Deutschland Lagerland - Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat


Deutschland Lagerland - Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat
Organisational questions
We are organising accommodation at every station of
the Tour: Camping with tents and private apartments.
Bring along sleeping bags, blankets mattresses and
tents. If possible, not only for yourselves, but also for people who have none.
During the tour, food will be available for everyone.
Different habits of eating (vegan, no pork) will be considered.
For financing the Tour, we ask You to pay a contribution
of 50 Euro for the whole Tour or 10 Euro for one day. For
refugees, of course, participation is for free.
During the whole Tour, there will be a contact group
for cases of racist or sexist assaults. At every station,
there will be a Tour-plenary for successfully carrying out
the Tour together.
For having a better overview over the Tour, we ask You
to give a feed-back if You want to participate in the Tour
(e-mail for contact: [email protected] or We would like to know:
- With how many people You‚re going to come
- If You can bring additional tents, sleeping
bags/blankets and mattresses
- If You have free seats in Your car
- If You need child care
For feed back, questions and proposals, you can reach us
before the Tour at the office of Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat:
Tel.: 089-762234 / Fax: 089-762236.
From Friday, 28th of July onwards, our Lagerland-InfoTelephone will be
available during the whole Tour:
You can also find all the latest information on our
faltblatt: matthias weinzierl, 2006
The International Refugee Human Rights Tour comes to
Nuremberg, Neuburg, Landshut and Munich. For transportation between the stations of the Tour, only one bus
with 50 seats will be available. If possible, bring your own
car for additional seats.
Abolish Refugee Camps
An end to exclusion and Isolation
For the Right to Stay
AK Asyl Neuburg-Ingolstadt | Anti-Lager Bündnis Nürnberg | Antirassistische Aktion
Augsburg | Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat | Forum autonomer Umtriebe Landshut / AK
Antirassismus | Karawane München | res publica
Äthiopischer Fürsorgeverein e.V. | Aktionsprogramm Hier Geblieben! GRIPS Theater
Berlin | Bürgerinitiative Asyl Regensburg | Cafe Exil Hamburg | FIB - Flüchtlingsinitiative
Brandenburg | Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg | Flüchtlingsrat Hamburg | Flüchtlingsrat
Niedersachsen | Flüchtlingsrat Schleswig-Holstein | Force de Changement pour le Togo |
Haus International Landshut e.V. | Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland (ISD)Bund | Interkulturelles Forum e.V. | JOG - Jugendliche ohne Grenzen | Karawane Bielefeld
| Karawane Bremen | Karawane Hamburg | Karawane Nürnberg | Karawane Wuppertal |
Kongolesischer Verein in Bayern e.V. | Miteinander Leben in Landshut | Münchner
Flüchtlingsrat | REFUGIO München | Südbadisches Aktionsbündnis gegen
Abschiebungen Freiburg | The VOICE Refugee Forum | AJA – Autonome Jugendantifa
Nürnberg | AK Internationalismus | ALF – Antifaschistische Linke Fürth | Antifa NT |
Arbeitsgemeinschaft International Dorfen | Arbeitsgemeinschaft International Landshut |
attac München | BDKJ Bayern | Bund für Geistesfreiheit Neuburg/Ingolstadt | DeutschKurdischer Freundschaftsverein e.V. | DGB Jugend München | DKP Landshut- Freising |
fortsetzung folgt! | Forum solidarisches und friedliches Augsburg | Frauen Lesben
Zusammenhang Nürnberg | Freie ArbeiterInnen Union München | Friede den Hütten e.V.
| Infoladen Landshut | Initiative Libertad! | Jugendzentrum Dorfen e.V. | Landshuter
Arbeitskreis Partnerschaft mit der 3. Welt e.V. | Links!WASGeht Bayern | Linkspartei
Bayern | Linkspartei Landshut | Linkspartei München | Marxistische Initiative |
Mittwochskafe | Münchner Bündnis gegen Krieg und Rassismus | Münchner
Gewerkschaftslinke | Musikinitiative Landshut e.V. | Ökumenisches Büro für Frieden und
Gerechtigkeit e.V. | OA – Organisierte Autonomie Nürnberg | Revolutionär Sozialistischer
Bund/IV. Internationale | RL - Radikale Linke Nürnberg | Schülerbündnis Nürnberg | SdAJ
München | SJD - Die Falken München | Socialist Party of Iran | ['solid] - die sozialistische
Jugend | Trägerkreis EineWeltHaus München e.V. | ver.di Jugend Bayern | ver.di Jugend
München | VVN-BdA Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes/Bund der
Antifaschisten Bayern | VVN-BdA Landshut
Renate Ackermann, MdL Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Anja Edelhäuser | Hans Klusch |
Kornelia Möller, MdB, Fraktion Die Linke | Michaela Ostermeier, AK Aktiv gegen Rechts
bei ver.di | Marco Rauschenberger | Michael Sack, RA | Gisela Seidler, RAin | Siglinde
Siglstetter, AK Aktiv gegen Rechts bei ver.di | Josef Winkler, MdB Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
| Mayerbeetle
Financially supported by:
Ausländerbeirat der Landeshauptstadt München | Freitagskafe | Kurt-EisnerVerein, Kooperationspartner der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung | Netzwerk
München | Pro Asyl | Stiftung Umverteilen
presented by
m a g a z i n
Deutschland Lagerland
International Refugee Human Rights Tour
29th of July till 5th of August
Nuremberg | Neuburg | Landshut | Munich
International Refugee Human
Rights Tour
From 29th of July till 5th of August, the International
Refugee Human Rights Tour will be moving through
Bavaria. Under the slogan „Deutschland Lagerland“, we
will inform the Bavarian public that everywhere in
Bavaria, people have to live under inhuman conditions,
forced by laws, public orders and foreigners‚ offices. This
Tour will be the focus of a campaign that has been struggling since 2002 against deportation camps, food packages and forced housing of refugees in lagers.
Refugee camps are places that no-one would call a
„home“. Often, they are run-down barracks or simply
container camps. Isolated and marked by high fences,
often situated far outside the cities or in industrial areas
and always in the focus of police controls, these „accommodations“ are a means of systematic exclusion of people from the society. In addition to this, there is the refusal/withdrawal of working permissions, further humiliation by giving people food packages and goods instead
of money and the restriction of freedom of movement by
the „Residenzpflicht (Landkreis-movement-restrictionlaw)“.
Wednesday, 2nd of August:
Saturday, 29th ofJuly:
2 pm, at „Fürther Freiheit„, Fürth
„Abolish Deportation Camps!“
Nationwide Demonstration against Fürth deportation camp,
with live concert at
the „Ausreisezentrum“
9 pm Desi, Brückenstr. 23, Nuremberg
„Smash Lagerland“
opening party of the International Refugee Human Rights
Friday, 30th of July:
11 am, at „Lorenzkirche“, Nuremberg
Information table
With exhibition about Fürth deportation camp
11 am, Inner City of Nuremberg
Action-day Nuremberg
De-central actions
Deportation Rights
Private accommodation
Public kitchen
Housing in lagers
Bus with 50 seats available
„Residenzpflicht (Landkreismovement-restriction-law)“
of working permissions
Our aim is to give a public voice to refugees. With our
activities, we want to inform people and we want to confront the responsible persons in politics and in the administration with the reality for which they are responsible.
Actions, Parties
We demand: The abolition of refugee camps, an end to
isolation and the unlimited Right to Stay in Germany. We
take a stand against the refusal/withdrawal of working
permissions, against food packages, against
„Residenzpflicht (Landkreis-movement-restriction-law)“
and against any kind of criminalisation and exclusion of
We invite you to join the International Refugee Human
Rights Tour. Come to the actions and move through
Bavaria together with us.
Monday, 31st of July:
1 pm, National Road B13, junction Hagau, at the „Landkreis
(district)“-border between Neuburg and Ingolstadt
„Open the borders!“
Refugees & politicians open the „Residenzpflicht
Tuesday, 1st of August:
11 am, at the refugee camp Neuburg/Donauwörtherstraße
„Job Parade“
Demonstration against the refusal/withdrawal of working
2pm, at the City Hall
„Equal Rights for All!“
Demonstration against cuts in social welfare system and
against racist
8 pm, Infoladen, Wagnergasse 10
Thursday, 3rd of August:
2pm, at the City Hall
„Abolish Lagers!“
Rally against the forced housing of refugees in lagers
3pm, Inner City
Subversive-creative-collective-individual protest against housing in lagers.
Bring your MP3-player with you!
Friday, 4th of August:
11am, at Boschetsriederstr. 41
„Stop deportations! Refugees are welcome!“
Rally against the „Bundesamt for Flight and Migration“, the
Rückführungsstelle (central office for repatriation)“, the
Oberbayern-Government and the Central Foreigners‚ Office
2pm, at Odeonsplatz
„Stay Here!“
Rally at the Bavarian Interior Ministry for an unlimited Right
to Stay in
Saturday, 5th of August:
2.30pm at Gollierplatz
Deutschland Lagerland
Final demonstration of International Refugee Human Rights
After the demo, at the junction Thalkirchnerstr/Zenettistr
Chill out!
Bombastic final at Munich‚s most beautiful Street Party