ICF-SuperVision-150514_VERSION mirko


ICF-SuperVision-150514_VERSION mirko
 Coaching Supervision 2014, 15 May 2014
Coaching Supervision contributes significantly to the professionalization of coaching and
thus is a key element in the professional development of coaches and contributes to high
standards of practice in the interest of clients.
ICF defines Coaching Supervision as follows : « Coaching Supervision is the interaction
that occurs when a coach periodically brings his or her coaching work experiences to a
coaching supervisor in order to engage in reflective dialogue and collaborative learning for
the development and benefit of the coach and his or her clients ». ICF Switzerland together
with EMCC Switzerland are launching a Coaching Supervision Awareness Day as part if
the International Coachig Week Initiative with the following goals and objectives :
- To create awareness of the importance of supervison for coaches and for different
supervision approaches
- To enable a dialoge on coaching supervision among experts and practitioners
- To let coaches experience coaching supervsion sequences and to engage in
coaching suptervison with specific practice cases
ICF Switzerland is not engaging in on-going supervision activities and sees this as an
individual responsibility of each coach. Member intiative are however welcome and can be
supported on request.
Supervision im Coaching 15. Mai 2014
Supervision von Coaching trägt signifikant zur Professionalisierung von Coaching bei und
ist ein Schlüsselelement in der Entwicklung zum professionellen Coach. Supervision
garantiert hohe Qualitätsstandards und ist im Interesse des Klienten. ICF definiert
Supervision wie folgt :« Coaching Supervision ist die Interaktion, die stattfindet, wenn ein
Coach periodisch ihre oder seine Erfahrungen mit einem Supervisor reflektiert und
Erkenntnisse entstehen zur Entwicklung und dem Nutzen des Coachs und seinen
Klienten. »
Im Rahmen der Internationalen Coaching Woche lanciert ICF Schweiz zusammen mit
EMCC diesen Tag der Supervision mit folgenden Zielen :
- Aufmerksamkeit zu schaffen für die Bedeutung von Supervision für Coaches und für
verschiedene Ansätze/Modelle von Supervision
- Lancierung eines Dialog zwischen Supervisionsexperten und PraktikerInnen
- Coaches die Erfahrung von Supervision zu ermöglichen und die Gelegenheit zu
bieten, eigene Fälle einzubringen, um zu erleben, was Supervision leisten und
welchen Nutzen sie stiften kann
ICF Schweiz bietet über diesen Event hinaus keine weiterführenden Supervisionsaktivitäten
an, weil dies dem individuellen Verantworungsbereich des Coachs zugeschrieben wird.
Inititativen von Mitgliedern sind willkommen und können bei Bedarf unterstützt werden.
Program / Programm of German/English Supervision Event
Registerings and Welcome / Registrierung und Willkommen
Welcome of Chapter Leader Zurich, Board ICF and President of EMCC
Begrüssung durch Chapter Leader Zürich und Präsidenten der
Coachingverbände ICF und EMCC
Introduction to Supervision and in particular to the 7 S Modell
by Sylvie Schoen-Schlumberger in English
Wieso Supervision? Was bringts? Einführung in das weitverbreitete 7 S
Modell (In Englischer Sprache)
14:45- 15:45 Application of 7 S Modell – opportunity to bring your own cases ! - and
supervision of your cases by Sylvie Schoen-Schlumberger, PCC (E), Ernst
Bechinie, MCC, (G/E), Marie-Louise Zollinger, PCC (G/E), Wolfgang Steger
MCC (G/E), Christoph Epprecht (G/E) - supervision in German and English
Anwendungsbeispiele – erleben Sie Supervision und bringen Sie ihre Fälle
Debrief / Supervision: Was habe ich erlebt? Was hat es gebracht?
Break / Pause
Wolfgang Steger, MCC, Supervision anhand der ICF Kernkompetenzen: 2-3
Fälle - Sie haben wiederum Gelegenheit, Ihre Fälle einzubringen
ICF-Core competencies and Supervision: 2-3 case studies from the
audiences (in German)
18:30-19:00 Fishbowl
More Details / Information
May 15th, 2014 (Wednesday) ; Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2014
Time / Zeit
2-8 pm ; 14-20 Uhr
Location / Ort
Weisser Wind, Oberdorfstrasse 20, 8001 Zürich
Member ICF / EMCC
free / gratis
Non-member ICF/EMCC
CHF 55
Please register / Um Anmeldung wird gebeten
Participation needs signature to confidentiality agreement / Dieses Event fordert Ihre
Biographies / Biograhien
Ernst Bechinie, Ph.D., MCC, supervisor and coach who gained professional
experience as entrepreneur, manager and consultant. He is Swiss and
Austrian, living in Lausanne.
Christoph Epprecht, President EMCC Switzerland, www.emccouncil.org;
EMCC Accredited Master Practitioner, Supervisor & OE BSO; Partner
Praesta Germany GmbH.
http://praesta.com/ Sylvie Schoen-Schlumberger, PCC, coach and accredited supervisor (ICF).
Sylvie is co-founder of www.adlucem.be, former president of ICF Belgium,
assessor for ICF exams. She is a former HR Manager who worked for 3 M,
Boeing and Cap Gemini as well as for Head Hunters and for the European
Beatrice Sigrist, Ph.D., ACC, Board Member of ICF Switzerland. She has
10 years of executive coaching experiences and is the organizer of this
supervision day.
Wahid H. Sharaf, ACC, is a cross-cultural executive coach and current ICF
Zurich Chapter leader. Wahid has merged his 3 passions: building crosscultural bridges between Orient & Occident, a 25 years long practice of the
martial art Aikido, and Coaching.
Wolfgang Steger, MCC, worked 14 years as musician: as clarinettist in a
symphonic orchestra. His passion as a coach lies in giving resonance to the
essence and potential in human beings, teams, organisations and bringing
this into effect in daily work and life. He is co-director of the FUTURE Coach
Training Program, www.future.at
Marie-Louise Zollinger, PCC, Executive Coach & Coach Supervisor.She is
a former international business leader with 15 years of experience as an
independent coach of leaders. She focuses on transformational supervision.