article in Réflexions


article in Réflexions
The Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers
L’Association canadienne des professeurs de langues secondes
October | octobre 2008
Vol. 27, No. 3
ASLT Launches
Report on the
Effectiveness of FSL
Delivery Models
Terre-Neuve-etLabrador célèbre
10 ans de français
Why You’re Already
an Inclusive Educator
Evaluating Language
Learning Web Sites
Activité tirée de notre
nouvelle trousse
CASLT Past President Jim Howden
Receives Prestigious Robert Roy Award 2008
Contents • Sommaire
October | octobre 2008
Vol. 27, #3
Features • Articles vedettes
The Canadian Association of Second
Language Teachers (CASLT)
L’Association canadienne des professeurs
de langues secondes (ACPLS)
300-950 avenue Gladstone Avenue,
Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 3E6
1-877-727-0994 •
Editor • Éditeur
Anthony Orlando – [email protected]
CASLT Staff Contact • Responsable
de la publication
Nathalie Landry – [email protected]
Board of Directors • Conseil
John Erskine, Valerie Pike, Hilaire Lemoine,
Sharon Lapkin, Cynthia Lewis, Michael Salvatori,
Miles Turnbull
National Council • Conseil national
BC: Wendy Carr – [email protected]
AB : Janice Aubry – [email protected]
SK : Diane Lacasse – [email protected]
MB: Krystyna Baranowski – [email protected]
ON: Maureen Smith – [email protected]
QC: Stéphane Lacroix – [email protected]
NB: Léo-James Lévesque –
[email protected]
NS: Anthony Orlando – [email protected]
PE: Monica Rafuse – [email protected]
NL : Glenn Cake – [email protected]
YT : Sandra Henderson –
[email protected]
NT: Jean Marie Mariez –
[email protected]
NU: André Corbeil – [email protected]
Légal Deposit Number • Numéro de dépôt légal
Publication Mail Agreement No. 40846073
Copyright • Droits de reproduction
CASLT authorizes the subscribers of Réflexions to
reproduce articles on the condition that the author’s
name, the name of the journal, as well as the volume
and number are clearly identified on each page
of the copies. • L’ACPLS autorise les abonnées de
Réflexions à reproduire les articles à condition
que le nom de l’auteur et de la revue, ainsi que le
volume et le numéro soient clairement identifiés
sur chaque copie.
Disclaimer • Désaveux
Opinions expressed by authors are their own
and not necessarily those of the Board of Directors
of CASLT. • Les articles publiés réflètent l’opinion
des auteurs et non forcément celles du Conseil
d’administration de l’ACPLS.
Use of the masculine in this publication is generic
and applies to both men and women. • L’utilisation
du masculin dans cette publication pour désigner
des personnes renvoie aussi bien à des femmes qu’à
des hommes.
Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador célèbre 10 ans de français intensif
ESL Learning Seen as a Key to Resettlement
Why You’re Already an Inclusive Educator
Departments • Thèmes récurrents
3 President’s Message • Message du président
3 Executive Director’s Update • Mise à jour de la Directrice générale
4 Letters to the Editor / Lettres à l’éditeur
CASLT News • Nouvelles de l’ACPLS
AGM and Networking Day • AGA et journée de réseautage
Board of Directors’ News • Nouvelles du Conseil d’administration
Research • Recherche
Teaching Resources • Ressources pour enseignants
The CASLT Community • La communauté de l’ACPLS
10 Partners’ Postings • Nouvelles des partenaires
12 Language Champions • Les champions des langues
CASLT Members’ Corner • Le coin des membres de l’ACPLS
13 Member Benefits • Les avantages de l’adhésion
14 Award Winners • Récipiendaires de prix
15 New on • Des nouveautés sur
Teachers’ Lounge • Le coin des professeurs
Ask an Expert • Demander l’avis d’un expert
Tech Talk • Parlons technologie
What’s New in Resources • Nouvelles ressources pédagogiques
Conseils pour enseigner le FLS
Pour vos élèves de FLS
Teaching ESL Tips
For Your ESL Students
Teaching Tips (International Languages) • Conseils pour
enseigner (langues internationales)
Para los estudiantes de español
Upcoming Language Conferences • Conférences à venir
Editor’s Picks • Les choix de l’éditeur
Anthony Orlando
Our Association continues to amaze me. As in any successful organization, it
is the people involved that permit success to happen. I see CASLT, its leadership and members, striving
not only to promote second languages in our polyglot nation, but to also put a human face on our
organization. We are passionate about our work and when we get together, we use the positive energy
that is generated to come up with new ideas and revamp old ones. I feel that this energy, vitality and
variety are reflected in Réflexions. How apt a name. Jim Howden, winner of the Robert Roy Award,
had to have been inspired when he chose it. This new edition continues the good work we started with
our inaugural issue last May. You will find a wide variety of topics selected to once again reflect our
work which has become so multifaceted. Congratulations to our award winners this year! ••• ••
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
President’s Message • Message du Président
Your Board of Directors has been working very diligently along with the CASLT staff to
enable our organization to effectively promote language learning and support educators.
By John Erskine
taying in tune
with the needs
of our
members and
strengthening the
CASLT infrastructure
to ensure the vitality
and relevance of our
organization into the
future have been priorities this past year. It
is clear to me that as we move forward,
CASLT’s mission, values, vision, and actions
need to reflect the plurilingual nature of
Canadian society. In addition to the
teaching of French and English as second
official languages in the Canadian
curriculum, CASLT aims to support
teachers who work with learners who
experience their schooling in languages
additional to their home language or the
dominant language of their community
(for example, learners of aboriginal
languages, plurilingual allophone learners
in core and Intensive French classes, or
plurilingual learners in mainstream
language arts classes). This year, we have
focused on extensive policy development,
networking and strategic planning. Our
new Strategic Directions focus on 5 aspects:
Our members – recruitment, retention,
and services;
Research and dissemination;
Networking and partnerships;
Public awareness, media/government
relations; and
Organizational capacity.
On a eu l’occasion de collaborer cet été avec
un nouveau partenaire, soit l’Institut des
langues officielles et du bilinguisme (ILOB)
de l’Université d’Ottawa pour présenter un
colloque au mois de juin portant sur la
recherche en langues officielles et le
bilinguisme. Ce colloque a été l’occasion de
partager les plus récentes trouvailles dans
ces domaines. L’ACPLS était aussi bien
représentée au congrès de la Fédération
internationale des professeurs de français
en juillet. Nous avons profité du congrès
pour lancer notre nouvelle trousse
pédagogique, Variations francophones.
Vous pouvez en apprendre plus au sujet de
cette trousse et comment vous la procurer
dans ce numéro de Réflexions.
Our International Languages project is
starting to see concrete results. Our
Celebrating Languages poster series was
distributed throughout the spring and
summer, and our Languages Without
Borders conference will take place in may
2009. Hope to see you there! •••••
Executive Director’s Update • Mise à jour de la Directrice générale
By Nicole Thibault
his school year
began full
throttle as the
CASLT AGM took place
in September, two
months earlier than in
past years. The change
of date provides a great
way to get us all, CASLT volunteer leaders
and members, planning and working
together. The report provided further in
this issue on our Annual General Meeting
and Networking Event gives details on our
newly completed projects and those
underway. CASLT members are at the core
of our strategic directions and we must
continue to work with partners and
stakeholders with complementary goals to
share expertise and support communications.
We are working hard to expand our
representation of second and additional
language teachers across Canada. Some
initiatives are small – such as the development of communication listservs for
teachers of specific target languages. Others
are very large-scale endeavours – such as
the National Conference, Languages
Without Borders, coming in May 2009.
There is a very exciting program in
development and we look forward to
hosting over 500 language teacher-members from across the country, in order to
better understand the specific needs of
teachers of Japanese, Chinese, Ukrainian,
German and Spanish, as well as teachers of
French and English as a second language.
Throughout the year, we need to hear from
you, our members – what are your
professional needs, your topics of interest
or the issues in your jurisdiction requiring
support? We have various methods of
connecting with you – a monthly on-line
poll in our electronic newsletters, an “Ask
an Expert” column in Réflexions, a member
survey at our exhibitor booth at language
conferences, an evaluation and feedback
form following a workshop, or the “Contact
Us” button on our Web site.
As well, in Réflexions, we print the e-mail
contact information of each National
Council provincial or territorial representative. Our National Council promotes the
association, enhances its capacity, and
represents the CASLT membership in all
the provinces and the territories of Canada
in a manner that is consistent with the
direction of the Board. So drop them a line!
Get to know your National Council
Representative. Offer to work with them on
activities in your province or territory. We
really do want to hear your thoughts and
your suggestions to explore for future
activities. Have a wonderful fall! ••••• • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
Letters to the Editor• Lettres à l’éditeur
ASLT encourages reflection and the sharing of ideas amongst members in order to advance the language teaching
profession. If you have feedback to provide on articles featured in Réflexions, please send them to our Editor.
Letters to the Editor will be addressed in this column. When possible, the authors of the article are contacted in
order to have the opportunity to respond to your queries. We appreciate your comments and suggestions.
Dear Editor,
Response from the authors:
Regarding the article “AIM: Where is the Target?,” which appeared in
your May 2008 issue, I was quite dismayed that only partial
information was revealed by Mady, Arnott, and Lapkin. Having
read the Bluewater District School Board study of the AIM, their
article failed to disclose some important criteria.
The evaluation we conducted for the Bluewater District School
Board was commissioned by and is the property of that Board. As
far as we know, they are the first Board to attempt a comprehensive evaluation of this instructional approach before making a
decision to implement it (AIM today remains optional in the
Board). Our study was quasi-experimental and was limited in
scale. In the comprehensive report our article was based on, the
limitations section acknowledges that the design of the study was
influenced by contextual factors such as the one Ms. Sammons
mentions, that is that AIM was implemented at the Grade 8 level.
(This is not unique to the Bluewater Board; for example, it is also
the case in the Near North District School Board.) Such limitations
are expected in educational contexts where test-tube experiments
are not possible when dealing with real classrooms, real students,
and real teachers.
The Grade 8 core French classrooms involved in the study were using
an AIM program, whose intended audience is the beginner core
French student at the Grade 3 or 4 level. Nowhere did the article
state this fact. No wonder some students claimed it “too childish!”
Having been the first teacher to pilot the AIM in 1999, I would not
have attempted to use a first-year core French AIM program at a
Grade 8 level. In fact, my pilot AIM classes were in Grade 1.
Second, to conduct a full evaluative and comprehensive comparison
of two different types of approaches, there must not be any “crosscontamination” of any kind. Bluewater District School Board has
adopted the AIM as the program of choice to teach core French,
therefore almost all teachers had received some type of AIM
training. Even the “non-AIM” teachers would have had some prior
knowledge of and techniques used in the AIM. In the article, it states
“… features of the AIM approach could be found, although in
differing degrees, in both types of classes [AIM, non-AIM] …”
Would this statement not automatically disqualify the entire study?
If a scientist were to take two test tubes, one of which was contaminated with elements from the other test tube, would that not skew
the results thus rendering the study inaccurate and invalid? I see no
difference in the analogy.
All one must do is to observe an AIM class to see its success. Being a
core French teacher for the past 28 years and having used the many
thematic programs that crossed my desk, compared to now using the
AIM for the past 9 years, I cannot imagine teaching any other way
that reaches such tremendous levels of oral and written fluency,
confidence, and positive attitudes. •••••
Edite Sammons, French Teacher, AIM Consultant/Teacher
Trainer, The Country Day School, King, Ontario.
Teachers always interpret and deliver the curricula they are given
in the light of their own experience and in consideration of their
students. Several elements of AIM are not exclusive to AIM: for
example, use of the target language (e.g., direct method), and
gesture use in second language teaching (e.g., total physical
response). It is not surprising, then, that the teachers who
graciously consented to participate in our study were exercising
their own agency in selecting aspects of the materials they wished
to implement and in choosing the instructional techniques with
which they were comfortable.* One cannot separate “method”
from teacher. We are certain that Ms. Sammons would have been
as favourably impressed by her teaching colleagues in the
Bluewater District School Board, as they would likely be with her
The qualitative findings of our study suggested that AIM students
feel confident about their speaking abilities. Obviously, Ms.
Sammons and we can agree on that point. We appreciate her
enthusiasm for the instructional approach she has chosen to use.
Subjecting AIM to scrutiny is no different from assessing any
other instructional approach and is a valuable exercise as we all
strive to improve core French throughout Canada. •••••
*While Ms. Sammons may not opt to use “Histoires en action 1”
with Grade 8 students, the AIM Web site acknowledges that other
teachers have experienced success with them at this level and
supports teachers who want to start using AIM and these resources
with intermediate students (
pdf/FAQ’s.v.11.05.web.pdf; p.18).
Callie Mady, Stephanie Arnott, and Sharon Lapkin
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
AGM and Networking Day • AGA et journée de réseautage
“In these challenging times for FSL programs, I look to our teachers to continue to
persevere, and to continue to work as ambassadors and defenders of the French
language. As front-line professionals, they are the ones who are best suited to advocate
for increased support – not only from all levels of government, but also from both the
majority- and minority-language communities.”
-Graham Fraser, Commissioner of Official Languages, September 2008.
CASLT President John Erskine with Commissioner
of Official Languages Graham Fraser and CASLT
Vice President Valerie Pike.
CASLT AGM and Networking Event 2008
CASLT continues its commitment to bring together its provincial and national partners
at its Annual General Meeting and Annual Networking Event. This year’s events were held
in beautiful Vancouver, BC, on September 25-27th, 2008.
Partnership agreement signing between CASLT and
IISLE of Edmonton Public Schools.
CASLT Annual General
Business Meeting
Valerie Pike, CASLT Vice President, chaired
this year’s Annual General Meeting. It was
an opportunity to recognize the dedication
of our many volunteer leaders and staff. An
amendment to Section 3 of the CASLT
By-law #1 was put forward, voted on, and
approved by over two thirds of voting
members in attendance. This amendment
removes restrictions related to the National
Council and allows policy and procedures
to govern the workings and number of
representatives of the National Council as
the organization grows and diversifies. This
constitutional change will now be submitted to Industry Canada for its approval.
The CASLT Awards Ceremony honoured
two very special individuals. The
Honourary Lifetime Member Award was
presented to the Honourable Claudette
Tardif, Senator from Alberta, and the Prix
Robert Roy Award was presented to Mr. Jim
Howden, CASLT Past President, of
Beaconsfield, Quebec. •••••
Thursday afternoon (open to all CASLT members) began with the official partnership
signing between CASLT and the Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education
(IISLE) of Edmonton Public Schools. The signatories were Stuart Wachowicz, Director of
Curriculum for Edmonton Public Schools and John Erskine, CASLT President. Our special
guest Graham Fraser, Commissioner of Official Languages, addressed the audience and
encouraged us to think about how we can build on the success of second-language
programs, how we can encourage students to continue their studies in these programs
and how we can ensure that second-language programs continue to be relevant. Mr.
Fraser spoke in particular about the current realities of FSL programs, partnership
opportunities with French minority groups and diversity in the Canadian society. The full
address is available in the “CASLT in the News” section on (under the
“Media” menu).
Following the Commissioner’s address, Nicole Thibault, CASLT Executive Director,
provided an update on the many CASLT projects completed and underway on behalf of
the Association’s membership.•••••
Fueling Positive Change in L2 — A Roadmap for Core French.
On Friday, representatives from the provincial departments of education, the provincial
language associations, as well as invited guests from partner organizations joined the
CASLT National Council and Board for a full day of presentations, discussions, and
information sharing. Bev Anderson, facilitator, presented an overview of the current
situation in FSL education, followed by three presentations which shared research
findings and three presentations which shared innovative practices:
Developing Supports for FSL Teachers: Future Directions for Pedagogical, Cultural,
and Linguistic Competence – Cynthia Lewis (BC)
School Principals’ Views on FSL Programs in Canada – Miles Turnbull (PEI)
The Relative Effectiveness of Different Core French Delivery Models – Sharon
Lapkin (ON)
Initiatives for Revitalizing FSL in BC – Bob Swansborough (BC)
Edmonton Public School Board French Renewal Project – Stuart Wachowicz (AB)
Effective Distance Learning for Core French in NL – Jim Murphy (NL)
After lunch, participants discussed and provided directions for action in five areas of
priority, then met to discuss these points at regional roundtable sharing sessions. CASLT
staff will now work to incorporate the participant feedback and circulate a working
document to help inform plans and actions of all FSL stakeholders in the coming
months.••••• • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
AGM and Networking Day • AGA et journée de réseautage
Effective Committees and
Strategic Networking
On Saturday, representatives from provincial language associations met
with the CASLT National Council to discuss working together to increase
capacity in the provinces and territories, share expertise, and support
each other’s activities. Nicole Thibault shared information related to
establishing effective committees, encouraging volunteer contributions,
and planning for succession. Janice Aubry (AB) and Wendy Carr (BC)
shared examples of their experiences in working on behalf of their
respective provincial associations as well as serving in the CASLT
National Council role. These two strong volunteer leaders touched on the
positive contributions gained from spreading the responsibilities among
many individuals as well as the challenges sometimes encountered in
sustaining strong committees. The benefits of joint organizational
memberships were discussed as were suggestions for increasing the
impact of membership with the classroom teacher-members.
Participants had a brief opportunity to discuss their plans for the coming
year with provincial
counterparts and how the organizations can support
each other. Without Borders
CASLT Projects 2008-2009 Update
Common Framework of Reference and Portfolio for
Languages for Canada:
LangCanada Web Site Portal:
National Conference for
As always,
a sincereEducators
thank you to2009
all participants for their insightful
comments and their commitment to improving second and additional
language learning and teaching in Canada. •••••
Without Borders
National Conference for
Second Language Educators 2009
CASLT and the Institute for
Innovation in Second Language
Education at Edmonton Public
Schools are pleased to host a
national conference for second
language educators – Languages
Without Borders.
We are encouraging participants to come and discuss as well as learn on
topics of interest to all language educators, specifically targeting the
teaching of Spanish, German, Ukrainian, Chinese, Japanese, First Nations
Languages, French, English, and many more additional languages. The
conference will welcome delegates, publishers, exhibitors, educators, and
dignitaries from across Canada and from around the world.
When and where: May 21 to 23rd, 2009. The conference will be held at
the Mayfield Inn and Suites in Edmonton, Alberta (Canada).
Keynote Speakers include:
David Little - Founding Director of the Centre for Language and
Communication Studies and Associate Professor of Applied
Linguistics at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
Jim Cummins - Professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education of the University of Toronto.
Milton Bennett - American expert in developing intercultural
competence for global leaders.
To register on-line, go to and click on the Languages
Without Borders banner.
Increasing understanding through PD opportunities
and resources;
Expanding to include utilizing the Common European
Framework of Reference and European Language
Portfolio in teacher education contexts; and
Updating the Common Framework of Reference and
Portfolio for Languages in Canada Toolkit with
elements of the sessions provided by professor David
Little (Ireland) and Marnie Beaudoin (Alberta), fall
Two inventories to support knowledge exchange and
networking among users: an official languages
researcher database and an official languages Youth
opportunities database, fall 2008.
Language Associations and Collaborative Supports
(LACS) with the European Centre for Modern
Languages (ECML) in Graz, Austria:
Facilitating greater collaboration between language
association networks and disseminating ECML
publications; and
Publishing a manual on evaluating and developing
association support for language teaching and
International Languages Teacher and Program
Celebrating Languages Week! and Celebrating the Year
of Languages 2008! Poster Series and Teacher Guide;
National Conference, Languages Without Borders, with
IISLE, Edmonton, May 2009.
Teacher and Program Support:
Summer University for FSL Teachers, with OLBI,
University of Ottawa in July each year;
Joint Symposium for Teacher Educators, with CAAL &
SPEAQ, Carleton University, Ottawa, in May 2009;
Report - The Relative Effectiveness of Different Core
French Delivery Models, Review of Research;
Core French Bibliography 1986-2006 - On-line
Database, fall 2008;
New Teacher PD Bursary Fund begun in 2008; and
Documentary, Spoken langue: la francophonie canadienne en 2008, and series of video clips and teacher
guide, Variations francophones, TV5 Québec-Canada &
FIPF Québec 2008. •••••
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
Board of Directors’ News • Nouvelles du Conseil d’administration
he CASLT Board of Directors operates as a policy-setting body with overall responsibility for establishing the organization’s strategic directions, public relations, member services, and meeting our financial
goals. The Board’s strength comes from the united decisions of the whole Board of Directors.
Each director can serve up to three terms of two years. As an opening occurs, the Nominating Committee
meets to review the current and required knowledge, experience, and expertise based on the CASLT Strategic
Directions set forth by the Board. A call for expression of interest is circulated and an interview process is
followed with candidates having shared their interest in serving the Association. A slate of recommended
candidates is put forward, and a vote takes place at an annual joint meeting of the National Council and the
Board of Directors. The newly appointed director is announced officially at the CASLT annual general
New Board Member:
Caroline Turnbull,
Director at Large
Fredericton, NB.
John Erskine,
Winnipeg, MB.
Sharon Lapkin,
Toronto, ON.
Thank you! Merci !
Valerie Pike
Vice President,
St. John’s, NL.
Cynthia Lewis,
Director at Large
Surrey, BC.
Hilaire Lemoine,
Ottawa, ON.
Michael Salvatori,
Director at Large
Toronto, ON.
Miles Turnbull began his service on the
CASLT National Council in the fall of 2001
as a representative for Ontario and then
moved to serve for Prince Edward Island.
He held many roles on the Board of
Directors – Secretary, Vice President,
President, and Past President. Miles
provided clear leadership during a time of
growth for the organization and we would
like to express our sincere thanks for his
work on our behalf over these many years.
He made important contributions in
helping us serve our members better,
develop the profile and position of the
association, and put in place quality
services to improve second
language teaching and
learning in Canada.••••• • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
Research • Recherche
CASLT Launches Report on Effectiveness of FSL Delivery Models
CASLT’s new report summarizes research on the effectiveness of different French
as a Second Language (FSL) program delivery models in Canada. Representatives
from provincial and territorial departments of education, teacher federations and
language teacher associations took stock of the report in order to discuss ways of
improving FSL programs in Canada, during the CASLT’s Annual Networking Day on
September 26th, 2008. CASLT will be disseminating the report among FSL stakeholders in the coming months. To read the report, go to
Executive Summary, taken from the report The Relative
Effectiveness of Different Core French Delivery Models - Review
of the Research , by Callie Mady, September 2008.
ased on a comprehensive literature search and a survey of
members of the National Council of the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT) and some
of its Board members, this review was undertaken to summarize
existing knowledge about modes of delivery of core French across
Canada. The focus was on the relative effectiveness of different
formats for core French.
This review identifies a widespread concern related to the perceived
inadequacy of the instructional time and intensity currently devoted
to core French in school systems in every province and territory. It
summarizes recent national and regional teacher surveys along with
views expressed by students and, in some cases, their parents. A
recurring theme in the parent and student perceptions is the failure
of the core French program as it currently exists to develop effective
communication skills in the second language. Several pedagogical
innovations intended to provide communicative opportunities in the
core French program are described. These include introducing
modules grounded in the principles of drama shown to increase
student motivation to stay in French (Dicks & LeBlanc, 2005).
Modules geared to student interests and needs (Comeau, 2002) have
also been shown to be effective at the elementary level.
The review documents another major concern, namely the marginalization of the study of French as a second language (FSL) in existing
core French program formats. If French were considered more central
to the school curriculum, administrators and others would be more
open to experimenting with alternative delivery models. Given the
many constraints in place restricting allocation of more time for
French, we explore formats for core French that manipulate the
concentration or intensity of instructional time.
There are relatively few Canadian studies of compact formats for core
French delivery, and where careful research in this domain has been
undertaken, it is in the form of case studies. Thus studies by Lapkin,
Harley & Hart (1995a) including three follow-up studies (Hilmer,
1999; Lapkin, Harley & Hart, 1995b; and Marshall, in progress) are
described in some detail. Compact core French formats implemented
at the Grade 7 level in two Ontario boards of education and assessed
in these studies document superior performance on multiple tests of
French language skills by students enrolled in the compact formats.
The students themselves report higher levels of satisfaction in the
compact classes and reported liking the longer class periods.
Teachers report having to adjust to longer instructional periods and
make changes to their instructional strategies in that context. In one
case (Hilmer, 1999), a teacher who had not varied her instructional
strategies in compact classes reported a desire/intention to do so in
the future; in another case (Marshall, in progress), a teacher found
she was able to implement more communicative, project-based
activities in the compacted formats.
CASLT National Council representatives and Board members could
not report on research in their provinces/territories on different
delivery models for core French. While there has been interesting
experimentation with distance education courses to ensure access to
core French instruction, no formal evaluation of these initiatives has
been undertaken.
Without additional time for core French instruction, we must
experiment with alternative formats, specifically compact core
French programs that allow for pedagogical innovation based on
students’ expressed needs and interests. Where experimentation is
taking place, research must be undertaken to document the
effectiveness of the innovation in question. •••••
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
Teaching Resources • Ressources pour enseignants
Variations francophones
Une nouvelle trousse pédagogique illustre la vitalité et
la diversité de la culture francophone au Canada.
râce à une collaboration entre l’ACPLS, TV5 QuébecCanada, et le Comité organisateur du Congrès mondial de
la Fédération internationale des professeurs de français
(qui a eu lieu dans la ville du Québec pendant l’été 2008), les
professeurs de français ont maintenant une trousse pédagogique
leur permettant d’encourager leurs élèves à réfléchir sur les
différentes facettes que peut prendre la vie en français au Canada.
Variations francophones est une série de capsules documentaires
télévisuelles présentant des Canadiens et Canadiennes parlant
français accompagnée de matériel pédagogique pour faciliter la
discussion en salle de classe. Les capsules télévisuelles et le
matériel pédagogique font voyager les élèves pour découvrir la
culture francophone partout au Canada, en illustrant la vie de
Canadiens et Canadiennes qui choisissent de vivre en français et
qui contribuent ainsi à la croissance et la vitalité de cette langue.
La trousse a pour but d’inspirer et de motiver plus de jeunes à
poursuivre leurs études en français.
Les professeurs qui participeront dans des ateliers de l’ACPLS cet
automne recevront un exemplaire gratuit de la trousse. Consultez
notre site Web pour trouver une liste des congrès auxquels nous
participons et assurez-vous de vous inscrire aux ateliers de
l’ACPLS lors du congrès de votre association provinciale.
Et n’oubliez pas, tous les professeurs peuvent télécharger une
version électronique de Variations francophones depuis le site
Web de l’ACPLS au •••••
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To get your free copy, email [email protected]. To view the
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9 • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
Partners’ Postings • Nouvelles des partenaires
Rétrospective du colloque
Le bilinguisme au sein d’un
Canada plurilingue
Avec la contribution de Larry
Plus de 200 chercheurs, enseignants et
autres parties intéressées ont participé au
colloque Le bilinguisme au sein d’un
Canada plurilingue, organisé par
l’Université d’Ottawa (un projet conjoint
avec l’ACPLS et Canadian Parents for
La journée de vendredi a débuté par une
présentation spécial du conférencier invité
Joseph Shiels, chef du Service des
politiques linguistiques et de la formation
en langues auprès du Conseil de l’Europe.
suivi de deux tables rondes bilingues
provocantes. Dans l’une, Richard Bourhis,
Rodrigue Landry et Shana Poplack ont
discuté des questions reliées à la « Dualité
linguistique et contact des langues »
Université d’été pour les
enseignants de FLS
Avec la contribution de Laura Ambrosio
L’Université d’été sur le campus de
l’Université d’Ottawa a permis à une première cohorte de participants d’échanger
et de mettre à jour leurs connaissances en
matière de didactique, d’apprentissage et
d’enseignement du FLS en milieu scolaire.
Une vingtaine d’ateliers et de sorties éducatives servant à explorer et à approfondir des
pratiques pédagogiques exemplaires figuraient au calendrier du programme.
Les participants ont pu se familiariser avec
les exploitations diverses des outils
disponibles sur le Web ou dans les laboratoires informatiques qu’ils pourraient mettre
à la disposition des élèves. L’intégration de la
culture et de la langue française était aussi au
cœur des ateliers des professeurs chevronnés
qui ont communiqué leurs théories et
pratiques d’apprentissage sur plusieurs
thèmes très importants.
pendant que, dans l’autre, Sharon Lapkin,
Lucille Mandin et Joan Netten ont soulevé
des questions se rapportant aux
« Directions futures pour l’enseignement
du FLS au Canada ». Suite aux brèves
communications des conférenciers invités,
les membres de l’auditoire se sont engagés
avec eux dans des débats animés.
Quatre symposiums ont eu lieu chaque
après-midi, tous reliés à des domaines de
recherche qui sont d’un grand intérêt pour
l’ILOB : l’apprentissage et l’enseignement
des langues secondes, et les politiques et
l’aménagement linguistique. Afin que les
constatations de recherche qui ont été
présentées à ce colloque soient accessibles
à l’ensemble des enseignants et autres
parties intéressés, nous avons enregistré
un certain nombre de communications. Le
travail du comité de diffusion se poursuivra donc avec la préparation de ressources
conçues, à partir de ces enregistrements,
sous forme de fichiers PowerPoint, de
fichiers vidéo, de balados et de fiches
d’information. Par ailleurs, un numéro
spécial de la Revue canadienne des langues
vivantes, subventionné par le Bureau du
commissaire aux langues officielles, sera
consacré à des articles basés sur des
communications qui ont été faites à ce
colloque. •••••
Des spectacles de variétés et la richesse des
expositions des musées de la région en
français étaient aussi au rendez-vous,
permettant aux participants non seulement
de découvrir la richesse de la culture
francophone dans la capitale nationale mais
aussi de mieux se connaître et de tisser des
liens d’entraide pour l’avenir.
L’Université d’été sera offert en 2009. Les
détails seront affichés sur www.ilob. et •••••
Des membres de l’ACPLS et du personnel de l’ILOB
avec le conférencier invité spécial Joseph Shiels.
PSST! Formateurs d’enseignants!
Participez au Symposium Évaluation,
réussite et progrès dans l’enseignement des
langues officielles du Canada ce
printemps !
Ce symposium d’une journée est utile pour
toutes les personnes qui travaillent en
formation des enseignants de français langue
seconde et anglais langue seconde. Il s’agit d’un
projet conjoint de l’Association canadienne de
linguistique appliquée (ACLA), de la Société
pour la promotion de l’enseignement de
l’anglais langue seconde au Québec (SPEAQ) et
de l’ACPLS.
Le symposium aura lieu le vendredi 29 mai
2009, à l’Université Carleton (Ottawa, Ontario).
Pour plus de détails :,
www. ou
Enseignants de FLS à travers le Canada
participants aux ateliers de l’Université
d’été organisé par l’ACPLS et l’ILOB.
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
Partners’ Postings • Nouvelles des partenaires
BCATML/CASLT PD Day for University of
British Columbia and Simon Fraser University
By Wendy Carr
This fourth annual coming-together-of-the-university-communities
took place on October 1st, 2008, thanks to the generous support of the BC
Teachers’ Federation, the BC Association of Teachers of Modern
Languages, and CASLT. Eighty-five teacher candidates from both
universities’ FSL cohorts (elementary and secondary) came together to
meet each other, take part in professional development sessions, enjoy
some refreshments, and learn a bit about their provincial and national
language associations.
Cynthia Lewis, CASLT Board of Directors, brought greetings from CASLT,
Wendy Carr, CASLT National Council Representative from BC, led the
event, and instructors from UBC and SFU conducted workshops. CASLT
extends a warm welcome to all these new student teacher members ! •••••
CASLT National Council Representative
for BC, Wendy Carr, leads a session on
music and movement.
Student teachers learn to incorporate music
and dance into their FSL teaching practice.
Reaching Out for Success!
Concours national
immersion clip!
Le concours s’adresse aux élèves d’immersion française de la 9e à la 12e
année (secondaire 3 à 5 au Québec) inscrits à temps plein dans une école
secondaire publique ou privée au Canada. L’élève participant devra créer un
vidéo clip en français, d’un minimum de 30 secondes et d’un maximum de
90 secondes, portant sur l’immersion en français. Par exemple :
Comment l’immersion a-t-elle changé ma vie ? Pourquoi tous les élèves
canadiens devraient-ils être en immersion ? Ma passion ? L’immersion
française !
L’élément le plus important dans l’évaluation du clip sera le thème et son
traitement. Les soumissions devront être reçues au plus tard le 15 février
2009. L’Université d’Ottawa remettra une bourse d’une valeur de
20 000 $ à chacun des trois premiers candidats et l’Association canadienne
des professeurs d’immersion (ACPI) leur remettra un chèque cadeau.
Pour les détails du concours, veuillez consulter le site de l’ACPI au •••••
Time to Register!
Whether you have a little or a lot of experience,
- Timely and practical workshops
- Great opportunities for networking
- A chance to benefit from the experience of others
- Publishers with the latest in teaching materials
SPEAQ 2008 can offer you:
- The latest information about the new programs
- Guest speakers on topics of interest to all
- 2 pre-convention sessions, 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
Thursday, November 13
Visit our Web site for registration forms and other information at
Société pour la promotion de l'enseignement de l'anglais, langue seconde, au Québec
Tel: (514) 271-3700 Fax: (514) 271-4587 E-mail: [email protected] • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
Language Champions • Les champions des langues
L’honorable Robert Ghiz,
Premier ministre de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard
L’honorable Robert W. J. Ghiz a été assermenté à titre de trente-et-unième Premier ministre de
l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, le 12 juin 2007.
Monsieur Ghiz est né le 21 janvier 1974 à Charlottetown. Après avoir reçu son éducation élémentaire dans les
écoles de la région de Charlottetown et obtenu son diplôme d’études secondaires en immersion française à
l’école Colonel Gray, il a poursuivi ses études à l’Université Bishop, où il a obtenu un baccalauréat ès arts, avec
une majeure en études politiques. En avril 2003, monsieur Ghiz a été choisi comme chef du Parti libéral de
l’Île-du- Prince-Édouard. Le 23 mai 2007, monsieur Ghiz a mené son parti à la victoire, remportant 23 des 27
sièges de la province.
Le Premier ministre Ghiz est marié à la docteure Kate Ellis Ghiz.
Pourquoi pensez-vous qu’il est important
d’apprendre une deuxième langue ?
L’ apprentissage d’une deuxième langue est importante
pour bien des raisons. Premièrement, nous avons deux
langues officielles dans ce pays, donc être bilingue reflète
cette dualité. De plus, l’apprentissage d’une deuxième
langue permet de mieux communiquer avec les gens de
d’autres cultures et de les apprécier, ce qui nous permet de
participer plus activement à la société canadienne.
Comment la maîtrise des deux langues officielles du
Canada a-t-elle affectée votre vie et votre carrière ?
Au cours des 10 dernières années, j’ai eu bien des occasions
d’utiliser les deux langues afin de communiquer avec les
gens. Je me suis souvent trouvé dans des situations où je
devais comprendre et communiquer dans les deux langues
officielles – par exemple, lorsque je participais à des
événements et des rencontres provinciales, régionales,
nationales et même internationales. Je me suis toujours
considéré très chanceux de pouvoir utiliser les deux
langues, et je serai toujours reconnaissant d’avoir cette
Quels conseils souhaitez-vous donner aux élèves qui
commencent à apprendre une deuxième langue ? Et
aux enseignants ?
Appréciez le fait que vous avez la chance d’apprendre une
deuxième langue à l’école et faites partie des nombreux
élèves du pays où l’apprentissage de plusieurs langues à
l’école est la norme. Posséder une deuxième langue vous
ouvrira bien des portes tout au long de votre éducation et
pendant votre vie d’adulte également. Soyez ouverts à
l’apprentissage d’une langue et amusez-vous en le faisant !
Et pour les enseignants de l’ACPLS, je les félicite de
partager leur passion pour les langues avec leurs élèves et
de les aider ainsi à devenir des citoyens du monde. •••••
The Honourable Mayann E. Francis,
Lieutenant Governor of Nova-Scotia
Education has been the common thread running through the life of the
Honourable Mayann E. Francis. Ms. Francis is the first African-Nova Scotian,
and only the second woman to be named Lieutenant Governor in Nova Scotia,
a post that pre-dates Confederation by more than 100 years.
From her childhood home in the Cape Breton Island community of Whitney
Pier – at one time one of the most ethnically diverse communities in Atlantic
Canada – Ms. Francis went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts from Saint Mary’s
University, a Master’s in Public Administration from New York University, a
certificate in equal opportunity studies from Cornell University, and a
certificate in theological studies from the Atlantic School of Theology.
Since her installation as Lieutenant Governor on September 7, 2006, Ms.
Francis has brought a unique and wide-ranging perspective to her role as the
Queen’s representative in Nova Scotia. Ms. Francis is focusing on youth,
education, seniors, and community in her new role with the goal of increasing
equity and inclusion.
As Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, I have
the privilege to visit many communities
throughout the province. Many of these are
Acadian communities with a rich language and
culture. These encounters have been the catalyst
for me to learn Canada’s second official
language. A second language can create a portal
to many new opportunities and a greater
appreciation for cultural diversity and inclusion.
As a Friend of the CASLT Honour Roll and as
Patron of the “Ready to Write! Prêt à écrire!”
Program of Canadian Parents for French in
Nova Scotia, I am proud to support second
language education initiatives in Nova Scotia
and across Canada. •••••
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
Member Benefits • Les avantages de l’adhésion
Declare Your CASLT Membership Fee
id you know that you can claim your CASLT
membership fee on your income tax return? Don’t forget
to claim your fee when filing your 2008 return. Claim your
CASLT membership fee on line 212 – annual union, professional or
like dues. You do not need to file a receipt with your return, but you
may want to keep a copy with your tax papers. Claim your fee!
The following are examples of some of the many benefits that are
Tips on Tax-Free Employment Benefits.
Courtesy of Marcil Lavallée Chartered Accountants
If you are an employee, then as a general rule you must pay tax on
both your salary and any employee benefits. Except for benefits that
are specifically identified as non-taxable, all benefits are taxable. The
value of the benefit is included in your income, just as if you had
received that amount in cash. Your employer includes it in your total
employment income as reported on your T4 each February. Your
employer is also normally required to withhold tax at source to cover
the tax you pay on the benefits.
Your employer’s contributions to your registered pension plan.
Your employer’s contributions to a group sickness, accident
insurance or disability insurance plan (including critical-illness
Your employer’s contributions to a “private health services plan”
that covers drugs, medical expenses and hospital charges not
covered by public health insurance. It also includes a dental
insurance plan. Note that Revenue Quebec treats the employer’s
contribution to the health services plan as a taxable benefit.
Benefits you receive from these plans are not taxable. This is
therefore one of the best possible employee benefits.
The Canadian
Modern Language
hen you become a CASLT member or
renew your CASLT membership, you
can choose the option of subscribing to the Canadian
Modern Language Review (CMLR) for a preferred rate of $25.00
(regular rate: $30.00 for a one year subscription). Simply check the
appropriate box on the membership application and renewal form.
You can find membership forms on line at under
the “Become a Member” menu.
CMLR is a bilingual refereed scholarly publication of national
scope and international repute. The CMLR serves members of the
teaching profession, administrators and researchers interested in
all levels of English and French as second languages and, in
addition, those interested in native and other modern, international, or heritage language programs and issues. Find out more
about CMLR at
13 • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
Award Winners • Récipiendaires de prix
Photos of award winners (including cover): Tamea Burd Photography.
The Robert Roy Award
he Robert Roy Award was established in memory of the late
Robert Roy, a distinguished
Canadian second language educator and
founding President of the CASLT in 1970.
The award is granted to individuals for
their sustained contributions and
long-term dedication toward the
advancement of second language teaching
and learning. This year, CASLT granted
the award to Mr. Jim Howden, a most
deserving recipient.
Jim is a leader in cooperative learning
and ESL education in Quebec. He has
developed and conducted over 3000
workshops and keynote addresses on
cooperative small group learning,
effective learning, conflict resolution,
classroom management, cognitive
psychology, and creating a culture of
collaboration within a school team.
According to CASLT member Helen
Lockerby, “Jim is like a celebrity in the
Quebec education milieu – people come
up to him all the time to say hello and
how much his workshops have changed
their teaching. He has certainly distinguished himself in the second language
education world and beyond.”
To CASLT, Jim is best known for his
contributions to our own National
Council and Board of Directors, having
represented Quebec for many years and
having been President of the Association
in 1998-99. In fact, the CASLT
professional magazine you are reading
right now, Réflexions, got its name from
Jim – he did a lot of writing for it too.
“When we began the newsletter
Réflexions, board members and good
friends in the field, after much cajoling,
contributed articles, news items, and
activities. My wife typed them up on our
computer using a very basic WordPerfect
program. We photocopied it at a local
copy centre. My two children learned
how to fold and stuff envelopes,” he
recalls. But the hard work paid off.
“CASLT grew in membership and due to
the hard work and commitment of the
Board of Directors it became the
association worthy of the international
status it has today. My experiences with
CASLT contributed to my role as a
pedagogue and a consultant to other
provinces and territories when restructuring their curriculum framework.
These experiences were simply brilliant!”
Jim Howden (centre) receives the Robert Roy
Award from CASLT President John Erskine (left)
and CASLT Past President Miles Turnbull (right).
Jim says he continues to be impressed by
the dedication of the teachers he meets.
“All of the people I have worked with
believe in the importance and value of
teaching and learning a second language.
They also believe that this learning
process is based on a set of values such
as equality and openness toward others,
and that it is supported by interpersonal
skills that need to be modelled, taught,
and nurtured. Because of these beliefs,
they are successful and are motivating
generations of young people who
understand the importance of both
languages in our country.”
Prix du membre perpétuel
Hilaire Lemoine de l’ACPLS
présente le Prix du membre
perpétuel à la sénatrice
Claudette Tardif.
’ACPLS a eu l’honneur de remettre le Prix
du membre perpétuel cette année à
l’honorable Claudette Tardif, sénatrice de
l’Alberta. Ce prix est accordé à des personnes
éminentes, telles que des fonctionnaires, des
personnalités politiques et médiatiques, des
artistes et d’autres leaders qui font avancer
l’enseignement d’une langue seconde grâce à leur
travail, à leurs recherches ou à leur soutien privé.
La sénatrice Tardif a été professeure et doyenne de
la faculté St-Jean à l’Université de l’Alberta, et elle
a signé de nombreux ouvrages dans le domaine de
l’immersion en français et de la formation des
enseignants. Elle est une porte-parole engagée de
la dualité linguistique au Canada.
“L’apprentissage et l’enseignement des langues
ont toujours occupé une place centrale dans ma
vie. Il y a 40 ans, j’ai commencé ma carrière en
tant qu’enseignante de français langue seconde
dans une école à Edmonton. Cela a été pour moi le
début d’une grande passion pour l’enseignement
et pour la recherche afin de promouvoir le
bilinguisme chez nos jeunes et en tant que valeur
pour notre pays”, a déclaré Mme Tardif.
“Plus que jamais, nous devons redoubler nos
efforts pour assurer la place qui revient à
l’enseignement des langues. Trop souvent,
l’enseignement des langues n’est pas considéré
prioritaire par les administrateurs et les dirigeants
de conseils scolaires, ce qui contribue à des
conditions de travail moins qu’idéales pour les
enseignants, ainsi qu’à une pénurie de ressources
humaines et matérielles. Il y a beaucoup de travail
à faire et je salue les efforts de l’Association qui
initie constamment des projets pour encourager la
recherche et faciliter le réseautage et l’échange
d’information parmi ses membres”.
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
Without Borders
National Conference for
Second Language Educators 2009
New on • Des nouveautés sur
On-line Call for Presenters, Exhibitors and
Participants. Registration for the
Languages Without Borders Conference!
n order to simplify the registration
proccess for its 2009 Languages
Without Borders conference in
Edmonton, Alberta, CASLT has developed
on-line tools that should both cut down
on paper and speed up the managing of
applications. Of course, if you prefer to
work with a paper copy then it is still
available in PDF form for download on
our Web site but we think you’ll find this
to be a quick and easy way to register as a
conference participant, reserve an
exhibitor kiosk, or apply to present a
Here are a few quick tips to keep in mind
when applying on-line:
1. Fill in all fields that have a red asterix
(*) symbol next to them. We require this
information to fully accommodate all
your needs. Other fields should only be
filled out if they apply to you or your
2. When faced with a series of square
check boxes, click on all that pertain to
3. When you have answered all the
questions on a given page click the “Next
Page” button. If information requested
does not apply to you, leave the fields
empty and skip to the next page. Keep
clicking on the “Next Page” or “Skip Page”
buttons until you get to a final summary
4. Once you have successfully completed
filling out the form, you will be asked to
review your submission. If you would like
to change anything, you can click on the
“Edit Section” buttons and make the
necessary changes.
5. When you are satisfied that all the
information is correct, go to the bottom
of the page and click the “Print” button to
print a copy of the completed form for
your records, and then click the “Submit
Application” button.
Congratulations! You have successfully
completed your on-line registration form
or application form!
National Conference for
Second Language Educators 2009
New! Teacher Bursaries
CASLT has created bursaries to
increase accessibility for teachers
requiring financial assistance to
participate in quality professional
development opportunities in order
to enhance their teaching practice,
linguistic skills, and cultural
knowledge. Teachers can apply for
bursaries covering registration costs
and travel expenses (up to a maximum of $800.00) to participate in
one of the following events during
the 2008-2009 school year:
We thank all members who have
informed us if glitches have been
encountered. This allows us to continue to
improve our processes regularly. •••••
Keep Up to Date on the Latest CASLT
News with Our New RSS Feed!
Get your CASLT RSS feed! Just click on the orange
RSS button on the CASLT “News Releases” page
(you can find this page under the “Media” menu),
copy the URL from the address bar and then paste
it in the appropriate field of your RSS Reader to
instantly add CASLT news headlines to your RSS
application. You can download an RSS reader from
Without Borders
Languages Without Borders
National Conference for Second
Language Educators, jointly
hosted by the Institute for
Innovation in Second Language
Education at Edmonton Public
Schools and the CASLT. May
21-23, 2009 in Edmonton, Alberta.
Assessment, Achievement and
Advancement in Canada’s Official
Languages (Symposium on
Second Language Teacher
Education), jointly hosted by the
Canadian Association of Applied
Linguistics and the CASLT. May
29, 2009 in Ottawa, Ontario.
Summer University for French as a
Second Language Teachers, jointly
hosted by the University of
Ottawa’s Official Languages and
Bilingualism Institute and the
CASLT. July 2009, in Ottawa,
More information as well as
application forms are now posted on
the CASLT Web site. • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
célèbre 10 ans de français intensif
Avec la contribution de Cara Jelley
oilà dix ans que le programme de français intensif a débuté
à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, alors que les chercheurs Joan
Netten et Claude Germain travaillaient avec quatre
enseignants, dans deux districts scolaires, sur un projet-pilote qui
allait plus tard révolutionner les programmes de français de base.
Durant l’année scolaire 2001-2002, le programme comptait 96
élèves dans quatre écoles, mais en 2007-2008 , il s’élevait déjà à
plus de 1 314 élèves dans 38 écoles partout dans la province.
Le français intensif s’inspire d’un projet introduit au Québec dans
les années 1970, en vertu duquel de jeunes immigrants étudiaient
une langue pendant de longues périodes avant d’être intégrés à
des classes ordinaires. La durée du programme (5 mois) est
demeurée la même, mais la structure du français intensif (FI) a
changé : le programme comporte désormais des stratégies
d’enseignement précises ainsi que des concepts importants. Les
élèves continuent d’apprendre le français durant la deuxième
session scolaire, et le programme d’études est plus concis de sorte
que les élèves peuvent atteindre les objectifs visés dans toutes les
matières et dans un temps réduit. Un facteur important de ce
programme est son approche axée sur la littératie, ce qui permet
aux élèves de développer des aptitudes en français qui pourront
plus tard être transférées aux matières enseignées en anglais. Si
Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador a mené le peloton, d’autres provinces
canadiennes et des pays partout dans le monde ont suivi son
exemple.Joan Netten, qui a introduit l’idée dans la province il y a
de cela une décennie, félicite Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador « d’avoir eu
le courage de lancer le programme avec quatre enseignants dans
quatre écoles, puisque, en général, le programme a eu un effet
considérable partout au Canada. D’ailleurs, ajoute-t-elle, le
programme a modifié appréciablement la perception du français
langue seconde dans les écoles. »
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
Avantages du
français intensif
Susan Forward, gestionnaire de la
section des Programmes de langues du
ministère de l’Éducation, déclare que le
programme de français intensif
« continue de croître malgré les défis ».
De plus, elle constate que les parents
sont satisfaits du programme et que le
ministère n’a jamais reçu de réactions
négatives. Fait plus important encore, ce
programme comporte une bonne
structure pédagogique. D’ailleurs, bon
nombre d’enseignants du français de
base en ont profité, de même que les
programmes de français langue seconde
en général.
Pour les élèves, un élément important
du français intensif est le nombre
d’occasions de converser en français et
d’utiliser la langue de façon authentique
qui se présentent à eux. Lorsqu’ils
atteignent un certain niveau de
spontanéité dans la langue, les élèves
peuvent alors transférer les compétences acquises en français à leurs classes
d’anglais durant la deuxième session.
Selon le directeur Truman Greenham,
une comparaison des élèves du
programme de français de base régulier
et de ceux du programme de français
intensif montre que la différence est
manifestement comme « le jour et la
nuit; l’acquisition du français en 6e
année a été formidable. » L’école de M.
Greenham met en œuvre le programme
tout entier cette année.
« C’est une façon plus efficace
d’apprendre le français parce que les
élèves parlent plus et ils en jouissent
davantage », affirme Mme Netten.
« D’ailleurs, ajoute-t-elle, bon nombre
d’élèves poursuivent leurs cours de
français, alors qu’auparavant, ils
laissaient tomber le cours dès qu’ils
pouvaient le faire. » En fait, seulement
16,5 % des élèves qui commencent le
français de base poursuivent ce
programme jusqu’en 12e année ; les
données sur le français intensif ne sont
pas encore disponibles.
« Le français intensif est une façon plus efficace d’apprendre le
français parce que les élèves parlent plus et ils en jouissent
davantage. (...) Bon nombre d’élèves poursuivent leurs cours de
français, alors qu’auparavant, ils laissaient tomber le cours dès
qu’ils pouvaient le faire. »
-Joan Netten
Défis du français intensif
Là où il y a innovation, il y a généralement quelques obstacles qu’il faut
surmonter et décortiquer en cours de
route. « Au début, lorsque les parents
manifestaient un intérêt pour inscrire
leur enfant au programme, le type
d’élève intéressé était beaucoup plus
motivé et il affichait un rendement
scolaire plus élevé. Ainsi, cela formait
des classes de français de base et de
français intensif hétérogènes, ce qui
créait alors un écart au sein du personnel », explique M. Greenham. Il ajoute
que l’on a éliminé ce défi lorsque le
programme complet a été mis en œuvre,
ce qui a permis d’« équilibré les listes de
classes ».
Selon Mme Forward, la tâche de rendre
le programme d’études plus concis pour
la deuxième partie de l’année constituait également un défi. « Nous ne
pouvons pas adopter le programme
pour ensuite prendre la moitié du temps
pour le compléter, » précise-t-elle.
« Il faut concilier les résultats et être en
mesure de les atteindre tous. »
Plans d’avenir pour le
français intensif
Au cours des cinq à dix prochaines
années, il importera d’atteindre certains
objectifs afin d’assurer le succès continu
du français intensif. Mme Forward
estime, et Mme Netten est d’accord,
qu’un plan pour la mise en œuvre du
programme, une mise au point du suivi
des programmes de français pour ces
élèves et un perfectionnement professionnel pour les enseignants seraient
d’importants aspects à développer.
Grâce au dévouement des personnes qui
ont participé, le français intensif a fait
beaucoup de chemin depuis ses débuts
en 1998. On a accompli bien de quoi à
Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, mais il y a
encore du travail à faire dans la voie
déjà tracée que d’autres pourront suivre.
Joan Netten et Claude Germain ont introduit l’idée du
français intensif à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador et à travers le
Canada et continuent d’apporter de l’appui aux provinces
et territoires qui offrent le programme.
Ressources de l’ACPLS pour
l’appui du français intensif
Coffre à outils du français intensif
pour les administrateurs
Présente des documents utiles
pour orienter la planification,
l’implantation et la gestion d’un
programme de français intensif.
Les documents sont accessibles
sur CD-ROM.
Signet à l’intention des élèves
Le français intensif, c’est rafraîchissant !
Je peux m’exprimer, je peux communiquer, je peux comprendre, je peux lire…
En français !
Fiches de renseignements
Répondent aux questions
typiques au sujet du
français intensif et
démontrent les avantages
que présente son approche.
Pour commander ces ressources, veuillez
visiter notre boutique en ligne au • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
ESL Learning Seen as
Key to Resettlement
By Deborah Murray
English, then proudly remarked: “I have a
foot in the door.” A refugee from Columbia
said he would “climb, climb, step by step”
to reach his goal of speaking fluently.
earning a new language is a
commonplace requirement
for most immigrants and
refugees who land on the shores of
Canada’s Maritime provinces. But what
that learning experience entails is about
far more than simply amassing lists of
vocabulary and memorizing verb tenses.
Connections between language and
resettlement issues are complex.
To delve into these issues, I studied the
English second language (ESL) experiences of immigrants and refugees in
Fredericton, New Brunswick, where
participants were adult learners from a
level three class of the Language of
Instruction for Newcomers to Canada
(LINC) program (Murray, 2006).
Newcomers Speak Out
About their Experiences
Four phases of cultural adjustment
emerged after analysis of the interviews;
each phase was interwoven with the
multi-layered language learning process.
Participants’ narratives expressed their
awareness of first being disoriented, at
times discouraged, then energized, and
finally, determined. Interestingly, most
identified that process through the use of
metaphors. One newcomer felt isolated
with his learning in strange surroundings
and spoke for many newcomers when he
said: “we are like butterflies, alone, flying
everywhere.” Another described her
progress in both spoken and written
Several factors connected the experiences
of newcomers to the process of resettlement, including their goals for further
education and employment. These were
categorized in the study as dispositional,
institutional, and situational (Cross,
1981). Dispositional factors included:
perception of age as a barrier to learning;
anxiety, stress, and depression; and
varying levels of motivation – both
enabling and preventing progress in
language learning. Institutional factors
included: a lack of good public transportation; formal ESL learning; and bureaucratic disconnectedness.
Of particular concern in their lives in New
Brunswick were many situational factors.
These centred on issues such as community involvement; cultural readjustment;
personal safety and inclusiveness; prior
language learning; family responsibility
and support; financial constraints;
previous education, skills, and experience;
discrimination; the impact on their native
language; and informal ESL learning.
Family responsibility, for example, could
negatively influence ESL learning. As one
woman explained:
“I think that’s hard for me to learn
English. … No time … When I arrived at
home, I have to do laundry, to clean my
house, to wash the clothes for kids, to
cook and after six o’clock I have to do
their homework, after that go to bed, it’s
night. I don’t have time to resume my
For most individuals, everything is
connected: a lack of time and money are
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
In the classroom, brainstorming
specific solutions to close this
community-newcomer communication gap, would give newcomers
a sense of control over their
integration into the community.
integrated with ESL education, and both
future and current full-time employment.
Once the one-year, government-funded
language training has ended, most find it
necessary to make a living while struggling to move beyond basic, survival
English skills:
“Our problem is the money, you know?
Paying bills, clothing, food, gas, ah,
insurance, everything. You can’t, you can’t
… I am here 8 o’clock every day. Usually,
I am finished my school 2 o’clock. I have
to start work 2:30 … time is critical …
that’s the reason you have to learn English
– to go to the college and [take] a course,
to make more money, to get a better job,
to continue to study.”
Another participant in the study expressed how informal learning happens
beyond the classroom in the social
situations that the whole community
provides, particularly the workplace.
Supporting Newcomers As
ESL Learners
There are implications for ESL practitioners, service providers, policymakers, and
the wider community. Newcomers made
suggestions to extend the federally-funded LINC programs to two years, and
create more effective communication
between those who work in government
offices and immigrants themselves. As
well, each person interviewed expressed
hope that greater community awareness
of the needs of newcomers would be
generated, and that they would be truly
welcome in New Brunswick.
In the classroom, brainstorming specific
solutions to close this community-newcomer communication gap would give
newcomers a sense of control over their
integration into the community.
Designing discussions and written
assignments based on their ideas would
increase their knowledge of the target
language. Key people who are in
community organizations could be
invited to speak to the class on their areas
of expertise. As well, government officials
could be invited to address topics of
concern to adult learners and their
families, with ESL teachers and re-settlement workers moderating meetings using
the ‘Town Hall’ format.
Deborah Murray
Deborah Murray is a PhD Candidate at the University of New Brunswick
in Fredericton, New Brunswick, where she holds a Doctoral Fellowship
from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Her
research continues to focus on immigration in Atlantic Canada, particularly resettlement issues experienced by refugee women in New Brunswick.
Deborah has a background in journalism, adult literacy, and ESL
[email protected]
Outside the classroom, education could
increase awareness at many levels in both
formal and informal ways: through the
media, public school system, colleges and
universities, public libraries, churches,
tourism outlets, businesses, and sports
organizations. The wide variety of
non-profit organizations could be
contacted to increase the numbers of
volunteer ESL tutors who could participate in second language training both
inside the classroom (as teacher support)
and outside the classroom (in community
To ensure a genuine welcome is waiting
for newcomers in New Brunswick and
elsewhere in the country, we should
investigate and incorporate untapped
opportunities for language learning and
support those that exist throughout our
communities – everything from being a
good neighbour to being an organization
with a wider vision. Caring translates into
action. •••••
Cross, P. (1981). Adults as Learners:
Increasing Participation and Facilitating
Learning.San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass.
Murray, D. (2006). Spinning Their Own
Webs: An Exploration of English Second
Language Learning for Newcomers in New
Brunswick. MEd Thesis, University of New
Brunswick, Fredericton, NB.
19 • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
Why You’re Already an Inclusive Educator
How You Can Use this to Your Students’ Advantage
By Katy Arnett
reating and fostering an
inclusive classroom is sometimes tiring, sometimes
frustrating, and often times an intense
experience. Part of this challenge requires
teachers to critically reflect on our own
views of disability, of what it means to
“teach” and to “learn,” and how to manage
all our students’ needs. This discussion
often starts with whether the core French
classroom can be inclusive at all. The
debate can be more productive and
meaningful when we look at Pugach’s
(1995) descriptions of inclusion models in
light of the typical core French teacher’s
daily pedagogy. This article will provide a
condensed version of this discussion, with
the hope that it will demonstrate why your
classroom is already inclusive, how you can
ensure your typical teaching strategies
most effectively support the included
students, and how you can use this
information to engage in informed, broad
discussions about inclusion within core
Types of Inclusion
Pugach (1995) offers two ways to characterize inclusion—as “additive” or “generative.” Additive inclusion occurs when
students with special learning needs are
integrated into the regular education
classroom, and their learning needs are
addressed through specific adaptations of
teaching strategies and/or pedagogical
resources that are typically made after the
lesson or resource has been designed
(Pugach, 1995, p. 216). In classrooms
where generative inclusion is the norm,
the teacher designs and implements
differentiated instruction that is as
applicable to as wide a range of student
needs and learning styles as possible
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
(Pugach, 1995; Tomlinson, 2001). This
model of inclusion is considered to be
most proactive, as the efforts to meet the
spectrum of learner needs are incorporated into the initial planning stages of the
lesson. Teaching strategies that define a
generative inclusion model draw on best
pedagogical practices that are known to be
effective for most, if not all, learners in a
classroom (Council for Exceptional
Children, 2005).
Many strategies recommended to support
the needs of students with learning
challenges (e.g., pre-teaching vocabulary,
use of manipulatives, providing students
with jumpstart expressions, rephrasing
questions) are standard features of a core
French teacher’s pedagogical repertoire.
Because of the various language proficiencies that are found within one classroom
(perhaps because of prior experiences
studying French, status as an English
Language Learner, low motivations to
learn French, among other reasons), core
French teachers often need to differentiate
the learning activities in order to ensure
that the lesson’s goals are met on a
consistent base. Core French classrooms
thus naturally show generative inclusion
in action.
There is also evidence of additive
inclusion in core French classrooms. As I
know from experience, FSL teachers still
lack a sizeable cache of resources to use in
the classroom. Teachers struggle to find
resources that they can implement “as-is.”
Often, core French teachers must
significantly modify a resource meant for
French immersion, slightly tweak a core
French text for several students in the
class, or create a new ancillary material in
order to support the curriculum; these are
all reactive adaptations, proof of additive
How to Maximize Your
Inclusion Strategies
With this awareness of how inclusion
typically “manifests” itself in core French,
the next step is to ensure that these
strategies’ benefits are maximized in the
classroom. This process begins by
engaging in a critical self-reflection of
your pedagogy and identifying precisely
the practices you employ that can be
considered evidence of “generative” and
“additive” inclusion. Write down how you
think these strategies naturally support
all your students in their efforts to learn
French, what evidence you have (anecdotal or more formal assessments) that
these strategies actually provide such
support, and which strategies need to be
further revised to best help students. The
next step may be difficult to negotiate, but
it is imperative for ensuring that your
pedagogy is as effective as possible for all
your students, not just those who are
included. Engage in a critical discussion
with a colleague or administrator about
your pedagogy and the goals you have for
ensuring maximum inclusion.
As teachers, we are sometimes afraid of
sharing what we do inside the walls of our
classroom, for fear of negative reactions
and perceptions from colleagues or
administrators. But it often ends up being
the “mirror” we need to really see how our
teaching works or doesn’t. By framing it
as a discussion of “goals” for your
teaching, rather than one of “deficits,” it
will more likely yield positive outcomes
because you are focusing on your
strengths—which is an awful lot like
what you do with your own students, no?
Plus, you will have the added benefit of
helping extend and deepen the discussion
about inclusion in core French beyond
your classroom. This issue has too often
been excluded from consideration in both
second language and special education
forums, to the detriment of core French
teachers and their students.
As this brief overview has demonstrated,
Pugach’s models of inclusion can be
clearly explained by events that core
French teachers experience on a daily
basis—without even thinking about these
“adaptation strategies” in light of the
needs of a diverse student population.
With the help of this model, we can
engage in critical reflections and
discussions about our pedagogies and the
ways in which students are best supported
in core French. You are in the best
position to advocate to administrators,
parents, and even students that core
French can be an inclusive classroom
environment for all students, and with
this framework for thinking about
inclusion in core French, you’ll be able to
demonstrate why you’re already an
inclusive educator. •••••
Council for Exceptional Children. (2005).
Universal Design for Learning : A Guide for
Teachers and Education Professionals.
Alexandria, VA, Council for Exceptional
Pugach, M.C. 1995. On the failure of the
imagination in inclusive schools. Journal
of Special Education, 22,197-203.
Futher Reading:
Arnett, K. (2008, March). Strategies for
Taming the Elephant: Addressing Learner
Diversity in Core French. [Recorded by
Katy Arnett]. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian
Association of Second Language Teachers.
Available on
Arnett, K. (2007). How to make your core
French classroom more inclusive in the
coming year. BCATML Newsletter, 15, 2,
Arnett, K. (2006). It’s not as hard as you
think: Including students with learning
difficulties in core French. Réflexions, 25,
3, 25-26.
Katy Arnett
Prior to her current position in initial teacher education, Katy
Arnett worked as a teacher of French at the secondary level in
the U.S., and in initial second language teacher education in
Canada. Her primary research focus is on effective second
language teaching for students with learning difficulties.
[email protected]
Do you teach core French and have students with special needs in your
If so, please consider participating in a survey study examining core French
teachers’ perspectives about inclusion, which is being conducted by Dr. Katy Arnett.
The survey is available on-line at
0mTPmVwjWPG_2brIA_3d_3d • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
Ask an Expert • Demandez l’avis d’un expert
n each issue of Réflexions, CASLT members
can seek advice on
second-language teaching
from leading experts in the
field. Our expert this month
is Miles Turnbull, Associate
Professor, Faculty of
Education at University of
Prince Edward Island, PE.
Miles is a CASLT Past President and well
known for his research on core French and
immersion, teacher development, teacher
belief systems, project-based and experiential learning, as well as educational
technology. He can be reached at [email protected].
I find it hard to teach in French all the
time in my core French classes... Any
First of all, know that this is a common
challenge for many core French teachers
and students. Core French is offered in
such short blocks of time that students
need time to adjust to being in a French
environment. Teachers feel pressured to
do so much in so little time and often
time between classes is too long.
Despite these organizational and
programmatic challenges, there are a few
things one can try to increase or maximize the amount of French spoken and
understood in core French:
1. Start in French and stick to your guns
– trying to increase your French usage
over time is often difficult as students
become dependent on a lot of English and
then rebel when you switch to more and
more French.
2. Students will understand more, and
will be more engaged, if the themes and
content in your classes are interesting for
them. Build on what they already know
(including vocabulary). Personalize
everything so that you engage students
and make them feel included in your
lessons and to help them want to
understand and participate. Grammar
without a purpose does not help them! It
is very difficult to teach grammar without
a real purpose in French!
3. Analyse your language (maybe even
record yourself). Is your French too
complex for your students? Are you using
jargon and unfamiliar vocabulary? Are
your sentences too long? Are you speaking
too quickly? Are you articulating clearly?
Are you giving up and switching to
English too soon? Have you tried to
simplify your language using shorter
sentences, with synonyms, cognates, and
familiar words?
4. Use as much visual and concrete
support as possible. Use images. Draw.
Show clip art. Use gestures. Do real
5. Are your directions clear? Do you chunk
your directions for activities? Do you
write down key words in French?
6. Provide models of what you expect
students to do.
7. Talk to students, maybe even in English,
about speaking French in class. Reason
with them. Talk about why they do not
have to understand every word they hear.
Insist that everyone, including the teacher,
must ask permission to speak English.
8. Teach survival expressions. Expect
them, assess them, repeat them. (e.g.,
Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes – don’t
accept this in English.)
9. Wait time: Give your students enough
time to react to and process what they are
hearing or reading. Reaction and
processing time will likely be longer than
in the students’ first language.
10. Smile, be enthusiastic and persevere.
The effort will pay off in student progress
and success. •••••
Do you have a topic of interest you
would like discussed
in this column? Send your
questions to [email protected] and we
may feature the answers in
upcoming issues of Réflexions.
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
Further Reading on
Using the L1 in the L2
Atkinson, D. (1987). The mother
tongue in the classroom: A neglected
resource? ELT Journal, 41, 241-247.
Chambers, F. (1991). Promoting use of
the target language in the classroom.
Language Learning Journal, 4, 27-31.
Chambers, G. (1992). Teaching in the
target language. Language Learning
Journal, 6, 66-67.
Mitchell, R. (1983). The teacher’s uses
of L1 and FL as means of communication in the classroom. In C. Brumfit
(Ed.), Learning and Teaching
Languages for Communication: Applied
Linguistic Perspectives (pp. 41-58).
London: Centre for Information on
Language Teaching Research.
Moore, D. (2002). Code-switching and
learning in the classroom.
International Journal of Bilingual
Education and Bilingualism, 5,
Swain, M., & Lapkin, S. (2000).
language learning:
this Teaching
Research, 4,
P., & Cummins, J. (2003).
Valuing multilingual and multiculTurnbull,
M. (2001).
There In
is a role for
to learning.
S. R. Schecter & J. Cummins (Eds.),
Multilingual education in practice
Review, 57, 531-540.
32-61). Portsmouth,
Turnbull, M. (2006). Employons le
de base !
Day, E. (1998).
Classroom language experiencesReview,
62, 611-628.
of trilingual
children in French
M., & Arnett,
K. (2002).
uses of54,the
target and first
in second
and foreign
M., Lapkin,
S., Rowen,
& Hart, D. (1990).The roleAnnual
mother tongue literacy in third
4, 111-121.
Van Lier,
L. (1995).
use of the L1
in L2 classes. Babylonia, 2, 37-43.
Tech Talk • Parlons technologie
Want advice on using multimedia and new technologies in your language classroom? Got some tips to share
with other CASLT members? Send us your questions and recommendations: [email protected].
Evaluating Language Learning Web Sites
Selecting appropriate quality resources
for students requires a great deal of
thought. When choosing books or other
printed material for their classroom,
teachers implicitly or explicitly resort to
some type of rubric, whether or not this is
written down on an itemized form that
can be checked off or is simply a mental
check list based on one’s experience and
Selection of Web resources for use by
language learners requires a similar
process. While some criteria will not
differ much from those used in selecting
printed material, the World Wide Web is a
different media altogether and has its own
particular set of strengths and pitfalls to
take into consideration.
Various sets of criteria have been
suggested by discerning Web users for the
evaluation of educational Web sites. The
following list details a few elements to
consider when evaluating a Web resource
for use by your students. Such a checklist
provides educators with a handy tool to
approach Web resources with a critical
eye to help them select the very best
material available on-line. These can be
grouped under five headings. The
comments and questions under each of
these are not meant to be exhaustive, but
to suggest types of elements to consider
when examining language learning Web
Anyone can publish resources on-line. To
ensure the reliability of the content and
the pedagogical value of the resources it is
mandatory to ask a few questions: Who
created the resources? What institution or
organization is responsible for the
material? Is the author a qualified and
experienced educator?
Is the content accurate? Are there
grammatical or spelling errors? Is the
content appropriate for the targeted age
Technical and Visual Aspect
Will the students easily find the information they need and understand the
directions given? Are the pages visually
appealing? Do they load quickly enough?
Are they too cluttered? Do links work as
they should? Is the quality of sound or
audio files adequate for use in language
learning? Is the site overly commercial?
Are there technical issues that might
detract from the learning process?
Does the Web site propose learner-centred
activities? Are these sensitive to a variety
of learning styles? Do they present real
people and events relevant to students?
Do they contribute to the general
education and development of learning
strategies that can be applied across the
curriculum? Are there self-evaluation
tools provided to involve the students in
the process? Does the content of the Web
site fit curricular goals?
Do proposed activities encourage student
interaction and communication? Do they
help understand the cultural context in
which communication takes place? Do
they provide an opportunity to explore
cultural and linguistic similarities and
differences? Do they expand vocabulary
and help build language skills? Are they
appropriate for the language level of your
students? •••••
More on Web Site Evaluation
Exploring and Evaluating Language Learning
Web Sites.
From Enhancing Learning and Teaching:
Pedagogy, Technology and Language by
Jeong-Bae Son and Shirley O’Neill, 215-227. “This
chapter explores the use of language learning Web
sites and presents a model for Web site categorization and evaluation. It also reports the results of a
review of selected English as a second/foreign
language (ESL/EFL) Web sites using the model.”
Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators - Critical
Evaluation Surveys and Resources. http://
eval.html. “This Web page offers a series of
evaluation surveys to help students and teachers
critically evaluate Web sites. Also available at the
same Web address are links to a number of articles
and resources on Web site evaluation.”•••••
Gilles Côté was a teacher for 23 years, teaching ESL
in Quebec and FSL in British Columbia. He was
involved in educational resource development as a
French Department Head. Since 1994, he has been
involved in educational Web site creation and
content development. From 2000 until recently he
was the Webmaster of the CASLT Web site.
Gilles is now a Web-based education officer for
CASLT. [email protected] • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
What’s New in Resources • Nouvelles ressources pédagogiques
You live a new life for every new language you speak. If you know only one language,
you live only once.
-Czech proverb
Littératie en action
Auteurs : Léo-James Lévesque
et Johanne Proulx
Éditions du Renouveau Pédagogique
Littératie en action est une
ressource innovatrice pour les
enseignants qui sont à la
recherche d’un cadre de
planification d’enseignement
et d’apprentissage des
habiletés liées à la littératie en immersion
française de la 4e à la 8e année.
La motivation, l’activation des connaissances antérieures, la modélisation, la
pratique guidée, la pratique coopérative,
la pratique autonome, l’intégration et le
réinvestissement des connaissances sont
les étapes de la démarche pédagogique
Littératie en action permettra avant tout
d’enseigner aux élèves les stratégies de
lecture et d’écriture dont ils auront besoin
pour développer leurs compétences à
communiquer efficacement en français.
Le manuel élève offre des illustrations et
des contes qui explorent d’autres cultures
et qui répondent aux nombreux intérêts
des jeunes.
Cet ouvrage est une adaptation française
de Literacy in Action, publié par Pearson
Education Canada.
Effective Literacy
Practices in FSL: Making
Connections - Professional
Authors: Bev Anderson, Wendy Carr,
Cynthia Lewis, Michael Salvatori, and
Miles Turnbull
Pearson Education Canada
Part of the Pearson
Professional e-Book
Series, this resource
advances the teaching
and learning of French
and thus supports
elementary FSL educators in their
professional learning. By deepening and
broadening teachers’ understanding of
effective literacy practices, this resource
supports learning for all. Five Big Ideas
help teachers to:
Engage and motivate students;
Integrate oral language;
Assess, scaffold and differentiate for
Make connections between FSL, first
and additional languages;
Provide experiences in shared,
guided and independent practice;
Develop students’ language
Encourage student reflection on the
process of learning in French;
Develop pedagogical competencies
through a self-directed learning
approach; and
Establish a platform for collaboration with other teachers.
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
Callan’s Beginner Canada
Author: Nancy Callan
Nancy Callan has
produced a series of
theme-based jigsaw books
for ESL learners. All her
books are available
through her Web site.
This photocopiable book of jigsaws fills
the need for information on Canada for
beginner ESL learners. Callan’s Canada
Jigsaws features jigsaws on the territories
and all the provinces of Canada. Group
exercises, which follow the jigsaws,
include tic tac toe games, password
games, dictation games and other
Using the jigsaw form of instruction,
teachers can take the target material,
usually divided into four parts, and
distribute one section to each homogeneous group. When these groups have
mastered their material, students regroup
into heterogeneous groups to present
material and complete a task. The teacher
can then reinforce active learning by
encouraging peer teaching and group
problem-solving to complete the jigsaw.
Both individual and group accountability
are built into the methodology.
Conseils pour enseigner le FLS
Intégrer la culture francophone en salle de classe – Quelques conseils de nos membres.
es participants de l’Université d’été
pour les enseignants de FLS organisé
par l’ACPLS et l’Institut des langues
officielles et du bilinguisme de l’Université
d’Ottawa en juillet 2008 ont réfléchi sur les
divers moyens que les enseignants peuvent
employer pour aider et encourager leurs
élèves à découvrir la culture francophone.
Voici quelques unes de leurs meilleurs idées.
Activité 1 - La langue française au Canada,
en Europe et dans le monde
1. Effectuez une recherche sur Internet ou à
la bibliothèque afin de trouver quelques
mots ou phrases idiomatiques qui se sont
« transplantés » d’une région francophone à
une autre.
2. En groupes, tracer l’origine des mots et
comment ils ont évolué. Est-ce que les mots
ont beaucoup changé au cours des siècles ?
Est-ce qu’il y a toujours des régions au
Québec, par exemple, qui ont retenu des
anciennes expressions françaises ? Est-ce
qu’il y a des mots français qui ont été
influencés par l’anglais ou une autre
langue ? Est-ce qu’il y a beaucoup de
différences entre les expressions régionales
(par exemple, des Îles de la Madeleine, au
Québec et de St-Boniface, au Manitoba).
Activité 2 - Les célébrations francophones
1. Recherchez sur Internet ou à la bibliothèque afin de trouver quelques festivals
religieux, culturels, régionaux, nationaux,
2. Choisissez 4 à 6 festivals et divisez la
classe en 4 à 6 groupes. Chaque groupe
d’élèves effectue une recherche sur les
vêtements, les repas, les chansons, les
danses, et les rituelles liés à leur festival.
3. Demandez à chaque groupe de présenter
les éléments de son festival à la classe. Pour
ajouter un aspect ludique, demandez aux
élèves de créer eux-mêmes des costumes ou
de faire une mise-en-scène.
Activité 3 - Invités francophones
1. Trouvez des gens francophones qui
peuvent parler à vos élèves au sujet de
comment le français a enrichi leur vie. Vous
pouvez inviter par exemple quatre présentateurs: un Français ou un Belge, un
Québecois, un Franco-Ontarien, et un
immigrant qui a choisi de vivre en français;
3. Choisissez les questions qui sont les plus
intéressantes et pertinentes et demandez
aux élèves de les poser aux invités.
Quatre idées rapides pour intégrer la
culture francophone dans votre salle de
•Encouragez les jeux de société qui
favorisent l’éducation physique - en français!
(Par exemple, un tapis serpent).
•Écoutez de la musique et des chansons
populaires d’aujourd’hui et discutez avec vos
élèves des influences de la musique
traditionnel francophone sur la musique
•Explorez les avantages d’apprendre le
français et de parler une langue seconde
avec vos élèves. Rappelez-leur souvent de
cette importance.
•Jouez à des jeux populaires, mais en
français (par exemple, jeopardy, tic-tac-toe
et verbathon). •••••
2. Quelques jours avant la présentation,
demandez aux élèves de préparer des
questions et de vous les soumettre.
Look for new
elementary FSL
resources coming
in 2009!
Professional Book
e-Book DVD
Facilitator’s Guide
To view all of our classroom resources and more, visit our web site at:
S08-144-GW • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
Pour vos élèves de FLS
Variation Francophones - Au-delà des mots
Variations francophones est une trousse
pédagogique contenant des capsules
télévisuelles. Le titre évoque les différentes réalités francophones du Canada
dont les identités sont modulées autant
par la culture, l’histoire, le territoire que
le climat. Les fiches pédagogiques qui
accompagnent les capsules permettront
aux enseignants de faire découvrir à
leurs élèves la richesse de la francophonie canadienne.
Au-delà des mots
Public cible
Élèves qui sont inscrits à des cours de
français langue maternelle en milieu
minoritaire ou de français langue
seconde. Les activités ciblent les niveaux
de compétences de communication B1 et
B2, tels que décrits dans le Cadre
commun de référence pour les langues
au Canada.
Les élèves seront amenés à :
Enrichir leur vocabulaire;
Découvrir des artistes francophones;
Approfondir leurs connaissances du
Améliorer leur capacité d’écoute.
Prendre part plus activement à une
Améliorer leurs compétences en
lecture; et
Mieux s’exprimer à l’oral et à l’écrit
sur des sujets variés.
On peut se procurer une version
électronique de la trousse gratuitement
depuis le site Web de l’ACPLS au www. Nous vous proposons ici un
extrait, soit l’activité accompagnant la
capsule numéro 4, Au-delà des mots.
1.Faire émettre des hypothèses sur le
contenu de la capsule à partir de son
titre. Exemple de questions : D’après
vous, que veut dire le titre ? À quoi
correspond-il ?
2.Faire visionner la capsule une première fois et revenir sur ce qui a été dit
précédemment. Exemple de questions :
Est-ce que ce titre convient ? Selon vous,
pourquoi a-t-il été choisi ?
3.Poser des questions sur le contenu de
la capsule et les mots clés en lien avec
4.Reproduire le questionnaire à la page
suivante et expliquer l’activité à vos
Suite à la page suivante...
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
Pour vos élêves de FLS
Au-delà des mots
Complétez chacune des phrases suivantes
1.Corrigez avec les élèves.
1. La mère de Margo était originaire…
a) de la Saskatchewan.
2.Discutez avec les élèves des stratégies
qu’ils ont utilisés pour trouver les réponses
et ciblez avec eux celles qui étaient les plus
b) du Québec.
c) de l’Ukraine.
2. Margo a vécu…
a) une crise d’identité.
b) de la discrimination.
c) toute sa vie en français.
A. Organisez un débat autour de
l’affirmation de Margo: « On ne nait pas
francophone, on le devient… ». Dites si
vous êtes d’accord ou en désaccord avec
son affirmation et trouver au moins deux
arguments pour justifier votre opinion.
3. Elle a suivi des cours…
a) en français tout le temps.
d) en traduction française et allemande.
d) d’anglais seulement.
B.Préparez un dépliant promotionnel sur
les activités culturelles francophones dans
votre région. Inventez des activités à
promouvoir, s’il y a lieu. Ajoutez des photos,
des dessins, etc.
4. Eric est arrivé à Vancouver…
a) Il y a 7 ans.
b) à l’âge de 7 ans.
c) il y a plus de 7 ans.
C. Faites une recherche sur la population
de la Saskatchewan ou de Vancouver.
5. Les enfants de Margo…
a) parlent français.
b) n’aiment pas le français.
c) jouent au ballon sur la glace.
6. Selon le contexte, l’expression « tout cuit dans la bouche » signifie :
a) manger des mets français bien cuits.
Combien y a-t-il d’habitants ?
Quelle est la population francophone ?
D’où proviennent les immigrants ?
Discutez en groupe des résultats de vos
b) préparer de la nourriture comme les francophones.
c) bénéficier d’une situation agréable sans effort.
7. Margo a décidé…
a) de devenir Ukrainienne.
b) de devenir Allemande.
c) de devenir Francophone.
8. Eric se croit…
a) incapable de comprendre le mot « blue » et le mot « bleu ».
b) presque parfaitement bilingue.
Téléchargez la trousse
Variations francophones
depuis le site Web de l’ACPLS -
c) capable de donner un sens aussi profond à tous les mots.
27 • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
Teaching ESL Tips
Teaching Tips for New ESL
By Stéphane Lacroix
eing a teacher is not always easy;
however, it can be the best job out
there if the proper tools are used and if
you have the right attitude! So here are a few
tips that might smooth the ride for the first
Always start by being firm in order to
get your students’ respect;
Earn respect by being fair with
Once your first two Fs (Firm + Fair) are
consolidated, then, and only then, can
you focus on the third F (Friendly). Firm
+ Fair + Friendly = a well-balanced
recipe for success;
Be sure to prepare a backup plan in case
students finish your activity earlier than
you had anticipated;
If you say it, do it! If you are inconsistent
with what you say, you will definitely
lose some credibility;
Brainstorm with the class on the subject
of why it is important to learn a second
language. Seeing all the advantages of
being better second language learners
generally promotes greater motivation.
Remind your students that they are
privileged to be able to learn a second
Remind your students that working in
teams is also a privilege that can be
taken away, if need be (e.g., if students
misbehave or if they are off topic);
Smile: it is known to be contagious;
Show passion in what you do: this is also
known to be contagious.
Stéphane Lacroix
Stéphane Lacroix is the CASLT
National Council Representative for
Quebec. He has been teaching ESL for
17 years at the elementary, secondary,
college, and university levels. He is a
professor of ESL at the College and
University of Quebec in AbitibiTémiscamingue.
[email protected]
Get Your Students to Enjoy Writing in their Second
Language With the Secret Pen Pal Project
By Stéphane Lacroix
Objective: Spontaneous writing.
Levels: Elementary and secondary.
Materials: One notebook per student, a class list for every group.
We have all wanted to be a superhero, actor, singer, or any kind of superstar. Well,
so do your students! Therefore, why not let them be someone else once in a while?
Through this secret pen pal project, your students will play the role of a famous
personality of their choice. By using such an alias, when corresponding with
another student who also has an alias, students will write with a lot more
spontaneity. For many of them, this writing activity will be a genuine opportunity
to write freely, without being evaluated or corrected! That’s right; they will be able
to write just for the fun of it. Perhaps it will grow on them and they will enjoy
writing a lot more…
How It’s Done
First, recreate and give out the handout prepared for your students (see following
page). Read it over with them. Make it clear that they will need to write every other
week so as to give their pen pal time to respond. At first, when you hand over a
notebook to a student, make sure they write their alias at the bottom. Also ask each
student to write a number at the top, in order to keep track of who has what
notebook (this needs to be written down on your class list). In order to help them
break the ice, suggest writing topics such as: hobbies, sports, family, friends,
school, etc. Once they are done (approx. 30 minutes), hand over the notebooks to
another group of students the following week (one of yours, or a colleague’s from
your or from another school). Don’t forget to have the other students write their
alias beside their pen pal’s alias. Also ask that they give you the number at the top
of the notebook, so you can write it down on your other class list.
If a student is absent, have them write as soon as they are back. If you prefer not to
deal with this hassle, have another student (a fast writer) write for that week;
If there are more students in one group than another, offer more than one writing
assignment to those who are interested;
While some students are done and waiting for the others to finish, have them
doodle in their notebook. This adds a personal touch to the activity (so does the
sharing of small objects such as pictures and clippings), as long as the students’
real identities remain confidential;
Since there are spare notebooks (remember one per student), you can use them for
those who use up all of the space in theirs or for an extra session later on;
For the matching part, you can proceed randomly or you can sit down and think of
a more homogeneous pairing.
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
For Your ESL Students
Secret Pen Pal Project
You will take part in a writing project with a friend from your school.
Here is the information you need to know:
• Your identity must never be revealed, so you must use an alias (false identity).
For example, you can be Will Smith, Spiderman, or Christina Aguilera;
• You can talk about the topics of your choice;
• Your texts will not be corrected, but they will be checked for appropriate
language and content;
• You will be able to write every other Monday. The other Mondays will be reserved
for your new pen pals;
• The writing sessions will last 30 minutes.
Le premier dictionnaire
de français langue seconde
entièrement élaboré au Canada.
Destiné aux élèves de 9 à 15 ans.
I have to tell you it is an amazing dictionary for
FSL learners!
Marti L. Player, Elgin Park Secondary, Surrey, BC
Je dois dire que je suis bien impressionnée.
Lise Bernard, M.M. Robinson High School, Burlington, ON
C'est exactement ce que je cherchais depuis que
je suis devenue enseignante.
Deanne Baker, Byng Public School, Stayner, ON
Ce dictionnaire est bien plus qu'un simple outil
de référence.
Pierre Calvé, Professeur et doyen à la retraite, Univ. d'Ottawa
The students and teachers are really enjoying
this new resource.
Nancy Killin, Teacher-Librarian, Mississauga, ON
Mes profs ont tellement aimé le dictionnaire que
je dois en commander 30 de plus.
Angela Monk, Fraser Heights Secondary, Surrey, BC
29 • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
Teaching Tips • Conseils pour enseigner
Teacher’s Lounge • Le coin des professeurs
Language Advisors Provide Help and Guidance for Teachers
Teachers of Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Chinese, Japanese, and other additional languages often find it difficult knowing where to
find good resources in the target language they are teaching. CASLT has established a working partnership with Alberta Education,
who has hired Language Advisors to help with the implementation of language arts and language and culture programs. These
Language Advisors can provide guidance on where to find good quality resources, how to connect with other teachers, where to find
the best PD opportunities, and any other queries language teachers may have. This month we profile the Ukrainian and Japanese
Advisors. •••••
Lviv Region Board of Education and
Science. I provide support to teachers of
Ukrainian, advise on the development of
English-Ukrainian Bilingual as well as
Ukrainian Language and Cultural programs.
What advice would you like to give to
Ukrainian language teachers?
Romana Bedriy
Tel: (780) 422-3245
E-mail: [email protected]
If teachers want to improve their knowledge
of the Ukrainian language, I suggest
attending at least one professional development course in the Ukraine. The following
two courses are the ones I recommend:
Background: My work as a Ukrainian
Language Advisor is the result of an
agreement between the Department of
Education of the Province of Alberta and
-Summer Ukrainian Language Development
Course at the Institute of Ukrainian
Philology of National Pedagogic University
in Kyiv, Ukraine. It is a special professional
Ukrainian Language Advisor
What resources do you recommend to
Japanese Language Teachers?
Japanese Language Advisor
Shunko Muroya
Tel: (780) 415-6165.
E-mail: [email protected]
Background: Originally from Tokyo, Japan,
I’m the Japanese Advisor to Alberta
Education, sponsored by the Japan
Foundation’s Japanese-Language Specialists
Dispatch Program. My job is to support
Japanese language education in Canada in
various ways: providing updated information, developing teaching resources,
conducting seminars and visiting schools
and consulting with teachers.
I recommend Erin’s Challenge! I Can Speak
Japanese (DVD + textbook) Volumes 1, 2, 3.
The Japan Foundation’s Japanese-Language
Institute, Urawa, has developed this series.
The program features mini-dramas by
up-and-coming actors, together with clear
and fun explanations by animated characters. In addition to language study, the
program is designed to help learners develop
an attitude conducive to cultural undestanding. Teachers can look it up on
Another favourite of mine is the Minna no
Kyōzai! Web site from The Japan Foundation.
It provides grammatical explanations,
sample sentences and classroom activities,
as well as materials such as photographs and
pictures, all necessary for producing
teaching materials. To find it, go to http://
Favorise l’essor de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des langues secondes •
development program for Canadian teachers
The program is 4 weeks in length.
Information is available at:
-Summer program for educators at the
Ukrainian Language and Country Studies.
This 3-week summer program for educators
(all instruction is in Ukrainian) includes
courses such as Ukrainian as a Foreign
(second) Language, History of the Ukrainian
Language, Methodology of Teaching
Ukrainian as a Foreign Language, and
Modern Ukrainian Literary Language. •••••
Finally, Nihongo Promotion is a Web site with
useful and practical information on teaching
Japanese in Canada, including scholarships
and exchanges, and links for promoting/
improving Japanese language education
programs in K-12 schools.
Teachers can also subscribe to the NihongoCanada Email-Group (NCEG), an e-mail list
for Japanese language teachers in Canada to
discuss Japanese language teaching,
exchange information, share teaching ideas,
ask questions, and help each other. To
subscribe, teachers just need to send me an
e-mail at [email protected].
Information on the group can be found on •••••
Para los estudiantes de español
With the contribution of Carlos Soler Montes - Instituto Cervantes, Calgary
It is estimated that the total of native and non-native Spanish
speakers is approximately 500 million, likely making it the third most
spoken language by total number of speakers (after English and
Chinese). Today, Spanish is the official language of Spain, most Latin
American countries, and Equatorial Guinea. Spanish also is one of
the official languages of the United Nations. It is also spoken in many
other countries in which it is not the official language, including the
United States and the Philippines. In Canada there are more than
500,000 Spanish speakers.
Outcome: Identify and explore commonalities and differences
between diverse groups within the Spanish speaking world.
CEFR Level: A2
Students: Junior High / Senior High / University / Adults
1.Quieres hacer un curso de español en un país de habla hispana.
Has encontrado una agencia de viajes especializada en cursos de
idiomas en escuelas de todo el mundo. Lee atentamente los diferentes anuncios de cursos de español.
2.¿En qué continente se encuentra cada escuela?
a) Sudamérica
b) _________________
c) _________________
d) _________________
3.¿Qué escuela prefieres para estudiar español? ¿Por qué? Escribe
una lista con aspectos positivos y negativos sobre ella.
4.Pregunta a tus compañeros por su elección. Busca personas en
clase que quieren viajar al mismo destino que tú.
Instituto de cultura Escuela TAM-TAM
hispánica – Buenos
Aprende español en
Malabo, la capital de
Cursos de lengua y
Guinea Ecuatorial.
cultura impartidos
Un entorno paradispor grandes
íaco para estudiantes
sin miedo por la
Certificaciones y
exámenes con
Academia de
español Pizarro
Institución dedicada
al perfeccionamiento
de la lengua española
durante varias
décadas. Emplazada
en el centro histórico
de Cuzco en un
palacio colonial.
Alojamiento y
comidas incluidos
e) _________________
f) _________________
¿Tienes prisa por
hablar bien
Solicita nuestro
programa de
Clases intensivas de
español + convivencia con una familia
nativa. Destinos:
Oaxaca (México) y
San José (Costa
Miami Beach
Spanish School
Ven a disfrutar de tu
verano a la ciudad
más loca del planeta.
Aprenderás español
divirtiéndote y
conociendo a gente
de toda
Clases extra: salsa,
surf, scuba.
Estudia español y
trabaja en Madrid o
Barcelona. Agencia
de empleo temporal
para estudiantes
independientes en
restaurantes y
hoteles. Clases de
español gratuitas.
Teaching Tips for Spanish Teachers
1. Respect and teach all the varieties and accents of the Spanish language in your courses.
2. When teaching Spanish, always take into consideration your students’ future communication needs.
3. Plan ahead. Think about how you will make the contents that you want to cover in the class more comprehensible to your students.
4. Reflect on how you teach Spanish to oral, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning modalities.
5. Let your students play the principal role in your class; always facilitate communication in Spanish.
6.Create a supportive atmosphere that invites learners to take part in your class.
7. Have students co-operate by working in small groups or pairs to reinforce and consolidate their communication in Spanish.
8. Write a teaching diary to become more aware of the needs and progress of your students and of yourself as a teacher.
9. Be connected to the Spanish-speaking world in every way you can (local communities, Internet, literature, music, traveling, etc.)
10. Always use teaching resources and materials published in Spanish-speaking countries.
31 • Promoting the advancement of second language teaching and learning
Upcoming Language Conferences • Conférences de langues à venir
For full, up-to-date listings, consult the CASLT PD & Events Calendar, available on under the “What We Do Our PD & Events” menu • Pour une liste détaillée des conférences, visitez le calendrier des activités et conférences de l’ACPLS au sous le menu “Ce que fait l’ACPLS - PP et activités”.
To submit your event for our Web and print listings, send an e-mail to [email protected] • Pour inscrire votre évènement à notre
liste imprimée et Web, envoyez un courriel à [email protected]
October 16-19 Canadian Parents for French Conference, Ottawa, ON.
October 17-18 OMLTA Conference, Stratford, ON.
October 24 BCATML Conference, Richmond, BC.
October 23-24 NSLTA Conference, Halifax, NS.
October 24-25 SLIC Conference, Edmonton, AB.
November 13-15 Society for the Promotion of the Teaching of English as a Second Language in Quebec (SPEAQ) Convention,
Quebec, QC.
November 20-21 Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers (QPAT) Conference, Montreal , QC.
November 20-22 Manitoba Association of Teachers of French (MATF) Conference , Winnipeg, MB.
November 20-22 Canadian Association of Immersion Teachers (CAIT/ACPI) Conference, Ottawa, ON.
November 21-23 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Conference, Orlando, FL, USA.
Second LanguageEducators
January 29-31 Calgary Regional Consortium Conference for
elementary and secondary FSL teachers, Calgary, AB.
March 26-28 Ontario Modern Languages Teachers Association
Spring Conference, Toronto, On.
April 13 CASLT Chez-Vous, Winnipeg, MB.
May 13-15 Canadian Association of Principals Conference,
Winnipeg, MB.
Exploring New Frontiers in Language and Culture Education
The Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers and the Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education at
Edmonton Public Schools invite you to the National Conference for Second Language Educators: Languages Without Borders.
Participate in an exciting opportunity to connect with colleagues from across Canada and around the world.
Mayfield Inn and Suites
May 21-23, 2009
Without Borders
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
National Conference for
Second Language Educators 2009
Information / to register:
The working language of the conference will be English.
May 21-23 Languages Without Borders - National Conference for
Second Language Educators 2009, presented by CASLT and the
Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education at Edmonton
Public Schools. Edmonton, AB.
May 27-29 Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL)
Annual Conference. Ottawa, ON.
May 29 Symposium on Second Language Teacher Education:
Assessment, Achievement and Advancement in Canada’s Official
Languages, presented by CASLT, SPEAQ and CAAL. Ottawa, ON. www. or or
July Summer Institute for French as a Second Language Teachers,
presented by CASLT and the Official Languages and Bilingualism
Institute of the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON. or

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