Lesson Plans - BC Teachers` Federation
Lesson Plans - BC Teachers` Federation
“What We Stand to Lose” Poster Lesson Plans WWF Schools for a Living Planet Lesson Plans You will need to register on the site for access to all lesson plans, but there is no charge. Marine Protected Areas All living creatures on the planet are connected. Whether they are fish, sea birds, or humans, each species within an ecosystem plays an important role worth protecting. http://schools.wwf.ca/Lessons/Grade/7/28 Zones de Protection Marine Tous les êtres vivants sur terre sont interconnectés. Que ce soit des poissons, des oiseaux marins, ou des êtres humains, tous font partis d’un écosystème et il est important de les protéger. http://ecoles.wwf.ca/Ressources/Grade/1S Mackenzie Valley Wetlands provide homes for hundreds of species of birds, fish, and other animals. Without wetlands, these animals would be extinct. These wetlands need our protection. http://schools.wwf.ca/Lessons/Grade/5/51 Vallée du Mackenzie Les zones humides offrent un habitat à des centaines d’espèces d’oiseaux, de poissons et d’animaux. Sans les zones humides, ces animaux disparaîtraient. Nous devons protéger les zones humides. http://ecoles.wwf.ca/Lessons/Grade/5/59 Additional Websites Oil, Oil Everywhere This short lesson illustrates the effects of mixing oil, water, and bird feathers. http://learningtogive.org/units/oil-changes-everything/oil-oil-everywhere Flying Wild: Gulf Oil Spill Teaching Resources These resources are specifically related to the Gulf oil spill. http://www.flyingwild.org/resources/gulfoilspillresources.htm Impacts of a Pipeline The CBC archives have lesson plans on the impact of pipelines and how to interpret reports such as the Berger Report. 1) “The Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Today” lesson plan http://www.cbc.ca/archives/teachers/lesson-plan/for-teachers-the-mackenzie-valley-pipeline-today 2) “Write a Pipeline Inquiry Report” lesson plan http://www.cbc.ca/archives/lesson-plan/for-teachers-write-a-pipeline-inquiry-report Critical Media Literacy: Commercial Advertising from ReadWriteThink This template for a media awareness lesson plan can be used as a guide to compare the advertising campaigns used by Enbridge and campaigns by activist groups like Dogwood or Greenpeace. If this link doesn’t work, copy and paste the address into your browser. http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/critical-media-literacycommercial-97.html Oil Spills The Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council has a free 300-page curriculum specifically focused on the Alaskan oil spill, as well as a lesson plan on the science of oil spills. However, please be advised that this organization is funded by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. Consider the source carefully before you use the activities. http://www.pwsrcac.org/outreach/educational-media/ Alternate Energy Lesson Plan and Actions Students can Take In this eLearning activity for Grades 7–12, students use the eCards website to research an energy-related topic, create eCards with their own message and artwork, and send their eCards to a family member, local decision-maker, or the Premier. Access a complete set of age-appropriate research materials for a range of energy-related topics, including climate change, wind power, solar energy, nuclear power, oil and gas success stories, air quality, arctic glaciers, and environmental citizenship.. http://www.greenlearning.ca/ecards c2906723 BR:Unifor/lt/tfeu
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“What We Stand to Lose” Poster Lesson Plans
is funded by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. Carefully consider the source before you use
the activities. http://www.pwsrcac.org/outreach/education.html
Pipeline/Sunbeam Game:
This website has a m...