red Cross and magazines such as Le
Figaro, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, GEO and Marie Claire. His environmental portraits have been exhibited in the National Portrait Gallery in
London, The Museum for Modern Art in Brazil, along Londons river Thames
and at the last two climate summits amongst many others.
Maxime Riché is an independent photographer based in Canada, author of
reportages on New York and Asia. His
personal work combines outdoor environmental portraits, reportage and current social issues. He is a Graduate from
Ecole Centrale, Columbia University
and the University of Cambridge, as a
Gates Scholar.
Jonathan Kalan is an internationally published photojournalist specializing in social innovation in emerging markets. Jonathan has worked with
nonprofits, social enterprise start-ups, and media companies. As founder
of The (BoP) Project Jonathan is reporting on the narrative of «potential»
behind the veil of poverty in emerging economies, through the lens of
social entrepreneurs across East Africa. He is currently based in Nairobi,
Nicolas Beaumont is a French photographer based in Paris and traveling
around the world. He has been on
numerous assignments for Red Cross.
He works on human life: sickness, suffering, exclusion, failure, happiness,
joy or success. His stories have one
common denominator: sincerity. He is
based in Paris.
Luke Duggleby is an awardwinning British photographer
specialising in Asia. He has
been based in Bangkok, Thailand, for over 8 years. He is
continuously shooting travel
and editorial style assignments
and being published in some
of the most globally respected
publications and NGO’s such
as National Geographic Magazine, The Independent on Sunday Review, The Smithsonian
Magazine, National Geographic Traveller, Le Figaro Magazine, Stern, Monocle, TIME, GEO
France, GEO Germany, ESPN
Magazine, and Forbes.
Maxime Riché
Fondateur / project founder
[email protected]
Membres Régionaux / Regional Project Members
Jonathan Kalan
[email protected]
Nicolas Beaumont
Peter Caton
[email protected]
En Partenariat Avec
In Partnership With
Luke Duggleby
[email protected]
United States / Americas
Maxime Riché
[email protected]
Quelques Membres de notre Réseau
A Few Members of our Network