Voicemail management


Voicemail management
Voicemail management
Activation by sending an email to the following address: [email protected]
Capacity: 20 two-minute messages or a total of 40 minutes (30 voicemail messages and/or
fax if the customer has a fax option)
Messages are kept for 7 days
Archiving in mail box in Wav file format, no limit in message retention
A prior registration is required to take advantage of the mail archiving and the customer has to make
this request by email to the following address: [email protected]
In the “subject” field of the mail, the customer should enter his fixed phone number and
voicemail secret code.
Within 48 hours, the customer should receive in his mailbox a confirmation email that his mail address
was taken into account.
He will be given choice 2: “Archiving into your mailbox”.
When consulting a voicemail:
Press 2 for conserving messages
Press 2 for archiving into your mailbox
ACN Communications France SAS
Adresse du siège et adresse postale: 9/11, allée de l’Arche, Tour Egée, Paris La Défense, 92671
Courbevoie Cedex, France
SAS au capital social de €37 000, RCS PARIS B 451 364 889