6 - Vitagora


6 - Vitagora
Press release
Monday January 11, 2011
A 6th edition on the subject of
wellness, balance and dietary pleasure
The Taste-Nutrition-Health International Congress of Vitagora needs no further introduction
and has become an unmissable event for its adepts each spring. The 6th edition of this event
that is considered to be the international showcase of the network of the cluster Vitagora will
take place at the Palais des Congrès in Dijon, on March 22nd and 23rd, 2011. Further exploring
the theme of the previous edition of the Congress, which brought together nearly 600
participants of 30 nationalities, the 2011 edition will look into wellness, balance and dietary
pleasure. Nutritional balance, energy balance, physiological or even psychological balance, the
2011 Vitagora Congress will explore all these aspects of balance as a necessary condition of
wellness. A necessary, but not wholly sufficient condition for pleasure also constitutes an
essential component of wellness. An intense program with a number of highlights, including
the conference of Professor David Khayat, the eminent cancer specialist, will allow this edition
of the Vitagora Congress to continue to cement its place in the industrial scientific and
landscape for the areas of food, nutrition and taste.
As with each year, the 2011 edition of the Taste-Nutrition-Health International Congress offers a
program of plenary conferences, oral communications, round table debates and practical nutrition
workshops, in addition to confidential business meetings for industry players. This last module will
indeed allow participants from throughout the world to meet in a confidential setting in order to develop
partnerships of a scientific, technological or business nature. During the two mornings of March 22nd
and 23rd, plenary conferences alternate with oral communications focused on such subjects as the
physiological and psychological mechanisms responsible for deviations in food pleasure, wellness in
terms of gastrointestinal health, and the challenge of making dietary behaviour respect physiological
balance, especially in the context of an evolving food offer.
During the afternoons, Congress participants can attend the now “traditional” round table debates,
dealing with controversial subjects such as socio-economic and contextual determinants of food
preferences, wellness and active molecules, in particular of wine and grape-based products, the
importance of diet in managing psychological and metabolic stress, and the challenge to industry
represented by the action mechanisms of pre- and probiotics. The afternoon of March 22nd, health
professionals can also take part in two workshops on the following subjects: “pleasure and
pathological dietary behaviour” and “prevention and management of stress through an optimised diet”.
Finally, an exceptional conference will close the first day, prior to the Gala Dinner. This conference will
be given by Professor David Khayat, a cancer specialist of the Pitié-Salpétrière hospital in Paris and
the author of several books on the impact of diet on cancer. “Our dietary habits, in the widest sense,
are responsible for a large number of cancers”, writes Pr. Khayat in the introduction of his latest work.
This 6th edition of the Vitagora Congress should once again meet the expectations of health
professionals, industry players and researchers in the areas of food, nutrition and health, as well as
doctoral students and young researchers from both France and abroad, to whom the Congress gives
the opportunity to participate with a poster or an oral communication.
Marthe Jewell, Vitagora®
Tel: +33 3 80 78 97 92
Fax: +33 3 80 78 97 95
Mobile: +33 6 60 65 87 16
Email: [email protected]
Site web:
Vitagora® Goût-Nutrition-Santé est le pôle de compétitivité agroalimentaire leader en France basé
dans les régions de Bourgogne et de Franche-Comté. Pour ses adhérents et ses partenaires
internationaux, Vitagora® propose une porte d’entrée sur un potentiel de recherche scientifique
publique et privée et de développement de projet, favorisant l’émergence de projets d’innovation
créateurs de valeur.
Leader mondial des sciences du goût et centré sur la nutrition du futur – enjeu mondial majeur –,
Vitagora® mobilise un réseau puissant de compétences R&D autour de 4 axes stratégiques :
• Le goût tout au long de la vie : perceptions, comportements, apprentissages
• Le capital santé et le bien-être : maintien et optimisation
• La technologie au service de l’alimentation
• L’empreinte des pratiques agricoles
Proposant une approche 100% pragmatique, tournée vers le consommateur et orientée
« marchés », Vitagora® accompagne ses adhérents dans leurs démarches d’innovation, de la R&D
jusqu’à la mise sur le marché.
En décembre 2010, ce sont 123 projets labellisés par le pôle dont 27 projets reconnus et financés
au niveau national et européen.
Grâce à son programme actions sur le plan national (la création du réseau F²C Innovation en
collaboration avec les pôles de compétitivité Agrimip et Valorial) et international (missions de
prospection et de veille, organisation annuelle du Congrès International Goût-Nutrition-Santé à
Dijon), Vitagora® développe et anime un réseau mondial de PME, de grands groupes, de
chercheurs, de centres techniques et d’établissements d’enseignement. Au travers de F²C
Innovation, Vitagora® est également initiateur et animateur de WOFIN, un réseau mondial pour
l’innovation dans l’agroalimentaire, crée en juin 2010, composé de 15 clusters et centres
d’excellence de 11 pays.
Exemples de thématiques des projets développés au sein de Vitagora® :
• Les aliments fonctionnels pour les seniors
• Les préférences alimentaires du nouveau-né et de l’enfant
• L’optimisation des produits probiotiques
• Les emballages actifs pour l’agroalimentaire
• L’optimisation des qualités organoleptiques et nutritionnelles du pur jus de raisin
• La perception orale des lipides
Contact :
Marthe Jewell,
Responsable Communication
Email : [email protected]
Tél : + 33 (0)3 80 78 97 92
Port. : +33 (0)6 60 65 87 16