
Saturday / samedi
December 3 décembre
André Bourdeau par Anne & Famille
Sunday / dimanche
December 4 décembre
René Brunet by Murielle Boileau
Archille Gaucher par Luc Periard
Tuesday / mardi
December 6 décembre
A Saint Thérèse de l’enfant Jésus par Irène & Florian Lalonde
Wednesday / mercredi
For the Clergy by Heidi & Paul Oeggerli
Thursday / jeudi
December 7 décembre
December 8 décembre
Parents défunts par Lynn Ladouceur
Friday / vendredi
December 9 décembre
Eucharistic Adoration
Lorraine Plue par Marcel & Paulette Hébert
Saturday / samedi
December 10 décembre
Pro Populo
Nicole Lalonde by Florian & Irène Lalonde
Sunday / dimanche
December 11 décembre
Charles Blanchard by Gisele and Family
Archille Gaucher by Darlene & Roger Sauve
Parish web site…. http://www.preciousbloodparish.ca and http://www.stjosephparish.ca
Saint Joseph Parish is having a TAIZE CELEBRATION December 21st, 2011
at 7pm. Join us for a quiet evening of reflection with song, scripture, prayer and
silence. Let us prepare our hearts for the Christmas Celebrations. The evening
begins at 7pm, at Saint Joseph Parish in Lancaster. All are welcome!
Precious Blood Parish in Glen Walter will be holding regular BINGO nights starting in
September. Our next bingo will be on Wednesday December 7th, 2011 in the church hall starting
at 7:00p.m. We will be starting the Bonanza Game! Tell your family and friends. Hope to see you
La Paroisse Précieux-Sang, de Glen Walter, planifie des soirées de BINGO qui débute au mois
de septembre. La prochaine soirée aura lieu mercredi le 7 décembre à 19h00. Nous débuterons
le «Bonanza» aussi! Dites-le à vos parents et amis. Nous espérons vous voir des nôtres.
Pray for others, especially those who mistreat you (Luke 6:27-28)
(Please read the following passage to help you grow in your spiritual life)
Snowflake Bazaar & Luncheon
The Auxiliary to St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre invites you to their 2nd annual
Snowflake Bazaar & Luncheon to be held on Thursday, December 8th, 2011, at St.Joseph’s
C.C. Centre, 14 York Street, from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm. Bake sale, crafts, white elephant
and book tables. Lunch at 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. Cost : $5.00. Everyone welcome, Free
parking. For tickets call 613-937-0931.
The Diocesan Book Club has enjoyed two successful evenings of discussion. Below is a list
of books we will be delving into over the next 6 months. Pick up your copies today at the
Catholic Information Centre at 146 Chevrier. Our next three books are December — “One
Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are” by Ann Voskamp, January
— “The Book of Awesome” by Neil Pasricha, February — “The Love Dare” by Broadman
and Holman.
Il y a des changements dans
les heures de messes cette année
Les messes de Noël 2011
samedi le 24 décembre
18h00 Précieux-Sang, Glen Walter
20h00 Saint-Joseph, Lancaster
dimanche le 25 décembre
10h00 Saint-Joseph, Lancaster
10h00 Précieux-Sang, Glen Walter
There are changes in this year’s masses
Christmas Masses for 2011
Saturday, December 24th
6:00 pm Precious Blood, Glen Walter
8:00 pm Saint Joseph, Lancaster
Sunday December 25th
10:00 am Saint Joseph, Lancaster
10:00 am Precious Blood, Glen Walter
Danse de la Veille du Jour de l’An / New Year’s Eve Dance – GARDE NATIVITE
La Garde de la Nativité vous invite à la «Danse de la Veille du Jour de l’An», le 31 décembre, à
la Salle Nativité mettant en vedette « AM/FM » (www.amfmband.com) – musique des années 50 &
60. Les portes ouvrent à 20h00 et le spectacle débute à 21h00. Il y aura des prix de portes et un
goûter chaud/froid servi vers minuit. Le coût est 55$ par couple et 30$ pour une personne. Les billets
sont disponibles au Pop Shoppe (613-933-3157), au Salon de quilles à la Salle Nativité
(613-933-0590) ou contacter Andréa Clément au (613-362-0834).
The Nativity Guards would like to invite you to their “Annual New Year’s Eve Dance” being held
on December 31st at the Nativity Hall, featuring ―AM/FM‖ (www.amfmband.com) – music from the
50’s & 60’s. Doors open at 8:00 pm and show starts at 9:00pm. The cost is $55.00 per couple or
$30.00 for a single. Door prizes and a hot/cold buffet will be served at midnight. Tickets are available
at the Pop Shoppe (613-933-3157), at Nativity Hall Bowling lanes (613-933-0590) or by calling
Andréa Clément at (613-362-0834).
Cornwall Civic Complex
100 Water Street, Salon A, B & C
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
12 noon to 3:30 pm and
5 pm to 7:30 pm
Call 1888 2 DONATE
to book an appointment
Centre Civique de Cornwall
100, rue Water, Salons A, B & C
le mardi 6 décembre, 2011
de 12h à 15h30 et
de 17h à 19h30
Téléphonez au 1 866 JE DONNE
Pour prendre rendez-vous.
Once again this year we will have a FOOD DRIVE in the parish, this is a friendly
reminder… We will be invited to drop off non-perishable food and/or money at the church.
Please be generous!! The food will be distributed during the Christmas season to people in
our area.
Encore cette année nous allons avoir une COLLECTE DE NOURRITURE dans la
paroisse, ceci est un petit rappel… Nous aurons une collecte de nourriture non
périssable et/ou de l’argent que vous pouvez apporter à l’église. Soyez généreux!! La
nourriture sera distribuée dans notre région durant le temps des fêtes.
We must close the Parish Financial Books on December 31 , 2010. All money received
after that date will be credited for 2011. If you wish that your donations be included in your
2010 income tax receipt, please bring it in before December 31 .
Nous devons fermer nos livres pour les Finances de la Paroisse le 31 décembre 2010.
Tout argent reçu après cette date sera crédité pour 2011. Si vous voulez que vos dons
paraissent sur votre reçu d’impôt pour 2010, veuillez s.v.p. nous les donner avant le 31
Il y aura une quête spéciale pour les paniers de Noël
la fin de semaine du 11 décembre 2011.
We will have a special collection for Christmas Baskets
December 11th, 2011 weekend.
Confessions for Advent.
You are invited to attend one of the following evenings to help prepare your
heart to receive Christ Jesus on Christmas day.
Confessions pour l’Avent.
Vous êtes invité à nous joindre pour le sacrement du pardon pour préparer
votre cœur pour recevoir Jésus notre Sauveur le jour de Noël.
Tuesday, December 20th from 6pm to 7pm at Precious Blood Parish
Thursday, December 22nd, from 6pm to 7pm at Saint Joseph Parish
10 Ways to Keep Christ in Christmas
The number one way to keep Jesus Christ in your Christmas celebrations is to have
him present in your daily life. Keeping Christ in Christmas is more about the way you
live your life than the things you say—such as "Merry Christmas" versus "Happy
Holidays." Keeping Christ in Christmas means daily revealing the character, love and
spirit of Christ that dwells in you, by allowing these traits to shine through your actions.
Here are simple ways to keep Christ the central focus of your life this Christmas season.
1) Give God one very special gift just from you to him:
Let this gift be something personal that no one else needs to know about, and let it be a sacrifice. Maybe
your gift to God will be to forgive someone you've needed to forgive for a long time. You may discover that
you've given a gift back to yourself. Perhaps your gift will be to commit to spending time with God daily.
Or maybe there is something God has asked you to give up, like last New Year's resolution. Make this your
most important gift of the season.
2) Set aside a special time to read the Christmas story:
Consider reading this account with your family and discussing it together.
3) Set up a Nativity scene in your home.
4) Plan a project of good will this Christmas:
A few years ago we "adopted" a single mom. My friend was barely making ends meet and didn't have
money to buy gifts for her small child. Together with my husband's family we bought gifts for both of them
and replaced her broken down washing machine the week of Christmas. Do you have an elderly neighbor
in need of home repairs or yard work? Find someone with a genuine need, involve your whole family and
see how happy you can make someone this Christmas.
5) Take a group Christmas caroling in a nursing home:
One year the staff at the office where I worked decided to incorporate Christmas caroling at a nearby
nursing home into our yearly staff Christmas party plans. We all met first at the nursing home and toured
the facility while singing Christmas carols. Afterwards, we headed back to our party with our hearts full of
tenderness. It was the best staff Christmas party we'd ever had.
6) Give a surprise gift of service to each member of your family:
Jesus taught us that it is "more blessed to give than to receive." The idea of giving an unexpected gift of
service to members of your family is to demonstrate Christ-like love and service. You might consider giving
a back rub to your spouse, running an errand for your brother, or cleaning out a closet for your mother.
Make it personal and meaningful and watch the blessings multiply.
7) Set aside a time of family devotions on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning:
Before opening the gifts, take a few minutes to gather together as a family in prayer and devotions. Read
a few Bible verses and discuss as a family the true meaning of Christmas.
8) Attend a Christmas church service together with your family:
If you are alone this Christmas or don't have family living near you, invite a friend or a neighbor to join you.
9) Send Christmas cards that convey a spiritual message:
This is an easy way to share your faith at Christmastime. If you've already bought the reindeer cards—no
problem! Just write a Bible verse and include a personal message with each card.
10) Write a Christmas letter to a missionary:
This idea is dear to my heart because I spent four years on the mission field. Receiving a letter always felt
like opening a priceless gift on Christmas morning, no matter what day it was. Many missionaries are
unable to travel home for the holidays, so it can be a very lonely time for them. Write a special Christmas
letter to a missionary of your choice, thanking them for giving their life in service to the Lord. Trust me—it
will mean more than you can imagine!